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Fandom Universe Correction Agency 2.0 (RolePlay)

Zenos for all his interest simply stood up and walked with a casual gate into the base of the watchtower, giving little further acknowledgement of the rest present. The one called Pepperjack had stolen something very precious to him, but at the same time dangled a carrot that got his interest. He may as well carry along with rest for now, though he was not one to indulge himself in the same banalities the rest were focused on. Other than what he had lost, all else here was equal for now, equally tedious, equally disappointing, there was no heat in what he saw now.

Still, if nothing lies ahead, then what path is left but to close the curtain on what came before? Unless...unless his dear friend found a way yet again to break through the end of their world, if any could do it...it was them, so perhaps it is best to simply wait for the day they meet again. Movinig deeper into the hall he casually grabs one of the seats and sets himself down upon it. Waiting it was then.
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Taylor raised her arm to answer Zenitsu's question. "Of the three times I've experienced it, I have to say theres has been the smoothest in regards to limb replacement" She gives it a few small twists and clenches her fingers lightly, her limb however concealed behind the tightly fitted silken bodysuit and strange armor.

"I don't think they even needed to use internal fat reserves for it, though as to how they did it i could only speculate. It might simply be reversing things to a previous state, that would explain my restored costume"
PlusUltra PlusUltra
"Oh,well that explains alot." Zenitsu replied. " In our world,only demons have the power to replace severed limbs." He added. "The tech to use such thing humsns is quite advanced...My friends and I's world is still in the Taisho era. Tech here is well...steam trains,automobiles,tramways,electricity...basic stuff." He thrn noticed Zenos nearby. "The sounds coming from this man...Powerful if you ask me...He scares me..."
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Quinn’s ears fell flat, hearing about how Ryuunosuke‘s disease hadn’t been properly treated in the past, and for so long he’s been dealing with it. Standing still, she gave a compassionate look. “I want to help you.” She interlocks her fingers together. “That is the truth.” She says softly. “My next question is… Is there anything that can lesson the infections status?”

Quinn turned her head to look at Shinonu. “Yes, I do require energy to properly maintain myself.” She then gives another glance towards Ryuunosuke. “For right now, I am trying to make sure he is going to be okay..”

Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Solirus Solirus SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Wildcard888 Wildcard888 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Shinobu and Tanjiro both noticed that Quinn seemed concerned for Ryuunosuke 's curent condition. "I do want to help him as well. But I cannot do it alone." Shinobu replied to Quinn. " If only Kanso,Aoi, Kiyo,Naho,and Sumi were here..." She said. "They would be able to help..." There was a tone of sadness in her voice.
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Commander Shepard & Pixie
Mentions: PlusUltra PlusUltra

Shepard's crimson eyes went to the female named Taylor. The young one was speaking about Shepard, as well as a few others. John Halo? Zelda? Cosplay? Did she really think Shepard was cosplaying? Lotta nonsense right there. Really, that's what most of these new people were spreading. A whole lotta nonsense. Shepard was making an active effort to ignore most of them. But... there were just... so many of these agents waltzing across the complex, to where the only place of solace was a small empty table. While they were all speaking & socializing, Shepard was sipping on some grape cola. Fizzy. But then, out of nowhere, something came flying past as seemingly impossible speeds, causing Shepard's soda to spill. "Ah... shit!" Shepard swore. The sticky soda landed on Shepard's Mattock rifle. Great, just great. That's just what was necessary to make the gloomy cloud above the universe vanish. The small Demon/Fairy who caused the mess quickly apologized to Shepard as much as she was able to.

"O-oh jeez!" Pixie was in real trouble now, especially since Dante wasn't nearby to mediate the situation like always. "Um... I uh... um... I'm sorry." Pixie's stammering was persistent. It also wasn't easy to stare into Shepard's evil looking eyes. By all accounts, the woman was still quite pretty. But those red eyes combined with those equally red scars... well... intimidating was the only non offensive word that immediately came to thought. "I'll get you a new one... yeah, that makes things fine. right... right?"

What was Shepard staring at? Faries were real? Actually... no, that wasn't all that strange, all things considered. Evil robots, universe annihilating entities, Hell & Heaven's mere existence, that was more than enough to make Shepard use to the supernatural & the, supposedly, impossible. "Why don't you watch where you're flying you idiot! If you were an Alliance pilot, I'd make it a necessity to get you court-martialed!" Though they weren't easy to see, Shepard noted some very small tears dropping from Pixie's eyes. "Y-you're mean!" Pixie flew away as fast as she did when she slammed into Shepard's soda. But this time she slammed into a wall on accident, only making the crying worse. Shepard got a nice chuckle outta that. "If this is who I'm working with... then the UCA isn't winning anything." Where was Zaeed, someone on Shepard's own level?

Pixie's crying remained persistent. Members of the Fairy Clan were notoriously emotional & sensitive, which made them viewed as inferiors amongst other Demon races, even the weakest of ones.
homintales homintales PlusUltra PlusUltra
Zenitsu's attention toward Zenos was interupted when he heard crying.
"Wait,who's crying?!" He shouts. Muichiro noticed Pixie before Zenitsu could see her.
"Fairies are indeed real." Muichiro said before Zenitsu could look for her.
"Can't you see she's sad?!" Zenitsu cried. He ran angerly toward Shapard. "Apologise to this poor fairy!" He cried.
"Agatsuma,she seems to be a high rank soldier. Careful how you speak." Muichiro warned."Do not mind him,he's a inferior rank Demon Slayer."
"No,I don't care!" Zenitsu replied. " You don't you how it is to be threated like dirt!" Zenitsu spat toward Muichiro. The young Mist hashira looked surprised. Zenitsu glares toward Shepard before kneeing near Pixie and picking her up. " Are you alright lityle one?"
Tanjiro was even surprised as he ran to join his friend.
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Mentions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Pixie looked to Zenitsu & Muichiro with emotional eyes. "Guys! She's yelling at me!" Pixie was staring at Shepard is a very accusing way. "I want an apology, as well as lots & lots of candies!" There was a little red to Pixie's face now. But it didn't even remotely get close to Shepard's. Though, Shepard's face was red as a result of unrelated circumstances. Shepard wasn't very amused with what Pixie was saying. So she didn't even pay attention, instead opting to sip on a new grape soda. "Do you guys see that, she's not even looking at me! Know what this is? This is RACISM! Against the great Pixie no less!" Now Shepard was actually paying attention to the nonsense Pixie was spitting out, as it was starting to get relatively amusing. Was this little lady serious with what she was saying? "Zenitsu! Make her apologize to me!"
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Zenitsu concern turned to shock as he heard the fairy say his name. " Wait,how do you know my name,wait,nermind that!" He looked toward Shepard,frowning. " Apologise to her,right now!" He ordered. " I don't care if you're a high rank officer,I know what it's like to be threated like dirt. Being high rank dosen't give you the right to treat others smaller then you like dirt!" he cried.
Tanjiro watched this. It remindid him of the time Zenitsu protected Nezuko from Inosuke. He was ready to intervere if Zenitsu got in trouble.
Nikolai Massa- Makarov
(You're not doing that fucking shit Niko)

I don't know why I'm like this...

Nikola was pretending to be asleep, even letting Zaeed drag 'Sleepy' it on and off the shuttle.

At least it was giving Zaeed a break at the very least, it winces when it feels him rudely drop it down onto the ground. Nikola opens up it's eyes slightly, pissed off, what the fuck was that treatment for, he was Zaeed's best friend, right? Nikola its sees Zaeed's back to it, it quickly got off, snatching Jessie off of Zaeed's back.

Zaeed's fingers brushed against it waist before it could run off with Jessie. "Be careful with her asshole."

Nikola nods it's head. "Obviously." It sneers at Zaeed, it lazily flings a knife at the snakes head once it's mind finally processes the fact the boy insulted the snake. "Shut your trap, Zaeed's way better then your pathetic silly ass will ever be."

He walks over to the buffet, stealing a beer from it.

...I'd love to piss you off​
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 homintales homintales
And just like that, the old dislike and distrust of authorities reared its head in Taylors mind, the buzzing around her intensifying ever so slightly but her posture and tone remaining calm and level.

"What I believe some of us have failed to grasp, is rank, title, prestige and everything that came with it ended the moment The Pretender finished with our universes. Demon Corps, Alliance, PRT, World Marshals, that's all over. In this situation? Here at this moment?, It doesn't matter if you came as a noble, hero, villain, killer, thief. Many came alone without friends or honour, If you were rich or poor, if you came bearing a proud former name, a bastard, or no name at all, It doesn't matter, All that's in the past. Here? At this moment? We are all the same so drop the self-entitled authority from a no longer-existent source, it has no power here and save the denigration for the damn fool that caused it."

Her arms remained hanging loosely at her side as her famous temper started to get the better of her. This was the Golden Morning over again and she would be damned if she had to go that far again just to get people on the same page working together. Khepri was the worst moment of her life, becoming that in order to get people working together finally, but with the stakes raised yet again a small part of her was whispering the truth she had uttered in her final moments, it wasn't worth it, but she would do it all over again if it came to it.
Lin Lie
Interactions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
"Even more hungry? Sheesh, I wish I could have an appetite like that. At least then I'd have more energy to spare in a pinch," he chuckled in response to Mitsuri. Of course, all the monks at K'un-L'un were all about the ascetic lifestyle, so if nothing else, that meant he could generally get by with less, but it seemed that soon enough, he was gonna need every bit of energy he could muster.

He sheepishly rubbed his head at Mitsuri's... vibrant personality. From the casual mention of her strength to her yearning for a husband, to her reflection upon the weight of her world being gone now. Whoever these Demon Slayers were, they definitely knew how to pick 'em.

At Obanai's sudden outburst from behind, the martial artist let out a lightly surprised gasp, but only let out a soft chuckle as he sensed no true threat, especially once he backed down as Mitsuri gave him a scolding. "O-Oh, uh, it's fine, it was my bad. I think?" He said, not exactly sure what he did wrong. It seemed this guy didn't like him talking to Mitsuri, but well, that couldn't be helped if they were all gonna be partners together.

Clearing his throat, he looked toward Mitsuri again. "Well, at least you have your friends here to keep you company. I have faith that we'll be able to restore everything back to its proper place though. I'll personally make sure of it," he said, giving a thumbs up. This was his attempt at getting back into the groove of acting like a proper hero, though if she had a title like Demon Slayer, that probably meant she could take care of herself too.

Looking at the other Demon Slayers displaying their eccentricities, he couldn't help but rub the back of his head. Well, maybe not. But then, appearances were always deceiving.

"Let's work hard together. Sound good?" He said, mostly to Mitsuri, though Obanai was technically welcome too.
HUNK slowly scanned across the strange nexus at which he found himself. A buffet in the space between universes sounded almost comical, but he doubted there was much time to actually enjoy it.

Furthermore, he silently questioned the credentials of this... 'Insect Hashira'. She hardly looked a day over 18, but he could infer 'Hashira' was a title of distinction if each called oneself the Hashira. "Kochō, what kind of medicine are you practicing, exactly?" he questioned, carefully scrutinizing her body language and verbiage.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Indeed, it wasn't long until the elevator doors opened to reveal Balalaika waiting for Fugai at the bottom. "Coming back from my smoke break," she stated, speaking into her wristwatch. "Right... My turn to babysit." Her eyes flickered over to the administrator. "A whole team flatlined. This doesn't bode well, Fugai. If that svolōch views us as enough of a pain in the ass, he'll send someone to kick down our front door next..."

After voicing her concerns to Fugai, Balalaika moved forth. She was a professional-looking woman, albeit scarred heavily and possessing the piercing, haunted eyes of a veteran. The overcoat on her shoulders lended further credibility to this potential hunch one may have. "Correct," she responded to Taylor, however unsolicited. "The only titles now are Agent, Ally, Administrator, and Adversary." She continued her march, turning to face all the newcomers.

"All new arrivals, remain calm and listen carefully!" the mob boss ordered. "This is Administrator Fugai of the UCA, and you will know me as Balalaika, intelligence officer. As you have already learned, your universes were destroyed... but there is still hope of returning to normalcy! We cannot, however, do much to help your universes with a fugitive on the loose. We are asking those of you who can fight to do your part by crushing him. Comrade Fugai?" She looked to her boss for additional remarks.

UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 PlusUltra PlusUltra
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Shaoye Shaoye Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke Goonfire Goonfire UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24
The man looked like some kind of martial artist. Mitsuri could tell. "Obanai can be uneasy when other people are talking to me." Mitsuri replied. "I guess he's over protective. We are quite close friends." She explained.
Before Obanai could reply,he deflected Nikoi's knife using his twisted Nichirin katana,protecting Kaburamaru and himself in the process.
"Some people will not work together no matter the circonstances. " Obanai replied to Lin Lee.
"I'm sure we can work together. It was a pleasure meeting you Lin Lie." Mitsuri replied.
Then Admin Fugai and Officer Balalaika showed up,explaining what was going on.
"With the Master and his sucessors gone,we'll have to answer to you I suppose?" Obanai replied.

Goonfire Goonfire Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Shinobu turned her attention on HUNK while still checking on Ryunosuke.
"I do make medicine using plants with medical proprieties." Shinobu replied. " Basic medicine if you must know. I don't specialise in certain pratice. I also made a poison effective against demons by using wisteria flowers." She replied. When Fugai and Balalaika showed up, Shinobu tried to get their attention.
'Excuse me, Fugai-sama,Balalaika-sama. My name is Shinobu Kocho,Insect hashira and Chief medical officer of the Demon Slayer Corps. This young man,one of your potential recruit is in need of medical treatment ASAP.Untreated pleurisy,stage 5. Can take me and this young man to the medical yard of this facillity ?" She asked.

Goonfire Goonfire homintales homintales
Muichiro,Tanjiro and Zenitsu also listened to Balalaika's speach. "So that makes you the new Oyakata-sama?" Muichiro asked Fugai.
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Shepard & Pixie
Mentions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Shepard, not one to take anyone's shit, regardless if she was in the wrong, spat at Zenitsu & Pixie. Not literally of course, just in the sense of throwing as much insults as she was able to. All the while, Pixie's mind wasn't able to move on from the fact that Zenitsu used the term 'small' so casually. It wasn't really offensive, just a little rude. But she wasn't going to say anything, seeing as Zenitsu was now in the protecting role. "Don't talk to me like that when you're wearing that stupid..." What were these so-called Demon Slayers wearing anyway? The name didn't come to thought, so Shepard moved on to a new point. "You're just a child, look at you! What are you, 12? Why are you trying to fight at all?" Shepard found the mere idea of someone so young fighting in a conflict of this magnitude ridiculous & equally insulting. She wasn't allowed to enlist in the Alliance Navy until she turned 18. And yet the UCA was apparently willing to recruit just about anyone from the look of things.

"Children, I'm staring at a load of children!" She pointed towards all of the Demon Slayers in the area, as well as Pixie. "None of you've seen any wars! I fought against the Collectors & the Reapers! I saw my friends get turned into monsters & liquefied! I saw Earth in flames!!!" Shepard, with terrifying speeds, grabbed Zenitsu & looked straight into his golden eyes. "Look at my fucked up face. Look at the scars I got when I DIED my first time!" Usually there wasn't a possibility to get a second passing. But Shepard is the sole lucky/unlucky one who gets to live twice.

Pixie wanted to step in, maybe use some spells to calm Shepard's rage. But she was able to sense it from even a few feet away. There was no quelling the eternal rage inside of Shepard. "Do you really wanna get on this side of me?! Huh, now?!" Despite the savage words, it was impossible to not note that Shepard was getting so worked up that tears were now forming in the Commander's eyes. She wiped them away while still gripping onto Zenitsu's clothing.
homintales homintales
Zenitsu stared at Shepard in the eyes with a serious tone. The last time Tanjiro saw him like during Gyomei Himejima 's training.
"By the way l'm 16." Zenitsu replied. "To be honest, I didn't want to fight. A old man adopted me and trainned to be his student and a Demon Slayer,because he saw potential in me. He was the former Thunder Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. He was like the grand father I never had." Tears fell from his eyes. " Like you,he had scars on his face." He glares toward Shepard.
"If you think we haven't any wars,you are dead wrong! Almost everyone in the Demon have lost loved ones and comrades because of Muzan Kibutsuji and his demons! My Gramps killed himself because my brother in training,Kaigaiku joined Muzan and was willingly turned into a demon. Gramps comited seppuku because he was ashamed a Thunder breathing user turned into a demon! I almost died when I killed Kaigaiku. He cried.
"I had my share of horrors! Everyone in the Corps faced death in the eye! Tanjiro lost most of his familly to Kibutsuji himself and his poor sister Nezuko was turned into a demon by him! Tokito's twin brother was killed by a demon and a few months ago he almost lost his life when fighting an Upper rank demon. So don't you dare say you're the only one! "
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Quinn looked very upset at the situation, frowning when Shinobu became sad. “I understand that feeling.. if only my friends were here..” She looked into the distance, starting to zone out slightly. “I wouldn’t know if they could help.. But I will help.” She lifted her head up. Looking focused.

She gave a startled gasp, when Shephard grabbed Zenitsu’s clothing, the argument getting more and more heated… looking around nervously. Glancing around nervously, she noticed the small fairy nearby, she gave a small wave, with a nervous, gap toothed smile, ears falling back.

homintales homintales SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Their help was met with great reluctance as they made a big deal out of his pleurisy. Ryuunosuke doesn’t know what it’s like to have friends as being part of the Port Mafia doesn’t allow for that sort of thing, and growing up in the slums and the incident that happened skewed his world views. Getting help is like admitting he’s weak; he doesn't want to be perceived as a weakling. Only the strong survive in the world, and bearing his throat to others is a sign he’s not worthy of being called the Port Mafia’s weapon; how he earned the title hellhound for his cold, calculating, methodical and precise way of killing. He learned from Dazai’s lessons that unwittingly showing his cards might as well be taken advantage of by his enemies. Ryuunosuke craved Dazai’s approval above everything else. Plus, it’s not the pleurisy that damned him, the vampire contagion shaved years off of his life too. He’s going to die, that's the cold reality.

No need to make such a big deal out of my pleurisy. I don’t think anything lessens the effects of it or treatment helps..” He answered to Taylor and Quinn. Ryuunosuke covered his mouth as another coughing fit. Though the pain lit fires in his chest, he lowered his hand to his size. Hearing Shinobu inquiring about getting access to the medical bay to help treat him. She talked of using wisteria as a poison effective against demons. “ Isn’t wisteria toxic to humans, also? He felt reluctant in accepting help; he's dying anyway, maybe not anytime soon. The vampire virus possessed the host turning the victim into a vampire. Fortunately, he’s cured of it but the damage is done.

He turned on his heels about to dismiss them though his gaze faltered on Balalaika who exudes strength and authority. She’s a mob boss, he gets airs similar to his boss Mori. It seems like she’s a respectable woman. His eyes went to Shinobu, his cold eyes boring into hers. “ I don’t think you should be making it a big deal out of anything, I’ve lived with the pleurisy. I don’t think it’s an emergency as you think.”Said Ryuunosuke, tonelessly. He knows what needs to be done though his preference is working alone, his method of handling it will be giving the perpetrator a slow torturous session. However, he preferred his methodical way of handling his intended targets, he’s a killer, the knife of the Port Mafia. He only accepted to work with others as a window to his target, them showing compassion is a foreign concept to him, his eyes were looking soul less and ice. He wore his reluctance plain. He ignored the tension with Shepherd and Zenitsu. He noticed the fairy but just crossed his arms, only to quickly cover his mouth to suppress his cough again.

homintales homintales
Wildcard888 Wildcard888 SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 PlusUltra PlusUltra Solirus Solirus Goonfire Goonfire

(Feel free to make the gremlin accept help))
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Shepard & Pixie
Mentions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Wildcard888 Wildcard888
Shepard's eyes were now in a very wide state. "That doesn't even closely compare to what I..." Shepard's words suddenly stopped pouring out, as if she abruptly ran out of insulting things to say, which to those of the old Normandy crews was an impossibility. There was an almost emotionless expression spread across the Commander's face, the only semblance of anything at all coming from those red scars. Shepard could only look into the gentle eyes of the young man she was physically & verbally assaulting. How was this even real life? How was she at this point, this moment? How were things already this awful... again? She released Zenitsu in a shockingly gentle fashion, placing 'em on his feet. Backing away just five steps, Shepard was now hyperventilating at an alarming rate. Her eyes rapidly went to every single one of the nearby Demon Slayers, switching every .5 seconds.

With no warning & while still in the middle of some sort of an attack, Shepard ran away. Eventually she came across one of the few empty parts of this facility, still unable to reach a state of calmness. She was sweating like crazy, legs shaking, teeth unable to stop chattering, & everything looked all woozy like in a video game. "Fuck... oh God... why is this still..." She could see everyone's faces so clearly. Kaiden's, Ashley's, Garrus', Tali's, Mordin's, Samara's, Wrex's, Grunt's... all of them. Everyone's eyes were piercing Shepard's soul. Everyone that she lost, everyone that she failed... they weren't gone, not really. Shepard wasn't one to take ghosts as reality. Hauntings though, those were very real. The memories of those you love, fight alongside, they don't leave you, even when the individual(s) does. "God... why am I still the one who... why me? Why is it always me who has to fix it all? WHY CAN'T I JUST GO TO HELL ALREADY?!" Shepard started to cry more than she had in the past five years combined. This is what she was now reduced to? A crybaby? The Commander couldn't just stay like that. Not when revenge was still a possibility. She stood up & looked into one of the few mirrors in the area. "Just... just get through this..."

While Shepard was still alone, still in a mild state of panic, Pixie was with the rest of the Demon Slayers & everyone else who witnessed the scene abruptly come to a conclusion. Pixie's eyes went to Quinn, who gave Pixie an actual polite introduction, waving at the small Demon. Pixie gave a long wave, just in case she was too small to see, a suggestion from the very comedic Dante. She then went over to Zenitsu. "A-are you okay?" She looked where Shepard had run off to. "There's an anger inside of her. I can sense it." Suddenly, Pixie looked very sad. "Depression is just anger turned inwards... that's what they say."
Zaeed Massaini
Two sides to a story

Zaeed straps Jessie onto his back, looking down at the dumbass he still believed to be asleep. "Come on, Niko, don't leave me alone here." He whispers, worried it might be dead instead of just being asleep.

Zaeed glares over at Pepperjack, folding his arms over his chest as he processes his words. "Who the fuck are you calling twiggy?" Even though Zaeed was acting aggressively, he wasn't stupid enough to fight certain authority figures, especially a strange creature he didn't know or understand the powers of.

"I dare you to say that one more ti-!" He paused mid-sentence when he feels a slight brush against his back. The absence of his gun left a cold burning sensation on his back.

He quickly grabbed the hand of the person, tightly squeezing. He pulls the person in front of him, he was about to growl a threat to the person when his heterochromic eyes meet the blue eyes of Nikola. "Don't ruin her." He growls. He brushes his hand against Nikola's hip, stealing his alcohol flask without Nikola noticing.

Zaeed's eyes scanned the room as he runs a hand though the grey strands of his hair. A lazy grin appeared on his face when he saw Shepard, unfortunately, like basically every other facial expression, a smile hurt Zaeed.

He was about to join Shepard when a random, woman? Of obvious authority made an announcement, he tried to pay attention to what she said, but he couldn't hear her once he noticed Shepard's stress. His hand automatically moves to his pistol as he notices the confrontation between her and one of the brats he saw earlier, was it the same one who threatened him? Probably not. Was he ready to put a bullet though the kid's skull either way? Yes, for Shepard he would.

He watches as she runs away, deciding to follow her from a safe distance.

"Shep?" He asks, walking into the area she currently was. "I've got some alcohol." He offers out the flask to her. "It's the good stuff." He gives it a gentle shake. "Plus it's full too."

But they never tell mine
Mentions: UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 and homintales homintales
Perhaps slightly unnerving, Taylor had turned to stare directly at the doors for several moments before Balalaika and Fugai made their arrival "If I had a nickel for every time I've had to deal with a bunch of people throwing titles and deeds around instead of focusing on the main threat...Id have a dollar. It's not a lot but it's infuriating it keeps happening."

Not turning away from them, she continues to listen to the rest as the various scenes unfold, another point of frustration being the weird fact whatever translation power was being used seemed to pick and choose when to stop functioning. Taking in the scarred woman's appearance, the first thing that jumped out was the eyes and those alone told her everything she really needed to know.

"I'm not the only one tired it seems." she let the words hang somewhat cryptically before seeming to address Sheperd again to answer the question without turning to face them.

"And despite also being tired, because you are physically incapable of refusing"
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Wildcard888 Wildcard888 UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24
"I'm sorry,but letting you die is out of the question." Shinobu replied,smile on her face despite the firm tone in her voice. " And I doubt Fugai-sama and Balalaika-sama want that either. I suggest you cooporate." She turned to Quinn." I might need your help as well."
homintales homintales
Zenitsu looked toward Shepard with worry as the space woman released her grasp in him. He could hear sounds of fear,worry sadness,anger.
There was even regret.
"I know what it is to be a crybaby. It's alright to cry..." Zenitsu said sadly.She noticed Pixie near him. " Yeah...I'm okay." Pixie could sence emotions too. "Yeah I can hear sounds of anger coming from her too." Zenitsu added."You're right about depresion."
"Zenitsu,are you alright?" Tanjiro and Muichiro went to see him. "She didn't hurt you?" "She didn't." Zenitsu said to his friend. "Though you might know why too." Tanjiro nodded. " Scents of anger. She lost alot like most of us."
He added sadly.
Tanjiro noticed Pixie. " Oh,a fairy. I heard of beings like you but never sern one.
Muichiro stared toward Pixie. "Fairies,eh? Nice." Muichiro said,giving a side glance.
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Shepard & Pixie
Mentions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke

Shepard's teary crimson eyes gazed towards Zaeed's. The old mercenary was exactly the same in appearance as the last time the two warriors spoke. That already felt like a lifetime ago. And now, when it came to face scars, scars in general really, it wasn't even a contest on Shepard's side. Shepard wiped away the few tears still lingering, as she worked up the energy to speak to the only surviving Normandy companion. "Only Kasumi calls me that." Shepard wasn't a fan of nicknames. Only Kasumi & James Vega got away with it. Kasumi 'cause she was cute & James also got a pass thanks to his looks. Zaeed... wasn't quite able to earn the same treatment. Shepard's eyes went to the flask Zaeed was attempting to share. Drinking? At this time? Hell yes, screw any & all regulations. "Thanks." Shepard took multiple long sips. So much so that when she returned the flask, there was almost nothing left inside. "Weak shit in there. Prefer the Batarian poison." Now that was a fun memory. Nearly overdosing in a nightclub's alley. "So... let's talk." Shepard took a seat on the floor, signaling for Zaeed to take a seat as well. "What's the last thing you can recall? Before we lost I mean." Something told Shepard this was going to reopen some old wounds & reawaken some nightmares.

Meanwhile, Pixie was still with the Demon Slayers, recovering from the Shepard incident. Tanjiro & Muichiro were quite curious about Pixie's mere existence. "I'm not just a Fairy. I'm also a Demon, at least where I come from." Pixie suddenly remembered who she was speaking to. "Um, no need to slay me though. I'm friendly. Mostly!"
homintales homintales
"A demon uh? That would explain your scent. But from it I could see that you mean no harm." Tanjiro replied to Pixie. "My sister is a friendly demon too. "
"Nezuko-Chan is still asleep inside the box right?" Before Tanjiro could reply, the door of thd box onnhid back opened. A small female dressed in a pink kimono came out of it. She then grew to her normal size again,showing that she was a 14 year old teenage girl.
"Nezuko-Chan woke up!" Zenitsu cried with a smile. The girl looked at Zenitsu,Muichiro and her older brother and smiled.
"Good...morning!" she said with a smile.

"Good morning to you too Little sister." Tanjiro replied.
"Isn't is she amazing?" Zenitsu said,mentioning Nezuko to Pixie.
"Wisteria's poisonous if ingested," HUNK confirmed, "but you're not baiting demons to eat it. You mean an injury poison, a coating for your blades."

Glancing over his shoulder at the woman enraged to tears, HUNK shook his head. "Someone else around whom everyone dies... yet she lives on." He understood Shepard's dilemma, but he couldn't quite relate to her reaction. After all, when life gives him lemons...

"'Tired' is one way of putting it," Balalaika added, feeling a certain kinship with Shepard already. "Never thought you could feel cheated like that twice, but here we are."

Lighting a cigar, the Russian stared intently at Ryuunosuke. It was as though she were goading him with the smoke. "Japonskiy*, these people have valid concerns. Humor them this once; we have medicine from across the multiverse. Surely, something in our stock will quiet that cough."

"For those of you interested in hunting our mutual foe, we have a small gift for you." Balalaika held up her hand, showing the watch strapped to her wrist. "This watch does more than tell time across universes; you get a direct link to our supercomputer CiMos, multiversal comms, and this handy subspace storage module." She demonstrated by pulling out a second cigar and, in an almost cartoonish manner, stuffing it into the watch until it was gone. She then withdrew it, the whole process now reversed until she once again bore the whole cigar in her hand.

Among all the questions and bickering, Cybersix felt she had little place to interject and voice her own concerns. She withdrew herself from the crowd gathered here, standing off to the side and staring out towards the floating crystals. Could her and others' friends be out there, somewhere?

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 homintales homintales Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat PlusUltra PlusUltra Wildcard888 Wildcard888

*J is a palatal approximant of Y, in this case. Pronounce it 'ya-PON-skee'.
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