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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest

Hadi Klein

"I'm spontaneous like that... Tomorrow, I may be Wilma, and you can be Fred. And I swear..." Holding her hands up, she smiled, "I'm innocent of any tomfoolery. I mean, I bought more tickets than anyone here, but well, hey... It's for charity, right?"

Taking his number, she tucked it into her pocket, "Well... I'm free most weekends. And I'm not really picky... time wise. Though if you keep me out past midnight, I might run away. I'll leave my shoe behind though. Oh, look at that... Now I'm Cinderella."

Chuckling, she shrugged, "Your Grandma sounds like a smart lady. And consequently, this was one of the items on my Bucket List, so... really, we're two mysteries in. I think God has a sense of humor..."

Tori Graham

It was a good distraction, or at least that's what she tried to tell herself. Taking the bear from Cam she grinned and leaned up on her toes, kissing his cheek, "You're sweet. I'm gonna have to name him after you. Put him on my shelf where he can stare at me the way you do when you know I'm totally being ridiculous about my pitiful love life."

With a wink, and almost as if on cue she turned to listen to the names and numbers being called, trying not to frown at the sight of the girl calling them out. It wasn't that Saruh was particularly unlikeable... she was probably nice, in her own way, but she'd never made the effort to be kind to Tori, and really, there was no love lost between the two of them.

Of course there was no shock when, mysteriously, Chase's number was called and there was no match. She'd imagined there was no chance his girlfriend would let anyone else near him. It was a little frustrating, really... but unsurprising.

Turning to Cam she sighed, softly, "Yeah. I'm sure we're lucky, missing out on all that. I've got CoOp soon... Wanna walk me home?"

Kenny Kota Saruh

Kenny couldn't stop smiling, between everything she said, his smile was big as it could get. No seriously, Kenny couldn't stop smiling and he didn't understand why. He didn't think too deep into it though, he just brushed it off as she was just too dagum hilarious. Yeah for Charity. A good ole cause."

"Well Cinderella, if you do run away. Don't be surprised if I show up at your door the following day and ask you to try on the slipper. Don't worry, even if it doesn't fit, you can still be my princess," his words were gentle, soft, and genuine and contained something more. He didn't realize, nor intend to, it just subconsciously happened. It wasn't empty flirting, it wasn't teasing like he did was Ari it was..."That he does, he does have a sense humor. So how about Sunday evening? I have a big game this weekend, so Sunday will be about my only free time. What do you say?"

Saruh laughed and finally removed her face from his chest, looking up into those icy eyes of his,"We can just suffice with the date we're suppose to have tonight. I know my baby's busy, I won't add another obligation on top of the others. And as for Kenny? Well you know how he is...but maybe something will come out of this." She had her heels on, so she didn't have to move her head too far to kiss his lips,"You know I love you right? Even with everything...I still love you just as much as I always have."

To be honest, she wasn't too sure what the future held for their relationship. It always seemed like it would get really rocky, then really well, and back to rocky. For now, she would enjoy the smooth sailing, and let hi know every step of the way how she feels.

Yet Dakota could only sigh at all of the displays of affection, not really having anyone to call her own, or anyone willing to take interest in her. Ok, that was untrue, it Ari might have been in denial but Dakota had a line of suitors male and female. Just not who she wanted,"WEll see you guys later..." she said aloud, not expecting anyone to hear, before making eye contact with Ari, blowing a kiss and departing.

@Shura @Elle Joyner
Chase and Ari

Chase smiled softly and returned the loving kiss smiling softly. "Hm guell I'll have to make the date extra special then." He laughed softly. "I love you too Starry. Through all the ups and down I will always love you." He added and it was the truth. Through all of the stress and strained he cared about her to no end . Even before they started dating. He kissed her once more before Kota announced her departure and she waved the other woman off before looking to Saruh. "So how long are we going to be here?" He asked softly.

Ari glanced over in time to see Kota depart while blowing a kiss asn was sorely tempted to flip her off but settled for a quick glare. At least she would be away for now. She sighed softly before setting the tickets aside. She glanced over to the happy couple and had to admit as nice as it was to see them happy she couldn't help but envy them sometimes. Shaking off the feeling she spoke up, "So whats next?"


He smiled softly "I will always be watching you." He said ominously before chuckling "Regardless! Yes I would happily escort you to your next event." He replied linking ards with his friend and starting out of GC. He could tell she was crushed but didn't want her to dwell on the events of the raffle.
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Saruh and Kota

Saruh smiled and looked to her phone to check the time. before realizing that there was no point in checking the time. She was done with classes for the day, and usually she'd hang around campus for a little while and spend time with Chase or whatever Chase wanted to do. If he was busy that day, she'd hang out with friends for a little before skateboarding to the garden and smoking or to home and smoking. A lot of time she spent time in the studio, but that usually didn't happen on her free days because, well, she rather had spend that time with Chase.

So with a smile she poked him on the chest and smirked,"You wanna get out of here? Go get some lunch or something?" She asked tilting her head making sure to stay close,"The raffle was a huge success, and the rest of the girls who are just arriving can continue selling the rest of the goods." She glanced over to the Kenny and couldn't help but to smile,"Besides, Kenny looks happy. Today's been a success so far, so let's quit on a high note."

Meanwhile, Dakota had started to journey to the CoOp meeting. She was a bit disappointed with the last couple of days, BUT, she did get Spit to agree to go with her to the game. I mean, Kota had no idea how long Ari would be in denial and wasn't about to waste her time. Well, she wasn't sure Spit was into her that way, but it she was a friend all the same and spending time with her was always enjoyable. She'd make sure that Spit was having a good time come Saturday, and would not abandon her.

Eventually, she arrived at the place where her CoOP usually was, and into the room with a bunch of chairs. Soon, her foot found one of the chairs and sent it flying across the room and into a wall causing a picture to fall of the wall and shatter on the ground. These meetings, just the meeting itself, was enough to infuriate her. She hated coming to them, and they never seemed to help. Maybe because she was never cooperative (ironically) but she was mandated to come in order to stay on the basketball team.

After her surge of fury, she found a chair and decided on sitting there despite being in a huff. She wish the meeting was over already, but them be the breaks.

@Shura @Elle Joyner (since Tori will be at the meeting)​
Hadi Klein

"Oh ho..." She started, laughing softly, "But aren't you a smoothie. I'm gonna have to watch myself with you, aren't I..."

And just like that, the red flag was raised. The words were in jest... and there was no indication otherwise, but there was a reason people said in every joke there was some degree of truth. It was in his eyes, more than in his words... a subtle, innocent little look, but it was there and like he'd pressed one of those convenient buttons, she could feel the garage-door slam of protection sliding over her heart. She needed to be more careful... she knew it. She always knew. But it was easier when they weren't so nice... or sweet... or adorable.

She smiled, without losing a step and gave him a nod, "...Sunday works great. And hey, maybe I'll see if I can sneak away... Watch the game. I mean... that way, I can still cancel our date if you lose horrible." With a wink, she backed away.

"Till then, QB, I'll see you in class." And with a small wave, she was gone again.


Tori Graham

She couldn't help it. She tried, but she couldn't help it... As she followed Cam to the door it happened, slowly and subtly, but it happened all the same. Her head turned, cocked over her shoulder and for a second, for just a small, split second she locked eyes with that damnable boy, and despite the girl fawning over him, she smiled...

A moment later, she was out the door, but the sight of him lingered.

Roughly half an hour later, she found herself in the stuffy basement beneath the chapel. She was early, but sitting around would only have worked at convincing her not to go and despite finding the CoOp group mind numbingly useless it was mandatory that she attend, if she wanted to continue her education at Evercrest. The plans she'd made with Cam, later, helped. An Audrey Hepburn marathon over popcorn was exactly what she needed...

Entering the room she spotted the other girl, slumped in her chair... she spotted, at well, the chair, hocked clean across the floor and with a small, quirky smile she shook her head, "Poltergeists?" She asked, before taking a seat of her own.

(@AkuNoOkami )
Chase and Ari

Chase smirked slightly and nodded "lunch sounds good with me. Gotta stay on campus. Practice is in a few hours." He shrugged. There is that new place by CQC though. "

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Alice looked back to see who she ran into. Seem to be some guy but he didn't say anything. She shrugged and went on her way. "Man I can't be late."


Kota didn't bother to look up, because the newcomer's joke had come at an ill-time. She was extremely irritated and knew eye-contact would communicate that and she had nothing against the woman who had just entered the room. So, she resolved to keep her head down and offer a chuckle (though forced) seceded by a simple statement,"Looks that way, or a plain ole ghost perhaps. If we try to catch them, make sure we don't cross our streams."

She was a good sport that Kota, all in all. Despite her narcissism, egomania, and anger, she was generally a good person. She wasn't well-know purely off of her looks and being apart of the basketball team, nay. There were a lot of girls on the basketball team and do you know of any of them? Precisely.

(i wrote more when I started but i went to class and forgot what I wrote or was going for)​

@Elle Joyner

Brewed Awakening and Dance Studio

I finished off my paper with a dramatic sigh and I sipped down the rest of my coffee. I had couple hours to kill before the next class. I grabbed my laptop and headed down to the dance studio. The studio was empty for the most part. The Janitor was the only other person and he was restocking the bathroom. I walked over to the speakers and plugged in my laptop to the speakers and put on the song to my newest project. Its a cover to one way or another. It has this eeriness to it. Its hard to explain but the music is truly wonderful. I envision it as a small group piece with 5 women and one male. He's been with all of the women accept one. The one that he hasn't been with captivates him. He goes through the piece trying to get close to her and finally at the end, he gets to her and she makes him wish he stayed away. Its a dark twist and in this story, its the women who are the powerful ones. I play the song over again and mark the 8 counts I have done already. It requires a lot of balance, flexibility and control. It's a challenging piece but its beautiful if its executed correctly.
David Summers

10:23 a.m

David was kind of stunned at what was happening. This person actually wanted to continue a conversation with him. It seemed to him like there was no ill will or intent. Slowly he began to speak again "S..sure..sounds like a...a great idea. I..i know a few good books" flashing a shy smile he quickly looked around like if there was a cue for him to go or follow her because honestly he was lost as if given a map of New York and he was in Texas.

Trying to relax himself he took a deep breath while trying to make sure that it didn't look like he was struggling to much with talking to her. He decided that he was going to let her lead the way so that maybe he could at least try to get his bearings. "W..well since you suggested coffee how about we go somewhere nice you like to go..." He had not spent much time outside of his dorm and class, so even though it was a couple weeks since he had been there he didn't know of any spots that she would like to go. A idea of what friends might do popped into his head since he saw many situations similar to this on t.v before "m...m..my treat." He tried his best to hold a smile as he said it and made a awkward motion for her to lead the way.



She could only nod, and offer a smile,"Alright. Let's go there. I need sometime to get to go from Seraphine and back to Saruh before our date late tonight anyway. So your practice works in my favor." she made sure to squeeze him tighter,"Lead the way my brave knight!"

(haha short)


Józef Kowalski

GC building

Józef Felt relieved, class had been canceled, the bio teacher had to cancel class, apparently her son had a case of the flu. so that left Józef the rest of the day to knock around after the micro biology lab. He could relax for the rest of the day...so long as he didn't have another Cicada incident today. right now he just wanted to get some food from the dinning hall. Happy he was not hearing the ear-piercing shriek of his name, he stepped into the GC Building, the lunch rush was currently hitting it's full swing. Coupled with the fact that it was a bake sale, the crowding in the building was fairly severe but then again it was nothing new.

He continued trying to navigate through the crowd. He managed to maneuver through one or two thickets and lines of people. Everything looked like it was going to take a while before he had a chance at getting some chow. He continued to scan the crowds for any short lines, nothing really caught his eye. except for a familiar color of hair, Very VERY blue. Huh...wait that was Kenny's friend. He figured that he could kill some time, and be friendly. He decided to walk over and say hi. Approaching the Girl, he waved, "Hey, Ari was it? You ditched at the opportune time yesterday. Sorry about that."

Chase and Ari

Chase grinned. "Off we go then." He replied before looking over to Ari. "You coming with?" The teen shook her head, it wasn't often Chase got to spend time alone with Saruh so she would let them have their time. "Na, I'm good. I'll meet you after practice." She replied before watching as the two wandered off on their own. She sighed slightly grabbing her pack and slinging it over her shoulder. She had no classes or activities and she was stuck on campus until 7. She was tempted to go to the piano room but was worried about bumping into Spit or Kota or god knows who. Perhaps she could go to the music Building instead?

Shifting directions she started out of the GC building when she was greeted by a familiar face. It took her a moment before remembering who he was. "Oh. Joe right? Yeah... I heard someone yelled your name. Figured something was happening." She shrugged. "I hope it wasn't anything serious." She added before something poked at her mind. With out much of a second thought she punched the brunette in the arm, it wasn't a hard punch but a solid one nonetheless. "That is for calling me poisonous."

@AkuNoOkami @Der Kojote

Józef Kowalski

Joe Sighed at Ari's first statement. "Yeah...that tends to happen...let's just say this wasn't the first time it happened and leave it at that. I assure it's not serious. Well at least to most people." While it was annoying...he didn't want Eliana getting in trouble. She really didn't mean any harm by it, However it was sill annoying and he wondered if at some point her almost throwing him animals to take care off was going to get to a really untenable pace. So far it seemed to be managable, he was going to have to tell her to stop at some point, but right now he really didn't see the harm in it.

His thoughts were interrupted with a punch in the arm. Ari saying, "That is for calling me poisonous." Józef looked at the girl with a look of what was that for? Before he recalled the exact statement that landed him in the proverbial Dog House. With a look of relization he apolized "Och Gówno, sorry, sorry. That comment wasn't meant as an insult...but it was really in poor taste. I apologize."


A small smile crossed the girl face "No worries we're even." She replied before putting her hands in the hoodie of her pocket. In hindsight she should have thought twice before randomly punching someone, if it had been a more aggressive person she may have been in trouble. Then again this guy didn't look like much of a threat. "Glad the emergency was easy to take care of. How's you day been going so far?" She questioned. She knew the guy was Kenny's friend so he couldn't be that bad. Plus it would be nice to have some, hopefully, normal friends around campus that weren't her brothers or sister.

@Der Kojote


Saruh took in a deep breath as she walked with Chase towards the little spot he was talking about. The whole while, she didn't let go of him or get away. She figured Ari didn't join for the same reason Saruh was all up on him. They didn't get a lot of alone time together between their schedules, so she would let him know how much she missed him. "When is y'all first game?" she questioned in regards to his soccer season,"I'll do my best to come to as many as I can. "

They had approached the place, and wasn't far off when she coughed again,"I like you by the way. Do you like me?"

Teah Melanthios

Teah chuckled at the two and took the girls number and nodded “ Sure thing! I have to got to class now so i’ll see you around~” She nodded her goodbye and ran off to class. Once she got in the building she put her camera in her bag and tied her hair in a ponytail then headed to her culinary class.


She walked out the class with a new recipe in mind and headed for the Rosy Cheeks Ice Cream Shop. Just because it was wet and a little windy outside doesn’t mean you cant have something cold and sweet. She walked in the ice cream shop and got a scoop of strawberry and a scoop of mango then sat down at a table,pulled out her laptop and started doing some of her homework.

Victoria Moore

Brewed Awakening Coffee shop, 10:52 a.m.

Breaking the Ice

They made it to the coffee shop with ease, and David seemed to be able to open up a bit more, which cheered Victoria up a bit. She never thought she can actually make an introverted guy like David open up, and talk to someone, it made her happy she had that ability. He was a great guy, he was nice, respectful, and very interesting to talk to.

"I major in writing. I love to write short stories and works of fiction." Their conversation led to their fields of study. She hoped he had something in that in common with her. It would be awkward for both him and her with that. "And I minor in psychology, which is why you sometimes can find me in the Psych building." She played with the sides of her cup, filled with amaretto with vanilla cream. "I have a notebook filled with ideas and a current short story i am actually working on for my class." She took out her purple lace notebook and placed it on the table, for him to see. " What do you write in your book? I'm curious, you seem to like to hold on to it." She eyed his notebook and then back at him as she took a careful sip of her drink.

She loved to break the ice with him, learning a bit more and helping him open up to someone should be great for him.
Tori Graham

Tori smirked, shaking her head, "I'll be sure to watch where I shoot, then."

It was the first CoOp of the new year, but she remember the girl from the previous semester. Dakota. To Tori's knowledge, she was a sophomore, and had some significant issues -- None of which she seemed particularly keen on chatting about in group. Of course, Tori couldn't blame her. To date, she'd never volunteered much of her own pertinent information to the small circle of patients. Really, the only one who knew anything about her condition was Cam, and he was always good to pretend oblivious, unless otherwise necessary.

But in order to attend Evercrest, the CoOp was a necessity... and so she went, and like the vast majority of them, would share tidbits here and there, none of which were particularly helpful or informative, and the resident therapist running the crew didn't seem to mind, provided no one got hurt and they all clocked their hours.

Today's group wasn't much different. As the rest of the members filed in, the therapist, Doctor Simon greeted them, asked them to reintroduce themselves and then there was a crisp few minutes of silence while he waited for one of them to start the "sharing".

Graciously, the CoOp that afternoon was only half an hour. The circle hadn't even reached Tori by the time 3:30 rolled around. Doctor Simon dismissed them with a casual word of reminder that the following Tuesday would be a full session, but the majority of the group was already out the door.

Tori followed the crowd out of the chapel basement and up the steps into the fresh, albeit muggy air. It was a decent walk home, but she needed the time to herself, her mind suddenly reeling from the aftermath of the day's events. She knew when she'd suggested it to Cam that going to the fundraiser wasn't her greatest plan, but somehow she'd managed to convince herself she was strong enough to face her problems without backlash. It wasn't a completely ridiculous thought...

But Saruh had seemed dead set on being embarrassingly clingy and however Chase felt, he certainly seemed not to mind... and if Nigel had just remembered the time she would never have had to walk... Her Louie Boutins were doomed on the hard rocky streets. She might not have been coronated yet, but the wedding was only a few weeks away and she was practically royalty as it was...

Tori froze at the thought which had slipped in, normal as any other, her heart a tribal drum against her ribcage as she wracked her memory... desperately searching for the moment that morning when she'd taken her medication... and she had,certainly.

Fishing out her phone her hands shook as she keyed in Cam's number, typing as fast as her fingers would allow.

Med malfunc. - at chapel. Come quick.

Dropping down to the curb she hit send and softly, quietly, began to recite everything that had happened that day, wrapping her mind around those realities, no matter how painful, with unrelenting grip...

The walk to CBC was not bad, especially since it had stopped raining. There was still cloud cover so the heat hadn't settled in. He tilted his head slightly trying to think back, or rather forward. "12 of next month I believe. It's against a minor team though." He replied with a slight smile. "It should be an easier season, a lot of the newer guys have a better idea of what to do and the new recruits aren't half bad." Chase added as they reached the little cafe. He couldn't a small grin as he opened the door for her. "Hm I think I more than just like you."


Some legends are told. Some turn to dust or to gold, But you will remember me. Remember me for centuries

Music flowed through his lime green headset blocking out the rest of the world as Cameron made his way around campus with his camera looking for inspiration. He sang along to the song without much thought, the lyrics embedded into his memory by that point. A few strange looks were cast his way as he danced along the sidewalks snapping pictures of what looked interesting at the time. Worst come to worst he could use some of the bad ones for photo editing or something. Sometimes he would take pictures of something just for the texture to be used later. Tuesdays were always fun, light on classes and full of enough free time to work on projects.

Just as the song changed a vibration came from his pocket. Letting the camera hang from around his neck he fished the phone from his pocket. With a flick of his finger a text message from Tori popped up. He hadn't realized so much time had passed until now. THe first work of the message brought his good mood to a halt. "Oh boy..." He muttered before hurriedly making his way across campus to meet up with his friend.

Within 15 minutes he managed to reach the chapel with out much of a problem though he was out of breath. "Ah... got here... as soon as I could."

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner
Tori Graham

She was off the curb the minute she spotted him coming, and heart still pounding, she propelled forward, grabbing his hand and spinning him round, back in the direction he'd come, "I took it. I know it took it this morning, but ... but I can feel it, Cam. Something's off. I need to get back to my room... Can... can you walk me back?"

She was frightened. It had been months since her last set back and she had covered it well, but she knew the risks in losing herself on Campus. She could find herself out of Evercrest and back home before she had a chance to sort anything out. And that thought was unacceptable.

"I think I just need to relax..."

With barely enough time to catch his breath Cameron was once again on the move towards the dorms this time. It wasn't the first time she had small issues with her meds. He always referred to them as glitches, minor hiccups which could be nothing or lead to something big. Either way it was an issue that needed to be monitored. "Relaxing. Yeah that's probably best." He said before putting an arm around her shoulder. "You little miss need a spa day.... I'm guessing a movie marathon will do just as well though. Already got the movies in my bag." he smirked.

@Elle Joyner
Tori Graham

Fighting the thoughts in her head... Tori nodded as she walked with him. It was frustrating, the lack of control... She could feel the irrational sense of paranoia rising up, the aggravation and her nerves tingled with panic which she tried desperately to quell, reminding herself of those things which she knew were real, anchoring herself to Cam, whose arm around her shoulder was intensely comforting, keeping her grounded...

It was a decent walk back to the dorms, but she wasted little time and Cam didn't complain about her pace. When they entered the building she could feel the brunt of the small attack subsiding... could feel a bit of reason returning - and knew the antipsychotic medication was doing it's job, however slowly. It was reassuring, but hardly calming...

Reaching her door, she took out her key and pushed it open, slipping inside, holding the door open for Cam.

"You know where the DVD player is. Make yourself comfy. I'm gonna call Doctor Miller, real quick..."

Józef Kowalski

Józef smiled at the even comment, she seemed to be content with the one punch. He shrugged at her next comment, "Ehh. I'm free for the day now. Food was the main objective, but lunch rush just hit like a truck, so I'm probably going to have to wait for a while. Judging by the lines, and knowing this school...I'd say about 30 minutes before the lines become SEMI-reasonable. After that though. I got nothing." He scratched the scruff of his light beard and said thinking aloud, "Suppose I could be doing some research into what I want to suggest for Otaku's Anonymous. I kinda don't want Izzy to get another one of her suggestions in..."

He looked at Ari probably guessing that she had no idea what he was talking about "Och przepraszam, (oh sorry) You probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Otaku's Anonymous is the anime club on campus. Pretty cool group of people. Or at least a lot of the seniors were. But, of course a lot of them graduated. Don't know if they're going to come back for Harucon... Hell we've still got to plan that for later in the year."



She stuck her tongue out at him, before curtsying a bit,"Thank you kind sir." She offered him kissing his cheek before walking through the door way. Once she was through, she heard her phone ding in her purse and took it out quickly and sighed, before pushing answer and putting it to her hair,"Well hello dear mother. With Chase. Nope, not pregnant with a mixed baby yet, I'm working on it. Still a hippie......Nope. Nah. Yes to that one. Oooooh new shoes? I'll add that to the collection of shoes I never wear often. Put money in my account? For what?! I DON'T NEED A CAR MOM! Fine. But I'm getting what I want. Also, why do you have that much money laying around. ARE YOU A HIGH CLASS PROSTITUTE? I'M TELLING DAD!. Hello? Mom?" She looked at her phone and shrugged her shoulders,"I guess she hung up."​


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