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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Alec watched them leave before turning on his heel and sprinting back towards the woods, wishing time would go by faster so he could see Cass again. How had he already fallen so hard? The second he made it to Kara and Blair, he knew something was wrong. "What is it?" He demanded of their stiff, frightened faces.

"They got in the Gray Sisters cab. We can't very well catch up with them." Kara sighed.

"Sure we can. And I know how. We wait for a few hours, until really late at night. I'll Iris Message Cass under the pretext that I'm worried about her, which I am. She will tell me where they are, and Blair, Queen of Darkness, can shadow travel us there." Alec shrugged. Kara looked surprised. "Yes, I put a lot of thought into this." He smirked.



"I'm not picking any eyes if they fall. I hate eyes."

Cass's lips pouted a bit before she jumped in. Nico simply rolled his eyes and entered the car without complaining.
Max smiled "They don't exactly teach us to drive here" he got into the rather large 'cab'. "So what is place we're going?" he asked Ryder, taking out his bow so he didn't sit on it

"The eye isn't that gross. Feels like a slimy meatball. The tooth is pretty disgusting." Ryder admitted, getting in the cab. The second he entered, the sisters turned to look at him.

"You again." Anger purred. He stiffened.

"Me." He said simply. "Can you take us to the Empire State building?" He asked politely before turning to Cass and Max. "We're not dropping in to say hello to the parents. But we are going to get a 50 mile headstart. That's as far as I feel comfortable with our current company." He admitted.

"We helped you last time." Tempest snapped, and Ryder glared at them.
He pulled out Jamison's Drachmas "Cab rides on James!" he smiled, remembering the fight between Toni and him. he didn't know why he was smiling , Toni must have been rubbing off on him. he rolled his eyes. and looked at the sisters.
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Nico looked around the car with a frown,inspecting every piece of the furniture.

"This car smells like death. Or at least like people who should have died a long time ago."

He rose one eyebrow as he looked at the three sister.
Cass gave him a look of disbelief.

"Seriously,Nico? You wanna go there now? When we are standing in their car and our lives depend on their driving?"


Toni stared suspiciously at Ryder until Max spoke. "That's what I like to hear!" She smirked. The cab started and flew into action. Almost instinctively, she reached over and clutched Max's hand. She hated cars. Cars made her nauseous and feel like she was going to vomit. She used her free hand to cover her mouth. "Ares, help me." She groaned, hoping nobody heard her.


Ryder barely noticed when the cab started moving. He was thinking of the last time he had sat in those seats, when he had been just six or seven. When he had been on his way to Camp Half-Blood for the first time. Right after meeting his father. The thought made him want to punch the old ladies in their toothless jaws, but he restrained himself.
Max looked at Toni in confusion, and down at their hands. It was weird, but he didn't pull apart, he could tell she wa carsick. he studied the sisters. he always found the monsters of 'Mythology' as humans called it, very interesting.



Cass was uncharacteristically quiet as she leaned against the bench and stared outside of the window. Not that she would be able to see much at that speed. Her thoughts turned towards her mother. A letter was all she was able to send her. Going to her house would be putting her mom in too much danger.


Nico was holding a little too tight onto the bench bellow him. He didn't like the thought that they could die in a second if they crashed in that speed.

Just when it was almost at the point of no return for Toni, the car squealed to a stop. She couldn't stop her groan as the car spun sickeningly, and the second it was stopped, she was out and vomiting in a patch of grass.


Ryder watched Toni scramble out and sighed. "Max, you pay. I'll.... Go hold the hair out of her face." Ryder said distastefully, following Toni out and pulling back her hair.
Max gave the correct amount of drachmas to the sisters, and scooted out of the cab. he chuckled quietly seeing the Ares girl being car sick. who would have guessed. he took water out of his backpack to let her use once she was done "You alright?" he asked, a look of half disgust half empathy



Cass rolled her eyes at Ryder and Max's apparent disgust,quickly moving to Toni's side and patting her back gently.

"There. There. Been there,done that. Although mine was caused by the parties in college."
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"I'm officially ready to die of shame." She grunted, accepting the water gratefully. "Thanks." She managed, taking a swig. "Is the quest over yet?" She fake whined. Ryder finally smiled.

"Not quite. We're about 3% done." He shrugged.

"Who cares about the gods anyways?" She snapped before looking at Cass. "I never went to college parties. Probably because I was at Camp Half Blood before I was a teenager. I think I was 12." She said thoughtfully.

"Don't feel bad. I didn't even get to make it to middle school parties. I was 6." Ryder chuckled.
"College?" he looked at Cass, doubtful "You went through college but are 18? seems a little fishy" he smirked. "In Canada that is when we finish high school"



"And I was left in the door when I was a baby,so I win."

Cass shrugged at their comments about high school,smirking once the memories came back to her.

"I was here since I was pretty young as well. But I tried to frequent a normal school for three years and only come back on the vacations. It did NOT work. But the parties...human kids are weird. I have seen things that I really wish I could unsee."
She turned to Mac when he spoke. "I never said it was my college,mon cher. Let's just say that the older kids liked me."

She moved to Toni's side and helped to clean her face with a handkerchief.

Nitch looked at Nico. "You're not the only one, hombre. Been here since I was a baby, too. My mom is Athena, and my father is a deadbeat. Only had one option." He said softly. "My dad got Athena because he was this incredibly smart physics professor at Cambridge. But he never loved her. So when she told him that she had his baby, he didn't really care. Asked her where he could drop me, and drove there first thing." He admitted.
"I uh....I kinda just had a normal life, until..." he stopped talking and turned away, looking at the cars. he looked around at the large buildings, and up at the sky. he thought about olympus. he wondered why the gods don't just come down here and take over the humans. why not? they are Gods, after all.



Nico turned to Nitch and nodded,moving to his side. His face looked pale from the car ride,but he was better than Toni.

"I don't know exactly who my mother was. She left me with a letter saying that she had to go back to Mexico and the numbers to an account with money for me. I assume Mexico is where I was born,but I have no idea who she is and if she is alive."

"My father left no way to contact me. And no money. And no excuse." He smirked. He looked up at the Empire state building. His mother was up there, perhaps watching him at that moment. The only parent he had left. He had to make her proud, she had given him everything. She had claimed him when he was young, whispered in his ear in times of trouble, sent him helpful dreams, everything. He couldn't let her down.

Ryder stopped short, looking up sharply. The second the mention of family was brought up, he was uncomfortable. But the second the mention of killing family members was brought up, he was downright alarmed. He opened his mouth, feeling obliged to say something and feeling unable to find his voice. "I..." He took a deep breath, forcing himself to speak. "My entire family is dead. Everyone except Hades. My little sister, my younger twin brothers, my mother, my stepfather. They all died." He forced himself to say. He had no idea why he made himself do it, he just... Did. "And it was my fault." Toni was staring at him with her jaw dropped, and she reached for his hand, which he pulled away.
He looked at Ryder "Apollo, god of plagues. I still don't know how I control it... but it hasn't happened since. you...should all be safe." he looked down feeling like an idiot. yeah, why not give everyone a reason to hate him more? first a bully, now he could accidentally cast a plague on any one of them? they might as well throw him under a bus. literally.
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"I killed my family because I wasn't in control of my powers. I can't exactly exile you for doing the same." Ryder muttered, digging his hands in his pockets. "I'm going to go get some coffee." He sighed, turning quickly and walking into the nearest coffee shop. "Black coffee, large." He ordered, pulling out some human cash.

"I'm fine. How are you?" She asked pleasantly, watching Ryder without meaning to. "I should follow him. I really should. But I'm not going to." She shrugged.

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