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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.



Cass found herself blushing even more,although seeing Alec slipping in his language was amusing. That seemed to bring more of her personality back to her as she smiled brightly.

"Merci,mon cher. You look really good yourself,although that is no news. I think the girls in the camp would agree that you always look good."

She chuckled and drifted her attention to his two friends,the ones that had been pushed away.

"So,Blair and Kara. I don't think I have talked to you guys before,so it's good to meet you."


Kara and Blair exchanged a confused look. "Did I miss something, or did she just call him attractive?" Kara asked disbelievingly. Alec was standing with the expression of someone who had just been suckerpunched.

"She may be the daughter of Zeus the almighty, but... I'm pretty sure she's blind." Blair agreed, looking Alec up and down. Sure, he was a mildly attractive guy, but not compared to Cass herself.


"You guys can go." Alec said, still trying to process what had just happened. "Really, I don't mind."

"Aw, we want to stay and support you with your first girlfriend." Kara mocked. Alec buried his face in his hands, red up to his ears.

Toni tried to look sympathetic, but faking emotions had never been her strongest suit. "I hate to say this, but you know it doesn't matter, right? If one of those popular kids gets chosen to lead the quest, do you think they'd choose you to come along just because you... Laughed at people who could kill you easily? Ryder isn't one of the 'little people'. Nobody here is. The reason that we're here is because we're larger than life. If you want to fit in by bullying, I'd suggest trying the mortal world before one of the 'little people' stabs you." She said bluntly. She wouldn't sugarcoat it, if she thought it was ridiculous, she had no problem voicing that.



Cass laughed at the comments from the girls,already warming up to these campers. They seemed very nice,and the fact that they weren't afraid to speak with the "daughter of Zeus" was quite refreshing.

"Guys...I may be blind but I'm not deaf. I'm standing right here." She winked to Alec before smiling to him again,her tone playful. "Girlfriend,am I? So you won't invite me for dinner first? Seems like chivalry is dead."

Cass didn't expect that conversation. She had noticed a few long glances that Alec gave her,but this...it really was surprising. And it also felt good to know that a nice person like Alec would be interested in her.


"Apparently they're getting a girlfriend for me. And I'm very serious, you guys are incredibly welcome to leave." Alec said, running a hand through his hair. "Instead of dinner, as our dinner situations make that difficult... How about I invite you to the campfire you invited me to?" He offered, gesturing to the bonfire nervously. Kara and Blair leaned in, hopeful smiles on their faces.

"Come on... You can't deny that face..." Kara pointed to Alec's face, and he groaned.
Maximus was taken abash. he wasn't used to being spoken to that way. It was kind of refreshing in a strange way. "I guess little people wasn't the best choice of words..." he said not daring to make eye contact with her "I meant like... unpopular people...I just didn't want to say that." he thought for a moment. he didn't know why what she said affected him so much. maybe because it was true, he thought bluntly. what confused him more was why he cared so much of her thoughts. "Its not about quests... I guess..." he sighed "I guess I just..." he said stumbling across his words, feeling incredibly stupid, and wondering what had gotten into him



Cass smiled again. Alec was really adorable,in a bit of an awkward way. She really liked the idea of getting to know him better.

"I accept your invitation to my invitation." She smirked and wrapped her fingers around Alec's hand,pulling him a bit closer to the campfire.



"I get where you're coming from, I do. But at the same time... Max, this isn't high school. You aren't the mean girls making fun of the girls wearing last season's shoes. Everyone in this camp is incredibly powerful. Even the idiotic Aphrodite preps who I love to hate. But they know I hate them. If you don't like the unpopular weirdos like me and Ryder, then don't like us. But if you're just playing a game to stay popular... How are you any better than them?" Toni asked, shaking her head. "I don't control you, Max. I never will, and I don't want to. I'm straightforward, thanks to my parentage. There are no mind games with me. Makes it kind of hard for me to understand the problems of the camp monarchy. We all know who ends up on top." She pointed to Ryder, Luna, and Cass. "They always win. And none of them are exactly social butterflies." She scoffed, walking a bit faster and catching up to Ryder.

Alec smiled when Cass took his hand, and he followed her like a lost puppy. "I meant what I said, by the way. Even if I said it in the most awkward way known to mankind. You look fantastic right now. But a little bit uncomfortable. You know you look beautiful on a daily basis, right? Makeup or no makeup, fancy dress or jeans and a t-shirt. It's you that's amazing, not what you do to improve yourself." He said awkwardly, feeling like more of a bumbling idiot by the second.
he sighed as he watched her walk away, but he still wanted to explain himself, and wanted to apologize. he really did care, about everyone, but he also always wanted to have friends. now he was starting to think that maybe it isn't about a certain number of friends, but maybe a number of friends you are certain about. he walked towards them hoping she didn't hate him.



Cass felt a bubbling sensation in her chest at Alec's words. It was really good to have someone think of her like that. Although she had to admit that he was right about the uncomfortable part.

"I know that I should be myself and all...and you really are sweet to think of me like that. But I have been promising to let the Aphrodite girls work on me for years. I'm pretty sure they would murder me in my sleep if I went back on my word." She stopped in front of the campfire,and the unlikely couple seemed to be gathering attention already. "Just so you know...I mean what I said as well. You look really good,on a daily basis. I promise I'm not blind."

She saw Toni and Ryder close by and waved to them,seeming happy.

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Toni walked up to Ryder and stood beside him, staying silent. She felt her eyes on him, both guys, but didn't say anything. Finally, Ryder broke the silence.

"You look like someone just insulted your dead grandmother. What happened?" He sighed. She cast a look over to Max.

"I... Sadly underestimated Maximus. Turns out he doesn't mind picking on people like us as long as it keeps him with the popular kids." She scoffed, disgusted. Ryder sighed.

"Not all of us can be you, Toni. Stop judging him. He looks like someone just broke his heart. He didn't mean to offend you." He said bluntly.

"I'm surprised that you aren't pissed. This normally has you riled up and ready to kill." She said, immediately defensive.


Ryder looked down at his friend, summoning every last dredge of his patience. "Toni... You can't win every battle. And the ones that aren't worth fighting, why bother? People do stupid things to make sure that they have allies or friends. Everyone's done something they regret to fit in. If you can't handle that, get over it. You will never meet a single person who's done everything perfect socially. Max seems pretty damned okay. Stop coming to me and expecting me to fix your boy troubles every ten minutes!" Ryder snapped. Toni stared at him, stunned.

"If I didn't know you better, Ryder, I'd almost say you were jealous." She scoffed.

"Get over yourself." He snarled, stalking away.

Alec chuckled. "Nah, I'm just a guy that's fully incapable of cutting or brushing his hair." He laughed, running a hand through his messy hair. "No matter how attractive I may or may not be, I'm not exactly desirable around here." He chuckled.



Cass nodded at Alec's comment. He was right,many of the campers seemed to not want to talk with the Mania kid. Probably afraid of the powers that came with his heritage.

"And half of the camp doesn't want to talk with me because they are afraid that I'm a stuck up bitch who will shock people if they say something wrong. I'm glad we aren't made of other's opinions." She turned her attention to his hair,then rose one hand to touch it. "I think your hair looks pretty nice...in a bad boy way."

Max heard everything Ryder said, and finally picked up his jaw. to be honest, he always thought Ryder hated him because he was one of the popular kids. he was relieved to see that wasn't the case. he always liked Ryder. This last half hour has been very eye opening to him. He cautiously approached Toni. "I'm sorry" he said, still behind her "and you are right...but, I... I'm scared to not be popular. I always have been. and I have always been a bystander also. since I was a kid I was friends with the bullies and did nothing about it, because I have always been scared to be the one who gets bullied. and I know that's no excuse, but I also know not everyone is perfect"

Alec laughed. "They'd rather get shocked than driven insane, probably. Insanity is not nearly as fun and carefree as it's made out to be. Trust me, I'd know. Electric burns heal. But you'll never forget what it's like to not be in control of your mind." He said cryptically.

Toni felt terrible the second those words left her mouth, but it was too late. Ryder walked off, looking more pissed than ever. She turned to Max. "You don't have to apologize about your life, Max. Even if you wanted to fix it, you couldn't. And there's nothing to fix. You were doing what it took to protect yourself." She said abruptly. She couldn't help but watch Ryder until he sat down alone in the corner, her heart throbbing. She had never seen Ryder as a romantic interest, they just didn't have that kind of chemistry. But what she said had been unforgivable.



Cass rose her eyes to Alec,frowning lightly.

"You don't have to apologize for being powerful,Alec. These people don't understand that what you can do is an asset like any other of our skills. If they were by your side in battle,I'm sure they wouldn't complain that you were driving out enemies inside. And don't worry...I know you wouldn't use your powers against me."

She winked to him again before turning her eyes to the fire.


Alec smiled slightly. Nobody had ever put it that way, they normally talked about his powers like an unfortunate curse that he was just stuck with. Before he could respond, he noticed that Ryder guy storming across the little area, away from his friend/girlfriend Toni. "Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?" He asked softly, loud enough only for Cassandra. "I've seen him pretty angry, but... That's a bit terrifying." He admitted.


Nico had finally mustered the mental strength to get off his bed and head for the campfire. The other campers immediately walked in others directions as they saw him coming. They sensed something different in Nico,something he could feel in himself as well.

The first person she detected was Cass,looking...quite gorgeous actually. But she was accompanied,so he moved to Ryder's side instead,sitting by his side in the corner.

"Is this the place where the weird sons of shadows gather?" His tone was playful as he looked at Ryder.
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"Toni.." he said as he followed her gaze to Ryder "this is all my fault. I try to be friends with everyone, and all I end up doing is ruining friendships." he didnt know what else to say "I'm sorry" he walked away as two Aphrodite girls walked to him "whats wrong max?" one said then looked at Toni "oh gods what did that bitch say to you?" was all Toni could hear before they were to far to hear

Ryder barely saw Nico for a few seconds, admittedly staring at Toni and Max. "Yea, this is the new loner corner." He answered after a beat, looking over at Nico. "How are you?" He asked amicably.


Toni had her sword in her hand in half a second. "This bitch..." Toni was about to let loose, to scream and stab and show everything she hated about Aphrodite campers. But she stopped herself, turning her sword back into her ring and slipping it on. "Was just leaving. Have fun with your friends, Max. You sure can pick 'em." She said, turning on her heel and walking away. She didn't go to Ryder, knowing he would still be mad. So she just left the campfire. "There aren't enough quests in the world to deal with this bullshit." She grunted, storming into her cabin.



Cass had been the entire commotion from afar,a worried look in her face. She had never seen Toni and Rider fight,not like that. When she saw Toni storming out of the campfire,her worry only grew. Turning to he daughters of Aphrodite,she growled lightly.

"Listen here,the two of you. I'm a really nice person. But I can and will kick your ass if you say something like that to my friends again."

The sound of a thunder resonated in the sky. Cass looked about to start punching the girls.
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Nico noticed the way Ryder had been starting at Toni,his eyebrows rising once the girl stormed out of the place.

"I'm okay,Ryder. But what about you? Did something happen?"

Ryder walked up and stood between the girls. He smiled pleasantly at the Aphrodite girls and leaned in until they were just inches apart. "Boo." He whispered. They took a couple steps back, but didn't run. "Ooh, the brave ones. Ah, let me see...." He said. He stared at the ground under their feet, and immediately a skeletal hand rose up. The girls screamed, running off. "Bye bye now." Ryder said pleasantly. The hand crumpled, leaving them alone. "I'll never know why I'm unpopular." He said to Cass. He winked and walked back to Nico. At the same time, he had no idea why he bothered. What did he care if they bullied Toni, she deserved it?

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