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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


"Your grandmother is smart, but then again who isn't it." Kiyo closed her laptop before crossing her arms. "I would have expected you to high tail it out of her, come up with a rude remark, or not say anything at all. Your are crappy at reading people, but you were right about me not pushing you off. Finding a Jock that likes anime, very rare these days. If anything I would keep you as a test subject." Kiyo laughed a little as she slid her lap top back in her bag, getting pre ready to leave for the day, or go wandering off somewhere when she would feel like it.

"Test subject sounds nice...rather homie when I think about it. Well after this I'm sure what else to say, I'm not much of a talker unless I'm explaining something, or talking about anime."



"With all due respect, it's a few of us jocks who like anime," and with a chuckle he pulled out a phone from his pocket, a fablet rather, and pushed something. He could sense she was leaving, so he was about to watch the last game the team they were playing this weekend, had played. They were the number one team, and their rivals, so he would spend all his free time watching it.

The video appeared on the projector, but he didn't push play. He turned his attention to Kiyo,"Test subject? I can work with that. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out the notepad he always carried with him on campus, and wrote a few things down and handed it to her,"If you have any questions about the club, about the labs, or if you want to run any experiments on me, here's my contact information. Please don't let that number fall into the wrong hands, I've already had to change my number twice since the start of school..."

Tori Graham

She'd said it the night before, and she'd meant it... and somehow in the aftermath of her disastrous day, it was all the more pertinent. It was frustrating... Beyond frustrating, even, that the two best men in her life were gay and taken... It felt like she were being mocked. Still, she loved them both. Cam like the brother she never had... Chase, a little differently. She was glad for both of them, despite her abysmal luck...

"Don't you tell me not to worry about, Cameron... You're my best friend and it's high time I started treating you like it." She hugged him in return, but pulled away at his exclamation, laughing softly.

"Well, let's go then!"

Hadi Klein

Hadi grinned as Jodye tried to justify his actions, shaking her head at his lame attempt, "...You'd know what you were talking about if you hadn't wasted all those brain cells on that nonsense. Glad to hear you're out of that circle... That's one club I just can't abide, and frankly, that's saying something, considering that whole knitting debacle."

When he went on, Hadi smile faded just slightly. She hadn't had the pleasure of meeting Kenny's sister, but 'sneaky' didn't sound like much of a compliment. Then again, these days... one never knew. Still, she liked Kenny, for as much as she knew him and she hoped that his sister wasn't the type to interfere, just because she could. Not that there was anything to interfere in...

"Well, for starters... I'm adorable, so... getting him on board wasn't -that- difficult... And secondly, like I said... Raffle lottery. Now, whether or not he'll actually make the time, I don't know... That's up to him. I hope he does, though... Where'd he run off to, anyway? I meant to say hello..."

After she'd finished hiding from him, like an idiot...

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Unicycle. Besides being an eye-catcher, perfectly fashionable and surprisingly functional after years and years of practice, no one ever seemed to try and steal it. For the first two years he locked it, but after forgetting to do so several times in a row, he noticed nobody ever even touched it. Maybe it was because no one actually knew how to ride a unicycle, maybe just sheer luck, but it was still his, after 3-4-something years of just throwing it in a nearby bush.

The thought struck him as he wandered into the GC building with his hands behind his head. He'd never really been out strolling just for fun amongst the common folk, but it was a... freshening experience? It was almost as if he hadn't been locked up in his room for 5 years. He'd heard of the club rush business going on, and figured that'd be a way of meeting people or doing things. That's what joining a club was all about, right?

It also quickly struck him that unicycle club probably wasn't a thing, and he was unsure what else he had in common with people. Standing in a hall overflowing with people he didn't know made the reality of the non-existant unicycle club very clear, and he simply stared at every person that passed him by instead. Was tv watching club a thing? Apparently not so. Movie club seemed plausible, but he wasn't sure that's the kind of crowd he'd fit in with. Art club? Dear god no. No one ever needs to see that. Maybe music? No, the harmonica was something he played to provide a calm atmosphere. Running into a club with people most likely armed with electric guitars didn't seem like something he needed.

Book club? You know what, that was the best idea he'd heard in a long time. Problem was, another obstacle appeared in his way before he got over there. Pulling the earbuds out revealed that the only reason he could stand in the center of a room filled with people without going into a coma from social anxiety was the disconnection from the world he felt when listening to music. Fighting the urge to go into fetal position, Ben took a deep breath and kept his calm appearance up, though a storm was building up inside him.

Faking a smile and getting the registration form wasn't that bad after all. A girl a couple of years younger than himself with an equally silent nature was the only one at the booth anyway, so it didn't bother him specifically. Of course, just talking to some girl equally as silent as himself didn't help him socialize exactly. Wasn't there anyone else around that he knew? Anyone?

His mind immediately wandered to Jack and Józef, the only people he'd even gotten acquainted with at the school. Knowing Józef, he was... somewhere... Knowing Jack, he should definitely be around here somewhere. Ben took a look around, and it didn't take too long before he spotted someone entirely different he vaguely recognized. Izzy, the younger sibling of said Jack. Hesitating for half a moment, Ben took a confident step, then another, until finally he was all out of confident steps and had to rely on his ability to walk like a regular human being until he got to her side.

He raised a hand and gave her a tap on the shoulder. "Uh, hey. You're like, you're like Jack's sister, yeah? Do you... D'ya know if he's um, around here? Somewhere?" Despite his voice sounding very much like he was panicking, this was Ben perfectly normal way of talking. Perhaps not his most attractive side.


@Shura (I done did it :P )

Józef Kowalski

Józef gave a shrug to Ari, Still confused about the state of affairs for the other main members "I guess, Better to be proactive than not. Still having them around would be a lot better." He nodded at her the fact the club was a good place to hang out, "I get the feeling you'd fit right in. I mean Kenny is also in it, so you won't be totally without friends in the club. Most are easy to get along with. Just don't bring mario party to play...shit get real, real fast." He gave a bit of a mental shudder thinking back of the insanity that ensued from the one day that one of the senior members brought that game in. The yelling had been less than friendly.

He was snapped back to Ari's question about the Con and future plans. Józef looked lost in thought for a second. "Alright to be honest, the last years seniors kinda left us with no clear goals to work on. The group before them apparently micromanaged Everything...So they decided to leave us with no plans aside from the usual, Host a con during the year." He slid his hands into his pockets and shrugged, "So honestly, we have nothing set in stone, if you really wanted to we could do anything. This really is a good time to join, make your mark on the club, have your opinions listened to. So it's not so much, what we have planned, It's what you want to see, and what everyone else in the club wants to see."


(sorry for not posting in a while)

"Mario party and Mario cart. They are almost as bad as monopoly! Last time I played with Kenny I had to try and tackle him so he would stop winning" She chuckled softly. A small frown curved her lips as she listened to how the club was left by the senor class. It was a good and a bad thing overall but still would make from some troubled waters a head. "Sounds interesting." She admitted. "Well I dono much about anime conventions of anything of the sort but I am up for helping out and doing what I can. I've only been to a hand full of cons but they have always been fun." She smirked slightly. "Should make for an interesting time."

@AkuNoOkami (mentioned)


"To GC!" Cam declared grabbing a hand full of cookies as a make shift breakfast before starting out of the apartment. He would have to make it a point to go back to his dorm to show and change and some point but for now he was running late. "I'm interested to see what they got going on this year for the booth... last year the were taking free student pictures... maybe the same?" he questioned before taking a bite out of one of the cookies. "Mmmm these are so good." She muttered before continuing down the path the the GC building.

The halls were packed to say the least. He wouldn't have been surprised if half the student population was hanging around. Now came the tough part in trying to find the booth. Sighing softy he navigated the crows, making sure to keep an arm around Tori to make sure he didn't lose her

@Elle Joyner @DamagedGlasses (heading your way)

Izzy Winston

Stalking at a table

Izzy frowned as she took pictures from the seatshe was in, trying to resist the urge to look over and glare daggers into the woman who kept speaking to her Kenny. With all the ruckus going around on account of the Club Rush, she couldn't hear the entirety of their conversation, but she caught the a few words like "Anime club" which kind of summed up what exactly they were discussing in paramount. 'This is so unfair! I should be the one talking to Kenny about Anime, not some girl who's just trying to trick him and drag him down to her levels!' Izzy thought to herself as she grit her teeth, putting down her camera as she thought about how she should go about this.

She wasn't even really sure who Kenny was talking to, but she had seen her around, absently marking her off as someone she would never have to deal with most likely. Well it looked like her asumptions had come right around to bite her in the behind this time around. She frowned and was about to pick up her camera again to resume taking pictures when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Reeling around, she bit out, "What do you wan-O-Oh hey Ben." She looked up, almost a bit to much, to try and actually see the face of one her brother's friends. She had come home many a times to see them watching something on the T.V., but she had never barged in. She could never imagine actually having a conversation with him, but look where they were right now. She shook her head, thinking back to what he had said, stuttering out, "N-No. H-H is proba, uh, probably some-somewhere around he-here t-t-taking pictures."

She managed to nod with her face screwed up slightly. She had heard about his way of talking, her brother not shy about saying anything about his friend when Izzy had asked him one morning before school. Apparently it was just his way of speaking and hopefully he wouldn't pry. It was nice though, not feeling so different in a conversation. It wasn't hurt that the man had a glorious coat on that made his already combed back hair even more explosive.

@AkuNoOkami @Goddess

Jack Winston

Photography Club Booth

Jack sighed as he placed his camera down in his carrying case that held all of his photography materials. It was a nice handy tool, he had even gotten his sister one, but she had been rather viable to losing it, eventually just putting it in the room that was laid out for the Photography Club until needed. He had spent most of his time before hand going around and taking pictures of people, putting time to the side to taking personal ones. He had managed to get a picture or two of romantic smooches done in the shadier parts of the Club Rush.

Now, however, he was back at his Club's booth, ready and willing to accept all new members who came in with excitement about the Photography arts. Although, its not like he had much of a choice. His own personal interest in what he was doing right now was 2nd to the need for someone to run the activities they had scrounged up for this year. The booth had been run by some others of the club, but they were taking their lunch break as well as being given some time to enjoy the rest of the clu unheeded by their responsibilities.

It was all up to him and a few assitants that had stayed around to keep the photo booth up. From the minds of the newest members, they were holding a small event in which anyone could come and get their pictures taken. They had worked out a deal with the Art Club's leader that was holding some face painting activities.

They would paint faces and then suggest they head over to the Photography Club to get pictures. It was to help raise awareness for the Photography Club and get more members, while in return Jack didn't release the incriminating pictures of the last 'recycle' run the Art Club had. They had gotten lazy with their last few minutes of yearly clean up and some of the supplies had ended up in the Lake nearby. None of them wanted to be fined so they were pretty easy to convince.

Smiling at his successes of the year, he sneazed suddenly. He shook his head and frowned, 'Hm, are my allergies acting up?' He shrugged and continued putting his stuff up to prepare for the next batch of students.

@Shura @Elle Joyner
Ben wrinkled his nose slightly. Her stutter was worse than his own. He hadn't talked to her before, but he was pretty sure that's not how she talked to her brother the few times he'd heard that. She wasn't very helpful though, Ben would just have to go to the photographer's club if he wanted to try and find the guy. "Well, uh... Thanks." He said, and turned on his heel to walk away from her. He wasn't sure why he was looking for Jack in the first place. Maybe he could introduce him to other people or something, he was just kind of hoping at this point.

Suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks. That's not really how people do to forge relationships, do they? Ben slightly shook his head and turned around to face Jack's sister again. He had left her kind of abruptly, that wasn't a good start to a social life. "Umm... Couldn't help but notice you uh, stuttering. I don't think you usually do, um.. that. You feeling alright?" He awkwardly asked. It's not that he was particularly embarrassed to try and strike a conversation, it's just that despite his somewhat privileged looks he'd only talked to about 7 girls other than his own mother and family.

He would've called her by name, but truth be told he didn't remember it, and it felt like too late in the conversation to bring that up now. He'd just have to wing it. Although there was a creeping suspicion her name started with an F. Felicity? Felice?... Felicia? He didn't want to risk it.




Grabbing her things, she slipped her lap top into the back before she saw him right something. Looking over she saw it was his information. "I can understand about the whole changing numbers gig. I won't share it with anyone." She smirked taking the sheet of paper and slipping it between her phone, and phone cover. "If I have anything, I'll either shoot you an email, are Bard can call you." When she mentioned Bard, she had tapped her bag which contained her lap top. "If your in need of anything, or want to have idle chatter, my dorm number is 330. Not that you would come, but since you gave me something, I might as well do the same. "

Getting up from her seat, she grabbed her bored as she laid it down on the ground. "See you around Ken-chan." Kiyo pushed off her bored, and then pushed the door. Out she rolled, she began her skate toward the main building.


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