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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Toni turned and looked at him. "These are my siblings, Max. As much as I hate it, they're my family. But we can go to the Hades cabin and sleep there. The coffin/beds are really comfortable." She said, smirking as she walked inside. The familiar metallic smell from too much armor and weapons and fighting assailed her nose, and she smiled. She went over to her bunk, nodding to a few siblings, and started shoving clothes and weaponry into her magical backpack. It had turned back from being a shield shortly after her little fight, and returned to being a simple black bag. It took her far less time than it took Max to pack, and she was done in no time. "Ready to go ask Ryder for a favor?" She asked pleasantly, predicting his reaction.
He smiled "Do I have to make a death pact with him?" he pouted glad to leave the Ares cabin though. he trusted Ryder if Toni was his best friend.

"I mean, you don't have to, but it's always nice to be polite." She teased. "No death pacts required. No drachma required. Just don't talk to him when he's inevitably planning out exactly how to finish the quest the entire night." She promised. She led him to the cryptic Hades cabin and walked inside. Ryder was at the only desk, staring down at a piece of paper. It was the prophecy, taken apart with notes for each line. "Wow. You're taking this very seriously." She noted, nodding.

"How could I not? The camp would never forgive me if I let someone popular die. But it's fine if you die, don't worry. It'd be fantastic if I died." He chuckled. He turned and froze when he saw Max. "I see you brought company. Why?" He asked bluntly.

"We need a place to stay for the night. He made some new friends in Apollo, I beat up the head counselor, and he's scared my siblings are cannibals." She shrugged.

"How non judgmental of him. He's not scared of me?" Ryder asked, almost offended.

"He offered a death pact. Does that count?" Toni grinned.

"You can have those bunks." Ryder pointed to a couple bunks that were separate from the rest. "I don't recommend this, I'll be up all night." He warned, pinching the bride of his nose.
After a long moment of being glared at, C stood up, unable to take it anymore. "I barely even said anything." He muttered to himself as he left the cabin. He decided that he would walk around, until his siblings calmed down, or sleep on the ground if it came to that and hope that the dryads wouldn't try to eat him. He kicked a rock, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. He glanced back as the girl from earlier came out after him to escape the stares as well, though she went in the opposite direction of him.


Blair led Cassandra to Alec and turned immediately, grabbing Kara and pulling her away. They had just made it a few yards when they noticed someone else leaving the Apollo cabin. "Woah. Cute guy." Blair muttered, nodding to the guy.</p>


"Huh, not bad. You going to talk to him?" Kara nudged her.</p>


"Nah. Erebus, god of darkness, isn't a huge fan of Apollo. Go for it, K. Have fun." She said, pushing her friend toward the guy and continued on her way to the Hades cabin. When she walked in, she paused. "Uh... Did Hades have more kids when I wasn't looking?" She asked, staring at the two people who had joined, apparently. "Wait, you're the badass Ares girl, and you're the slightly-less-of-an-asshole Apollo kid." She realized.</p>




Kara, powered by Blair's push, walked forward until she was in front of the guy. "Hey, it's C, right?" She remembered, smiling warmly.</p>
"that's what the call me" he waved at Kara, then turned to Ryder "As an...extent of kindness, I offer myself to you for this quest. One of the best archers, can heal with energy, and if you call now, you get a built in flashlight" he said, like a salesman trying to sell a product. he wanted to get on Ryder's good side, no matter how different they may be.

Ryder didn't crack a smile at the joke, staring evenly. "Something tells me that no matter what I say, I'll be stuck with you. So fine." He said bluntly, continuing his work on the prophecy. It was one of the many moments he wished he was the son of Athena instead of Hades. Less unpopularity, less to deal with, and more brains. He looked up when Blair walked in and his frown deepened. The daughter of Erebus and he had no love lost between them. "Blair." He said simply.
C smiled a little back at her. "Is there another 'C' that I don't know about?" He asked playfully, though he wasn't trying to offended her. He paused, and then scratched the back of his head nervously. "Ah, don't be offended by this, but I don't really know who you are." He spent most of his time blending in with the rest of his half-siblings and being bad at sword fighting. He didn't usually interact much with other campers when there wasn't an activity going on.

Blair sighed. "Ryder." She shot back, lying down on her bunk and trying to ignore the idiots surrounding her.


"Impossible to offend me, that's a promise. Kara, daughter of Até, goddess of strife." She said, extending a hand and smiling broadly. "I've seen you around. You're the antisocial Apollo kid, the only one in that cabin who isn't a dick. I can respect that." She noted.
"Uh, so, you guys are friends with Nitch right? why don't you ask him to work on the prophesy with you?" he suggested, not offended that his joke fell flat. he was the outsider this time, and he didn't expect to be accepted right away.

Ryder sighed, returning his gaze to Max with a very clear message in his eyes. Shut up and let me work, already. "He's busy preparing. For the quest." He said slowly. "Which I also have to do. So if you don't mind...?" He trailed off, trying for a pleasant smile and failing. It looked more like a grimace.
C shook her hand and then snorted at her choice of words. "I wouldn't say either of those things," He glanced away, thinking. "I don't think I'm 'anti-social', it's more like my half-siblings talk more than enough for me. I'd say that I'm just 'creatively lazy' about talking to people." He looked back at her, his smile widening. "And about me not being a dick? Well, you never know, I might just be the biggest dick you've ever met."
"right" he said, backing off the boy a little, he sat down on the bed and jolted up "OW" he said, paused "sorry" he pulled out his retracted bow, which had pinched him. he unfolded the bow and extended it, the string snapping in place. he examined the weapon. it made him think of Isabelle, who he had collectively ignored the entire day. he wondered how she was doing.

Kara smirked at the words: The biggest dick. She had the maturity levels of a ten year old. "How about you prove me wrong? Couple friends and I are sneaking out, joining the quest. Come with us." She offered breezily, trying to act nonchalant. "It'll be fun. And it's a chance for you to prove what a big dick you are."
C's eyebrow twitched. "Ha. So funny." He deadpanned, and then thought seriously about her question. "I think this would be classified under 'stranger danger'. I'm not sure, but I think an almost stranger asking me to sneak out of camp with friends I've never met means that 'I need an adult'." He made air quotes, almost grinning at this point.

"I'm eighteen. I am an adult." Kara scoffed. "Or you could stay here, deal with your siblings, have an all around boring time. Versus saving the entire camp." She shrugged, unable to hide her smirk.
C gave her a considering glance. "Why would you even want me with you?" He stuffed his hands back in his pocket. "My siblings may be terrible people, sure, but most of them would be more useful than me. I can't even heal anyone like they all can." He shook his head. "You'd be better off with a healer, or if you don't want to deal with them, than an Ares kid, at least. Plus, you barely even know me."



Cass found herself smirking as she was left alone with Alec. She stood in front of him for a second,trying to figure out what to say.

"So...that was an interesting date. Death appeared,the Oracle came to say hi as well...I need to admit,it was really fun." She chuckled,approaching him a bit more. She was quite close to him now,enough that she had to look up to meet his glance. "Is the date over,though?"


"They have an Ares kid. And a healer. I make up the prankster, Alec is the axeman, and Blair and Ryder make up monarchs of darkness. We want a lazy person to even it out." Kara shrugged.</p>




"You have a quest to pack for. I thought you'd be making that a priority." Alec said, hands in his pockets. It was hard to stop himself from blurting out the cursed words. That he, Kara, and Blair were following the quest. "The date is on hold until you get back safely. Until then, I'll be mad with worry for you." He admitted.</p>



Cass crossed her arms and rose one eyebrow,glaring at Alec until he finished talking.

"Alec...you really should work on your lying. I know you will be following us in this mission,you're not the type to let us go and risk ourselves without you being there. But don't worry,I'm not snitching you to Ryder. You can be honest to me,okay?"
"You can never have too many Ares kids." C said with a grin, and then laughed a little. "You say that like I know who those people are. I think..." He trailed off as he thought. "Ryder's the one everyone in my cabin calls 'Death boy' right? The one who made the speech at the campfire?" He still hesitated. "What's your plan to sneak out?" He paused. "You have a plan, right?"

Alec groaned, burying his face in his hands.

"You're not supposed to know. Not until we've gone too far for him to send us back." He sighed. "I wasn't trying to lie, I was trying to... To protect you, like an idiot." He added, feeling stupid.


"Plan is a strong word. It's pretty simple. We're all going to meet up at the Hades cabin after the quest leaves and say we're going on patrol. Two hours later when they realize we're missing, it'll be too late, and we'll be a little bit behind Death Boy and his motley crew. Close enough to not lose them, far enough to not get caught.



Cass chuckled,pulling Alex's hands down and holding then tightly. Even if she wanted to be angry with him,she couldn't. She was always quick on forgiving people,specially people she liked.

"Alec...I'm not the type of person that needs to be protected. But I do want your help in this mission. Because I care about you as well,and I know that this mission will be much better if we have you there. Ryder won't know,I promise. Although I do think that he would accept you if you asked to go. Just know that we are in this together,and I really appreciate you trying to care of me."
"That sounds like a lot of work for someone as 'creatively lazy' as me," C said self-mockingly, and then shook his head again. "Are you expecting the dryads to just let us out of camp when we're not supposed to be leaving?" He glanced up at the sky, eyeing the moon, which he would be forced to sleep under if the Apollo cabin didn't let him back in. "I'll only agree to come to add the proper amount of lazy to your team." He said mock seriously.
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"If I asked him, I have no doubt that he'd stab me for talking to him." Alec smirked. "So I'm going to keep it a secret until he can't stop me anymore. And I'll always try to protect you. I may be absolute shit at it, but I try to protect people I lo-- care about." He corrected himself, hoping she hadn't noticed.


"The dryads owe me a favor. A certain Hermes camper thought it'd be funny to light a few trees on fire, I put it out and got back at the camper. They'll do anything I ask at this point. Ignoring a few people is no big deal." She assured him. "I look forward to adding you creative laziness to the group. Meet at the Hades cabin shortly after the quest leaves, okay? Pack well." She smirked gleefully before walking away, toward the Hermes cabin where she was forced to sleep.

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