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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.



Cass smiled brightly at Alec. He made her...happy. It was a shame that they probably wouldn't have much more time to talk in that night.

"So...we need to finish packing,and soon. Or Ryder will stab both of us and say that it was an accident in the mission." Cass' smile turned very sweet,like it always did when she was about to do something wicked. "We might die soon so...we should probably speed up this date a little. And you know what people do in the end of their dates. "

Cass stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Alec's neck,kissing him softly.

Alec's eyebrows just about disappeared into his hair. He had only kissed one other girl before Cass, and that had only happened a couple times, so he was far from an expert. He let instinct take over, resting his hands on her waist and kissing her back inexpertly.
C looked ominously back in the direction of the Apollo cabin. Pack well, she'd said, which meant going back and facing his siblings, which almost defeated the purpose of agreeing to sneak out. He sighed, glancing up at the sky again. He'd already agreed, and couldn't back out even if he slightly wanted to. He watched her walk away. He would also have to brave the Hermes cabin to even find her within the overcrowded cabin if he wanted to change his mind. C sighed deeply, and headed back towards his cabin to face his doom. He briefly thought about not packing at all and just dealing with whatever came up when it happened, but knew how horribly that would go. C twirled his necklace around his finger. He had never expected to be picked for a quest, and while he technically hadn't been, he still wasn't sure how to feel about any of this, especially when there was a very real possibility that he could die.

Well, too late now. He stepped inside the cabin, and no one looked at him. It was probably because a lot of his half-siblings were crowded around Jamison's bed, discussing how to get back at her if she survived the quest, and if she didn't, then her whole cabin, without any revenge backfiring. A few looked at him with hostility before realizing he wasn't Max and losing interest. At least they had calmed down a little. C grabbed a small bag, stuffing clothes and a few spare drachmas into it, and would 'borrow' a regular bow from Jamison when he left in the morning. Since the his bow necklace/weapon did
not have an infinite number of arrows, he preferred to use a regular bow. C got into bed, and fell asleep surprisingly fast.



Cass smirked for a moment as she felt Alec kissing her back,his lips feeling soft against hers. He may have been inexperienced,but one wouldn't have said that from the way that he was holding her.

She heard a few gasps around them,but ignored them completely. It was only when she heard more steps approaching that she turned around,glaring at the small crowd that had gathered to watch the scene.

"What in the name of Zeus do you all want?"

A thunder resonated in the sky and the campers jumped,quickly running away from the scene.

"Well...that was fun." She giggled,feeling like she was in high school again. Her lipstick had completely marked Alec's face. "Hmmm...you look really good with that tone of red."

Alec frowned, not understanding for a moment. His lips felt slightly sticky, and he touched them. His fingers came away red from his lipstick, and he blushed heavily, wiping it off. "Worth it." He admitted shamelessly. "Nice trick with the thunder, though. Very impressive. A bit unexpected, but there are worse adjectives." He chuckled, not a hundred percent sure why he was still talking.

"I guess I'll... See you in a day or two?" Was that the right thing to say? "After I see you off, of course." He continued hurriedly.



Cass smirked proudly at her own little trick,pulling back the hair that had fallen over her face.

"I'm sure you could have scared the Hades out of them as well,but I love showing off." She laughed at her own comment,noticing that she was blushing lightly as well. "Yeah...I do wish I could see you before that. But I'm sure it will pass quickly. Just take care okay?"

She took a step back so she could get a better glance of Alec.

"I guess I need to go. See you soon,Alec."

She leaned forward and placed a kick kiss upon Alec's lips,then quickly ran towards her cabin.

Alec nodded breathlessly. He noticed an Aphrodite girl nearby giggling. With a snap of his fingers, she began to drool and laugh uncontrollably. Within three seconds, she was talking to herself and licking her arm. "Thanks, Mom." He chuckled, walking back to his cabin and completing his packing.
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Toni woke up to find Ryder still at the desk and Nitch looking over his shoulder.

"You're definitely right. The Oracle wouldn't have said the line in two different ways unless there are two different meanings. If we're too slow, then for some reason, we can't get the missing demigods. But they'll still be alive. If we fail altogether, they die." Nitch nodded, pointing to something on the paper.

"What I'm still trying to figure out is what information will we misapply?" Ryder asked wearily. There were bags under his eyes, and Toni had no doubt that he hadn't slept yet.

"We won't know until we know." Nitch shrugged. He turned and noticed Toni. "Hey. About time you woke up, it's almost eight. We're about to leave." He said with a smile. He looked a lot more rested.
Max was groaning in his sleep. he was having a nightmare. he was in the underworld, beside the river styx. the air felt like acid in his lungs and he felt like he was walking on glass. He turned around as a knight in pitch black armour came riding on a horse, knocking him into the styx. He was sinking. he couldn't move his arms or legs. He couldn't breath.

Suddenly he jolted up in his bed, sucking in a deep breath of air, panting loudly. he looked around, bug-eyed.

Ryder turned to look at Max along with Toni and Nitch. "Bad dream?" Ryder asked, his voice sincere for once. He had tried to sleep for a few hours the night before, but his own sleep had been plagued with nightmares. He could sympathize.

Ryder rolled his eyes, returning to work on the prophecy. "You can leave whenever you want." He offered. Toni swatted his arm.

"The quest is leaving in... Thirty minutes? That gives us enough time to go and wake everyone up. Why don't you and I do that now?" She offered.
"sorry. I just had a dream about the underworld. Hades stuff kind of scares me right now." he explained, then turned to Toni. "No breakfast?" he groaned and got up "could you give me a re-cap on who is coming?" he said as they walked out the door.

"We're going to steal some food from the food area. And the invited people are you, me, Ryder, Nitch, Luna, Cass, and Nico... I think that's everyone. But other people will sneak out, rest assured. It's been far too long since a quest, people are desperate for glory." Toni smirked. She led him to the pavilion and pulled out some Ziploc bags. "Stole these from the Hermes kids." She said in a singsong voice, throwing some food that would keep for a while into the bags.
"nice" he smirked. he took a Banana, and peeled it looking out at the morning dew. he breathed in the humid morning air and thought about going on a quest. he looked at Toni. She didn't seem too worried about it, but of course she trusted Ryder. He supposed he should too. After all, he was like, probably the most powerful in the camp. The best fighter along with his powers. But a Hades kid leading a quest? Maybe Poseidon or Zeus, but Hades? He couldn't see Ryder having much skill as a leader. Of course, Cass and Luna were coming along. That made him wonder why anyone else even needed too. Not that he didn't want too. He couldn't wait to get out of camp. and it would be nice to go on a road trip with all his new friends. Like Toni. Then he realized he was staring at her.

Alec woke up earlier than he normally did. By checking his watch, he knew it was around eight. He scrambled out of bed and shook Blair and Kara.

"Guys. Come on, it's 8!" He hissed. Blair sat up immediately, reaching for a brush to fix her haystack of hair. Kara took more convincing, and he ended up having to pull her out of the bed. They had both met in his cabin at around midnight to make joining the quest easier. Within ten minutes, they were all ready, and sneaking out of the cabin towards the woods, telling anyone who asked that they were on patrol.

Toni looked up to see Max staring at her, and frowned slightly. "What? Is there something on my face?" She asked slowly, a bit confused. She couldn't imagine why anyone would stare at her. She found a red and a green apple and tossed the green one in the bag, taking a bite of the red. Ryder loved green apples, so she normally tried to get him a few if he was in a bad mood.
He chuckled. "No, just thinking about the quest." the yawned, and rubbed his eyes. "so, do you know where it will be taking us? Does Ryder know what to do?"
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Toni</span></strong></p>

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">



"He hasn't told me. I woke up just before you, he didn't have time." She shrugged, looking troubled. "But I can tell he knows something, and he doesn't like it." She sighed, sitting down heavily.</p>

Toni paused, looking over at Max. "Don't tell him I told you this, but Ryder's had a hard life. Nothing's ever gone right for him. He doesn't trust anyone, even me. He's been hurt too many times. And he blames his father for it." She admitted.
"Don't worry, the secret's safe with me... and I guess I never thought of it that way" he pondered. He didn't know much about Ryder, but he knew to work as a team everyone had to work together, and trust was needed for that. He trusted Ryder as a leader, but still had his doubts. "So who do we wake up first?"

"I guess Luna and Cass. Not relishing the idea of walking into the Poseidon cabin, and I really hate electricity, but having noncomatose demigods is more important than my preferences." Toni laughed, pulling herself up. "If you want to know more about Ryder, you can just ask him, you know. He doesn't hide it, he just figures that nobody cares. I haven't asked because I'm honestly not sure what he'd say, and I'm... I'm scared." She admitted. "And if you ever tell anyone I said that, I will personally stab you after giving you the Jamison treatment." She warned.
He smiled "I'll keep that in mind." he said as they walked to Luna's cabin. outside it was a fountain with a constant flow of water, which made him thirsty. he pulled out a water bottle from the hermes baggy and started to drink. "so where do you think the missing kids have gone?"

"I have no idea. I'm trying to think of this through a war standpoint, that's basically the only spin I can put on it. Which got me thinking... What if whoever is taking these kids... Are making an army? I've spoken to all of the taken kids before, and they all hated their parents. What if that's the connection? The kidnapper is taking people who are disloyal to Olympus so they can fight against it?" Toni asked in a low voice. "It's weird though. If that was the connection, you'd think they would've taken Ryder first. Hates his father, incredibly powerful, good fighter, he'd made the perfect general against Olympus." She shrugged.

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