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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder looked over at Cassandra, eyebrow raised. "I'm not sure if I believe what just happened. Listen, if anyone here causes any trouble, give me a shout." He looked after Maximus. "I have to go fix a bit of Max's damage." He sighed wearily, leaving the safety of his group in search of Toni.

He approached the Ares cabin group, smiling pleasantly. "As much as I hate to be around this large of a collection of BO, I need to borrow your sister." Ryder said, staring pointedly at Toni, who jumped up eagerly and pulled him out of sight.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, it was a dick move, I didn't mean it." She blurted out before he could speak. "I had no right to make assumptions about you, and... Seriously, it was a dick move."

"It's fine. Not mad, how could I be? It was the Ares in you coming out. Did you see Max's little show?" He asked pleasantly. She nodded uncomfortably.

"I feel like I should talk to him, but I doubt he wants anything to do with me." She said regretfully, kicking at the grass.
Nico noticed that it was getting weirdly cold in the camp,even though the temperature was supposed to be regulated. The entrance of his father had probably messed with the camp's atmosphere. His skin was cold already,so he didn't feel it much. But he imagined that Isabelle would feel the cold soon,so he took of his jacket and placed it in her shoulders.

"You think so?" He frowned a bit. "I had a suspicion that it could be him. I knew it wasn't Hades,so that narrowed the search. I do wish I could have been claimed by a God that was a bit more...normal. People don't like me in this camp. And now they will like me even less."
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C, paused at the edge of the campfire, staying hidden in the shadows as one of his half siblings named.. Max? ranted at the Apollo and Aphrodite cabin. He was slightly late to the bonfire. C had been taking a nap in the Apollo cabin, despite how noisy it had been, and had only realized that the bonfire had started when he woke up alone in his bunk. He sighed lightly, though he wasn't at all surprised to be lumped in with the rest of the Apollo kids. He thought about speaking up, but really didn't want to get involved in.. whatever this was. He didn't even know what was going on or what had caused Max to explode on everyone, and he wasn't really sure he wanted to know.

When Max was done, C gave the whole area a wide berth, laying down next to the fire on the opposite side of them. He, personally didn't have much of an opinion about Death boy, good or bad. He watched said boy leave, walking back towards the cabins, and hoped to go unnoticed. It seemed like being a child of Apollo was a bad thing at the moment. He turned onto his back, glancing at the hermes campers talking together around him. Maybe he could pass as one of them?
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Max was freaking out as he walked to a tree "What was that? I ruined just about every friendship I had" he said to himself sitting down at the stump. "And for what? It wasn't out of fear of Ryder. So I did for a couple kids? trade 20 kids for what, 5?" he suddenly stopped, realizing what he was saying. "Its not about a certain number of friends, its about a number of friends you can be certain about." he thought. He Smiled. "I stood up for the right people, the good people. that's why I did it. But...how can I face my cabin? I wish I could sleep somewhere else."


"I like you" she smiled at him sweetly for a moment. "Um, its not fair that you are cold and I'm not, so I uh, Could use my powers to create a small fire for us, if you wanted"
Nico ran one of his hands through his dark hair,pulling away the strands that were falling over his eyes. He blinked with surprise once Isabelle mentioned liking him.

"Oh. I kinda of like you too." He kicked a few stones away from his path. He was glad that this girl was around,as she was making him calm down. He didn't need another black out. "Don't worry,I don't really feel the cold that much. Although...the fact that you can create a fire is actually really cool. Can you show it to me?"

"yeah, sure" she sat down and gathered small sticks for fuel and rocks so it wouldn't spread. She concentrated on the sticks with her hand outstretched, and suddenly the Sticks burst aflame. She smiled "YES!" she was feeling much better. She looked at him to see his reaction smiling big.
Nico looked completely impressed by the trick,his mouth hanging open as he watched the sticks being set on. Fire had always interested him. He blinked to snap away from his stupor and gave Isabelle a thumbs up.

"That was pretty cool."

He sat by her side in the ground,hugging his legs. Looking down at her,Nico smirked playfully.

"Are you sure you're not afraid of staying alone with the freak? I could...rise the evil or something." He chuckled at his own comment. That was actually something he had heard directed to him before.

"No one at this camp is a freak. Or, maybe everyone is." She frowned, and seemed to be lost in thought before remembering he was there. "I like to be friends with everybody!" she said giggling, and blowing some hair out of her face.

Ryder just opened his mouth to talk to Toni when the entire room fell quiet. By instinct, he looked toward the main entrance, and gasped softly. At first, there was only green smoke, and then a young blonde girl, the Oracle who had replaced Rachel, walked into view.

The Oracle had come to play.



Nico allowed himself to enjoy this rare moment of peace,sitting next to the girl that didn't seem to fear him and the fire that actually managed to warm him up for once.

But his eyes turned around,attracted by the power he could feel approaching. And the Oracle suddenly came into view. Nico wasn't too concerned. There was very little chance that he would be called for this mission.

Toni couldn't help but scramble backwards when she saw the Oracle. She hadn't given a prophecy in years. Luckily for her pride, Toni wasn't the only one to recoil. Thankfully, the Oracle was no longer a withered mummy, but she still struck fear in the hearts of everyone. Beside her, Ryder's face was lacking in fear, but filled with hope. He probably didn't expect to lead the quest, but hoped that someone he knew would, who would invite him along.



Cassandra stepped forward now,attracted by the glow coming from the Oracle. She felt the eyes of the girl setting on her for a split second before it turned forward again,heading for the campfire.

This quest was personal to her. She
had to go. Sitting on camp and watching someone else risk themselves for her well being was such a scary idea that she didn't even consider it for long.

Leading or not wasn't a concern,but she had to be there.

(Really bad prophecy, I apologize, I'm bad at this...)

Ryder watched the Oracle with hawk eyes. She stepped forward until she was just inches from the campfire, and seemed to be staring straight at him. After a few moments, she opened her mouth, green smoke billowing out, and spoke with the exact voice one would expect to come from a snake.

"The halfblood of the eldest brother,

Shall be shunned, like no other.

In the camp, the Demigods are lost

To find them, it comes with a cost.

The one who stole them is to rebel

If you are too slow, then say farewell.

And if you fail, they will surely die

The information to misapply."

The Oracle sucked up the rest of the green smoke and collapsed, two campers surging forward at once to catch her. Ryder felt hollow. The halfblood of the eldest brother... He could already see people staring at him. Whispering.
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Isabelle</span></strong></p>


"O. M. G." Isabelle said with shock and stared at Nico. "Did I just see what I think I saw?!" she squealed and got up taking Nico's hand without thinking. "come on we need to see this!"</p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Maximus</span></strong></p>


Max saw everything. he quietly walked closer to earshot. he saw everyone looking at Ryder. When he saw Toni was with him he sheepishly looked away.</p>
C picked up a stray stick that hadn't been burned too badly by the campfire, turning it over in his hands as he listened to the oracle's prophecy. The first line was pretty obviously meant for one person, and the not so subtle glances at Ryder only confirmed his thoughts. He knew that he wouldn't be picked to go on the quest, not when there were many of his half-siblings that were much more talented than he was.

The mix of Hermes kids and unclaimed around him were ignoring him completely, or glancing over him like he had been there the whole time, which suited him just fine. C thought about the rest of the prophecy, trying to figure out what the rest of it could have meant.
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Toni looked over at Ryder, who looked shell shocked. "You realize that's you, right?" She muttered. He didn't respond, eyes wide and jaw dropped. "Halfblood of the eldest brother, Hades is the oldest of the Big Three. It's you." She hissed. He didn't move. Almost out of nowhere, Nitch appeared behind him and shoved Ryder.

"Stop staring like that, you look like an idiot and you need to make a good impression." He ordered. He reached over and placed his hand under Ryder's chin, closing his mouth for him.

"Ryder, he's right. Did you hear a word she said, it sounds like a huge job! You'll need a lot of people to help you." Toni put in.



A look of complete shock crossed Cass' face,blinking into worry for a second. But in a moment it had disappeared. She heard the comments of the other campers,the whispers about Ryder. His reaction only seemed to enforce them.

Snapping out of her shock,she stepped in front of the son of Hades. She held his face between her fingers,making him looking down at her.

"Hey,look at me. This is your moment. Your chance. Go there and prove to them all what we know already. And snap that stupid look off your face,you can do this."
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Nico nodded to Belle,holding her hand tightly as he allowed her to pull him forward. He didn't know how to feel about that prophecy,or about anything else for that matter. But he still walked forward,keeping to the shadows as he walked into the campfire again.
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ryder</span></strong></p>


"Do... What?" He asked, demanded. Toni grabbed his arm and shook him.</p>


"Wake up and snap out of it! Go out there and win some allies!" She hissed. She grabbed the back of his shirt and pushed him forward. He stumbled slightly, but managed to walk forward, hands clenched into fists. He had no idea what to say, but decided to wing it.</p>


"I... Will lead the quest to find the missing campers." He said, hoping he didn't look incredibly stupid. "The way she phrased it made it sound like we have a time limit. '<em>If you are too slow, then say farewell.'</em>. Not like they'll die, but as if they're going to move somewhere where we can't get them. So in order to make sure that we don't lose them, we will leave tomorrow. I have a few people in mind, and I'm taking a large group. I'll talk to you tonight if I want you, and if you accept, I'd suggest you start packing." He said, loud and firm. He looked around quickly before stepping back and returning to his spot beside Toni.</p>



Cass felt a light trembling in her fingers,knowing that the cause was the apparent time limit of the mission. She didn't deal well on deadlines,specially when that deadline meant the life of others.

When Ryder moved back to their side,she smiled to him.

"That was pretty good. Although you should have taken me there,just to add to the beauty level." She winked to him and chuckled,trying to hide her own anxiety inside of herself.

Feeling a hand in her shoulder,Cass turned around to meet Nico's eyes.

"Hmmm...Ryder,congratulations. You did deserve this."

Cassandra smiled to him and pulled a small package from her pocket,handing it to Nico.

"Happy birthday and happy claiming."

Nico looked completely flabbergasted as he took the gift into his hands.

"T-thank you. I...wish you didn't have to go on this mission."

Cass shrugged,pulling her hair to the back of her ear.

"I might not go. It's up to Ryder." She imagined that she didn't have to mention the fact that she would sneak out of camp and follow Ryder in case he denied her.

Max was alone, for once in his life. he assumed nobody wanted to be near him after everything that happened today. It was peaceful. He finally understood why kids preferred to be alone. He looked over at Ryder with respect, not expecting to be asked to be taken on the quest. That didn't matter to him. He could spend the week with Isabelle.


She found herself amongst the crowd everyone had their eyes on. Although she didn't know how. She assumed Nico was friends with them, so she looked at Ryder. Him she was scared of. But the daughter of zeus was a good person, so that calmed her down a bit.

Ryder looked over at Cass and Nico. "Of course you're going. You both are, if you'll have me." He said softly. He didn't have to invite Toni, that was unspoken. "I don't know what's waiting for us, I don't understand that prophecy. But come on, we can't fail." He smirked. "Nitch has to come, we need common sense. Luna." He said thoughtfully. "Anyone else essential?"



Nico stared at Ryder in complete shock,his mouth hanging open. He pressed Isabelle's hand a little tighter. It was the first time in his life that he had been asked for a mission.


"He accepts,of course! And so do I."

Cassandra looked completely cheerful,which made Nico frown.

"There is a big possibility that we are all going to die."

"Positive as always Nico." Cass messed his hair,which made him smile a bit. He looked over at Isabelle and noticed that she seemed a bit shy.

"Oh,guys...this is Isabelle. She is my friend,I think."
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ryder</span></strong></p>

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">



Ryder appraised the girl. One of the many who seemed terrified of him. He just nodded to her briskly. He turned to Nico with a grim expression.<em> "To find them, it comes with a cost."</em> He quoted. "What if Nico's right? What if I'm leading one or more of you to your death?" He asked hopelessly. "What other cost could it be?"</p>
"I like to be everyone's friend!" she smiled gleefully letting go of his hand to wave, then placing it at her side. "SO excited for you guys! it would be so cool to go on an adventure." when Ryder cut her off saying that she looked bug eyes and giggled nervously "oh, i'm sure no one would get hurt..." she took a step back.

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