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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Toni took a step forward. "I assure you. Threaten him one more time, there won't be a question about who gets run through." She said, poking his chest with her blade. Nobody who knew her reputation would doubt her, she had stabbed more than one person who messed with her friends. None of them had died, but there was a first time for everything. "He's not staying, isn't that what you want? For him to leave? Let him pack, and he'll be gone." She offered smoothly.
Jamison knew he she was surrounded, and he was in a cabin full of healers, but also know that if she moved quick enough their healing wouldn't matter.

Max moved towards his trunk and started packing his bag. Jamieson stared her down "Get out of our cabin. Both of you."
C did not want or ask for that look. He sighed deeply to himself, and really really didn't want to get involved in this, but despite his rant earlier Max was still one of them. He closed his eyes. "Just let him pack his stuff in peace, Jamie." C's eyebrow twitched, regretting speaking up already.
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"You think I want to be here? Please, the smell of your desperation is choking me. But most unfortunately, in order to leave, he needs his stuff. Less reminders for you that he exists." She smiled pleasantly, taking a leaf from Ryder's book. "But I promise you. Tell me what to do one more time. I'll cut of your hands, and we'll see how good of an archer you can be then." She growled softly.
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Jamison glared at C, and back at Toni, Max was about done packing

another kid spoke up "Max is right...we fixate so much on other people, we lose the good in ourselves" she said

Max was surprised that two, or even one person supported him. but he was glad. that put at least 4 against 4, and no one was anxious to get in a fight with their friends. Jamison sat back down. "well you two are free to leave too if you want" he said angrily talking about C and the other girl



Cass passed through Apolo's cabin in her way to her own cabin. The elevated voices of the demigods caught her attention,and she leaned against the wall of the cabin with expectation. She could hear Toni inside,so if a fight broke out she would definitely step in.
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"That's smart. Alienate yourself from your siblings because they disagree with you. I hope you don't need their help any time soon, because you'd be on your own. And I'd be laughing. After stabbing you. Repeatedly." Toni growled, jabbing her sword at his chest once again. "My siblings are monosyllabic morons, but gods help us all if a few of the Apollo campers have minds of their own. Are you ready, Max?" She asked, fist clenched around her sword.


Alec walked out of the Mania cabin and clicked his pen, watching his battleaxe extend. There was even a hidden dagger in it, courtesy of the Hephaestus campers. He had his bag slung over his shoulder and was about to meet Blair in the Hades cabin when he noticed Cassandra outside of Apollo's cabin. He jogged over, keeping his ax out, and tapped on her shoulder. "Hey. What's... Going on?" He asked pleasantly, resting his ax on his shoulder.</p>
"I never said I wanted to leave," C shot back at him, giving him a hard look. "I just think that you're being an idiot about this. If you want to get beat up by an Ares kid, go ahead, but at least try not to get too much blood on the floor." He glanced up at the Ares girl as she spoke, only reinforcing what he'd said.
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"As Ill ever be" he said standing up and leaving he walked outside and saw the couple talking, wondering why they were hanging outside his cabin. (Okay right before everyone walks away Jamison is gonna say somethin, I kindly ask Toni not to kill him for it. cause i have a feeling she would. alot.)



Cass jumped when she felt the hand against her shoulder,nearly striking against Alec until she noticed it was him. She sighed with relief,taking another look at the cabin behind her.

"Max pissed his siblings because he isn't a asshole like most of them. And Toni is inside so...I just wanted to be here in case a fight broke out and I had to punch people in the face." She bit her lower lip for a moment before looking up at Alec. "You...left without talking to me,after the campfire. I thought that maybe you found me boring or something."

Cass chuckled,sounding a bit nervous. She turned around when Max came out.

"Oh,hi! You're alive!"
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Alec froze when she mentioned him leaving, and was a bit surprised she didn't say anything about the fact that he looked like he was escaping. He opened his mouth to answer when Max came out, and immediately closed it. Boring? Cassandra Delevigne, daughter of Zeus? In what world was she the boring one?! "Sorry." He mumbled, rushing away before either of them could mention his attire, almost tripping over his feet.


Blair finished packing up her stuff and ran to the Hermes cabin to get Kara. Together, they walked briskly toward the Mania cabin, which was empty save for Alec. When they were almost there, Kara grabbed Blair's arm and pointed. Alec looked ready, but was in the middle of talking to Cass. After a few moments, he just walked away, getting replaced by Maximus.

"Were we wrong to push him to talk to her?" Kara asked concernedly.

"No. It's just relationship drama, I'm sure it's nothing. I'll talk to her, you talk to him." Blair replied, nodding to her friend and walking up to Cass as if they were age-old friends. She was still carrying her backpack full of stuff, but hoped she didn't notice. "Hey, Cass! Where's Alec, I expected him to be with you?" She lied.



Cass watched Alec turn away and opened her mouth to say something,although it closed again soon after. What was she doing wrong? She didn't have all that many dates on her life,but the ones she had didn't usually run away from her.

She stared down at her feet,kicking the grass bellow her until she heard the voice of Blair speaking to her.

"Oh,hi Blair. I kinda of expected Alec to be here as well but...I think he was a bit disappointed after he actually talked to me,you know? Maybe he had big expectations and I didn't exactly meet them."

She messed with her hair distractedly,not finding any other explanation.

Blair stared in disbelief at the girl. "How can you be so blind?" She sighed, rubbing her eyes. "He's been drooling over you since the second he first saw you. He doesn't have any expectations except you dumping him." She paused and pulled the girl away from the Apollo camper, lowering her voice. "Don't tell him I told you, but he's making Blair and I come with him so he can follow the quest. So he can make sure you're safe." She lied softly. He was going, but it had been far from his idea.


Kara caught up with Alec and grabbed his arm. "What are you doing? The girl of your dreams is that way!" She hissed, grabbing his arm and trying to steer him back. "Go sweep her off her feet!"

"She doesn't want me. She's a daughter of Zeus. I'm the son of a minor goddess that everyone hates. Two very different leagues, two different sports altogether. She invited me to the campfire out of pity, not interest." Alec scoffed.

"That's not true! I'm a girl, I know these things! She likes you!" Kara insisted. "You're going on this quest to be with her, and you won't even admit that you have a chance with her?"

"I don't have a chance with her. That doesn't mean I want her to die. I don't trust Ryder. The Ares girl is two shades away from being insane. And Nico is the son of the death god. Why wouldn't I be worried for her?" Alec demanded.
As Max and Toni left, Jamison said one last thing "Ya know max, you could have had any Aphrodite chick. looks like you'll have to settle for Ares Pigs" he scoffed.

Max's Jaw dropped "Aw shit" he whispered fearing for his brothers life.
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"Oh." Cass stared at Blair,allowing all that information to sink into her. "I swear I'm not usually this...blind when it comes to men. But Alec is different,I don't think I ever met a guy that was so nice to me. Now that I know though...I promise I will give him time. And I'm not dumping him!"

Her expression turned to a smile as she followed Blair along.
C's eyes widened at Jamison's words, and he pressed himself back against the wall to avoid the impending bloodbath. He wanted no part of what was going to happen next. "Idiot." He muttered under his breath, though he was secretly afraid that he'd just brought the wrath of Ares down on them all.
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Toni froze, turning around slowly. "You just forfeited any chance of going down easy." She snarled. She dropped her sword and shield, grabbed his collar, and punched him as hard as she could across the jaw. Years of physical training didn't fail her, she knew that it was a pretty damned good hit. She didn't stop, slamming him against the wall and slamming her other fist against his face, glaring him down. There was blood on her fists and his face. She dropped his collar, smirking slightly. She picked her sword and hit him in the face with the hilt, knowing that she probably broke his nose and did some serious damage to his features. "Whoops." She grunted, turning her sword back into a ring and slipping it on. "Looks like the pig can still beat the shit out of the oh-so-perfect Apollo camper." She said with a smile, turning on her heel and walking away, forcing her smile onto her lips.
Max knelt next to Jamison "Aw shit man. sorry, looks like we both can't get Aphrodite chicks now" he said taking a few drachmas from his pocket, and looked towards Toni "And that Ares chick is hot" he mused quickly starting after her. "are you okay?... he said putting an arm on her shoulder to stop her so they could talk for a moment.

"Why wouldn't I be? If calling me a pig is the worst he can do, that's kind of pathetic. I'm called worse on a daily basis. And every time I see my father, he's not a pleasant person to be around." She shrugged. Sure, the comment hadn't been very nice, but she wasn't some little 12-year old girl that got offended about everything.

"I haven't disfigured anyone in a few days, I was going through withdrawal." She smirked. She wiped some of the blood off of her hands and onto her jeans. "You have your stuff? Time to drop by the lovely Ares cabin." She said, taking his hand and leading him carefully to the door. "Don't step there, that's a mine." She said, smirking when they finally made it to the door. She realized she was still holding his hand and released it quickly. "Don't say anything, don't look at anyone, and don't pull out your weapon. I wouldn't make eye contact, either." She instructed.
C watched the two leave, and then turned his full attention back to Jamison, and the blood on the wall and floor from his broken nose and head wound. "If you're going to keep bleeding, you should do it outside. It's messy enough in here as it is." He received a few glares for that, but he didn't really care. He had told him not to bleed too much, even if he had been mostly joking. A boy, Travis maybe, jumped off of one of the top bunks and went to tend to their severely injured counselor.

He heard a few of his younger siblings muttering among themselves about getting the Hermes cabin to help them with a revenge prank, while one or two of them glared in his direction every few seconds, clearly telling him that they didn't want C in the same cabin with them as if he was in any way at fault for this.
"Uh, I'm having second thoughts, maybe Apollo cabin isnt so bad? he...he..." he said nervously. when she was holding her hand he subconsciously healed her knuckles. he stepped inside, and followed Toni. It smelled like Iron inside, he didnt know if from training weapons or from blood...he didn't want to know. "you sure i won't be like, eaten?" he whispered.

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