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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


"That's harsh." Toni admitted. She had heard of this guy, here since he was born. Her father hadn't given her one of the instant claims that she envied, but it had never been a secret whose daughter she was. Her fighting skill paired with the fact that she knew her father was the god, there was no question. It had always been Ares. It had taken her three and a half years to get claimed, and her claiming had been no big deal to the other campers. No shocker. But the Nico guy, nobody had any idea. Some had thought it was Hades, but if all kids were like Ryder, there was no shot. They were similar, but had a very distinct difference. Ryder was cold and unfeeling to almost everyone. Nico just seemed antisocial.

She nodded in understanding. "Well then rats will have to do. I honestly think any sort of skeleton would do the job in scaring a select few campers." She told him. She knew that some of the campers were scared of things like that. She wasn't too sure of the Hermes cabin or the Ares cabin. Kids from Hermes peobably dabbles in similar pranks. Children of Ares... Well depending on who it was they would probably just smash what was in front of them. Lumaria herself would just curiously observe its movement as though it was alive. It didn't take much to distract her or pique her interest.


"Obvious because I'm skinny or obvious because if I was I should have been claimed by now?" He raised an eyebrow, the corner of his lips twitching into a smile. "Either way I suppose it doesn't matter. I'd be glad to just be claimed already, no matter where I belong." He explained, tapping his hands against his thigh now. "I do know how to use the sword, I just find it a laborous task if I'm using it for anything other than fighting monsters." He glanced at Nico. "I'm sure you'll get claimed soon. We have to eventually."

@Play On Words @Rukia
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"Ares isn't a top notch father, and he isn't exactly punctual himself. No, it's obvious because you seem like a halfway decent person. Thanks to genetics, most Ares campers are dicks, myself included." Toni shrugged. "And monsters aren't the only thing we may have to fight. Have you heard the news? Another camper went missing last night. Same as the others, no trace, no blood, every three days." She said softly, looking around warily for eavesdroppers.


"I don't need to summon anything to scare the campers. I do that by walking in the room." Ryder scoffed. "You should see the effect I have on the Demeter campers. Not my biggest fan, probably because of the dead plant thing. They take is personally."

@Calynna @Rukia

"Well you don't scare everyone, I can tell you that for afact. Besides, it's stupid for people to even be scared. You're a demigod and you just so happen to be a child of Hades. Demigods face monsters every day. I don't understand why they waste their time fretting over and judging other fellow demigods." She explained with great distaste as she reached up to put her reddish hair into a bun. In the glint of the sunlight it appeared like fire, otherwise it just appeared brownish.


Cerra chuckled. "In all honesty, you don't seem like a dick to me. I mean I've met sucky people and you aren't even close." He assured her. "Never say never though." He added with a smirk before shifting his glance behind Toni to see a few other campers going at it. It. Appeared a friendly match had turned into a not so friendly one. It made him chuckle to see a child of Hypnos tryng to stop them only to fall asleep in between them. Looking back to the girl in front of him he spoke again. "You think it's not momsters behind that?"

"I'll never understand half bloods." Ryder shrugged. "They love that fact that we're more powerful than mortals, but if someone else makes them fee like those mortals, they hate it." He continued, morphing his left glove into his dagger and poking the ground absently with it.


"Trust me, I'm not a nice person. That's why my only real friend is Death Boy." Toni scoffed, smirking. Death Boy was a common nickname for Ryder, but she was the only one who used it in a joking way. And even still, it made him want to stab her. "And what monster kidnaps? We have the border, no monsters can get in. And if they did, we would've found dead bodies, not missing campers. No, something is happening, and I don't know what." Toni said frustratedly. She was no Athena kid, but she hated not knowing.


She shrugged and watched absentmindedly as his goove changed into a knife. Would have been cool to have something like that. All she had was a whip around her arm and knives stuck into her thigh sheath. She made a mental note to roam around the forges. Maybe she could whip up something herself. It was hardly likely that she would succeed but she was adamant so she would keep trying.

"Well, it's not like it matters what they think anyways." She piped up, glancing from him to the sky, still overcast. "People are different and it just needs to be accepted I guess." She muttered with a shrug. She had long ago learned to just not care about anything and do what she does best.


"If you have to actually declare that you're mean, it sounds more like you want to be, rather than you were born that way." He teased.

"But monsters could be capable of kidnapping. If they'r doing the bidding of another god, or someone worse. Giants do it all the time, and even those laistrygonian things." He wasn't familiar of all the lingo but he'd learned quite a bit in his three years at camp. "Not all monsters just want a meal, and if they're promised something, even cyclopes would do a person's bidding. Don't forget that there was once a labyrinth entrance in camp. There could be something similar. They're smart enough to get away with it, but not smart enough to actually know what they're getting into."

@Play On Words
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"If you're right, it still isn't just monsters. Someone's behind it. If Chiron would hurry up and assign a quest..." She trailed off, glaring toward the Big House. She had no expectation to lead the quest, she just hadn't been at camp long enough. But maybe Ryder, and it would require a large group to take whatever it was down. A very large group. "And I declare the fact that I'm 'mean' because people doubt it. Maybe it's the pretty face." She smirked, winking at him.


"You're right. But they disagree." He muttered. He noticed the Aphrodite campers approaching the large mud puddle. He clenched his fist, making a thrusting motion. Immediately, a bone appeared below their feet just in time for them to trip over it. The bone sunk back down into the ground, and the girls were covered in mud, screaming about their... 'Goochie'? "Gods, I hate them." He sighed, eyes glued to the preppy campers.


Nitch had no idea where to go. He had read all the books in the Athena cabin. He had done his swordfighting for the day, and gotten thoroughly beaten. He could try the rock wall, but he'd lose. He could try talking to people, but just the idea made his skin crawl. Instead, he started walking, hands dug in his pockets. Having no friends royally sucked, but he didn't have much of a choice. What could he do about it, though? People were more interested in becoming friends with the powerful, strong campers with one brain cell that died of loneliness. Athena campers had always been loners. Unappreciated loners.

She laughed upon seeing the Aphrodite girls squeal in disgust. They had no idea what hit them and that was the best part. "You aren't the only one mate," she chimed in before feeling a few drops of water on her skin. Instantly it invigorated her, but it also brought to light what exactly was happening, and it was rather odd. "Rain?" Her voice was soft, almost inaudible. It was still only a drizzle but if this had been allowed in, she knew there would be a downpour soon enough. What was up with the director of camp?

She stumbled to her feet, narrowly avoding a rock on the ground and looked around, wondering if she should head to her cabin or somewhere else shaded.


"Oh I know. That's what I said. The monsters aren't the masterminds of course. They'rr just doing someone else's bidding." He re-clarified before looking to the sky as rain began to fall in small droplets. The sun was completeky blocked out by dark grey storm clouds. Zeus must not be in a good mood, he thought to himself. Luckily the arena was covered.

He looked back to Toni. "Still don't think you're mean. Confidenr maybe, and definitely a little self flattering, but not mean." He said in a sing song voice.

@Play On Words
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Ryder stood up the moment he felt the first drop of rain. "What's going on?" He said suspiciously. "I have to find... Bye." He said, jogging away toward where Toni had went.


Toni smiled at him before flipping her hair. "What's not to be flattered about?" She teased. She felt rain and immediately shied away. "Uh... Pretty sure that's not supposed to happen." She said slowly. As if on queue, Ryder stormed into the arena, aura feeling so panicked that it sent a chill throughout her body. Any strong rush of emotion made his 'death presence' a thousand times stronger, and made everyone around feel rather uncomfortable. "Ryder, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Where's Mr. D? It's not supposed to rain here." He said hurriedly, looking worried.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Something for the beloved strawberries or something." Toni reasoned.

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The smoke spread through the air in front of her face,making little patterns against the sky. Cass took another glance on her surroundings to make sure that she hadn't been followed. She didn't even want to think about the tantrum Chiron would through if he caught her smoking.

"I probably should stop,anyway..."

She considered the possibility,although it seemed a bit unlikely. Oh well. Jumping of the bench she had been sitting on,Cass quickly walked out of her hiding place. At least her clothes weren't smelling like smoke. That was a plus.

The campers waved to her as she passed by them,and Cass replied with a big smile. People seemed to be drawn to her,not that she minded.

As far as she was concerned humans were much more interesting than Gods.

Cass soon found herself in front of the Arena and decided that she could as well get some practice. She grabbed one of the Hermes campers that were watching by and dragged him. Cass made a case of knowing the names of all the campers.

"Aw...c'mon Cass! I'm not in the mood."

"Do it for me,Lino. I really need the practice."

They quickly found themselves in the middle of the Arena. Lino's lips pouted a little,but he nodded.

"You start."

Lino pulled the sword from his waist and striked against Cass. But she wasn't there anymore. With an elegant turn the girl was standing behind Lino. She kicked his back and made him fall face first into the ground.

"Watch your sides,Lino. You always leave an opening on your right flank."

She smiled to him and stretched her hand towards him to help him stand up. The boy rolled his eyes,but quickly took her hand.

Nishan watched the battle in the arena. He knew both of them. Lino, a child of Hermes, and Cassandra, the daughter of Zeus. She was rather impressive, although her swordfighting wasn't entirely amazing. He could tell immediately, most of her effort seemed to be focused on looking good. The little turn she did to get Lino was unnecessary, as a simple sidestep would've worked just as well and much faster. That was what Nitch himself was good at. Simple, easy swordfighting. And the theory. He could think out the battle without ever swinging his sword. His way wasn't with people or blades, it was with words on a page, and numbers.

But he still admired her swordwork.

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As usually,Nico hadn't spoken much through their conversation. But he had been keeping a close attention to it,making sure to remember all the information received from their words.

He frowned as rain started to fall in his head. Not that he minded. He was half hoping some storm would fall in there as well.

"Hmm...I don't think this is normal. If Mr.D needed a rain on his fields why didn't he keep it there?"


Ryder looked down at Nico. "I don't know." He muttered angrily, clenching his fists. Camp Half Blood was his home, and he didn't like when it was messed with. Toni shot him a sideways glance.

"You don't think it's because of the...?" She trailed off, eyes flickering to their nearby conversationalists. He shook his head sharply, not saying a word. "I had to ask." She shrugged.

"Leave it, Toni." He said firmly.

She shrugged upon seeing Ryder leave and instead made her way to the beach. She loved water. And she absolutely loved rain. Why wouldn't she want an excuse to be in it? Besides, a nice swim wouldn't be so bad now. Might get her mind off of a few things, and so that was what she did, glad she had a swim suit on under so she could plunge right into the waves which would probably get more turbulent of the storm got worse.


He was about to respond when someone else showed up. He recognised the boy as the sole child of Hades. The children of the big three were not easily forgotten. Pretty much everyone knew them. Leaving Toni to him, he sauntered around and headed to the end of the arena where there were a few dummies. Deciding against target practise, he wanted to risk the rain and probably visit the forges or something.

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:'Droid Serif';">- CASSANDRA DELEVIGNE -</span></span></p></div>




<img src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/E6LO-AFOt434YtEG8Gd9Vidya_sFl9rp6TdWWIPxUDI0e0nurblnvnajGRMH0potfl7V9-nOR8BlsTO8efwyb-SNrvUYt0M9zxi0VggJCwMLWUNt2bL-rS2mIoPsk45b6aLMRcJEBuzC4y5YLXJbBx83d-SGAA=w500-h281-nc&key=3943e7bd76b3692bee86de9db83ed44ccd1e709b622dbbf3196b8e7c81dc459f" alt="E6LO-AFOt434YtEG8Gd9Vidya_sFl9rp6TdWWIPxUDI0e0nurblnvnajGRMH0potfl7V9-nOR8BlsTO8efwyb-SNrvUYt0M9zxi0VggJCwMLWUNt2bL-rS2mIoPsk45b6aLMRcJEBuzC4y5YLXJbBx83d-SGAA=w500-h281-nc" /></p>

<p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">




<div style="text-align:left;">

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">Lino soon seemed to be getting bored of falling on his face in front of </span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#660066;"><strong>Cassandra</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#660066;">. </span></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000000;">He asked if he could leave,and that made her chuckle.</span></span></p>

<br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000000;">

</span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#660066;">"Of course you can. I'm not the owner of this camp,you know."</span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#000000;">"Yeah,right."</span></span><br /><br /><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span><br /><br /><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">He smirked to her before going away,leaving Cass standing in the middle of the practice circle. She allowed her eyes to wander the place,seeing which campers were around.</span></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">

Death Boy,that girl from Ares that could kick the ass of half the camp,that creepy boy called Nico...</span></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">

And Nitch,that seemed to be looking straight at her. With quite the judgemental look. The corner of her lips turned up and she walked over to him. She didn't seem to have noticed the rain falling around her.</span></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#000000;"><span style="font-size:14px;">

</span></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="font-size:14px;">"So,like what you see? Or maybe you're just planning my murder tonight. Either way,I'm game."</span></span><br /><br /><span style="color:#660066;"><span style="font-size:14px;">







<div style="text-align:right;"><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35200-play-on-words/" data-mentionid="35200">@Play On Words</a></div>


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Nitch blushed furiously. He had never spoken to the Zeus girl before, why would he? Compared to her, he was nothing, a worm. "I was just... Watching you fight." He said softly, hating himself more every second. "And even if I wanted to, I couldn't kill you. If you hadn't noticed, I'm not exactly a warrior." He continued, staring firmly between her feet instead of at her face. He noticed the way she looked at people. The way she looked at Ryder and Toni, not that he had spoken to either of them at depth. In honesty, Ryder terrified him. But Cassandra looked at all of them like she was judging them not-so silently. He didn't doubt that she was one of the many that called Ryder 'Death Boy' as an insult. Everyone but Toni and himself did. What a stupid nickname.


Nico looked up at Ryder when the boy spoke to him. He always felt slightly more comfortable near the boy than other members of the camp. Maybe it was because they seemed to share a connection with death. Still,he was nothing compared to Ryder,who had been claimed by Hades already. If he was a son of Hades,the God apparently wanted nothing to go with him.



Cassandra couldn't help but frown lightly at the look Nitch was giving her. Honestly,the way he looked at people freaked her out. He always seemed to be judging everyone around him,thinking that he was more intelligent and sharper than then.

It wasn't right. If you thought you were better than other people,you could as well try to hide that.

"You're intelligent,agile. You could certainly think of a few ways to kill me if you wanted to." She shrugged,seemingly uncomfortable. Not that she wouldn't die for each person of the camp,Nitch included. "Atena is a huge badass,after all."

She sounded really prideful whenever she talked about the female Gods.


"You could kill me with one lightning bolt. I'd be dead before I picked up my sword." Nitch said flatly. "There are no possible outcomes of our battle that ends with my victory unless you are unconscious and I manage not to trip and kill myself with my own sword. Trust me, it's a very real possibility." He had no interest in false hope. It got people killed. "Being smart doesn't teach me how to hold a sword or how to kill someone with it, and I don't particularly want to know how. Athena may be the goddess of battle strategy, but I prefer the wisdom part." He didn't need or want someone to lie to make him feel less worthless. He knew that no matter his parentage, being a lanky nerd didn't win him popularity points.




Cassandra opened her mouth to say that Nitch could simply cheat,although she closed it soon afterwards. Not every camper found cheating on a battle a honorable thing. So she probably shouldn't mention it.

"If that is true,then I'm glad we are in the same side. I would never refuse to have a camper like you by my side,even if you stay on the backgrounds making the intelligent decisions. What is the good of a huge warrior with a sword if he doesn't know any strategy on battle?" Before he could speak again,she rose one hand. "And before you correct me: this is just my opinion. Just because you don't think much of yourself doesn't mean that I can't see anything as well. If we didn't have children of Atena around we would have all died a long time ago. Probably because we tripped on our swords."

A smile appeared on her face as she crossed her arms,turning the daggers back into rings. She only admired a few Gods,hating most of them. But Atena was one that got her admiring.

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Nishan</span></strong></p>


Nitch narrowed his eyes, waiting for some sign that she was being sarcastic. "I doubt that. After all, we have people like you, Lunaria, and Ryder around." He said softly. He wasn't being snarky or bitter, just stating the facts. "If you three were against the entire camp, you'd win. Easily. It makes it rather difficult to get any kind of self-worth when you know that. But thanks anyways." He sighed, walking into the arena and pulling out his simple bronze blade, swiping experimentally at one of the training dummies. It took only a few slashes to have a disabled dummy, but he barely took that as a good thing.</p>


<em>The dummy isn't trying to kill me. It's just there so I can learn how to swing a sword.</em></p>


</em><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34311-rukia/" data-mentionid="34311"><em>@Rukia</em></a></p>



Cass smiled to Nitch,then shook her head. She watched as he left to start training,then decided to stay close by to watch.

"Maybe one day we will find ourselves in a real battle. Then I will prove my point to you."

She quickly climbed the stairs of the Arena's bleacher and sat on them. Noticing a few camper around already,she smiled brightly to them.

"Good day,everyone. Tony,Ryder,Nico."

"Hi,Cass." Nico replied to her first. He was shy near everyone,but seemed a bit more comfortable near her. Most people were.


Toni smiled at Cass. She wasn't shy, she had spoken to the Zeus girl before. She turned back to Ryder, eyebrow raised. He was staring impassively at Cassandra, not saying a word in response.

"You know that you should tell Chiron." She hissed in his ear. He brushed her off, scowling.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a coincidence." He muttered before standing up abruptly and hacking at training dummies beside the Athena kid.



Cass rose one eyebrow as she saw Ryder leaving without replying to her. One day she would get through that thick skull of his and make him talk to her. Maybe.

"So why do you think it's raining in here,Toni? Do you think it has something to do with the disappearances?" Cara asked the question rather bluntly,as per usual.

She pulled her long hair to the back of her ear,keeping part of her attention in the training of the two boys.

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Swimming, as usual, invigorated her. The rain hadn't gotten much heavier since she went underwater, she noticed that much, and so she came up for some air, feeling the light drops hit her face as she did so. Treading water for a while longer, seh climbed out, wringing her wet hair out with her hands and pulling her much too large camp shirt back over her head.

Patting her neck, she made sure to chceck that the pendant was still around it and hadn't gotten caught apon anything while she had been swimming. She would be devastated if she had lost it. Never would have forgiven herself for it. Luckily, it was there, and she let out a sigh of relief, as she walked away from the sand and onto the pathway to the arena, leaving little drips of water from her slightly wet torso here and there. Nobody could have told the difference between it and rain, and besides, most people were indoors. They would have just assumed she stayed out in the rain for a good while.


The forges always seemed to calm Cerra down for some reason. While there, he knew a lot more people because he spent all other free time there, building things. He eally did hope that his godly parent was Hephaestus, but he knew that wasn't likely. He would have been claimed by now if he was, was what a fellow Cabin 9 camper named Doris told him.

Once more, he brushed such thoughts from his mind and instead focused on building a shield. He often hated using the things because he felt like it was too much to use along with a sword during battle, even if it did save his life, but he was making one anyways, just aimlessly passing time. He would probably head to the arena later, this time to actually practise something.

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