• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest

Rose Evermore

Rose woke up at 6:00 AM and got dressed and went to class. She had been working all night and she was exhausted. She managed to stay awake during Biology, but she passed out in her 10:00AM class which was Chesmetry. Later after eating lunch she had fell a sleep then when she woke up she realized she was going to be late for class. She started running trying to hurry but then she ran into someone.

Chase and Ari

GC building

Ari accepted the roll of tickets and nodded "Oh god you have me pimping out both of my brothers! You're a horrible influence." She teased before sticking out her tongue. "Besides I doubt anyone will be lucky enough to get Chase's ticket." She winked to her older sis as she she moved a step or two to the side. Then she noticed someone else approach Soruh, much to her dismay. Of all people it was Kota. She silently cursed her luck as she just shot the other woman a glare and turned off to do what she had been asked too. As much as she didn't want to be around the sneak she couldn't just ditch either. She had to stick around even if it was just for a short while.

Chase grinned as he managed to sell three cupcakes to a pair of girls. He always fell a bit silly doing this but it was fun every now and then. He glanced over and noticed the girl from his stat class and he smirked slightly. "Hey." He greeted


Victoria Moore

Library, 10:17 a.m

"Timothy's body was cold in my arms, his face turning pale from the blood loss. I was helpless, had no possible way of fixing this, all I can do is hold him close. my next door neighbor, my best friend, my brother. Tears were blurring my vision, and the only thing i can hear, is the distant sound of sirens, slowly getting closer.

'It's okay, Timothy, we will get you home, and we will watch movies together-' my words were stuck in my throat, forming a lump, causing my tears to flow more.

'Seth? It's dark. Are we home?'

In that moment, I knew he was fading away. Please, don't take him away from me.

'Yes, I have cake with coconut icing in the kitchen for you."

'Seth....' His voice was only a whisper, only audible to me. his hand reached out to me. His hand caressed my face, and then stopped at my cheek.

'I love you, my brother' were his final words before his eyes closed. His hand then fell limp to his side, and he drifted to an eternal sleep, leaving me in this cruel world.

The date was January seventeenth, his birthday.


Victoria jumped out of her chair, dropped her pencil, and looked around at the source. She looked out the writing lab and saw a book cart turned over on its side, books everywhere, and a body on the floor. She gasped and ran out to help.

"Are you alright?" she grabbed the guy's arm and looked at his familiar face. It was the same guy who owned the book. David Summers. He was an awkward student, but how he talked to her the other day was just so adorable. He was just a boy who could not find the right words, possibly even scared of socializing. She wanted to help him out, since her brother was the same way, only difference was her brother had a mild case of Asperger's syndrome.

"I hope you are okay. I have had my share of Book cart tipping, believe me, they do hurt" She gave him a slight smile and did a light giggle, giving him a bit of welcome, making sure he does not get scared. He was like a deer, the slightest movement would cause him to run away scared.

Aran Ó Caiside/10:20a.m/Theatrical Building

"O, I die, Horatio; the potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit. I cannot live to hear the news from England, but I do prophesy the election lights on Fortinbras. He has my dying voice, so tell him, with the occurrents, more and less, which have solicited. The rest is silence." Aran muttered to himself with a dull tone.

Silence filled the theatrical building as Aran stood on the backstage. He was now laying on the wooden floor, his body fully limb as to emulate that of a dead man, while his left hand held onto a script with a loose grip. The words "Hamlet" were written on the front of the paper. The muffled sound of the rain tapping against the outside world echoed through the empty room. Suddenly, Aran began to incorporate himself. A wide smile was spread across his face as he looked down at the script.

"Well well well" Aran said with an enthusiastic tone "I believe it's safe to say that I nailed this part"

Even if he had read through the script with passion, the truth was that a play about Hamlet performed by the students of Evercrest was nowhere in the horizon at the moment. Aran just played the part for the heck of it. As he entered the main stage Aran saw a handful of students either polishing their acting skills or simply resting. The only reason why Aran had been practicing in the backstage instead of with the other students was because he didn't want to interfere with the other's practice. Playing the role of Hamlet was especially challenging due to the character's enigmatic personality and Aran assumed that if the other students saw him while he was on character they would get distracted and wouldn't be able to properly practice. After announcing his departure Aran headed straight towards the door before being suddenly hit by the obvious: It was raining and he had no umbrella. Through the corner of his eye Aran was able to spot a box full of props, which he decided to approach in search for a quick solution, and he did. A frying pan would be the perfect replacement. As Aran approached the exit once again, this time with his newly acquired 'drying pan', the other students stared at him, silently questioning the ginger student's sanity. As a response to their confusion Aran simply looked at them and laughed loudly.

"Every problem can be solved" Aran said as he pushed open the doors "It doesn't matter how absurd the solution may seem, I advice you all to always take it. And if you fail? Well my friends, then you just keep trying" He finished before exiting the building, placing his trusty frying pan over his head to keep his hair dry. Aran began to whistle the 'Signing in the Rain' song as he made his way through the campus.​

Kota and Saruh

Saruh smiled, yes, Ari had seen right through her. Was she really that transparent? Dah well, as long as the other girls who were buying raffle tickets didn't see through her. I mean, besides, her brother was surely a handsome fellow. He had turned a many of girls down, and many had stayed away from him. She was actually okay with her brother not dating, football was his life anyways, and besides. He would wait for the girl who really caught his attention and that would really be the girl for him.

So with a smile she waved her arms and stared to the ground,"Come on ladies. We got some of Evercrest's finest men, just waiting to to get a date. How could you miss on some of these most gorgeous men? I surely wouldn't."

Dakota couldn't help it. A smile was stuck on her face. Saruh had gotten really lucky to have Chase. She would have been ok with just sticking to men if she had Chase. Her eyes managed to bounce around before looking him back in,"So, do you eat the goods or sell them? Or are you on the four for you, one for me diet?"

She shook her and chuckled, as she shifted her weight on her other heel. She was actually about Chase's height, if not taller in these heels. A lot of men were intimidated by that, but dah well. Their loss. Probably another reason she seem to fancy woman over men. Her hands reached for a plate of cookies and held them up,"Ladies and gentlemen! There are some fine ass cookies! Oh and yeah, baked goods in my hands too!"

Hadi Klein

Following him up the path, she laughed softly, "Probably something to do with endorphins or flavonoids or what have you. Or maybe they just wager you're probably feeling really crappy, and nothing boosts the mood like chocolate. Huh... I'll have to conduct a study - maybe film a Doc. on it..."

Looking over and up at him, she grinned, "Lead the way, eh? I thought you were leading. Ah, well... We'll make an adventure of it, I guess. You in the dorms? And where you headed, all dressed up, anyway? That's not to insinuate you look like a slob normally or anything... Just not usually Tuesday morning attire... Erhm... Afternoon, I guess."


Tori Graham

"Nah..." Tori said, quietly, and while her expression couldn't exactly be quantified as optimistic, she was certainly a little more hopeful than she had been earlier that morning. "I'm not giving up, yet. I can't... There's a reason I feel the way I do about him, and it's not just going to go away because I will it to. All good things to those who wait, right? Besides... there's no way I could eat all those cookies, myself."

Chuckling, she stepped back as he turned round and gave him a firm nod, "Sure, sounds like fun. And you picked a great day for it... I'm drenched as it is... Where do we start, oh prestigious Director?"

(@AkuNoOkami )


"I'd almost venture to say that they do it on purpose, the savees. For some good ol' hot chocolate," he responded with a gentle nod,"Cool documentary, and um. I'm in the Athletes dorms. Specifically the one for football players, you know the one that's all extra nice for no apparent reason." He wasn't bragging, he seriously believed that their dorms were nice for no reason. I mean, they stayed there for free and their rooms CAME with televisions, fridges and other nice things. It was basically a five star hotel, everyday. Well minus the yummy room service.

He shook his head though and scratched his chin,"I'm supposed to be helping my sister with her sorority's baked sale. I, and a few other football players, and even brother Chase are having ourselves raffled off as dates. It's the raise money for people affected by 9/11, since to day is that annual day." He stopped, as they had reached the Athletic dorms (for he had subconsciously led the way anywise), and tilted his head. With a reach into his pocket he removed a keycard and swiped next to the scanner before a "click" in the door was heard.

He pulled the door open and held it for her,"This way madame." He stated, being the gentleman he normally is, but adding a little bit of teasing to it.

@Elle Joyner

With another charming smile another sale was made. He chuckled lightly looking over to Kota, "Na. I ate a few too many last year and got sick. I rather just stick to selling them this year." He replied with a small grin.


A bright smile found the man face. "Wonderous! Onwards to glory!" He cheered in a dramatic manner before thinking a moment. "Well I have some shots of the rain. Since your already drenched how about I just record you." He suggested bringing the camera up to view his lovely friend. "So what do you say? You can swirl you way down the path and make all kinds of magic. oh and I might need some music for this... and another science... possibly a third.... I should be writing this all down..." the thought aloud.
David summers

10:20 am

Slowly David got up raising a eyebrow as felt a hand steadying him. "Thank you.." he almost said at a whisper cleaning himself up until he heard the familiar voice. His senses returned almost automatically after hearing Victoria speak. "Ye..yeah...I..I'm perfectly fine...thank you so much for helping me. Y...yo....you shouldn't have troubled yourself with helping me." He said sheepishly trying his best to suppress his nerves while feigning a smile. He looked around, rain his fingers through his hair, and started picking up books fixing the mess he created.

Looking down, he thought to himself "She must think I'm stupid at this point, can't even maneuver properly in public" He stacked them on the cart taking a slight glace a her again. "A..again sorry to bother you. Its just that your the first person to actually talk to me hear short of the teachers and that's to answer questions for class." He looked down again trying to find the courage to speak but at this point words were failing him. He quickly put the books back on the cart and stood up in front of her.

Throwing his bag onto his back "I..I don't really know what to say at this point." He stood there almost shaking fearing that she might laugh him off and walk away. He stood there with a very noticeable nervous smile "I..i mean..that i don't have class til one today" It was the last thing he could say because at this moment he was almost petrified to speak.

Tori Graham

Tori laughed, holding her free hand up over her face, “Oh no you don’t… You’ve already got me in your other documentaries! Why don’t we go find some ducks on the pond or something? Why is campus such a dead zone, today, anyway?”

Cameron frowned and rolled his eyes. “Fiiiiine but you will be part of this project.” he poked her side before shutting his camera off and letting it hang from his neck. “Probably because of all the 9/11 stuff going on in GC. There’s some bake sales and what to raise money,”

A brow raised and Tori looked in the direction of the GC, “How’d I miss that? You wanna go…? I mean, I’ve got plenty of baked goods back in my dorm, but if it’s for charity…”

“Hm If you want… though I know most of the events are being done by the greek houses on campus… one of which is A.K.A.”

Tori smirked, shaking her head, “You afraid of a little Pink and Green, Cam? I mean… I know they clash but…”

Cameron rolled his eyes. “Silly tory. I am not afraid of any color!” He declared proudly. “But Saruh is part of that sorority.

“Ah… Saruh. She is rather terrifying…” Giving a shrug, she feigned a look of disappointment, “...I mean, I’d hate to traumatize you…”

Cameron rolled his eyes Honestly he knew Tori was having a rough time already with Chase, last thing she needed was to be hanging around the girlfriend of the guy she loved. But Cam was starting to become convinced that one some level Tori was a masochist. “Alright then to GC it is!”

“Lead on…” She said, saluting with her free hand, before starting on the path.

Cameron chuckled as he linked arms with Tori and lead the way to GC. The rain for the most part had lightened up which was nice but with the sun came the heat which meant a muggy and humid afternoon.

When they arrived, a small crowd had already gathered outside, excited murmurs rolling through the bushel of people. Lowering her umbrella, Tori shook it out before open the door, pausing for a moment in the threshold to read the signage, tacked to the glass window, “Bachelor raffle. This sound be fun… You wanna volunteer, Hitchcock?”

Cameron rolled his eyes. “You and I both know why that wouldn’t work hun.” He smirked. “I am tempted to maybe buy a ticket, for a good cause and all.” He chuckled. “Maybe you should give it a shot.”

Chuckling, Tori nodded, “Sure… why not. Maybe my prince charming’s at the end of the raffle number, and I just never knew it.”

Cameron chuckled softly and nodded “Maybe you never know! You’re chance of getting guy are much better than mine.” He shrugged

“Oh, don’t flatter me. You know you’re cute… And you’ve got better hips…”

“Pffft, don’t get me started on how you keep selling yourself short.” He repled with a slight sass in his voice.

“Okay, okay… Maybe I do have better hips than you... “ Linking her arm through his again, she made her way towards the throng of people, crowded in the lobby, “Now let’s see what this shindig is about, hmm?”
Chase and Kota...they love making the lazies post the collabs

Nothing but a chucke left Kota’s mouth as she looked at Chase. Between her and him, she was pretty sure they were just getting sales at this point becasue they both looked good,”Well that’s cool, more for us to sell, less for you to toss up.”

“More for other to toss up.” He corrected motioning over to some of the other football players who were showing up to be raffled off. “Sugar hangs over are the worst…”

“Trust me i know, sometimes I indulge in too much ice cream and don’t want to even move the next day. Sometimes I think I rather just get an alcohol hangover,” she said laughing as one more person passed by and yet another sale,”Let’s see who sale the most.

Chase quirked a brow. “You sure you wanna do that? I’ve already got a head start.”

“Maybe, but I have the double the audience,” she said inclusive of her double entendre, though she sure Chase wouldn’t understand that. She glanced up over to Ari, before returning her attention to Chase,”So let’s go for it.”

“If you want to sure.” He shrugged setting his empty tray of baked good down to be refilled while grabbing another one. As much fun as the competition was he really had no worry win or lose. Either way more money would be earned for the fundraiser

“Cool,” she stated grabbing a tray of brownies and balancing the plate of cookies (which only was half full at this point)/ She made a gentle smile as she quickly sold a few cookies to a group of passing guys, chatting them up really smooth. She then sold some of the brownies to a group of females in the wam way,”So, we should hang out sometimes. I always wanted to learn soccer. My dad played soccer in high school.”

Chase managed to make a few sales to some passing girls not paying much attention to Kota as she worked her own charms. He managed to spot one of the parents on campus with a few kids and sold off a good few cookies and cupcakes to them alone. He looked over to Kota as she spoke “hm? Sure, It’s not to hard too learn. Just very cardio-intensive.”

“Cardio intensive sounds like my type of thing, basketball is too,” she smiled , getting a large bit of the brownies gone after another passing group. Then she watched as her sister Delilah walked up and smiled,”Oh Chase, by the way, this is Del. So if you ever call out my name, and I’m ignoring you..it’s her.”

Chase nodded slightly “That’s right you place basket ball!” He replied with a nodd. With so many teams it was hard to keep track of them all sometimes. He shifted his attention to make another sale then back to Kota. He blinked a minute thinking he was seeing double for a moment before realizing they were twins. “Ah well that makes sense. Nice to meet you, I’m chase.”

Del nodded,”Delilah.” she said softly with a large smile before looking away. Del bought the rest of the brownies, hugged Dakota and walked way waving to Chase. Dakota could only nod before glancing back,”Isn’t Kenny suppose to be here? I haven’t seen him in forever, and I’m really anxious to see him.”

Chase waved back before looking to Kota. “Kenny? Yeah he’s supposed to be here. Not sure whats taking him. You know him already thought?” HE questioned

She nodded,”Yeah, we grew up together in Texas.” she explained as she yawned,”I’m a little older, but we played together all the time, and hung out a lot.”

“Ah Alright, that masks sense. I dono much about his time in Texas other than his grandma was… interesting.” He shrugged “Either way he should be here soon.”
Hadi Klein

Hadi grinned, approaching the door, a brow quirked as she bypassed the enormous boy, “Inviting me in on the first date, hmm? You sly dog, you…”

Stepping into the room she paused, then whistled through her teeth, “Well… You weren’t kidding. I don’t even have a microwave…”

“We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, throwing this date word around,” he said as he closed the door in his room behind him, well more like it closed on its own. It was a joke, of course, just playing along with her stick. He meant no harm by it.

A scratch of the ear, he knocked on the door that led to the ‘shared’ living area between he and his roommate, to see if he was there, and of course, he wasn’t. So with a yawn, he dug into his closet to remove another polo, this time white with blue stitching, and another pair of slacks and socks,”I’ll be back...it’s stuff in the mini fridge if you’re thirsty or hungry.” With that, he disappeared into the bathroom.

“Hey… There was dancing. Best date I’ve had in a long time…” She called after him with a grin. As he disappeared into the bathroom her eyes moved from the closed door, wandering around the room. On the nightstand were a few pictures frames - a rectangular metal frame containing a team shot… probably from his high school… the other a bifold picture which held what she imagined were his senior picture and a pretty black girl who may have been his sister…

Picking up the first picture, she searched through the small group of players, their faces young and eager. Kenny was in the center, looking much the same as he did, now… though considerably less soggy.

“So this sorority thing… It’s for charity?” She called out, replacing the picture of the surface of the nightstand.

Kenny grabbed around the bathroom as he switched clothes. He applied some of his best smelling cologne, and looked into the mirror. Her voice broke the silence of the bathroom, and smiled,”Yeah, it’s for those families affected by 9/11.”

Once he had REBRUSHED his teeth, though there was no need for it- he only fell in water-, he opened the door and moved in to sit on the bed, sliding his feet into the black dress shoes. “On our next date, let’s make sure I don’t fall in the puddle then, alright?”

Grinning, Hadi shrugged, “But you’re just so cute all sopping wet. Mind if I tag along? I’d love to help out…”

Kenny laughed as he tied his shoes neatly and nodded,”Yeah, you can come along. I’m sure they would appreciate the help, besides, I might need someone to protect me.”

“Protect you, eh? You’re not in one of those dunk tanks, are you? We just got you all dried off, too…”

“I’d never agree to that, just something about being the starting quarterback for one of the nation’s best football teams and a date raffle just don’t mix, come on,” he said rising to his feet and heading towards the door,”Lucy, come on.”

“Oh right! You did mention that, didn’t you. And lookit me… I got a date and all I had to do was push you in a puddle” She chuckled and followed him, “Lucy?”

“Yeah, maybe more people should try that method, and yes yes. You know Lucy and Ricardo? From that black and white program…” he trailed off and sighed. He called television shows programs because of his grandmother.

She laughed and nodded, “Oh right. Fair enough, Ricky. Let’s see what hijinks I can get into this episode, hmm? You wanna lead this time?”

He nodded as he made his way through the doors and outside, pushing towards the GC,”So Lucy, is this how you meet people? Dancing in the rain and hoping they run into you?”

“Oh, no. See, generally I just trip them in the hallways… but I was feeling adventurous today. How about you? You make falling into rain puddles a habit or did you save that one just for me?”

“Well see, normally I stick that dance move and just sweep pretty girls like you off their feet. I think you were just the odd ball who forced me into a puddle,” he uttered with much amusement his voice before sticking his tongue out,”Besides, not it’s on film...can you still call it film? Well now the whole world will know.”

“Oh ho… We’ll just have to consult that film then, because I’m pretty sure you tripped…” Pointing a finger up at him, she feigned a stern expression, “...And don’t think I didn’t notice you call me pretty just now…”

A roll of the eyes was all he did as they reached the doors of the GC, and he slid it open for her,”Don’t let it go to your head now, and I don’t trip!”

Slipping backwards through the door she smirked at him, “Well, that’s good… I’d hate for you to fall for me, too easy… Good luck with the raffle…” and with a wink she slipped away, into the crowd.

Kenny Saruh Kota..yo that sound like a state

Kenny let out a slow exhale as he watched the woman walk away into the crowd and loss sight of her,"Lord, save my soul." With a shake of the head, he approached his sister who was busy trying to sell off chase and other players before seeing her brother,"And here he is, my very own little brother and your Wolves starting quarterback! Kenny Austin!" With that a couple of the girls who has been hesitant to buy a raffle, went ahead and did.

Saruh pulled Kenny close and eyed him,"Why you so late! Go help your brother and Dakota sell some goods."

"Wait, Dakota Gonzales?"

"Yes...you know her?"

Kenny didn't respond but looked to where Chase was, saw Dakota, and the from behind picked her up by the waist and held her high,"DAK!" he exclaimed loudly as she just started to chuckle, holding on to him for her dear life.


Chase & Ari

GC Building- Bakesale

Chase set his empty tray down after making his last sale. Just as he picked up the next tray he saw Kenny finally arrived. "Hey Kenny." He grinned. He paused when he saw the boy hugged Kota from behind and just chuckled. "Try not to shake her too much." He warned letting the two have their happy reunion. Ari heard Kenny and looked over, "Hey bro!" She grinned looking over to her brother. She saw him give Kota a fairly warm greeting and cursed under her breath. Did everyone know this girl?! She knew that it was possible for Saruh and Chase to know her but Kenny as well? How the heck was she supposed to avoid the girl if all of her siblings knew her! And seeing how chummy she was getting with Chase she just hoped the girl would be kept out of their house.
Lexi Drake

Brewed Awakenings

How was I supposed to know that the thesis paper was due tomorrow. I swear I heard that it was due in 2 weeks. I haven't even started it yet, let alone find a topic for my paper. We were supposed to write about an incident that challenged our own morals. I can think of a few but I'm not comfortable to share about any. Was he looking for a 10 page paper composed of pure garbage or an honest paper that may make him want to pity me. I'm not looking to be pitied in any way. All of the things that happened to me were by my own doing. So here I am. Looking at my white laptop screen and a cursor blinking, waiting for me to type.

The server comes over to my seat. "Do you want another one?" I nod but fail to look up from the screen. I proceed by writing the standard labels at the top of the paper. My Name, the date (well last Monday's date), The class and then I look at the space where the title is supposed to go. Should I sacrifice my grade for my dark past? Sounds dramatic, I know. I take my headphones out of my purse, turn on 8tracks and just typed. I couldn't tell you what specific event I was talking about, it was a mix of many. But they were watered down to things that a high school teacher could read without selling me out to DHS or the cops; honest but lightly touched upon the subject at hand.

Kenny and Kota

Kenny placed Dakota gently on the ground before they each embraced each other in a tight hug, and Kota spoke,"It's been so many years, glad to see you're doing well and the star qb."

"ha, I wouldn't say Star yet, let me introduce you to some people though...." Kenny stated glancing over to Chase,"Well I guess you already met Chase since he's standing there right next to you..oh by the way, hey bro. " Kenny then left, went and grabbed Ari by the hand and pulled her over,"And this is my sis, Ari. She's a little blue haired devil, but I love her all the same."

Dakota waved gently, as if this was the first time ever seeing the young girl before her,"Nice to meet you."

@Shura (Sorry it was short, but casual so who cares)​
Hadi Klein

After separating from the QB, Hadi wandered the room with a casual grace, peeking at different tables here and there. She dropped a few bucks on the lemon meringue cupcakes and picked up a few truffles as well, but the casual voice in her ear reminded her of her diet and with a smile she took what was left in her wallet and purchased a long string of raffle tickets.

Kenny was a good guy, and her was certainly easy on the eyes, and just because she had rules didn't mean she couldn't have a little fun now and then. It wasn't like she was buying an engagement ring. If she happened to have a lucky ticket, so be it... It was for charity, and she could think of no better cause than people who had lost loved ones.

Taking her raffle snake she made her way over to the stairs and took a seat to wait for the reading.

Tori Graham

She walked the floor with Cam, buzzing through the tables here and there. She was nonchalant as possible but she would've been lying if she'd said she wasn't nervous. She'd made no show of it, but she had seen Chase when they'd entered, there at the main table. She'd spotted Saruh as well and that knot in her stomach seemed to swell, watching the pair make googly eyes at one another.

But she had meant what she'd said to Cam. It was a wonderful fundraiser and she wasn't about to miss out on it because she was too busy sulking over a boy...

Somewhere along the way she'd lost Cam to a pile of homemade taffy and with a laugh continued on her way, eventually coming to that dreaded table. With a small smile she approached the blue haired girl, playing blind to the couple down the other end.

"Hey, Ari..." She said, with a nod, "Two raffle tickets, please."

Ari and Chase

Chase waved to Kenny once more before going back to selling the baked goods. Ari managed to sell another ticket before being pulled to Kennys side. She smirked slightly before bumping him with her hip. "Oh yeah I'm the little devil." She smirked before faking a smile and waving to Kota. "Nice to meet you as well." She replied. "You should have gotten here sooner now all the tickets are being snatched up. There are gonna be a lot of disappointed ladies when your ticket is pulled." She teased trying to keep her attention more on her bro than the woman. "Though I can't say the same won't happen for Chase... Saru has his ticket already I'm sure." She chuckled lightly before seeing Tori approach and nodded "Sure. Two tickets. Good luck." She grinned making the exchange with the other girl. Chase noticed Tori and smiled slightly "Hey Tori." He greeted.

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner

Victoria Moore

Library, 10:22 a.m.

Awwww, so adorable

She gave him an innocent smile, and nodded to him. Was he asking her to hang out somewhere? With his nervous state, she knew he had no words to say; he was so anxious, and it seemed like he was scared of saying the wrong thing.

"I don't have class until 2, you want some coffee? Or a latte? We can probably talk, and you know, get to know each other? Do you like books? I have a few-"

She stopped short. she did not want to overdo it and scare him. He is a skittish critter, she just has to be patient. Oh, he is good inspiration for future stories. she wants to delve more into it, and hopefully be a good friend to him.

(Sorry its so short, I have a bit of writer's block.)

Tori Graham

Taking the tickets from the blue haired girl, Tori tucked them into her jeans pocket, looking up when Chase spoke. With a smile she nodded, "Hey, Chase."

It took all her energy to turn and walk away, fighting the nerve to turn around and chat him up. She was anything but that kind of girl and no matter what her feelings were for Chase she wasn't about to flirt with the boy in front of his girlfriend... or his sister, for that matter. Looking down at the raffle tickets she sighed, then scoured the room for Cam, finding him where she had left him.

Tapping him on the shoulder she handed over one of the red rectangles, "Here. I bought you a boy. Don't say I don't ever do anything nice for you... Not that we're likely to win. I'm pretty sure it's rigged... Or at least partially."


Kenny, Saruh, Kota

Kenny had opened his mouth to say something after he was bumped, but the sound of his sister's voice run through the crowd. She managed to get loud enough for the people around her to hear,"Settle down settle down, we're about the make the announcements of the raffle winners!"

And with that a few people clapped , and she began to call the guys one by one, announcing their ticket number and watching as their the ticket holders came to collect their 'prizes', mainly the numbers of the guys and when and where the dates should be. She had reached Chase and called out a number. No one answered. Of course no one answered, the ticket with his number was in her purse.

She glanced around raising a brow,"So no one is going to claim this number? It's a handsome young man, my boyfriend, but nonetheless handsome. And fair is fair. Anyone? " she looked around everyone again, and shrugged her shoulder,"Poor child must've lost their ticket. Welp, up next is the starting QB for your wolves and my little brother....Winner is 00294!" (AKA hadi)

@Shura @Elle Joyner

Izzy Winston

Sociology Class

Izzy sighed as she tried to think about all the things she could be doing. She loved Sociology, she really did, and was one of the many classes that she managed to keep an adequate grade in, a low A being the best she could do, but it was times like these that she sat in the back of the class, didn't raise her hand, and looked out the window, usually seeing someone having a much greater time than she was. Or, she saw a guy. She kind of prefered the guys. Sighing under her breath, Izzy heard the teacher talking, and realized that even if she wasn't listening, she still needed to make sure she had this all for reference. Digging in her purse, Izzy pulled out a small tape recorder, the machine being a hand me down from her brother. He had much more experience in College classes, and when she decided to go to Evercrest, Jack had been sure to help her out and give her small little tips. Smiling, Izzy clicked it on, letting it record everything, and quietly said, "Sociology Class, Tuesday, Fall." She sat it down and let it sit there as she resumed looking out the window.

From here she could kind of see the tip of the GC Building, and from what it looked like, there was a lot of activity. She probably would have known about something, but with how it was looking, she was obviously in the dark on some levels. Looking on the grounds below her, Izzy watched as some students that were leaving the GC building were carrying little treats and goodies in there hands, the plastic bags of pastries and wrapped cakes being self-evident. Izzy leaned closer to the window, looking out as she made sure to not bang her head into the transparent glass, Izzy looked forgot she was in a class and focused on all of the guys that were wandering. Each one just looked so georgeos, and she wished she had her camera to document the moments of theseravenously handsome creatures in the natural habitat. Oh wait, she did have her camera! Pulling back from the window, she turned around and stopped as she saw the man beside her. She hadn't noticed him come up or sit down, and now she didn't know what to do. His hair was scraggly and black, and his eyes seemed bored and disinterested in the class. He hardly seemed to be paying any attention to Izzy at all.

Determined to get her camera and get pictures of the guys that were reasonable distances away, she kept watch of the man's attention and slowly slipped her hands towards the purse. She grabbed a hold of the familiar weight of her baby and began to pull it up, but as the sleek material exited the purse, it seemed to carry along the attention of the man as well. Izzy squeaked a bit as she let go of the camera, hugging the wall and not paying any more attention to the man behind her. She looked mournfully at all the guys that passed her view. She wasn't willing to look back, but she really did feel bad for missing out on this golden opportunity.
Hadi Klein

As the raffles were called, Hadi looked casually down at the numbers in her hands. She'd purchased enough that her odds weren't terrible, but she wasn't looking to win and so she had been immensely surprised when the numbers she read were matched to the ones shouted by boisterous girl calling them out.

Blinking, she looked up to see Kenny and slowly, she shook her head with a laugh, rising from her perch on the stairs to head over to where the men had been shuffled after the winning ticket was announced. Holding up the red scrap she shrugged to the quarterback.

"...Well, Willy Wonka, looks like I've got your golden ticket. What a coincidence this is, hmm...?"


Kenny glanced down to the girl who was more than a few inches shorter than him and smirked,"Oh, now we're doing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? What happened to I love Lucy. Either way Charlie you got some splainin' to do. How'd you get my ticket?" he joked playfully, but reached to the table to pull out a pen and a piece of paper before writing his number down, before looking up,"So Chuck, or Lucy, whichever you prefer. What day and time works for you?"

He chuckled again, his cheeks flustering a bit red,"I mean, my grandmother did tell me that there are no coincidences and God works in mysterious ways. So maybe we can continue our dance date afterall."

The scene actually brought a smile to Saruh, who never seemed to get the chance to see Kenny happy with a woman. She always thought he should get a girlfriend, but never pushed him into it because she understood how time consuming his schedule was. Either way, the sight made her all lovey dovie and she approached Chase, wrapping her arms around his waist and stuffing her face into his chest.

She left it there for a minute, not moving it, just enjoying his scent, before speaking,"Actually..turns out..I have the winning ticket..." she spoke into his chest, though muffled.

@Elle Joyner @Shura
Ari and Chase

Ari chuckled as Kenny's number was called and a familiar face appeared from the crowd. It was a girl from one of their classes, a bit odd but nice overall. She couldn't help a small smirk at the blush on Kennys cheeks. She knew he was a good guy all around and dating was a priority but she did want to see her bro happy with a girl and actually have a little fun in life. She rolled up what was left of her tickets and place them on the table. She'd let Kenny have his cool moment and would save the teasing for later.

Chance chuckled softly as Saruh hugged him and he wrapped an arm around her waist since the other still held a tray of cookies, "I'm not really surprised by that one." He smirked. "That just means I have to take you on another date." he stated before kissing the top of her head and setting the cookies a side. "Looks like the girl who wont Kenny's ticket knows him. Should be interesting to see what comes of that, if anything."


GC was crowded to say the least, Cameron had managed to find his way over to one of the game booths where you try to win a little trinket for a few bucks. It was a small thing but the money was going to charity so he didn't mind. A turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder and grinned "Awe, darlin you shouldn't have!" He grinned before holding out the little toy he had gotten from the booth which was a fluffy brown teddy bear. "For you madam!" He grinned. He noticed people gathering by the booth and numbers being called out he looked at his ticket as the winning sets were announced. No luck. he shrugged. "Ah well, I'm sure none of them would have been good dates anyway."


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