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Fandom Goners, Percy Jackson Roleplay.

Cass lowered her eyes when she felt Nitch glaring at her,guilty stabbing at her heart. She could have killed him if Nico hadn't stepped forward.

Pushing those thoughts away,she focused on the situation and gave a grateful look to Ryder once he started to help Alec.

"We are not leaving anyone behind."

She ran to Nico's side,helping him along with the Nitch. The son of Thanatos gave her a faint smile,trying to stand upright.

"Now I'm a bit afraid to stay out in rainy days..." He said with a chuckle.

"Nico, I-"

"No,don't apologize. It happens. I know that better than anyone else."

Alec almost passed out. "Faster." He managed, trying to move his feet and failing. His head felt like he was getting hit in the face with a hammer. "Oh, gods help me." He groaned, trying to control his powers. He made a bubble of everyone within a hundred feet of them, forcing them to go mad. It was difficult to exclude the Demigods, but he managed, sweating slightly. "Can't keep this up much longer." He gasped.

Ryder looked at Alec, realizing what he was doing. "Guys, Alec is going to pass out or die pretty quick here. Time to split up the group, I think. I can shadow travel us out of here, tell the group where we are so they can catch up." He offered, staring at the Mania camper. "You have maybe two seconds to decide." He said firmly.
"If Alec stays I am staying as well." Cassandra looked at Alec with a worried expression,wanting to run over to him.

Alec cringed as another group of cops came in range, and more of his energy was drained. He stumbled, falling from Ryder's grip and hitting the pavement hard. "Ow." He muttered, trying to pick himself up to no avail. He could feel blood on his face, in his eyes, blinding him partially.

"I'd take him with me, of course." Ryder scoffed. He looked over at the group. "I'm not going to leave him to die." He tried to catch Alec and missed, watching him hit the pavement. "That's it. We need to go now!" He growled. He reached for Nitch, who had contact with Nico, who had contact with Cass. At the same time, he reached down and gripped Alec's arm. He focused hard on the only place outside of Camp Half-Blood that he knew in New York City. He felt the group melt into shadows, and they landed hard at Green-Wood Cemetery.

Cassandra ran over to him,ignoring any other threat rising around her and the fact that she just teleported. She turned Alec around and looked down at him,holding his face between her hands.

"Alec,please talk to me. You can't do this to me!"

Her tears fell on his face as she dropped nectar on his mouth,then quickly cleaned the blood away from his face.

"Please tell me you're okay."

Ryder stumbled. "Hold on, we left Izzy on the streets. I'll be right back." He grunted, getting to his feet and shadow travelling back to where he had been. He smiled at Izzy and grabbed her arm, travelling back to the cemetery and taking her with him. "Sorry." He managed, feeling as exhausted as Alec suddenly. He released her arm and sat down hard. "I'll IM the others in a few minutes." He offered, relaxing against a tombstone and patting it. "Thanks."

Alec opened his eyes with some effort. "Hi." He chuckled weakly, smiling. His face hurt, probably scraped. He tasted nectar in his mouth and grimaced. For some reason, nectar had always tasted rotten for him, and had very little effect. The pain subsided slightly, but the scrapes stayed open and bleeding, his exhaustion prevailing. "I'm okay." He panted.
Cassandra didn't reply as she cleaned the wounds in Alec's face as gently as she could,being careful so she wouldn't hurt him. She kissed his forehead,the only place that wasn't wounded.

Dropping by his side on the floor,she wrapped herself around him. The tears were still going down her face,making his shirt wet.

"Please don't...do that again." She sobbed against his chest. "Although it was...really cool. You promised you were taking me to that show and I promised I was taking you to bed. So please don't."

She kept sobbing,unable to control herself.
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"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He said, eyes closing slightly. "You're stuck with me." He paused for a few moments. "And it was pretty cool. I didn't know I could do something like that. Don't think I'll be messing with my powers much for a while." He said before the exhaustion got the best of him, and he passed out.

"Long story short? Nitch stabbed me, I talked to my father, I know where to go, mortals didn't like the blood on my shirt, and Cass got a bit protective, which the mortals really didn't like. And Alec showed off his fucking awesome Mania skills." He laughed, reading the name on the tombstone. "Maria Velasquez. Sorry about that." He chuckled, using the stone as a prop to get himself up. He knew exactly where he was, and he had to see something. He hobbled over to a group of graves that were a bit more separate than the rest, and stared down at the names.

Jared Miller

Sally Miller

Margaret Miller

Blake Miller

Jake Miller
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Amber stood in front of a grave , his eyes glued to the cracked grave stone that surely won't last another year. There in that grave laid a Amber's father , a monster of a man who hurt Amber so much. It was the anniversary of that day , the day that Amber hates , the day he lost his last shred of innocence , heck he doubted if he had at all. Slowly with a finally glare Amber turned only to see some people around his age appear with a rather cute injured guy.
Isabelle walked up to him. "Oh my god. I don't know what to say...Max's mom, his only family also died. maybe he could relate...wait, where is max?" she looked around. she saw a girl, but didn't pay much attention to her.
Cass panicked again when she saw Alec closing his eyes,but he had went out by exhaustion. She tried to calm herself. He wouldn't be getting up so soon,and she had no idea where they were. Pulling her jacket off,she wrapped it and placed it bellow Alec's head,hoping to make it more comfortable for him.


Nico was mostly okay by now,although his jacket was ruined. He brushed the ashes off before standing up with some difficulty.

This place made Nico fell stronger. His connection with death was close in here. Noticing Ryder walk away,he watched him stare at one gravestone.

"Whenever I get to a cemetery I try to find my mother's grave. I...haven't really had luck so far." He admitted,turning to Nitch. "I hope she didn't die in Mexico,that would make things difficult."

"I'm sorry." Nitch said, knowing how weak it sounded. He looked over at Ryder. "That's five graves, that he's looking at. Five." Nitch shook his head, unable to imagine what it must be like to lose your entire family, and blame yourself for it. "I'll be right back." He muttered. Nitch followed Ryder hesitantly, pausing when he noticed the graves he stared at. The last name, Miller. That was Ryder's surname. "That's your family, isn't it?" He asked without thinking. Ryder didn't react, still looking at the tombstones. They all had the same date of death. Twelve years before.

"Yea. That's my family." Ryder admitted, smiling bitterly before turning to Izzy. "He was in the motel when we left. We'll contact him later."
Nico sighed,not really surprised about being left alone. The feeling of not belonging was there again,the one that always separated him from others. Even from Ryder.

He turned from the group and walked away by himself,pulling a cigarette to his mouth. Finding a place to sit near a grave,he went down on it. He read the engraved name distractedly.

"Melanie...seems like it's just us now. How is the afterlife?"

He felt a weird sensation on his stomach,almost like she was trying to reply. He tapped the grave gently.

"I hope you went to a nice place."
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" How rude I was ignored. " He said more to himself than anyone else. When he saw Nico walk away he decided to approach. "Hello. " He said to Nico as he stood in beside the boy , cautious in case he was attacked.

Ryder looked down at the graves, not sure if he was supposed to say anything. Instead of trying, he walked to a nearby rose bush and cut a few of the thorny plants free, laying them down in front of each tombstone. "I'll see you in Hades, I suppose." He muttered, digging his hands in his pockets and staring at them. He looked up and noticed a guy staring at a grave nearby. He didn't call out or bring attention to himself, instead just staring. Something about him felt strange. He watched as he approached Nico, and walked over, ready to turn his skeletal gloves into his weapons in a second's notice.
Nico pushed himself from the ground,his hand immediately moving towards the sword in his waist. He didn't pull it,though.

"Hey. Looking for someone in here?"
Amber backed away slightly automatically , his finger touching the pummel off his sword also not pulling it. " No , i'm just particularly bored and its interesting to see people suddenly appearing out of no where. Now tell me are you good or bad , if you're bad well... I'll have to kill ya but if you good I would love to go on a date some time. " He said somewhat joking but was serious about killing the boy if he was evil.

Ryder walked up just in time to hear the last words, and drew his sword on instinct. "Before you go around threatening people, you might want to make sure you aren't outnumbered." He growled, tapping on the guy's shoulder. "See, in this case, it's about five on one." He whistled loudly, getting the attention of the others. Nitch jogged over immediately, drawing his sword and staring in confusion at the new guy.

"Who's this?" He asked curiously.

"Oh, just someone threatening to kill our buddy here." Ryder shrugged. Nitch's grip on the sword tightened.
Isabelle's watch turned into her sheild, and she had a non-threatening look on her face, but, don't tell her that
Emma Wells

Darkness, black soulless empty, that is all that she could see. Only small specks of grey beamed through the dark inky abyss as she stepped, Emma had long lost the sounds of new york. Long she had stood in near black that was her vision, the slightest sound the only thing that held her to her location. Her breath increased, she was afraid, afraid that she would never see or hear another color other than grey for the rest of her life. Her blank eyes stayed static, only blinking to keep the discomforting dryness at bay. Slight fidgeting movements followed the wave of fear that had taken root in her mind, but then there was light. The color of human voices, for a small sliver of color appeared in her vision. She

quietly started to make her way to the lights. She reached out, her hand finding the bark of a tree. Emma stayed as hidden as possible, for hse didn't know the people that were near her. If they were to notice her, she would have to run, or fight. One of those options.

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