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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Ryder smiled at the kid. "I have no idea what you're talking about." He assured him, glancing at Kara. "Neither of us do." He hinted darkly. He didn't know the girl, Kara, according to Nico, but he already didn't trust her. Despite the wide-eyed look, he could see the strife on her face, the look like she couldn't wait to ruin someone's day.

Nico was careful to hide Ryder's bloody clothes to make sure that no else would find out about their little...situation. He looked down at himself and realized that he was also completely bloody. Although the blood wasn't his.

"Ah...dammit. I will have to do laundry today."

He checked Ryder's wounds once more to make sure that the stitches were holding. The situation was...awkward. A weirdo like him patching up the son of Hades.

"Hmm...Ryder...you can go now if you'd like. Just try not to get into any more fights today,it could open the stitches."

He applied bandages over the wounds carefully.



Cass did look a bit better as she sat down on the medical bed,frowning at the pain in her head. Most of the dizzying sensation had gone away by now.

"I don't want to throw up anymore. Probably a good sign."

Marcos chuckled as he finished the ritual and approached Cass to check her head.

"Yep,that definitely looks better."

Cass smirked to Marcos and patted his hand lightly.

"You are the best doctor in the world." She turned her attention back to Toni,looking a bit guilty. "I'm sorry you had to help me and couldn't join in the fight. Do you want to go check on Ryder now? I will be okay."

"Yea, I'm going to go get a shirt." He admitted, standing up with some effort and stretching. "Thanks, Nico." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck before jogging out of the cabin toward his, where he grabbed a black t-shirt. The second it was on, he made his way to the infirmary.


"Don't apologize. It's fine, I was useful." Toni laughed. "And I don't have to check on him. If he can walk, he'll be here soon." She assured her. As if on queue, the Hades camper burst through the door, smiling when he saw the girls.

"Are you guys okay?" He asked hurriedly.

"Yea, we're fine. Did you get hurt?" Toni shot back.

"I got poked, I'm fine." He shrugged.



Cassandra's head shot up as she saw Ryder entering the medical room,worry obvious in her face. Her eyes rubbed after he mentioned being "poked".

"You got what?!" She tried to stand up but fell back down,feeling dizzy again from the sudden movement. Marco hissed at her and quickly moved to her side.

Cass. If you don't stay in bed I will bind you in there. You will be fine in an hour or so,but you need to relax."

Cass crossed her arms and sighed. She hated being told what to do,even if the order made sense.

"All right,all right. Let's all pretend the day that I got owned by a rock didn't happen." Her worried glance quickly moved to Ryder. "Shouldn't we get you checked,though?"

"It's fine. I stitched myself up." Ryder assured her, feeling a bit guilty about the lie. But Nico had asked him to keep it secret, so he would. He lifted his shirt slightly to show the stitched up wound on his abdomen, doing the same for his shoulder. "I'm A-okay." He smirked, nudging Toni. "You did good, fending off the siblings until I could come and save your asses." He noted, slinging an arm over her shoulder.

Kara watched Nico suspiciously before going back to her bunk. She had been at camp and in the Hermes cabin for 13 years, so she had a bed. It was unfair. She was claimed! She had been claimed, but she was still stuck with Hermes campers because Até wasn't important enough. She did like the Hermes kids. She could relate to the troublemaking, pranking, mischief-causing parts. It was who she was.


Blair sat on the canoe dock, throughly bored. She didn't want to train, or try the rock wall. She didn't want to talk to people. She definitely didn't want to go back to the Hades cabin, where she had been lumped in. It had just become the Underworld cabin, so there she was, because her mother was Erabus.

She sighed wearily. Camp wasn't that bad. Cute boys, cute girls, cute people. Not that any of them would consider her, the weird girl that slept five feet away from Death Boy. How she hated Ryder, with a passion. Nobody liked him, but they feared him. People just ignored Blair, and it was annoying.


Alec had been in the arena when it all went down, but he had stayed neutral. The skeletons hadn't scared him, he could bring his own in with minimal effort. He had been a bit tempted to drive them all insane for a few hours, courtesy of Mania, but decided against it. Nobody at the camp paid attention to him, knew how powerful he could be. And that was exactly how he preferred to be, invisible. That way, at the opportune moment, he could kick some serious ass. Until then, he was stuck being one of the Ares campers' many victims.



Cass' lips pouted lightly at Ryder's comment about the fight.

"I'm sure I could have taken them. I just have a problem with flying rocks."

Marcos blinked with surprise once he saw the stitches in Ryder's body,leaning forward to get a better glance of them.

"That is impressive work,Death Boy."

Ryder glared murderously at the Apollo camper. "Just because you helped Cass does not mean I won't stab you if you ever call me that again." He said coldly, still on edge from the fight. Toni laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Ryder, chill. It's just a stupid nickname. It's not a big deal." She muttered.

"I don't care." He growled, itching to draw his sword and show Marcos just how skilled he was at handing out death.

Alec walked toward the infirmary, hands dug in his pockets. One of his friends had hurt her leg, and he was hoping to grab some nectar for her. He walked in and paused. It looked like there was a full-out confrontation between one of the Apollo kids and the Hades guy. "Uh... Should I come back later?" He asked, smirking lightly when he saw Cassandra. Not that he'd ever admit it, but he had a severe crush on her. She'd never notice him, of course, the weird Mania kid.



Cassandra also glared at Marcos. Being stared at by the son of Hades and the daughter of Zeus apparently made him back down. He rose his hands in a defensive way.

"Sorry,I didn't mean to offend you. I won't be using that nickname anymore."

Cassandra rolled her eyes,which made strands of blonde hair to fall over her face.

Her eyes turned to the door as another camper entered the room. She searched her mind for the name of the boy. Cass made a case of knowing all of the campers,so it eventually popped in her mind.

"Oh,hi Alec. Don't worry,if someone gets into a fight I will kick everyone out. This is a infirmary,not the Arena."

She shot another glance to the two boys before chuckling and smirking to Ryder.

"I guess I own you 5 drachmas. The ambush did happen,although not where we expected it to be."
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Ryder continued to glare at Marcos, face set in stone. "No, you won. I said at night." He said, dropping a dozen drachmas on the table before turning on his heel and leaving the infirmary. He had no idea why he had gotten so pissed, it wasn't like him to have his temper flare up so quickly. Almost never with Apollo campers. Never about something as stupid as the nickname. He walked past Alessandro, the Italian son of Mania.


"Ryder, wait--" Toni stopped herself when Ryder ran off, and sighed, defeated. "Why is that my only good friend?" She groaned, leaning against the wall without bothering to chase him. That is, until she got a glance at Alec. It was common knowledge that he harbored a little flame for Cassandra, and here she was being the only one stopping them from being along together. She cleared her throat. "I should go make sure he doesn't drown... Someone." She said abruptly, walking after the trail of dead grass.

Alec froze when he realized he was alone with the daughter of Zeus. All thoughts of nectar for his friend faded away, and he stood there with a dry throat and shuffling feet.

"I'm sorry I didn't help in the arena." He blurted out. He had no idea if she had even seen him in the shadows. But he doubted it. "I could've and should've done something. You might not've ended up in here if I had." He explained in a slower, more normal tone.



Cass blinked with surprise at Alec's words. She hadn't noticed the boy standing at the Arena. Most of the time,Alec was sticking to the background. Not that she minded,he still seemed like a rather nice person anyway.

"Oh,don't worry about that. It was my own fault. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings. Zeus is all mighty but he isn't immune to rocks." A loud thunder resonated in the sky,making Cassandra roll her eyes. "Well then. But are you wounded,Alec?"

She seemed worried as she looked him over for a moment,wondering why he came to the infirmary.


"No. One of my friends cut her leg, sent me to get her some nectar. I avoid confrontation too much to get wounded." He chuckled humorlessly, scratching the back of his neck a bit nervously. "It wasn't your fault. You were defending your friend. I wish I was that brave." He continued, pulling out his pen and twirling it in his fingers. He had specifically requested for his battleaxe to disguise as a pen, it was just easier. But with one click, it would extend to his ax, named Reaper by the forger.</p>

Ryder stalked off to the arena, half hoping that it would be full of Ares campers. Instead, it was near empty, just one person in it. Nitch, the Athena camper, was sitting by the side, sword by his side.


Nitch stared up at the sky, sweating from his mild workout. He heard footsteps and looked up as Ryder walked in, instinctively grabbing his sword. Ryder held up his skeleton-clad hands.

"No weapon. Not looking to kill the Athena campers." Ryder said, sounding a bit bitter.

"I'd offer a spar, but you'd kick my butt, so no point." Nitch shrugged, standing up with sword in hand and facing the Hades camper. He wouldn't deny how terrified he had been when skeletons had been summoned, and Ryder showed off his fantastic swordsmanship, but standing in front of him as he was, he didn't look threatening. He just looked like a gothic 19-year old.

"Fair point." Ryder smirked. He looked at his hand for a moment, and Nitch couldn't stop his slight gasp. On his right glove, it was... Melting from the middle of the back of his hand outward, the liquid metal traveling along it and collecting in his palm. It was nowhere near enough, but somehow it extended to form his strange bronze/bone sword.

"Isn't that hot?" He asked curiously.

"Nope. Same temperature as me, so pretty cold." He shrugged.



Cassandra smiled brightly at the compliment,the action making the blue tone of her eyes shine softly. She was definitely enjoying her conversation with Alec,wondering why they didn't do it more often.

"That's really nice of you to say,Alec. But I was mostly acting on impulse. No one touches my friends while I'm around." She stood up with some difficulty,then walked to Alec's side. Rubbing his arm gently,she looked up at him. "Don't worry,we are all brave inside. We just need something to protect."

She quickly walked to the cupboards and pulled a bottle of nectar for Alec.

"There we go. Do you need something else?"
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Alec hesitated. This was his chance. This was when he could be smooth. He knew exactly what he was supposed to say. A date with you. He opened his mouth to say it, inwardly screaming at himself.

For once in your miserable life, be smooth! This is your chance to ask out your dream girl. He had a mental struggle with himself before closing his mouth and shaking his head. "Thanks." He mumbled, taking the nectar and turning, taking a step closer to the door before pausing.

"You're lucky that you have someone or something to protect. Not everyone does." He said slowly, not looking at her. He knew he was blushing furiously, so he just walked out, hating himself for missing his chance.

"Those were a gift from Hades, so this might be a stupid question, but... Do they work for anyone, or just you?" Nitch asked, unable to stop himself. The gloves were so scientifically impossible, it drew out his inner curiosity.

"Just me, I've checked. Or maybe it'd work for any Hades kid. I wouldn't know." He said, admiring the blade. It was sharp as a razor, impossible to break or dull. Scientifically impossible.

"That's... Really cool. I'm stuck with a camp sword, nothing special." Nitch shrugged.


Ryder smirked at the interest in his sword. The second Nitch paused in his questions, Ryder approached the training dummies, pretending they were real enemies, hostile and ready to kill. He often looked insane when he trained, because he would be dodging invisible blows, pausing a strike in midair as he imagined an enemy parrying it. He just figured it made him more skilled. "You sure you don't want to spar?" Ryder offered Nitch with a smirk.

"I can try." He offered, lifting his sword and slashing at Ryder without warning. Ryder sidestepped easily, lunging and knocking his blade aside with his own before drawing his dagger and pressing it against the guy's throat. "Yea... Yea, you're pretty good." Nitch said, obviously trying to not move his Adam's Apple. Ryder stepped back, morphing his weapons back to gloves.



blinked with surprise when Alec turned around and walked out of the door. She mentally reviewed their conversation,wondering if she could have said something to offend him. Maybe he was simply shy. Some of the boys seemed really embarrassed around her,which amused the daughters of Aphrodite

An idea popped in her mind and she quickly ran to the door.

"Alec! We will have a bonfire tonight. I hope you will show up!"

She gave him her best smile,the one that usually convinced people to agree with her.


Alec hesitated. He was about to deny her when he saw her smile, and lost his train of thought.

I can probably convince Blair to come with me anyways, I'll have one friend.

"Yea. I'll be there." He said, surprising himself slightly. "Thanks for the invite." He went from surprised to mortified. Thanks for the invite?! What are you even talking about?!



"Great! I will see you at the campfire then."

Cassandra smiled to him again and went back inside,considering that the first successful act of the day. She was willing to try and interact with the Mania boy,even if he didn't seem so interested in socializing at all.

It didn't take long for Cass to be bored in the medical room. She sighed and paced around,wondering if she could sneak out and go to the Arena.

Well,that's what she wanted to do. And no one could keep Cassandra Delevigne from doing what she wanted.

She quickly sneaked out and appeared at the Arena,keeping to the shadows as she entered. She ended up bumping into Nitch. She quickly checked her surroundings as she looked at him and the son of Hades.

"Please don't tell Marcos I'm here...He would probably try to drag me back to the medical room."

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"Right, because that's where you're supposed to be." Ryder hissed, temporarily distracted from his mock fight with Nishan. "You're injured, so you belong in the infirmary." He chided.

"Would you've stayed, if you were the wounded one?" Nitch cut in, smirking slightly. Ryder hesitated, but shook his head. "Then why should she? She's a big girl, and the nectar has her mostly healed." Nitch turned to Cass. Unlike most people, he spoke firmly, not scared of her. "If you feel dizzy or start bleeding again, go back." He ordered.


Toni burst into the arena and paused. "Are we having a party?" She asked, eyebrow raised at the strange group.

"If so, I'd like to petition to uninvite myself." Ryder said, pulling his sword and slashing at the training dummy. Tori took off her ring and held it in her palm, feeling it get heavier and larger. By the time she approached Ryder, it was a full sword, and she swiped it at him. He parried, shocked. "Oh, that's it." He said, faking a threatening tone. Immediately, he started to rain blows on Toni, too fast for her to parry all of them. Within second, his sword was at her throat, and her sword was across the arena, and she had no idea how it happened.


Cass shot a look to Ryder. She wasn't the kind of person to shy away from him,even if he was...well,him. But just as she opened her mouth to snark back,Nitch covered it for her.

"Thank you,Nitch. I promise I will head back if I feel weird again,but right now I'm okay. And bored. And you got pierced by two swords,Ryder! I'm keeping a close eye on you as well."

She smirked as she saw Tony and Ryder suddenly start to throw blows against one another. Her eyes fixated in Ryder's moves. Most of the people would have missed it,but not Cass. If there was someone who knew about speed,it was her.

She saw exactly the moment that Toni slipped in her defense and opened a space for Ryder to flank her,making the sword fly from her hands.

Cass approached them both with a smirk,clapping. The rings in her hand had turned into golden coloured daggers.

"That was cool. When do I get my turn?"

Ryder held up his hands. "She's all yours." He offered, gesturing to Toni. Toni went pale, backing up slightly.

"Uh... I'm not the biggest fan of electricity. Bad shock when I was little. I'd like to take no chances, thanks. Have at it, Nitch." She suggested. If Toni looked uncomfortable, Nitch looked terrified.

"I can... Try." He said awkwardly, picking his sword up and facing Cassandra, expelling the fear from his gaze and picking his head up confidently.


Cass frowned as Toni turned to walk away from her. She crossed her arms for a second,watching her go.

"I wasn't going to shock you,
mon cher. I play fair. Well...sometimes."

The frown turned to a smile once she saw Nitch approaching.

"That's my boy!"

Her eyes quickly went up and down Nitch's body,fixing on his arms for a second before they went back to his face. Cass would usually showdown her skills when fighting with campers,but not with Nitch. She respected him too much for that.

No,she was going to give a real fight to the son of Athena.

In the blink of an eye,Cass moved. She was on top of Nitch now,sending attacks with blinding speed. Most of them were aimed towards his sword,although some blunt attacks were turned to his legs to make him confused.

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