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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Andromeda rubs her arms as she walks towards the border to camp half-blood, she looks back to see if her fathers car had left or was still behind her . Sighing to herself she walks faster "I hope this is the right place ". As the cold air ran through her jet black hair she shuddered and walked across the border "Where do I go from here?" She mumbled in a almost monotone voice.

Kara listened to them talk with a bored expression. After a few moments, she paused. "Do you guys hear that?" It sounded like someone was walking nearby. She crept toward the noise and saw a black-haired girl walking through the border. She didn't call out or bring attention to herself, but she watched the girl walk forward.
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C raised an eyebrow. "That's... you and the daughter of Zeus?" He whistled appreciatively, quickly stopping when Kara spoke. "Who's there?" He asked Kara quietly, wondering if it was a camper who had gotten suspicious of their 'patrol' story.

After a few more minutes with Nitch, Ryder felt himself slowly going insane. "I think we've picked apart this prophecy as much as we can. I'm going to go for a walk, try to clear my head." He sighed, standing up and pulling on his skeletal gloves, walking briskly out of the cabin. Immediately, the fresh air helped him breathe a little easier, removed some of the weight off of his shoulders.
Andromeda pulls her oversized checkered shirt closer to her body "it's so cold" She said running a hand through her hair and shivered. "Where can I find Cairon?" She questioned her self and continued walking almost tripping over her own feet due to the dark.

Alec sighed at the words. Of course that was the reaction. The weird kid and the daughter of Zeus. "Yea, me and the daughter of Zeus." He muttered, joining Kara. "Looks like a new recruit, I've never seen her before." He said softly. "We look really creepy right now, you know. Blair? Where are you going?" He perked up when he noticed Blair leaving their cover and approaching the girl.


"Hey. You look lost, are you new?" Blair asked perkily. The idiots in the woods would've just stared at her until she was gone, but that wouldn't help them very much.
Andromeda jumped slightly at the sudden appearance of a person and the voice heard soon after the person came into her sights ''Y-yeah I'm looking for a cairon'' she stuttered slightly and cursed herself in her head for stuttering when she would usually be find around new people.

"Oh, you mean Chiron? Yea, I can show you where he is." Blair offered, smiling pleasantly. The girl looked a bit uncomfortable, but that didn't stop her. "Come on, this way." Blair chirped, hating herself for the tone she was using. She was the daughter of Erebus. Not some perky Aphrodite kid.
C chuckled nervously. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded," He scratched the back of his head. "I was just... surprised?" He didn't know where he was going with that, so he just simply stopped talking.
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Andromeda smiled and followed the girl quietly humming to her self while looking at her surroundings. She made comments in her head like 'Scar would love this place' or 'I wonder if the pack can reach me here', she shrugged off those thoughts and brought up enough courage to say something '' My name is Andromeda , I'm sorry if i disturbed your sleep'' she said with a happy tone of voice.

"Why wouldn't you be surprised? It's not hard to tell that she's out of my league." Alec smirked. He found it hard to continue to be mad, the memory of Cass kissing him still implanted firmly in the front of his mind.

"Sleep? I wasn't sleeping. I was just... Patrolling, you know? Making sure the borders are safe, doing my part." Blair shrugged, keeping the stupid smile plastered to her face. "I'm Blair. Daughter of Erebus." She said, extending a hand as she walked.



Cass fell out of bed when she heard someone coming into her cabin. She let out a gasp,not used to someone just walking in.

"Shit,Toni! What day is it? Am I late for training?" The importance of that day finally fell into her mind and she stood up immediately. "Oh,right! Important quest that could change our lives. Let's go."

She quickly ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth and make her hair a bit less of an mess. When she was done,she pulled her backpack from the ground and walked out,pulling Toni along with her.

Nico was standing outside the cabin,his arms crossed against his chest. The bags under his eyes indicated that he hadn't slept much,as usually.

"Good morning. You two ready?"
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Andromeda shook the hand that was extended '' Its nice to meet you Blair!'' Andromeda looked at the sky. ''Potrolling sounds like fun and interesting'' She wasn't paying attention and fell over a rock in her path letting out a small yelp as she hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Always. Max is waking up Luna, Ryder is working on the prophecy with Nitch. You know, I'm surprised that nobody's here to see us off, saying we're about to embark on that lifechanging quest. Almost offensive." Toni noted.

Alec almost forgot. He was supposed to go see Cass before they left. "I have to go, I'll be right back. Don't leave without me." He yelped, tearing out of their hiding spot and sprinting full-out toward Cass' cabin. It took him no time to get to her, and he barely stopped himself from crashing into Toni. He panted heavily, hands on his knees. "Hey." He managed after a few moments, standing up straight and smiling nervously.
"And then there were two." C said in slight amusement, watching him sprint away. "If I knew before that it would be taking this long for the quest to leave I would've slept longer." He muttered with a sigh. "Where do you think he's going?" He looked towards Kara.

"Blair's getting that girl out of the way. Alec is probably going to see his girlfriend off before she leaves." Kara shrugged. "You're welcome to take a nap, we have a little bit. We have to wait for the quest to leave, then stay on their tail." She explained.
Andromeda dusted her self off quickly and caught up with Blair "how did you find out who you parent was , my dad refused to tell me who my mother is " She said with a slight hint of disheartned tone of voice

"That happens sometimes. My father claimed me. He sent a sign that proved that I was his child. Have you ever made something happened that doesn't make sense? Maybe... Lightning strikes, huge waves, fire, incredibly loud whistling?" She asked.
Andromeda thought for a few minutes "well not that I know of unless making friends with dangerous animals on a first meeting or crops that failed suddenly giving fruit and vegetables is a sign " Andromeda smiled as she thought about the pack of wolves and other animals back at her small house in the middle of nowhere.
(Animals isn't a sign of Demeter, which is your parent.)


"Sounds like a Demeter or Dionysus to me. And you said that your mother is the goddess, so I think you're a Demeter kid. Of course, that's just a guess. You should be claimed pretty soon, if your mom is paying attention. Camp Halfblood is normally a trigger." Kara explained.
Andromeda nodded her head silently and continued walking still humming to her self and watching the sky " I hope she is paying attention.."

"The gods are shitty parents. I know someone who's been here his entire life, and he very recently got claimed. He's 19, I think." Blair shrugged. "Listen, Camp Halfblood is a good place. Right now just isn't the best timing for you to join." She sighed wearily.

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