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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


He was grateful when they got to Toris dorm. He was honestly starting to get tired but wasnt about to let her know that. She was already stressed as it was. His discomfort in the whole situation would make it worse. Keeping up a cheery grin the brunette did a mock salute "Yes Ma'am!" He said before wandering over to the TV and VCR picking up a cookie or two as he got the movies rolling. He hummed as he popped in the first movie. Cam flopped back on the couch pausing the movie until Tori got back from her call.


The phone started ringing and chase went over to get a look at the menu while Saruh talked with her mom. At first at least he looked over at the mention of a baby and shook his head. Honestly he wasn't sure if she was serious or kidding half the time. He was no where near ready to start thinking about having kids. Then the conversation spiraled into the weird territory. No surprise there. Glancing around the room he could tell she was getting strange looks but it bothered him little. He shrugged slightly as Saruh wandered over. "I can't imagine why."


"Harucon? Oh I went to that once! It was a lot of fun." She smiled slightly. "So this anime club is the one that starts it?" She questioned. "I never got into anime or manga heavily. I did watch some on an after school special block. My school had a few manga but nothing really special either..." She shrugged. "Still sounds interesting."


She glanced at him before smiling,"If mom wants to be a high class prostitute, I'm all for women's rights. But the least she could do is tell dad. Shameful." Of course she was joking. Her mother was the reason she was groomed to be a hippie in the first place. Her parents were high school sweethearts, that use to be hippies together as teenagers, before her father went off into the military (his dad pretty much made him). When he got back from a war, he wasn't the same hippie and eventually went into JAG before having Saruh, and then getting married. Long story short, now her father was the named partner and some big shot new york firm,"Anyways, the menu looks good?"

Tori Graham

After the phone conversation with her doctor, Tori made her way over to the couch where she flopped down beside Cam, curling up against his side, her head on his shoulder. She sighed, softly, shaking her head, "He wants me to come in tomorrow. I was going to reschedule, but all things considered, I think it's worth missing a class or two. It's been a while since they've had to adjust the dosage..."

She wouldn't say it outloud, but she was concerned... The worse things got, the harder it would be to convince the doctors and therapists that she was okay in her environment. If even one of them suspected she might be overreaching she'd have no choice but to withdraw... and the idea of leaving Evercrest was unthinkable...

"What're we watching?" She asked, after a moment, desperate for a change of topic.
Class had ended and Rose had fallen asleep at her desk. She hadn't even noticed students were leaving or did anyone bother to wake her. She didn't have many friends so this was no surprise. The professor tapped her on her shoulder to wake her up. She slowly came to and looked up at the professor. Then her eyes widen. "I go to get to practice!" She stood up grabbed her things and ran out. When she got outside she checked the time on her phone. "Oh wait looks like I have some time." She said to herself. She then realized she didn't have her clothes. "Shoot." She started her way to her dorm.

He couldn't help a small chuckle at Saruhs small ramble. "Ah well... I don't think high class prostitute is a term of endearment in her book. Aside from that I take it your mom is doing alright?" He muttered before looking to the menu and tilting his head. "Looks decent from what I can tell. THey have a mix of things most of it mediterranean style food. Should make for an interesting lunch."


The news of Tori needing to go to the doctor was not surprising in the least. "Understandable. I don't have much going on in my classes if you want me to go with you." He offered. Going to the doctor was never easy and a little moral support never hurt. He put an arm around his friend seeing her worry and smile slightly. "Hey don't worry. Things will work out." He reassured before pressing play on the move. "I have no idea! I just grabbed a random one and stuck it in."


After she threw her garbage away Teah gathered her things and walked back to the culinary class. She talked with er teacher asking if it would be okay to could use the area she usually uses. Getting the okay, She tied her hair up, washed her hands and laid out the ingredients to make a cake. Teah mixed the batter and put the sponge base in the oven then went to make the filling.
Tori Graham

Tori chuckled softly, shaking her head, "If they don't work out, you wanna go on the run with me? I hear Europe's nice this time of year. And anything has to be better than the Casa de'Graham..."

Turning her attention to the screen she smiled gently, the first genuine smile she'd felt since that wild thought had strayed into her mind. Really, Cam was right. Things were going to be okay. She just needed to keep herself together and find better way to manage her stress... It was always hard, coming back to school. But she'd made it through the year before with very few problems... She could do it again. She had to.

As the beginning credits rolled she sat up a bit, still resting against Cam, whose arm around her shoulder was as steady a tether as she could ask for. There was a reason he was her best friend...

"...Charade. Ah. Excellent pick, my dear friend. Remind me again why you aren't straight...?"
David followed Victoria smiling a little bit more then he was used to but for the most part he was just glad that he wasn't stuttering as much now. He slowly sipped the coffee he bought. It was a simple cup of black coffee. Last thing he needed was more coffee since his nerves were still on a high. "Well i major in psychology with a minor in computers. Psychology....." He paused for a second not sure if he should let her know why he was majoring in it but decided to take the risk. He dropped his head looking down at his coffee "Y...you see" There went his damn nerves again getting the best of him.

Taking a deep breath "I kinda have social issues. My parents are both very confident strong people. Part of it came from their jobs in construction and the other part was just who they were born to be. N....now that's not to say they don't love me...trust me they love me with all their hearts but....they overshadowed me." He was almost shaking at this point. He tried his best to steel himself, because he felt like there wasn't left to lose "Every time i had someone come over to my house when i was kid all i got was how cool my parents were. How they were so awesome to so many things at one time and be so caught up with the time. I never really hated them for it, i just wondered why me? Why wasn't i gifted with their social prowess?" He looked up at her smiling weakly. "So i took the chance and enrolled here. My parents being supportive as ever said they would take care of everything and i wouldn't have to worry about it."

He dropped his head again "b..before I met you i spent most of my time in my dorm room just wondering what i could do to fix myself..." He chuckled " Well i guess there is worse things that i could have to fix i guess" He looked up at her one more time smiling weekly "Sorry to throw my issues so early into our friendship..." He paused when he finally caught up with the question he had pushed off. Should he let her know? He shook his head. "I'm sorry but i rather not speak about my notebook right now. Maybe another time but i'm not really up to that after giving you so much drama already." He sipped his coffee one more time thinking that it had turned a little to bitter for his taste. Taking a deep breath "A...again I am very sorry. I'll be right back. I just have had my fill of this coffee, i'm just going to throw this away."

Standing up he turned quickly bumping into a rather built person splashing some coffee on his shoe "I'm so sorry!"

@Kiwi @Atom

Józef Kowalski

Józef gave a quick grin when he heard that she had attended Harucon before and said with a laugh, "Must have been before my year here. I think the blue hair would have stood out. To her next question he nodded, "Yeah, we plan it, fund it, work on it, and make the pamphlets for it. Kinda amazing how much some work can be put into a three day event. Hopefully it will be bigger this year. It's going to take one hell of an effort though. But with a little bit of effort from enough people, you can do a lot."

Though to her statement about her not being into anime, he matched her shrug, "Well it's not just anime, we also game, and talk about the stereotypical nerdy topics. It's a real fun group if you want a fairly loose atmosphere." He let out a chuckle closing his eyes as he thought back to last year. "Izzy got her anime in...Sweet Jesus that was a drama fest. It was sappy as hell. Me I was just praying next time around we'd get a good action anime. Something Sci-fi, or some half way decent modern. I was thinking of Pushing Black lagoon next time around. Though don't really have the clout. I hope we don't get another cry fest anime."

Józef's attention turned to the thinning line sticking out of the dinning hall. He gave a pleased smile, "Ahh there we go, the lunch rush just passed, probably enough room in there now." He turned to Ari and thumbed behind him to the Dinning hall, "Have you already gotten something to eat? If not you're more than welcome to join me."


"Oh Europe is always nice! Hm backpacking could be a lot of fun. Rough and a good bit of work but always fun. Tons of adventures to have!" Cameron agreed. "Hm think of all the pictures I could shoot the Films I could make!" He grinned before chuckling. "See now you got me all excited! We're going to Europe once the semester's done now." He declared figuring a vacation away from everything was probably what she needed most of all. "Either way! Movie time!" He sighed settling back on the couch to watch the movie his mind already starting to critique the movie. It was something his major had drilled into him and he couldn't turn it off.


"Sounds like it could be fun." She agreed with a small grin. "I didn't have blue hair back then though, I think it was green? Either way rainbow colored hair is not exactly rare at conventions last I checked." She chuckled. She hadn't given clubs much of a thought but joining one or two could be fun. Give her something to do while waiting for chase to finish with practice. He gaze traveled over to the food court where most of the lines had dwindled down to a much more manageable state and she nodded "Yeah, sure. I haven't gotten anything to eat yet." Ari muttered before heading towards one of the lines which was shortest. At this point she could really eat anything and be just fine.

@Elle Joyner @Der Kojote
Kiyo Fresser

Coming out of computer labs , heading toward MARC

11:45 am

The wheels on her skateboard rolled rapidly as she rode down hill with her bag on her back and her laptop by her side. Kiyo's head nodded to the beat as the bass from her head phones bounced against her fluffy thick black hair. The wind that rushed by , pushed her afro to the side a little as she made a quick turn. leaning back a little , the turn was perfect, the wheels bumping against the curb and rolling onto the side walk. Kiyo didn't know exactly what she wanted to do yet, where to go , or if she was even in the mood to play some music. She knew that she had spent at least four , maybe five hours in the computer lab working on a new AI program for class. Of course she could have chosen to make a new website, or create a new app for Apple, but after watching an anime show the night before, her mind was set on an AI program that would help you with all your needs, and even better, respond to you when you talked to it. Voice recognition was the hardest task she had on her plate, creating and building the body was the second. Kiyo wasn't sure if she wanted it to be polite or have a type of spunk like attitude.

Kiyo bit her lip out of bad habit as she leaned back on her board to make it break. Dropping her leg she used the other to kick the end of the board so it would fall back into her hands. Ripping off a peace of her skin from her lip she began her walk into the MARC, she guessed a little practice wouldn't hurt.

Pushing the door open, she leaned her board against the plain wall, while dropping her bag next to it. Taking her laptop with her , she walked up on stage. Grabbing a stool, she placed her laptop down, opening it , then turning it to a recording program. Pressing the play button she grabbed herself an electric guitar and hooked it up. Putting on her headphones , she began to tap her feet as she moved her head to the beat. Like leaves falling on water, her fingers began to move against the cold guitar strings. The playing echoed as she copied the sound of the guitar that played through her head phones.


Józef Kowalski

Józef gave a chuckle at Ari's comment about her hair, "True...though still, odd hair colors still tend to stick out. Hmm but green last year? Hmm" He looked at the girl in-front of him. Trying to imagine her with green hair. He scratched his scruff giving it a moment, he shook his head, "I Don't see it. With your eyes...probably the blue would work the best." He gave a slight grin "Then again, personal preference trumps the tastes of a guy who doesn't understand fashion sense. That I never will understand. If you excuse me I'll stick with Biology. Now trust me, That I understand!" He then nodded at her agreement to grab some food.

Following her lead to the shortest line for food, he looked towards what they were serving, "Ahh Pizza, hope they got the specialty pizza today...they cycle through a few types every week. White vegetarian, meat lovers, Hawaiian. Trust me when I say you don't want the barbecue pizza. Tastes terrible, the bbq sauce instead of Marinara sauce, if they had just put BBQ chicken as a topping it'd be fine...Oh and never get the chef's surprise pizza. the surprise is that it's meatloaf that they didn't serve from the day before..."



Well, he was supposed to be in class at the moment, but this was about the only time he could go to rush and have it no affect football. Besides, it was Calculus II and he was actually head in that class. He had three stops to make, Otaku's Anon, the Comp Sci club and Alpha Phi Alpha frat. He was already a part of the first two, he had enrolled early and joined them over last spring and the summer, but Alpha Phi Alpha? Well....

He had to dress up nice to impress them, all without showing too much interest (giving away his desire to join) and still gathering the right information. It was a tricky dance when showing interest into a BGLO, but he had wanted to join. So as he walked through the crowd of people in the main area for Rush, he could only smile. Black suit, with the crisp blue shirt and black tie. Nice black shoes, and black shades completed the ensemble.

Of course, it was hard to be the TRUE FRESHMAN starting quarterback on one of the nation's best teams, have success so far, be taller than mostly everyone and not draw attention, but. Well. Moving his way to the crowd, he stopped at the Computer Science organization table taking in a deep breath and looking at anyone who was there.


Victoria Moore

Club Rush, 11:03 a.m

In her car

"I cant believe I over slept!" She yelled to herself as she put on a dab of mascara on her left eye while looking at her rear view mirror. She was parked on the other side of the campus and it takes forever to get to the quad with club rush. She could join the writer's club, or join the dance club. She sighed and looked back at her costume hanging in a dry cleaning bag in the back. That is the only thing she dances to, but she wants to learn a bit more moves for her job. Jinx would become a star dancer. She sighed and opened her car door.

"Ugh, i have to walk so far." she mumbled and cursed to herself as she grabbed her laptop bag, her backpack, and her coat. She sighed as she slammed the car door, and then started to run towards the campus, so far from her.

((Anyone who wants to interact with me, including

@genestarwind34 if you want to.))

Izzy Winston

Wednesday September 12

11:00 am

Club Rush!

Izzy stayed to the edge of the moving crowd as she took pictures of different signs of the clubs participating. She wasn't really interested in finding a club for herself, quite content to the two she had under her belt at the current moment, but she was in need of pictures for the Newspaper and she wanted to impress her brother. Besides, while she may not be the most interested in finding a new club, there was definitely a common interest in finding one among the guys of the university. Even those who were comfortable with their current clubs were there out of support or curiousity. Izzy, herself, had spent a while at the Newspaper stand in order to see which people would be signing up this year. It was always annoying when a girl joined the newspaper, but she was always sure to let her brother know if the new person caused problems of any kind.

Walking down the side of the walkway, Izzy stopped as she saw thenext line of clubs. There was the swimming club for one and while she loved her Erich and the other totes hotties in the swimming club, she wasn't interested in wrapping herself up in spandex before plunging into cold water just for the satisfaction of saying she had done it faster than someone else. Sports in general was kind of out of her fathom, but she could understand competition. Regardless, Izzy did take a few pictures of the stand, the stand's main organizer looking to be quite bored, but still looking handsome as he wiped some leftover sleep from his eyes.

Turning her head, she glimpsed the Anime Club, and her heart went out to it. She loved the club, and while it had shown her the awesomeness of Anime, the reason she loved it was for the cute nerdy guys she saw in there from time to time. Jozef was one, and boy was he someone she could watch Anime with all night. He was really kind and sweet, and she hoped that she would get to see him more this year than she had last year. Finishing her rounds, Izzy began to walk in another direction when she saw the next club that caught her interest.

With its extravagant title, she was sure she would have seen it before, but out of sheer bad luck, it seemed that two other clubs had miscalculated the width of their stands and had left little room for the other club stand. They must not have been able to interfere with the already convoluted traffic of the day, because they had been positioned behind both clubs. She had been lucky to even see it. The word explorers caught her attention, and with some trapidation, Izzy began to cautiously make her way forward.

@Der Kojote (mentioned)

@DescriptedEnd (mentioned)



Hanging out with Joe the day before had been a nice break from the norm. He turned out be a really cool guy and him chatting on and on about the anime club had make her curious. She wasn't a die hard otaku or big gamer but she did enjoy a good anime now and then. She would just follow what ever Kenny said when it came to Gaming but it might be good to branch out and get into it on her own. Give her something to do between classes and waiting for Chase. Besides everyone had started getting into their own thing even Kenny with his foot ball so it might not hurt to have something of her own. Plus the convention had been a lot of fun last time she went.

GC was packed with people both looking for a club to join and clubs recruiting. Ari navigated her way through the crowds of GC azure eyes glancing over the different booth and their displays finding a few things of interest until she spotted the Otaku Anonymous booth and wandered over spotting Joy still helping with the set up. "Hello, Joe." She grinned

Skating down the street Kiyo kept her lap top nice and snug between her arm and lower leg, while her other hand held on to her back pack strap. Zooming through the traffic of people entering the club event, Kiyo had leaned toward the side walk. Smiling she lifted up a little, letting the front wheel knock against the curb. Jumping off she caught her board and began the hunt for clubs. "Hm..." Kiyo jogged from stand to stand, hoping to find the one she had an eye on for a while. The computer club, was her highest priority, but if it wasn't running this year then she would go to the music club. With every luck she had she found the stand for computers, its board digitized , with circuits running from one pole to the other. "Very creative." Kiyo smiled gleefully as she rushed over to sign up.

Reaching the stand she saw a piece of paper with name, grade, and major. Taking the pen , she began to sign herself up.

@Everyone ahaha

Saruh and Kota

The morning was nothing new, only routine for the young woman as she slipped out of her bed and on to her feet. It was another day for her to be pretty, girly, prissy. Whatever the correct term would be for the way she had to dress today. She didn't mind being girly, she even enjoyed it, but she had to be in the mood for it or it'd be more like a...task than a pleasure.

Today? She was on the fence like Mr. Feeny talking to a young Corey Matthews. She wasn't necessarily not in mood, but she also was too lazy to do so too BUT her responsibilities called on her. So waking up earlier than she usually did, to the sound of jazz blasting through her sonos room by room speakers as her pandora radio alarm clock woke her up, she went bout her daily routine for getting pretty.

Meanwhile, her counterpart Dakota had a very different today. Well, not really. She woke up with some girl in her bed, a ringing headache, nausea, and the other things that come with a hangover. She didn't even bother to go to her daily workout, she instead just got ready and went about her daily routine.

Eventually, they were both dressed up in their colors for their shared sorority and both headed to campus. Saruh got Chase to give her a ride, since she didn't have a car and pretty day she couldn't come to school on her skateboard. Meanwhile Dakota just made the "shorter" walk to the GC, both eventually ended up at the same destination. The AKA table amongst the greek rush, both all pretty in their pink and green just waiting for someone to come by.

mentioned @Shura


Kenny had spoken to those who were already out there, and nodded when they had spoken back. Kenny, despite only being a freshman, was already apart of the club from his early enrollment. He was about to turn and head to the Otaku club but something had caught his attention before he started to break away. A beautiful woman had approached the desk, but that's not actually what caught his attention. No, the fact she was beautiful and approaching the CSO caught his attention. I mean..well yeah...

Kenny managed to stop and watched as the girl started signing,"Oh well I'm glad someone is showing interest in the club, it'd be a pretty bland year if it was just me joe and um..what's her name." The words flew from his mouth, from the towering height he stood as he motioned towards the sign,"I'm Kenny Austin by the way."

Kiyo was banging her head to the beat as she finished signing. The moment she looked up she saw his lips moving. Smiling she took off her heads set, placing them on her shoulders as she stood up. "Kenny? A pleasure, the names Kiyo." Kiyo felt bad for not hearing what he had said before. "Um...are you the president of this club. It pretty cool, first time I've ever seen a club like this. When I enrolled and they gave me the club sheet, I was really stocked that A Computer Club was formed. " Kiyo 's eyes looked up as her head leaned back a little. Tall fella he was, the sight of his height made her chuckle into her hand before she walked over behind the stand. Holding out her hand, she had set her lap top down on the table.

"A pleasure to be apart of this."



He laughed as he took a moment to take in what she said,"Kiyo, pleasure to meet you and I'm glad you're excited about it. Uh, no I'm not. I wouldn't actually have the time between football and the Otaku's Annoymous." He said a bit as he watched her walk around extend her hand, and he took her hand into his and shook it,"If you want to, I can actually talk to you a bit more about the club and even show you where we meet and what not. The area we meet is just one of the labs, but we make it into something awesome when we get in there."



Kiyo placed her skate board in the straps of her bag, while putting her laptop inside. "Oh your in two ...no three things. Football, and Otaku's Annoymous. The last one sounds fun. Judging by the name your an Otaku I take it, how many anime shows have you seen. My list ranges from 569 with 458 manga's. " Putting back on her back pack she shoved her hands in her pockets after the hand shake. "If it wouldn't be much of your time sure. Are the labs big, do we have parties, could we stream anime...or would that be for the other club. "

Kiyo was a little shocked he was in football, with his height he could be in basket ball to. Was this score for adding him on her friend list. Not only was he a sport jock, but he tampered with computers, and had a thing for anime. Kenny was it? Kiyo smiled as she would have to remember his name. Kiyo thought maybe this school year would be fun after all.



"If I had continued my stream from high school, it'd be more, maybe basketball or baseball. Football seasons sort of interferes with basketball, but one sport my hard major is enough," he joked though it wasw a lot of truth into it,"I wouldn't say I was an Otaku, but according to MyAnimeList....250 animes and 400 manga, I prefer manga often ha, with my favorite anime probably being....wow that's hard."

Well. She certainly seemed interesting. Way more interesting than a lot of the women he had met since he's been on campus. "Well the labs are huge, at least since I asked them to allow us to use the bigger ones. And the Comp Sci Club can have parties, and I'm sort of a liaison between the two so we do joint things sometimes. Hey if you got a little time, we can even stream some anime on the big monitor they have for a little."

Kenny managed to turn to the rest of the comp sci members, nod, before turning back and beginning to walk,"My big sister skates too, if you ever want to meet up with her. Though, I think she's a little busy right now. She's an AKA and all, and Greek Rush is also going on."


Józef Kowalski

Ahh Club fair, with its many peoples all doing the same thing...looking for a place to throw a few hours away each week. Józef currently was working on manning the station, sure he was just a sophomore, however he was trying to climb up the ranks of the organization, hell maybe he'd run for club position this year. Maybe secretary, heck maybe even treasurer. He kept on looking around the GC, for any familiar faces, He thought he saw Izzy for a split second but as per usual. She disappeared, He shrugged. She had a tendency to do that, always with the camera somewhere in the background. Maybe she'd help man the stand later...however something told him to doubt it.

Though a now familiar voice caught his attention coming from Ariana, He replied with a Grin to match her's "Hey Ari, We're just getting set up. Nice to see you've taken an interest! A few members are here already, some are intermingled with the crowds. Anyway welcome to the Booth! Err what's up of it anyway."


Bran Maddox

Apartments - Club Rush

11:00 - 11:08

Beethoven's fifth symphony, a masterpiece, best known for its first five notes, as most classical music is, but Bran Maddox used it, among other classics, for inspiration. His current work was approaching its zenith, and he needed a source of elegant gusto with which to push his characters beyond the main conflict. Bran was finishing his Epic, "The Jester and the Captain" (Title pending) and today was the day he would finally be done with it. Bran looked at his calendar to mark the date. September the twelfth. There was already a note on that day Club Rush. Eyes widening in realization, Bran pulled the needle off the Beethoven vinyl and flicked off the switch on his desk light before shoving his feet in his dirty sneakers. There was an audible expression of relief from Bran's downstairs neighbor at the cessation of Beethoven, but Bran paid it no mind, he had free samples to go snag. Sure, he could probably buy enough of whatever they had to fill a fleet of trucks, but that wasn't as satisfying as subtly taking a sample from the myriad of clubs he had no intention of joining. As he grabbed his keys and jogged out the door, Elisedd gave a mewl as if to say farewell. Bran gave a halfhearted wave to the cat through the closing door, before sprinting down the corridor, taking the stairs two at a time to make it to the clubs fair before all the good food was gone.

Arriving before there was too much of a fuss, Bran took a moment to catch his breath by the booth map. Gourmet Club, perfect. It was just as well he had to make his way across the entire sea of booths to make it there, he'd be doubling back a few times, for sure, and the exercise may counteract the overeating he was about to do. He snagged a cupcake from a booth along the way, judging by the 'KAPOW' written in icing, the club had something to do with comic books. Bran didn't care, the cupcake was delicious and moist, and he had it gone before he was three steps from the booth, rushing crumbs off his plain grey sweatshirt into the paper wrapping before crumpling it up and tossing it underhand in the nearest trashcan, all without breaking stride. Practice makes perfect, after all. Two cookies, a mini-churro, a shirley temple, three cheese cubes and a miniature hot-dog later, Bran had arrived at the Gourmet Club stand to find... scallops. Granted, gourmet scallops, but rubbery old shellfish nonetheless. Bran threw his arms up in defeat and turned around to figure out where that churro came from.

Elisedd lounged across Bran's bed, occasionally extending and retracting his claws as though contemplating sharpening them on the downy bed sheets that lay halfheartedly tossed over the bed in an attempt to make it look tended. Hopping to the ground, Elisedd wandered to Bran's desk, leaping atop it and eyeing the stack of papers pushed hastily to one side...

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