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Fantasy The Sleep of the Gods

Grant walked up to the door and tapped the wooden lock with his staff causing it to click open. With a sigh Grant would open the door leading them to a wide open field that had mountains in the distance along with forests and even birds in the distance. Lu could sense a high Ki density while Naos could feel constellations in the sky despite there being a sun out.

"The ki here... it's amazing." Lu's eyes showed pure awe "It's beautiful."
Naos's eyes went right to the sky, feeling the constellations. "How...it feels like all of them are out. Orion, corvus, Libra. They are all here."
"maybe you shouldn't say things that will make people angry and then double down on it?" Aiolos asked with a roll of their eyes as they crossed their arms over their chest. "your story isn't that special and it isn't that bad, trust me." Aiols said her tone cold and flat like the fields of Jotunheim as she remembered some of the horrors that mortals went through.

Amanra just rolled her eyes at the girl
"The ki here... it's amazing." Lu's eyes showed pure awe "It's beautiful."

Naos's eyes went right to the sky, feeling the constellations. "How...it feels like all of them are out. Orion, corvus, Libra. They are all here."
Grant nodded "this is a miniature world made by a combination of gods. You can't be in here alone because you will get lost. And I don't mean there's a chance I mean you will get lost inhere alone." He said with a firm tone as he looked at the two of them.
Grant nodded "this is a miniature world made by a combination of gods. You can't be in here alone because you will get lost. And I don't mean there's a chance I mean you will get lost inhere alone." He said with a firm tone as he looked at the two of them.
She nods. "Got it. We wont come in here alone"
"I grew up with parents who taught me yo climbs and be flexible. Accidents happen." He said
"Oh you did. So to learn to climb and be flexible....so you come from a place were its a dense forest or jungle?" She questioned "or are you from those big cities were there is no room?" She curiously asked
She nods. "Got it. We wont come in here alone"

"Ah, I see. I'll be sure to enter with a teacher." Lu nodded
Grant nodded glad that his point had been made before he pointed down the slope before them towards a small farm house with several plots set up. "you all can go down there since its the safest place in here. When you guys get stronger you might be able to get further in there and get better spots."
“I’ve lived amongst the mortals for 10 years, I know all about them” she replied
Aiolos scoffed "let me guess in Cairo?" Aiolos rolled their eyes "Cairo hasn't seen a major incursion in 3 generations the closest battle to a populated center was the great battle before we were born." Aiolos remembered a couple brief trips to Cairo as well as several population centers over the world. They hadn't been close to much battle especially not the bigger monsters but they had seen the remains of battles and knew that there were some places in the world that had been destroyed entirely.
Grant nodded glad that his point had been made before he pointed down the slope before them towards a small farm house with several plots set up. "you all can go down there since its the safest place in here. When you guys get stronger you might be able to get further in there and get better spots."
Naos nods. "You say that is the safest spot but what makes this place so dangerous besides the risk of getting lost. This place looks so peaceful and beautiful "
Naos nods. "You say that is the safest spot but what makes this place so dangerous besides the risk of getting lost. This place looks so peaceful and beautiful "
Grant laughed "come now you can't be serious. There are plants out there that would eat you both up before you realized it, there are also of course predators in there we have to keep to help maintain the ecosystem. That is to say this for all intents and purposes is a whole new world."
Grant laughed "come now you can't be serious. There are plants out there that would eat you both up before you realized it, there are also of course predators in there we have to keep to help maintain the ecosystem. That is to say this for all intents and purposes is a whole new world."
She chuckled. "I didn't get out much from my home sorry if it wasn't a smart question to ask... I just didnt expect there would be much danger in a green house. " she nods at the explanation it would be a whole new world with predators and the like. "I guess that makes sense."
Aiolos scoffed "let me guess in Cairo?" Aiolos rolled their eyes "Cairo hasn't seen a major incursion in 3 generations the closest battle to a populated center was the great battle before we were born." Aiolos remembered a couple brief trips to Cairo as well as several population centers over the world. They hadn't been close to much battle especially not the bigger monsters but they had seen the remains of battles and knew that there were some places in the world that had been destroyed entirely.

Amanra groaned “so did you break into my room just to rile me up again?” She asked
Amanra groaned “so did you break into my room just to rile me up again?” She asked
Aiolos raised an eyebrow "I didn't break in the door was unlocked. I knocked on the door as well before entering." Aiolos waved a hand causing their ice chair to mold back into an orb and then they walked to the door." finish the apple and get some rest."
"Oh wow.." she replied as they entered the cafeteria. Emilia looked around taken in more if this place. Spotting the food she walked over to it.
the room was large as everything else seemed to do and each table was marble with seats that could be moved closer each table had a brazier in the center that cast no smoke and was pleasantly warm not hot. In the back of the room was a statue of Demeter along with a couple other harvest gods who pointed at a polished bowl at their feet. All one needed to do was walk up to the statue and ask for the food for it to be made.
Amanra groaned and laid back down in her bed trying to forget the situation.

Ankh flew through the area following some of the other students, curious about the environment
Grant nodded glad that his point had been made before he pointed down the slope before them towards a small farm house with several plots set up. "you all can go down there since its the safest place in here. When you guys get stronger you might be able to get further in there and get better spots."
"So as long as we stay near this farmhouse, we should be fine... Oh can I start farming now?" Lu asked "Or should we wait until orientation ends?"
She chuckled. "I didn't get out much from my home sorry if it wasn't a smart question to ask... I just didnt expect there would be much danger in a green house. " she nods at the explanation it would be a whole new world with predators and the like. "I guess that makes sense."

"So as long as we stay near this farmhouse, we should be fine... Oh can I start farming now?" Lu asked "Or should we wait until orientation ends?"
Grant shrugged "sure but how much time will you need its not like you can make something grow instantly. It should still take some time, as for you not knowing well we have a teacher for that who can help fill in your knowledge gaps."
"So as long as we stay near this farmhouse, we should be fine... Oh can I start farming now?" Lu asked "Or should we wait until orientation ends?"

Grant shrugged "sure but how much time will you need its not like you can make something grow instantly. It should still take some time, as for you not knowing well we have a teacher for that who can help fill in your knowledge gaps."
Naos just nods and listens as Lu talks about starting to farm.
He followed her. "What about you? What are your powers?"
"my powers.....oh...not really done much with it....but I was gifted the ability of water manipulation and rain summoning. Chalchiuhtlicue also gifted me a chalice and some weaving tools.." she said holding up the items.
the room was large as everything else seemed to do and each table was marble with seats that could be moved closer each table had a brazier in the center that cast no smoke and was pleasantly warm not hot. In the back of the room was a statue of Demeter along with a couple other harvest gods who pointed at a polished bowl at their feet. All one needed to do was walk up to the statue and ask for the food for it to be made.
Emilia looked at the "cafetería" in a questioning look. "What's this?..." she looked up at the statues. "No kitchen?...." she asked very confused as she turned to Jordan to see if he knew what to do.

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