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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Toni hesitated, and shrugged. "No idea. Ryder has a guess, but he's... Keeping it a secret for right now." She sighed, watching her friend glare down one of her brothers. She half-hoped that it would come to a fight, she hated her siblings anyways. Ryder's hands were clenched into fists, and she knew that any second now, those gloves of his would turn into his sword and dagger. For now, he was gripping one of the arena's many bronze blades. "He's such a weirdo." She continued, smirking.



"Technically we are all really weird,so I won't be judging him."

Cass had also noticed the way Ryder was glaring at one of the kids from Ares. Oh,boy. Seeing Ryder fight was always a treat.

"10 bucks says that if Ryder gets into that fight your brother will die. You in?"

She turned to Toni with a smirk.


As she approached the arena, she noticed both Cassandra and the Ares camper from earlier who had fallen from the lava rock. Her name... She recalled her name earlier but now it wasn't coming to her. Lucky for her, as she got nearer, Cassandra said it aloud and reminded her that it was Toni.

Luna hopped up onto the nearest ledge to have the effect of somewhat reachig the other's heights, but to no avail. "What's happening?"

"Me? Bet against Ryder? No thanks, I value my life." Toni laughed. She turned to Lunaria. "Uh... Death Boy is getting aggressive." She laughed, pointing at her friend.


"Freak." One of the Ares brutes coughed as Ryder passed. His fists clenched, and he struggled to control his temper. Right. Because being a Zeus or Poseidon kid was some great honor, but being a spawn of Hades was a curse. That sounds fair. Another Ares kid slammed into him, and he lost his temper. In half a second, one of his gloves turned into his sword, and he slammed the flat of it against the first guy's chest, tossing him backwards like a rag doll. Before the other one could react, he used his offhand and punched him as hard as he could in the face. The Ares kid howled, and Ryder held his fist.

"Damn it." He cursed, inspecting his knuckles. "You have a really thick head, you know." He panted, fixing his jacket before morphing his sword back into his glove and returning to his seat beside Toni.

"Called it." She said simply, checking his hand. "Nice one."



"Hey honey,we are trying to see if someone will get their ass kicked today."

Cass looked at Luna,wishing she could get in those pants. The poseidon kid was hot. Probably straight too. Oh,well.

Her attention was drifted to the fight once she heard the sounds of clattering. As soon as she saw that it was two against one she got up,ready to help Ryder. But he didn't really need her help,so she sat back down with a smirk.

When he came back to their side she gave him a thumbs up.

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"Ahh, that should be amusing." She smirked and nodded in understanding. It was no news that Ryder was quite good at what he did, so she watched it nonchalantly, smiling pleasantly as he succeeded taking on two of the campers.

"So much for scaring them with skeletal rats." She teased as Ryder returned and took a seat beside Toni.

"Does anyone else feel as though Chiron's been gone for too long today? I mean I've hardly seen the old centaur since morning,"

Ryder sat down next to Toni, still holding his fist gingerly. "I hate Ares kids." He sighed. Toni gave him a glance, obviously waiting for something. "No, you're included." He assured her with a slight smirk. He turned to Luna. "Rats don't leave them with a black eye and broken nose. This way sure did. And I thought I saw Chiron a few minutes ago, but it was just a stray Pegasus." He shrugged, flexing his fingers slightly. He was getting some hostile looks from the Ares campers, not that he particularly cared. "Half tempted to go back down there, kick the rest of your cabin's asses." He said, watching a few of them huddle up and talk, continuing to shoot him angry looks. "Five drachmas they're going to ambush me tonight." He said, pulling a few coins from his pocket.



"Five drachmas that they will chicken out."

Cass pulled some coins from her pocket as well,playing with them in her fingers. She was almost sad to let the money go. She didn't come around coins often. But she liked to those bets,even though they would be the death of her one day.

"Ares kids? Have common sense? Pfft." Ryder laughed, not at all fazed. "It's happened before. Chiron was surprised, to say the least, to see a pile of unconscious, maimed Ares campers outside of my cabin, but bad things happen to those who meddle." Ryder said, tossing a coin in the air and watching it glimmer before falling back into his hand. Drachmas were easy for him. If any were in the ground, he could get them with some effort, and as much as people hated him, they loved to hire out skeleton laborers. He grew rich off of their laziness. "We having a campfire tonight that I can skip out on?" He asked pleasantly.



"Hmmm...how about we make one? I will go around camp later announcing it. Then people will be distracted enough to give you some time."

Cass figured she shouldn't mention the fact that she would be close by Ryder's cabin,just to make sure that nothing went wrong. She didn't want to offend his...masculine pride or something. He could definitely work this out by himself,but that didn't mean that she wouldn't worry about her cousin either way.

"Well, if there's a gathering that the Oracle is at, maybe she'll give us a prophecy." He offered distractedly. Toni looked up sharply.

"A prophecy? For what?" She demanded.

"The missing Demigods. It's not a coincidence, Toni. Every three days. No gender or parent discrimination. Something's happening, and I want to find out what." He insisted.

"No offense, Ryder... But do you really think you'd get chosen to lead it? You're... You're Death Boy. You make people uncomfortable due to their own prejudices. And it's stupid, but if the campers get to pick, they'll pick Luna or Cass. Not you." Toni sighed.

"I don't care if I lead the quest or not." He lied. Of course he wanted to lead the quest, but she had a point. "Maybe the prophecy will spell out who's supposed to lead. Maybe it'll be Nitch." He offered, pointing to the lanky guy that was still stabbing a dummy experimentally.



"Ryder can definitely lead the quest." Cassandra sounded offended by Toni's comment,even though she knew it was true. She realized she was probably sounding childish and corrected her tone. "Well,the Oracle is going to choose,we don't have a say on it. They can suck it up if they don't like her choice."

"Or they could just not go on the quest and send Ryder off alone. With just his trusty Ares friend." She sighed, feigning a regretful tone as she gripped Ryder's shoulders. "Did you think you could get rid of me so easily?" She teased.

"A man can dream." He sighed, still watching Nitch. "I should go. I'm going to get my fist looked at and then try the rock wall. If you smell burning person, it's me." He said heavily, standing up and making his way past the hostile Ares campers and out of the arena.



"Well,I should probably be off as well. And you too,Nico. If you stay in this rain your asthma is going to come back."

Nico sighed,but nodded and hopped off the stairs towards the Hermes cabin. Cass followed him with her eyes,seeing that the animosity from the kids from Ares suddenly turned to him.


Cassandra ran out of the Arena,dropping by Nico's side in time to see one of the Ares campers throwing a punch towards his face. Nico ducked,smashing his fist against the boy's nose.

The rings in Cassandra's fingers turned into daggers,and she used the blunt part of her weapon to hit the second camper in the face. The second one fell down as Cassandra side stepped him.

Of course,she hadn't been expecting the rock.

It had probably been aimed at Nico,but it ended hitting her head instead. Cass fell to the ground,holding her bloody forehead with confusion.


Nico dropped by her side with obvious worry,gasping when he saw the blood. Cass looked up at him,although her eyes seemed glazed.

"Hmm...you look a bit blurry..."

Toni was up in an instant, fending off her siblings with her sword and shield. "Back off!" She snarled, slashing at her brother's chest. "Get her to the infirmary!" She snarled at Nico, blocking a sword with her shield and lunging at the one who held it. "Ryder!" She howled, hoping he would hear.


"Ryder!" Ryder looked up when he heard his name coming from the arena. He sprinted back, feeling his gloves turn into his weapons. The second he saw the situation, he thrust out a hand, concentrating as hard as he could. Immediately, the ground rumbled slightly, and skeletal hands burst from the ground, pulling up the rest of their bodies. The skeletons resembled a human, despite their emotionless face.

"Leave them alone." Ryder ordered, his voice low and cold. He saw Nitch stumble backwards, face pale as he took in the undead around them.



"I'm okay..." Cass replied as she tried to focus her glance,although that didn't sound convincing even to herself. She looked around her as the dead literally started to rise. The Ares campers apparently developed their common sense and ran away from the Arena.

She tried to stand up and found herself being helped up by Nico.

"I...think I might have a concussion. Maybe."

Cass felt her vision getting increasingly blurry and her legs went weak bellow her. If Nico hadn't been holding onto her,she would have fallen to the ground.

Nico went pale as he felt Cass going limp by his side. He held onto her tightly so she wouldn't fall to the ground.

"Shit! Toni,can you help me?"

Toni glared after her siblings before taking Cass' other side. "Yea, I got her." She said, bending slightly and picking up the Zeus girl like a baby. Perk of being an Ares kid, she was pretty strong. "Go find an Apollo camper, if you see Ryder... Don't let him kill too many of my siblings." She said, watching her friend chase after the Ares campers, sword drawn.


"Are you scared?" Ryder howled after the Ares campers, sprinting as fast as he could to catch up with them. Anger was too small of a word. Fury was too weak. Rage. Utter, mindnumbing rage. He could deal with them hazing him due to his parentage, but Nico had done nothing, and Cass had just tried to defend her friend. The Ares campers paused at the taunt. "Once in a lifetime opportunity. Ten on one. You're all armored. Come get me." He snarled, spreading his arms.

The campers seemed to agree, making a loose semi-circle around him. This time, he didn't wait, charging forward with a defiant shout. He grabbed one shoulder and used it to catapult himself over one head and slam his feet into someone's face. He spun, tripping someone and punching someone else. His sword wasn't needed, but it certainly helped. He slashed at a head, feeling his blade graze against the top of a helmet. "Come on!" He ordered, backing away slightly. It was about six to one by now, and nobody was backing down.



Cass had the faint notion that she was being carried,which made her blush lightly. She held onto Toni,giving her a glazed look.

"This is embarrassing...I'm losing my "Mean Girls" license after this...ouch."

She rubbed her head once the obvious headache started.

Nico nodded to Toni and frantically ran off,feeling a sense of guilty pressing on his chest. It was his fault that Cass was wounded,he damaged everyone around him...

His thoughts were soon cut short by seeing an Apollo camper. He ran towards him and nearly tripped on his hurry.

"Hey! You are...Marcos.I really need your help right now. We have a wounded camper..."

The boy seemed weirded out by Nico talking to him at first,but he immediately stood up once injuries were mentioned.

"Where? Take me there."

Nico nodded and ran off,Marcos following him closely. They soon arrived in the Arena and Marcos walked forward to meet Toni.

"Put her in the ground so I can have a closer look at her wound."

When that was settled,Nico ran off after Ryder. He quickly found the son of Hades being surrounded by Ares campers.

"Ryder...please don't kill many of them. Or do. They hurt Cass,so I don't know if I care much."

He stepped forward and pulled his own dark sword from it's holster. Being near Ryder always made him feel a bit weird,and being near the dead only rose those feelings.

"At this point, they deserve to die." Ryder snarled. He charged once again, taking on four of the remaining six, leaving the other two for Nico. Ryder ended up using his fists more than his sword, his fury only rising with each moment. But so was his exhaustion. Four swords came at him at once, and he managed to block two. One of the remaining pierced his abdomen, the other sticking his shoulder. He snarled in pain, slashing his sword at their chests so violently that it left a gash in their armor. They slowly backed away, fear showing. "Go!" He bellowed, an explosion of dead plants extending for thirty feet. The campers obliged, almost tripping over themselves in their rush to get away.

Nico had one of those moments where he didn't see what was happening in front of him. In a moment,he was launching an attack at the two campers that lasted for him. In the other,both of them were in the ground,unconscious and bloody from their wounds. He had the faint memory of laughing loudly while hitting them.

He ignored the campers and quickly ran towards Ryder.

"Ryder! Hey,look at me. Did they wound you? I'm taking you to the infirmary."



Marcos worked quickly on Cass' head wound,cleaning the blood away and making sure that it wouldn't infect.

"Ouch. Ouch ouch ouch."

"Sorry,I'm trying to be gentle here."

Marcos was soon finished,and he dropped a bit of Nectar in Cass' mouth to accelerate the healing. He noticed that her eyes were closed and quickly went to her side.

"Hey,Cass? You hear me?"

No response. He tapped her face lightly,but she didn't flinch at the touch. He gave Toni a worried look before standing up.

"I did what I can here,but we need to take her to the infirmary. And quick."

Ryder lifted his shirt slightly, inspecting the wound. "I'm fine. They don't... They don't treat me there. Even Apollo campers are prejudiced. I have gauze in my cabin, I'll be fine." He said nonchalantly, ignoring the blood showing on his shirt as he put pressure on his shoulder. "You should go check on Cassandra. I'll be here." He continued, sitting down heavily as his aching limbs caught up with him.


Toni nodded, lifting Cassandra once again. "Light as a feather." She grunted through grit teeth, jogging to the infirmary. She noticed Ryder sitting on the ground nearby, and was half tempted to go to him. His shirt looked bloody, and it... Almost looked like he was the one bleeding. Impossible. Toni shook her head, continuing into the infirmary and laying Cass on the nearest bed.

"You're bleeding,Ryder. I'm not leaving you here."

Nico thought about what he should do,feeling like he would panic. But dammit,he read one thousands books about death and medicine. He knew how to treat a wound.

"If they won't help you,I will do it myself."

Shadows wrapped around Nico and Ryder and suddenly they were standing in Hermes' cabin. It was empty,and Nico sighed with relief. He quickly moved to his chest and started to pull medical stuff from the inside. He usually kept his shadowy teleportation hidden,but at the moment it was necessary.

He walked back to Ryder,his usually shy personality disappearing once he had a patient. Pulling the boy's shirt off,he inspected the wounds.

"They aren't too deep but it might take some stitches. Drink this."

He handed a bottle of Nectar to him and started to clean the blood. When he was finished,he pulled the medical needle and started to stitch Ryder's shoulder.



Cass seemed to be slowly coming back as they placed her in the table. Marcos closed his eyes and chanted for Apollo to accelerate the healing.

"Tell...tell Apollo that I think that he is really hot...That might help."

"You just shadow-traveled." Ryder managed, stunned. "Nico, you're a kid of the underworld. Not Hades, I would be able to tell, but your parent... Probably your father, they're in the underworld. That slims down the possibilities." He laughed.

Kara heard the commotion, looking up as two guys just appeared beside her. She was hidden in the cabin, but had a decent view of them. It was quite a duo, Death Boy, bleeding heavily, and Nico. She didn't want to move, but crept out slowly, eyes wide. "What happened?" She asked softly.

Nico blushed at Ryder's words. He didn't really meant for the boy to see him using his powers,not while they seemed to be so similar in that matter.

"Whoever it is,he doesn't care. So I don't either." He lied with a frown.

He went back to the stitches,making sure to be careful and not hurt him. But he nearly broke the string once Kara suddenly appeared.

"Kara! Please pretend you didn't us. We will be in trouble. Well,we are already. Once Chiron shows up...we are screwed."

He finished his work and seemed to be back to his shy self,looking down at his feet.

"Hmm...Ryder...if you can,please don't mention what you saw to anyone else. I'm turning 18 today and my day has been depressing enough as it is."

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