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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Alec couldn't hold in his laughter. "Oh, there's nothing more beautiful than seeing a son of Hades rise a freaking skeleton to scare away bullies. I could've just gave them some hallucinations about a... mall burning down, I guess. Their weird clothes brands going up in flames." He said, snapping his fingers. "They wouldn't sleep for weeks." He laughed.
he turned to her a look of fury in his eyes. he was usually very calm. "What did you just call her?" the aphrodite girl recoiled "Uh, i just thought you got in a fight with her. Ares brutes are always starting fights"

"Brutes? ha. ya know what? I would rather be with a brute right now than a princess slut!" he said angrily, standing up for someone for once in his life. the other Aphrodite girl turned to her friend and laughed at her 'friend', and Max looked at her "You're no better" he said bluntly, as he walked away.

"Maaax, c'mon, whats gotten into you?" she said pouting, but Max just kept walking


She sat crying for no particular reason, far away from the fire, she didn't notice Toni approaching her



Cass was still pissed,but she ended up laughing along with Ryder and Alec.

"Well,Alec...now you know my friends. Ryder,this is Alec. Alec,this is the King of All That Is Dark."

Cass' voice was obviously full of fondness as she spoke to the two of them.


Alec extended a hand to Ryder. "Alessandro." He introduced himself with a respectful smirk.</p>
<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ryder</span></strong></p>


Ryder stared at the hand. He sighed and shook it. "Ryder. The new king, I suppose." He chuckled. "A good friend would go check on Toni, but I don't care enough as of right now. Shall we start the campfire?" He offered pleasantly.</p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Toni</span></strong></p>


Toni was half tempted to go back and give the Aphrodite a few new body piercings. Instead, she played with her ring and sat down outside of her cabin. She wouldn't cry, she knew that. They weren't worth the effort of pushing her tear ducts into production. She was more pissed than anything else, but she was hurt, too. Based on the screams she had heard, Ryder had stood up for her, but she knew he wouldn't chase her. She didn't deserve him.</p>
<p>Isabelle swallowed her nightly pills, and got up and drudged towards the fire, hoping to find max. she could always count on him. she was too down to talk to anyone else and she didn't want anyone seeing her not being bubbly so she stayed around the edges of the crowd trying to find him</p>


The weird sensations around his body started to come back. He wondered if every demigod felt like that on their birthday or something. Maybe it was normal. Maybe...

Suddenly,the temperature around the camp dropped. The fire seemed to go cold,useless. And the night went darker above them,a suffocating blackness.

For a second,there was nothing in the middle of the campfire. In the other,a cloaked figure appeared standing in the middle of it. The man wearing the hood suddenly turned around,staring at all the campers. No one dared to say a word.

"What is wrong,everyone? Have you never seen Death standing in front of you?" His tone was ironic as he approached the camp. "Do not fret,children. I will eventually come and suck the souls out of all of you. But not now. Right now,I have a message. My name is-"


All the eyes turned around to see who had dared to interrupt the God. The figure of Nico came out of the shadows,staring up at the figure with a frown.

"You are eighteen years late for my claim,father."

"Guilty as charged. But I am here now,Nico. I wouldn't have come while you were still a child. Congratulations,by the way."

Nico opened his mouth to swear at the man,but he was cut short by the image of a reaper sword appearing on the top of his head.

"Well,there you are. You are the son of Death,although you seem to have your mother's temper. You are claimed. And for the love of Hades,kid. Please stop sending curses to me."

The figure of the God disappeared,turning the camp back to normal and leaving Nico with an annoyed expression.

Ryder was the one to break the immediate silence. "He was a lot friendlier the last time I met him. And called it, by the way." He said nonchalantly. He had met Death once, thanks to his father, but it had been a brief visit. "Could be worse. Thanatos is a halfway decent god." He shrugged.
Max looked at Nico and Ryder from the other side of the fire. he smiled. "NICO, SON OF THANATOS!" he yelled cheerfully causing others to join in. everyone knew Nico, the kid who had never been claimed. he deserved to celebrate.

Ryder was one of the few who stayed silent. Not because of Nico, everyone knew he deserved to be claimed. But just because Max had been mildly rude to two of his many popular friends meant nothing to him. He was unforgiving, and Maximus had let Toni leave. For once, Ryder wasn't the only asshole.


Nico closed his hands on fists,still staring at the ground. There it was again,that familiar headache that caused him to blackout and start to hurt people. He couldn't have that right now.

He heard the cheering around him and blushed,although it happily helped to calm his temper.

"Hmmm...thanks,everyone. I'm...glad it finally happened."

Taking long breaths,he turned around and met Ryder's eyes. His whisper was low enough that only the boy could hear him.

"I need to ask you a favor. If you see me doing something violent,I want you to beat me up until I stop."

He sounded completely serious as he turned away from the campfire and walked out. Distracted as he was,he didn't notice a girl until he bumped into her.

"Dammit! Did I hurt you?"

"Uh, I..." Isabelle turned her head away, not wanting him to see her tear streams. her voice faltered "Im fine" she said with a scratchy throat. her heart was beating. she needed to act cheery. that's what she was known for. she just wanted to leave, Max was obviously just having a good time with his friends, and she was in no mood to play cheery nice girl

Toni managed to steel herself together. She didn't have the time to focus on a couple of Aphrodite snobs. There was a fantastic chance of a prophecy being given tonight, and she wouldn't miss it. She walked back to the campfire, ignoring Maximus fully, and sat in the middle of her siblings. The second she sat down, she noticed Ryder, who looked like he was about to approach her. The second she surrounded herself in other Ares kids, he stopped short, jaw clenched, and moved back into the shadows. Good.
Nico held onto the girl,worried that he had wounded her. He tended to hurt people when he was angry. But he stopped for a moment,noticing the wetness in her face.

"Are you...crying?" Nico frantically thought of something to say. He wasn't the best at comforting people,but he tried anyway. "Do you want to talk about this? We both seem to be having a really crap night."
Cassandra frowned at the boys from the Ares house,still feeling a light headache from the rock. They shifted their glance as she started at them,apparently feeling guilty or scared that she would try for revenge. She still smiled to Toni,being very found of the girl.

Max noticed her. With her family. Himself. With his family. Aphrodite family mixed in with his. He heard the whispers of insults about Nico, even at his big moment. And after all this he still couldn't bring himself to stop them. 'It doesn't harm him if he can't hear them, right?' he thought, although he knew it was totally wrong. he hung his head in shame.


Her jaw dropped. She had the eyes of a scared puppy, she wanted to run. No one could find out her secret. But she wanted to help him. She wiped of her face "I uh... You were claimed, aren't you happy?" she said taking the topic off her

Ryder often used the fact that people forgot about him to his advantage. At that moment, he was behind the Apollo/Aphrodite group, listening to them talk about Nico. Something else he used often was the very common hatred and fear of himself. "Ladies and gentlemen, I normally hate to interrupt a conversation." He began. A few people jumped, going pale when they saw him. "You say one more word about Nico, and I'll be forced, quite regrettably, to kill every last one of you. Starting with you." He finished pleasantly, pointing at Maximus. "Get over yourselves. Is the best you can do for this camp gossip? I personally hope that you all get taken, but one every three days just isn't fast enough for me. I might have to help it along." He warned, drawing his weapons and keeping his creepy smile plastered to his face. He immediately heard whispered about how big of a freak he was and 'Death Boy', but they stopped talking about Nico, at least. "Have a nice night." He smirked, walking away, but staying just in earshot, hidden in shadows.
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Nico took a handkerchief from his pocket and helped to wipe her tears,being careful so he wouldn't scare her more than she seemed scared already. He mistakenly assumed that she was afraid of him,like many campers seemed to be.

"I'm more worried about you right now." He kept a close attention on her,although he still answered the question. "It took him eighteen years to come and then he acts like it was nothing. But I know I will come around the idea eventually."

Max stood up and his 'friends' looked at him, smiling, thinking he would tear Ryder a new one. "Hey!" he called to Ryder, as he couldn't see him


"Listen, I was just thinking about my mom, I miss her smile." she said quietly, although everyone knew she had amnesia and knew nothing of her life before camp-half blood.
Cass followed after Ryder,shooting a glance at the kids from Apolo for good measure. They seemed scared enough already,and than was the icing in the cake. When she turned around,a calm smile was marked on her face.

"That was really nice of you,my king." She used the nickname playfully,shooting a quick glance back at the kids. "Sometimes I want to scare them with more than words but...that wouldn't be right,would it? Still...Nico deserve this night."

She turned around and blinked with surprise once Max approached them.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Ryder drew his sword once again and faced down Max. "Despite what I said, I'd rather not stab you in the middle of what was supposed to be a friendly gathering. But if you don't back off, I'll change my mind pretty quickly. Or are you just trying to impress your friends again?" He taunted. "I don't like being played with, Max. I dare you to try. It'll end very badly for you." His insane grin matched that of the Cheshire Cat. It was one of his special skills, making himself look incredibly, terrifyingly insane.
"Oh,I'm sorry...about your loss. I was too young to see my mother's smile when she left,but I know how it is to miss that. It does hurt."

Nico didn't really know the story about this girl. He never cared about gossip,paying little attention to the people around him. He imagined he could as well introduce himself now.

"I'm Nico,son of...Thanatos. Although you probably knew that. And you are?"

He looked at Ryder, no doubt he would send him to his father's domain if he chose to. He smiled back. "Impress my friends?" he looked at Isabelle, talking with Nico. "Izzy isn't even watching me so no, not impressing her. If you were referring to my family, and the rest of the bullies, no. I'm done impressing them. I just wanted to say, I wasn't making any of those comments. Nico deserves this night more than..." he turned to the 'popular kids' "more than any of you deserve to be called a Demi-god. The only godlike thing about is your powers. and around here, that isnt special. so stop acting like you are better than everyone! I love my Father, but the rest of my family makes me sick. Power to heal? Ha. You guys create wounds, not heal them. I'm disgusted to be called your brother. and Aphrodite cabin? Everyone here thinks the orange t-shirts look better than whatever you wear, so if anything you should be the ones to be embarrassed. I'm done here, do what you want with them Ryder." he walked away


"could we talk somewhere else?" she asked not wanting anyone else to know she isnt the cheerful girl she usually is
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Cass had been completely shocked by the showdown,her mouth hanging open as she watched the scene. But the surprise soon turned into a smirk.

"You heard him,you asses. Another comment about my friends and I will help Ryder to carry you to his realm."


Nico nodded,noticing the eyes of the other kids fixed on him. Some seemed actually happy for him,although many others were still making comments about how he was a huge freak. He decided to ignore it and followed Isabelle away from the campfire.

"Yeah,I'd prefer to go as well."

She walked away sighing, knowing he would eventually find out about her amnesia. but she wasn't about to tell anyone about her Depression either. "So... Thanatos. That's pretty cool" she said. Talking helped her mood a bit.

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