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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

"Well maybe... nevermind" he kept his mouth shut. the last thing he wanted was to offend her again. "whoever is taking them has access to the camp...or maybe, the kids are leaving on their own?" he speculated, building off of her idea.

"You can insult Ryder in front of me, it doesn't bother me." She waved a hand, pausing as an idea hit her. "Wait... What if you're right? What if the kids are leaving on their own, on a set schedule, because... Why? Why would they do that?" She asked frustratedly. She paused again. "Unless someone here is telling them to. Think about it. Someone here, a smooth talker that has some pull, but can blend in. They meet with people, one at a time. Start talking about the Olympians, about how terrible they are, how much they deserve to be brought down. The camper's already pissed off because of Daddy issues, it makes sense to them." She said, feeling smart for once. "So the talker tells them to leave. And the camper does it. But where do they go after?" She snapped her fingers, thinking hard.
"Toni." he said, stopping her. "I wasn't going to insult him, I...I was going to say, If what you think is true, how can we trust him?" he said, quickly following it up with "I know he's your best friend, but... Ryder makes sense to be the one you are talking about" he said quietly.
C didn't wake up early by choice, but was woken by the sound of two ten year olds fighting over a quiver. He squinted at them for a long moment, and then remembered exactly what he was supposed to be doing. He bolted upright, smacking his head against the bunk above his and more or less fell out of bed. The fighting stopped as both kids turned to stare at him.

"What time is it?" C asked them from the floor.

"It's 8." The blonde said, releasing the quiver and letting the brunette have it.

"8, or
almost 8?"

"Almost." The blonde looked at him suspiciously. "Why, C, it's not like you have anything to do."

"Yeah, well, I'm going on patrol." C grabbed his pack, and went over to Jamison's empty bed, 'borrowing' his bow and quiver.

Their stares turned disbelieving. "That's Jamie's stuff."

"I'm borrowing it." C said quickly, leaving the cabin before he could be questioned further.

Toni smiled at Max, trying to think of the best way to answer. "I hate my father. I hate the Olympians. They're the source of everything that's gone wrong in my life. And I would love to punch Ares in the face. But I wouldn't rebel against the camp. I wouldn't join an army of Demigods that feel wronged, even if I understand exactly where they're coming from. Ryder may have a thousand and one reasons to want to end the Olympian reign. A lot of us do. And I wouldn't blame Ryder for rebelling. But he wouldn't. Because as much as he hates the Olympians for existing... They're the only family he has left. He doesn't want them to be dead." Toni explained slowly. "And nobody here respects him enough to listen to him. Besides, if he was the one leading this, why would he've been the one that was chosen to lead the quest?" She said, shrugging slightly.

Alec brought out his ax and swung it experimentally. He, Kara, and Blair were waiting in the woods for the quest to leave. He had been beyond angry when Kara told him she had invited a lazy Apollo camper to come along, but he knew he was overruled. Nobody cared what he had to say, so he just stayed silent.

"Can you sit down and relax? The quest will be started within an hour, then we can follow them, and all will be well. I have the food, the drachmas, the weapons. We're ready." Blair sighed, sitting beside Kara.

"I don't like this. Sneaking out of the camp to follow Ryder's quest. We hate Ryder, he's a dick. Who cares if he dies?" Alec snapped.

"That's a bit far. He's a good warrior." Kara shot back.

"Whatever." Alec sighed.
"well...it all depends on who wrote the prophecy. they could be working to bring down olympus." He thought, looking around, then up at the sky "Or at least to overthrow Zeus" he said, then looked at her. "I'm loyal to the gods. maybe its because I had a good life. Or maybe its because I realize that they are the reason I have a life at all." he said

"Not all of us can see it that way. Some of us would rather have no life at all than the one that the gods gave us." She sighed. "It's good that you respect or love your father. Apollo is one of the okay ones. The only things Ares has ever done for me was sleep with my mom, claim me after almost four years, and insult me constantly every time he shows up in my dreams." She sighed. "Hades is worse. Imagine every abusive step father in the world, condensed into one asshole. That's Hades." She smirked.
C stood outside the cabin, not entirely sure where to go. He was told to 'meet in the Hades cabin' once the quest left, but that didn't exactly tell him where to go before then. Standing outside of the Apollo cabin doing nothing was only getting him stared at. What would someone on patrol be doing? He hesitated, and then headed towards the edge of the woods bordering the camp.
<p>"well...I'm certainly glad Ares gave you life" he said, smiling at her. he looked back at the hades cabin "everyone deserves a chance at life" he said, and meant it</p>

Toni wasn't sure how to react, but she smiled back. "Not everyone." She said simply, thinking of whoever was sweet-talking the campers out of their home.

Kara looked up and saw C, waving enthusiastically. Immediately, Blair stood up and took a few steps back.

"I hate Apollo." She muttered, and Alec smirked.

"C! Over here!" Kara hissed. "These are the other people I told you about, Blair and Alessandro." She said happily.

"Alec." Alessandro corrected quickly.
He just shrugged, and stretched. "So, Poseidon cabin then?" he asked, thinking they should get to their duties.

"Why don't we split up? You get Luna, I'll get Cass?" Toni offered, already walking away. "Save some time before Ryder comes over here and kills us for being too slow." She continued, stopping at the doorway of the Zeus cabin. Taking a deep breath, she walked in.

"Cassandra? Quest time!" She called softly. "Don't lightning me up, please."
C smiled widely at Kara's enthusiasm, and then his smile immediately faltered when he noticed Blair's reaction to him. He stopped a few feet away from them.

"I'm guessing that not everyone was a fan of you inviting me along." He said, glancing from Kara to Blair.

He looked at Alec next, and stepped forward, holding out his hand while only half-expecting him to actually shake it. "The axe man, right?" He half-grinned.
Max guessed she didn't want to go to the Poseidon cabin, so he just went there. He knocked on the door "Lunaria? It's Max, from Apollo, Im supposed to wake you up for the quest." he called in @Calynna

"Alec is the axeman, and Blair's father is the god of darkness. You can see why she wouldn't be a fan of Apollo kids. She doesn't have a problem with you, just your father." Kara assured him. Blair smiled nervously as Alec walked forward and shook his hand.

"It's not you, it's her. Terrified of Apollo." Alec nodded nonchalantly before grabbing Blair's arm and pulling her forward. "Say hello to the nice Apollo boy." He teased. She went pale and nodded slightly.
"Ah," C said in understanding, and offered his hand to her. "Well, I'm the least threatening son of Apollo at camp. After all, I wasn't invited to join you guys because of my skill." He paused, noticing her nervousness. "Would it make you feel better if I said I had no power over light, or anything sun-related?" He shot her a small smile.

Blair narrowed her eyes, shaking his hand and shooting a glare at Alec. "Not particularly." She muttered, half-tempted to cast them all into darkness to shut them up. She decided against it and sat down a few feet away, playing with a dagger to entertain herself.
C looked between Kara and Alec, a confused smile on his face. "Did I say something wrong?" He stepped back and sat on the ground in front of a tree, resting his bow in his lap as he waited for an answer.
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"She's a light-phobic." Alec shrugged. "Just ignore her, that's what we try to do."

"Shut up, Alec." Blair sighed, half tempted to throw her dagger at him. "So... 'C'. Why are you joining us, out of curiosity? Not exactly a glamour ride." She noted.
"I don't really know the answer to that," C admitted, running a finger along the bow's string. "Kara was pretty insistent that this wouldn't work without a lazy person tagging along," He smirked at Kara. "And she ran off the second I agreed before I could fully realized what I agreed to and change my mind." He tilted his head back. "It also had a little to do with this weird thing I have with the moon. I didn't want to be outside longer than I had to be, and I didn't really want to go back to my cabin either, since I'm not exactly on the best terms with my cabin counselor, or most of my cabin right now." He shrugged.
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Blair smirked slightly. "Scared of the dark? Well, at least I'm not pathetic for being scared of light." She chuckled. "Alec? This was Kara's idea, but it's your show." She admitted. Kara nodded, looking up at the Mania camper.

"I don't care what he does, it's his life." Alec said immediately, not wanting leadership. "If he wants to come along, he can join our little rag tag bunch. Just so you know, C, there is a large risk of death." He warned.
"I never said I was scared of the dark," C said defensively. "I don't like the moon, there's a difference." He glanced up at Alec. "What's your reason for sneaking out of camp to join the death quest? Fame? Glory? Is a friend of yours on the official quest team?"

Alec blushed. "Cassandra. She's my... Something. I don't know if we're dating necessarily, but we're kinda seeing each other. I guess." Alec admitted. "And I'm not the biggest fan of anything that's stealing campers, even if the Olympians aren't my favorite people."

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