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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Toni</span></strong></p>


Toni looked over at the Isabelle girl. "Most quests have a death in it. If not more. Anyone of us would die for this camp." She said bluntly. She turned to Nico. "If you don't want to come, don't. It's going to be dangerous, and nobody would blame you for not wanting to risk your life." She said softly.</p>



Nico didn't seem worried about Ryder's or Toni's concerns. He crossed his arms as he looked at them.

"We are all going to meet my father one day. I'd prefer for it to happen while we do something meaningful,like trying to save the other campers.

He looked over at Isabelle and noticed that she seemed nervous.

"Don't worry,Ryder is a nice guy. People just don't like our types very much."

"I'm going to go pack. I'd suggest you do the same. And plan for more people, something tells me that a lot of people will sneak out and follow us." He said abruptly, walking into his cabin and pulling out a duffel bag and a messenger bag. He stuffed the messenger bag full of clothes and the duffel with food, weapons, and nectar. He had no idea what the quest would call for, but he wanted to be prepared for anything.



Nico turned to look at Isabelle,a slight frown in his face. But he sighed and it disappeared.

"I guess I should start to pack as well. Oh,and I should move to my new cabin. Will you be okay? Do you feel better?"
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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Maximus</span></strong></p>


He slowly approached Toni. He wanted to apologies for earlier today. He still wasn't sure she even wanted him near her, but He guessed he would find out. "Hey...I'm sorry for earlier. I just... I didn't think you would want me around after what I said." He admitted looking down at the ground</p>


<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Isabelle</span></strong></p>


"Yeah, I'm better" she smiled sweetly at him "Good luck on your quest, make Thanatos proud" she giggled. </p>




Alec watched the event with a stone hard face. Of course Death Boy got the quest. Before he could leave, he felt tour hands grab his arm and pull him out of sight. "Kara? Blair! What are you doing?" He demanded, trying to regain his footing. They looked at him.</p>


"What aren't you doing? We're sneaking out, of course!" Kara said, exchanging a look with Blair, like <em>What an idiot.</em></p>




"Why are we sneaking out? So we can go help Death Boy get his call to glory?" He scoffed, pulling them to a stop.</p>


"No, so we can have our shot, too. None of us are exactly popular. Até, Erebus, and Mania? Not exactly most popular goddesses." Kara sighed. Blair cleared her throat.</p>


"Erebus is my <em>father." </em>She corrected with a raised eyebrow. "And a kind of big deal."</p>


"Whatever." Kara rolled her eyes. "We're all hated because of our <em>parents. </em>Let's go fix that." She pleaded. Blair and Alec hesitated. "Cass will be going...?" Kara continued experimentally. Alec looked up.</p>


"I mean... It's our only chance to be less of an outsider. I'll start packing." Alec said, trying to pretend it wasn't totally for Cass.</p>

Toni looked Max up and down, trying to figure out how to word her thoughts. "Nothing to forgive, of course I want you around." She said finally, smiling gently. "Listen, do you want to come with us? You can be my plus one!" She offered, grinning sheepishly.



Cass had been meaning to speak with Alec again after the entire commotion around Ryder,but as she looked around she noticed that he wasn't there anymore. She felt some disappointment,wondering if him leaving like that meant that he didn't care as much as she thought.

But she should start focusing on other things,so she sighed and walked away from the campfire,heading for the cabin of Zeus.
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"I, uh, huh?" he said, nothing but confusion on his face. "but, I thought... I was an asshole" he said bluntly



Nico smiled to Isabelle,wondering if that could actually happen one day. He didn't know much about his father,so who knows? Maybe he had a chance.

"I hope so,Isabelle. Thank you for tonight...you helped a lot."

He gently squeezed her hand for a moment before turning around and heading for his cabin. Unlikely most minor gods,Thanatos did have a cabin. Maybe they built it because they were afraid that Death would be offended.

Two skeletons stood outside,guarding the entrance. They bowed politely to Nico before allowing him to go in. He nodded to the dead before entering through the dark door.
Isabelle felt really good. she lived for making people happy. she skipped away and saw Toni and max, she hid behind a tree watching them smirking at her best friend.
Once Ryder finished his speech, C stood up as everyone started to disperse. All eyes were on Ryder as he left, with the Ares cabin shooting him jealous and angry looks at someone like him being named leader of a quest like this. C glanced around, spotting Toni and Max together, and then followed the rest of his half-siblings back to the cabin. After what Max had said to everyone, and the way they were shooting him dirty looks, C tried to imagine the scene it would cause for Max to sleep with everyone else tonight.
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"Oh, you are. But so are the majority of the people here. At least you did something about it. Uh, I wouldn't suggest going back to your cabin tonight, you might get killed. You didn't hear it from me, but there are a few empty ones in the Ares cabin? They don't care about sibling rivalries, just pay them a couple drachmas, and they won't even stab you. Couple more, they'll tell you where the landmines are." She said, winking.
he laughed "Generous offer, but I think one ares friend is enough BO for me" he smirked at her "Hey, whats the worst that could happen, my family draws a dick in my forehead? or worse, call me a bad name" he made a pouty face. "but, seriously, about the quest, I would love to provide support. If anyone even wants me their. Does Ryder hate me still? I mean I could understand why, I hate myself these days too.

Kara made her way to the Hermes cabin and shoved all of her belongings into her black backpack, sneaking out before anyone could see her. She'd be bunking somewhere else tonight. Where, she had no idea, but not in the Hermes cabin.


Blair sighed, stretching. Back to the Hades cabin for her, stuck with Death Boy. When she walked in, he was busy packing, so she quietly and sneakily did the same.

"That hurts. Truly, that hurts. And they could stab you." She said seriously before addressing his question. "Ryder doesn't hate anyone. He's just not used to people. Emotions aren't his area of expertise. He relies on instincts. And logic. Logic would assume that another good fighter, plus a healer, would be very useful for any quest." She said wisely.
"I'm no athena kid, but I think that statement is correct" he said smiling "all my stuff is in my cabin though, so..." he shrugged. he wish he could just sleep somewhere where a threat of death wasn't a viable thing he had to worry about. "Would they actually let a scrawny Apollo kid bunk with them?" he asked referring to her family
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Nico sat on his new bed,feeling the black sheets under his hands. The room was mostly dark,but he didn't mind. It seemed fitting.

He felt the same sensation of coldness from before,the same feeling of Death. And suddenly Death himself was standing in the room,leaning against the grey wall. Thanatos was still wearing the cloak that his his face,but the fact that he was unpleased was pretty obvious.

"So you accepted to go to the quest."


"Even after I sent you that prophecy."


"Even though you know that you will die."

Nico looked up at Thanatos and sighed. Rising from the bed,he started to pack his stuff.

"Prophecies don't always mean what we think they mean. They change all the time. You don't know if I will die or not."

Thanatos looked away from the boy and to the window.

"Well,maybe I don't want to claim the soul of my son. Not after I just met you."

Nico chuckled at that,still throwing clothes inside the bag.

"I promise that I will try to be careful,father. You will just have to trust me on this."

Thanatos nodded,his form disappearing and turning the room's temperature back to normal.

"Anything to earn a few drachmas. I'll even throw in a few of my own stash, I have plenty. Perks of being friends with Ryder." She laughed. "You do need to go get your stuff. How about I come with you? I'll have my sword and shield out, be all threatening and Ares-like. Nobody will touch you with your bodyguard around." She nudged his arm, unable to stop her smirk.
"Apollo kids do scare easily" he smiled "come on" he walked towards his cabin with Toni, the fear thing being true, as he was terrified to face down his older brother, the Cabin leader.

Toni pulled off her ring and felt it transform into her sword, her backpack melding into her shield which she carried in her offhand. She followed Max confidently, anyone who saw her taking a couple steps back. "Pack quickly, don't pack light." She muttered. "Clothes, any nectar or drachmas you have, your bow, all of it. Any other weapons. Just do it very fast. Worst case scenario, we'll bunk in the Hades cabin tonight, they have plenty of open bunks with only two people sleeping there." She continued softly.
C peeked out from his bunk long enough to see Max being accompanied, no, guarded, by the ares girl. He shifted back into the safety of his bunk, deciding that he really didn't want to be punched in the face. Almost absently, he fingered his necklace, watching them along with the rest of the cabin.
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Max opened the door, heads turning to him, Jamison, the cabin leader got up "What was that about? huh?"

"I'm done playing your games, James, you guys have no right picking on anyone, its childish, and if you get ran through with a sword, at least ill know Im not next." he said, walking to his trunk

"oh? is that a threat, Maximus? maybe you WILL be next" Jamison sneered

"Try me" Max said, looking around to see if anyone would back him up besides Toni. His eyes landed on C @S n o w
Max opened the door, heads turning to him, Jamison, the cabin leader got up "What was that about? huh?"

"I'm done playing your games, James, you guys have no right picking on anyone, its childish, and if you get ran through with a sword, at least ill know Im not next." he said, walking to his trunk

"oh? is that a threat, Maximus? maybe you WILL be next" Jamison sneered

"Try me" Max said, looking around to see if anyone would back him up besides Toni. His eyes landed on C @S n o w

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