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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.


Nitch blocked as many of the blows as he could, showing a bit more skill with the sword than he meant to. He always disguised his considerable skill with clumsiness. He was nowhere near as good as Ryder, Toni, or Cass, but he was good. He managed to roll behind her and aimed a quick, strong blow toward her back, ready to dance away if she swiped at him.
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Cass landed for a second,a look of obvious pride upon her face. She wasn't usually wrong. When she landed her eyes upon Nitch,she knew he had skill.

Instead of trying to dodge,Cass fell to the ground and used her hands to support her body. Her legs landed against Nitch's chest,pushing him away from her. Not missing a beat,she jumped from the ground and aimed a attack towards Nitch's chest using the blunt part of her sword.

The headache in her head restarted,but Cass ignored it.
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Nitch barely got his blade up in time to block hers. She was obviously better than him, she would beat him for sure. But he could bruise her up a little before going down. He fixed his eyes on her legs, making it seem as if that was his next target. He swung as hard and fast as he could, his blade curving up at the last moment to get her ribs. He had no idea if it would work, if she would be fast enough to catch the feint.



Cass saw the slight change of movement in Nitch's attack,knowing exactly what his plan was. She used that technique often,knowing how confusing an enemy could be useful. When he aimed for his ribs,she launched her body against him,planning to use his own force against him.

Just at that moment,the pain erupted in Cass head. She cringed and lost her balance,falling against Nitch and dropping them both against the ground.

"Ah...shit!" She grabbed the sides of her head,cringing softly as another wave of pain hit her. "Y-you win,Nitch."
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Nitch was barely listening. When she had slammed herself against him, he had cut himself with his sword. "Damn it!" He groaned, putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. "Are you alright?" He asked softly.


Toni rushed to Cass while Ryder inspected Nitch's arm. Cass seemed find, the wound wasn't bleeding again. "I hate to say this, but Ryder was right, you shouldn't have left the infirmary." She muttered, helping her to her feet.


Ryder tore a strip from the bottom of his shirt and tied it over the cut on Nitch's arm. "You fought really well. Didn't expect that, in all honesty. But you technically beat her." He chuckled. "It'll be fine, wasn't a deep cut, just a long one." He assured the Athena camper.



"Just let me die slowly."

Cass allowed Toni to pull her up although she wanted to stay in the ground instead. For a daughter of Zeus,she was surprisingly sensitive to pain. She rubbed her head and looked at Nitch's bloody arm.

"Oh no,I'm sorry. You did...win tho. Fair and square."

Looking up at the sky,Cass noticed that the day was going by pretty fast. The campfire would happen soon. A worried glance crossed her face. She would need to look much better than this if they were to choose her for the quest...
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Nitch held his arm, shrugging. "I only won because you're wounded, and I'm not." He said bitterly, putting his sword in its sheath at his waist. "I'll see you at the campfire, I'm going to change." He said, looking down at his dusty and bloody shirt.


Ryder watched Nitch walk away, deep in thought. He turned to Toni and Cass. "I can't stop thinking about the campfire. If there is a prophecy... Who do you think will be chosen to lead it? Will it be popular opinion or will the Oracle tell us exactly what to do...?" He asked, trailing off when he realized how useless it was to worry about it. Nobody would have answers until a prophecy was spoken.



Cass sighed as Nitch walked away,allowing him to leave. She knew there wasn't much she could say at that moment. He was probably better than her in many things,but he didn't seem to notice that.

"I think I should probably change as well. I look like I've been hugged by a minotaur."

She brushed the dust away,listening to Ryder's concerns.

"As long as I get to go,you can lead. Those campers that were taken? They were also my family,just like the two of you. I'm not letting they just...disappear. If I'm not chosen I will flee from the camp."

She quickly turned away and headed for her cabin,the bright blue colours always shining from a distance.

"No matter who you choose, you'll have a dozen campers sneaking out to follow us. We might as well just bring everyone we know." Toni said experimentally. Immediately, Ryder stiffened at the idea of other people. "Cass is right, they're our family--" She began, but he cut her off.

"No, they're your family! Don't you get it? My father was cast out, banished to his underground hell! I don't have a family!" He shouted, silencing her. "There's no love lost between me and the gods. I could care less about them." The sky rumbled, and ground shook slightly as he spoke, but he continued. "What do I care if campers disappear? I don't like being toyed with. That's why I'm going on this quest, whether I'm chosen to or not." He paused, knowing it was no good. "I'm going to my cabin." He scoffed, disgusted. He stalked to his cabin and sat down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, and immediately heard a voice.

"A child of Hades should not speak that way." It was an slick voice, and Ryder recognized it immediately. It was what had Toni so worried. He had seen Hades in his dreams just a week before, and he had the same voice.

"Father." Ryder said unenthusiastically, opening his eyes and staring at the cloaked figure before him.



Cass stared at her reflection in the mirror after the bath,checking her form with a light frown. She was using her simple clothes now,the ones of the daily basis. But Alec would be at the campfire,and it would be Nico's birthday...Almost like a party.

She walked back to her room and picked his present. Imagining she could as well look a bit nicer tonight,she quickly headed for the cabin of Aphrodite.

The girls seemed delighted when Cass asked for their help with dressing up,although the looks on their faces made her regret that decision a bit.

Ryder glared down his father, no joy at seeing him in his gaze. "What the hell do you want?" Ryder snarled, hostility radiating from him.

"You wished for a quest. You used to pray to me everyday in the hopes that I would grant you one. It was quite pathetic, actually." Hades noted.

"Thanks. I don't care if I lead the quest, I have no wish of making you proud anymore." Ryder spat.

"And for that, you are a fool. With your mother's genes, that's no surprise." Hades sighed. Ryder drew his sword in half a second and lunged, aiming his blade at Hades' face. But the God was gone, appearing a few feet away with a mildly amused expression. "Pathetic." He whispered. "Do me proud, son. It's your last chance." Hades breathed, disappearing in a puff of black smoke.

"I'm not your son!" Ryder shouted, knowing it was too late and not particularly caring.
Maximus walked away from the murmuring crowd of Aphrodite and Apollo kids, he saw Toni and Ryder, he seemed very upset, as if he saw his mortal enemy, he decided to walk towards them. "Hey, are you alright?" Nobody liked Ryder, at least, nobody he knew of. with the exception of Toni. Max, though, never understood why. Hating someone because of side effects of a godly parent is like hating someone because of the side affects of dyslexia, and most demi-gods knew how that felt. Max tried to stop bullying using his popularity and influence, trying to be a good example since many kids looked up to him. not that anyone would dare bully Ryder, he could kill any demi-god here if he wanted. @Play On Words

Ryder looked up with hollow eyes. He had gone to Toni the second he had collected himself, but he was still shaking slightly. Hades' presence had been so much stronger than his own, making Ryder feel like he was slowly decaying. "Never better." He said blankly in response to Max. He felt a hand grip his, and looked up at Toni, who looked just as disturbed as him.


"Ryder's just having daddy issues." Toni said, angry without meaning to be. She hated when people insulted her friend, and from what Ryder had told her, Hades took the cake. She knew almost nothing about Ryder's past, his family, but any insult towards them could send him into a murderous rage. She wished he would tell her, but didn't hold her breath. He was a secretive guy. She had known that from the second she saw him. "Godlike daddy issues." She continued softly.
"I..." He didn't know what to say. Isabelle would be better in this situation, but he still wanted to help. he remembered an old quote, from the Greek philosopher Socrates. "Those who are hardest to love, need it the most" he thought to himself. "I wouldn't understand, but, my feelings go out to you" he gave a friendly smile trying to lighten the mood.

Ryder shot a glance up to Max. Oh, his feelings. That helped. "The campfire is going to start soon. We should go." He said, getting to his feet and leaving them behind as he walked briskly to the bonfire.


Toni watched her best friend walk away and sighed wearily. "Sorry. He's a dick. Like, more than Ares campers." She said, nudging Max's arm. "Time to go to a campfire and pretend to care which preppy Athena camper gets to lead the quest to save the day." She continued, walking at a slower pace to stay with Max.
"Well, I don't blame him. everyone gives him shit for no reason, and if you add your own parent to that list...well I wasn't exactly expecting a cheerful response" he said as he walked to the campfire. He decided he would avoid the popular crowd this time, he liked hanging with them, but sometimes they were so boring. "so, I heard a fight broke out, what happened?"

"Well, turns out that my beloved siblings don't like any loners, and started picking on Nico. Long story short, Cass got a concussion, Ryder summoned some undead buddies, then faced down ten Ares guys in armor with nothing but a sword, and escaped with only two little stabs. His skill at the sword is starting to piss me off, he's too good." Toni sighed. "And come on, gods aren't exactly top notch fathers. Took mine almost four years to claim me, and Ryder's dad only claimed him last year. He's been here for 12 years, and it took Hades 11. Apparently, Ryder had to 'prove himself' by almost dying or something." Toni smirked. "Two people have been here since birth with no claim. Godly parents aren't that godly. Hades just happens to be worse than the rest."

@Rukia @Bloodybeans @S n o w @Calynna

Alec, despite his best efforts, couldn't think of a single reason not to attend the campfire. Aside from the fact that he hated just about everyone at camp. He walked toward the bonfire with his hands dug into his pockets, sitting near the back in the shadows to avoid being seen. Almost immediately, he saw two familiar faces walk up. "Blair! Kara!" He called, gesturing for them to come over. They obliged, getting onto either side of them. Blair seemed to notice how attentively he watched the path from the Zeus cabin.

"Oh my gods. That explains it. You never go to these things, but Cass is coming, isn't she?!" She squealed, shaking his arm. He pulled her loose and glared at her.

"Say it a little louder, why don't you?" He growled.

"Oh, happily." Kara cut in happily before cupping her hands around her mouth. "Alessandro here has a huge crush on Cassandra, daughter of Zeus!" She shouted, hoping the entire cabin heard. Alex blushed cherry red and stared firmly at the ground.
"I guess Apollo is generally a nice guy, and I got claimed within 3 months... I never had much troubles in life, so it's hard for me to understand what it's like for some of these people, but I try to let them know I care" he said, thinking for a bit, I always felt that Apollo was the complete opposite of Hades, one is dark, the other light." Max said, hoping that nothing came between that him and Ryder for that reason. he always felt him and Ryder were polar opposites, but he always respected Ryder completley.

"I get that you're an accepting guy, and it's really refreshing... But don't expect him to return the favor. He has a real vendetta against Apollo. Not the god himself, obviously, but most of the campers. They're almost as bad as the Ares kids when it comes to calling him a freak and my personal favorite, 'Death Boy'. He takes it more personally than he cares to admit." Toni said with a shrug. She knew Ryder as well as she knew herself, if not better. She knew the rumors that flew around about them hooking up or dating and they were totally untrue. Ryder didn't need or want a girlfriend, he needed a friend.


Cass came out of Aphrodite's cabin,her eyes stuck to the ground as she walked forward. She took a quick glance into the window and saw her reflection,which made her blush.

She definitely was looking different. Her long black dress showcased every curve in her body,making Cass look taller than she actually was. Not only that,but she was also wearing makeup,something she rarely touched.

Sighing,she had to admit that the girls did a good job. She looked pretty good.

The campers glared at her as she passed by them,which only made her blush even more. One of the guys even tripped from staring too hard. She took a deep breath and walked into the place where the campfire was set,feeling uncharacteristically shy until she saw Alec.

"Hey,Alec! I'm glad you made it."

"Trust me, I know all about the Apollo kids picking on him."... he thought for a second "hey, can you keep a secret?" he said wondering why he felt he could trust her. they weren't exactly best friends.

"What a shocker, you happened onto my best and only talent. What's your secret, come one come all." She said, feigning a circus-like tone. She liked Max, he seemed nice enough. A good guy, unlike a few others.

Alec looked up, and his jaw dropped slightly. In an instant, he slowly pushed away Kara and Blair, having trouble forming words. "You're... Wow, you... That's... Wow..." He managed. He took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on English and getting closer than before. "Sei bellissima." He blurted out. It was a sentence, but wrong language. "Wow, I'm smooth today. What's taking me far too much effort to say is... You look beautiful." He said finally. "Wow." He repeated breathlessly, unable to tear his eyes away.
Max smiled, then got serious. "I know i try to present myself as this totally non-judging guy, and I'm not saying that isn't true, I mean, I try to not judge, but everyone knows who I hang around with, and... well, they judge people, and instead of backing up the people they make jokes about, I jst laugh along... I feel like a total loser when I do, but...." he paused for a moment "I guess what I'm trying to get at is that I'm scared of losing my popularity for the sake of backing the 'little' guys up, so I just play along, and it bugs me." he didn't know why he told her all that, he didn't even tell Isabelle that because she was one of the people they talked about.

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