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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


"Ah well you seem ahead of of most of the others so" She she shrugged slightly "All good right?" Ari chuckled softly before glancing over the booth. "But yeah, you made this club seem like a really fun place to-hang out so I figured I'd give it a shot. Most Otaku are pretty cool." She smirked slightly. The few conventions she had been to was fun and the people were pretty chill and a bit quirky in a fun way. She never felt like an odd ball with her own strange habits such as the strange hair color. "Plus the convention sounds like a whole lot of excitement to put together." She added while putting her name and e-mail down on the list. there were a hand full of names already down which mean there would be a long list by the end of the day with some luck. "What kind of stuff do you have planned this year?" The blue haired teen questioned curiously.


Classes were over for the most part. Many of the students were either helping with club rush or going to it so teachers took it light on the classes not seeing much of a point in teaching something that would just have 101 questioned asked later. Instead he opted to just sit in the library in the down time and catch up on some studying. Made much more sense. Around the time that club rush got underway he ventured out of the library to one of the food stalls around campus. He knew Saruh well enough to plan ahead and bring lunch to the even as oppose to trying to get something there with her. It was one of the bigger events of the year for them so he tried to help in small ways like bringing lunch so she didn't pass out from hunger or something.

With everything going on in his own life clubs were the last thing on his mind. He went to events here and there for some fiends and the soccer team but proffered not to had the added commitments. The blond navigated the crowds making his way towards the brightly colored booth with food in hand. A few pizzas for the other girls working the booth and Saruhs favorite combo from Dans. Chase approached the booth as most of the members were busy and set the pizza safely aside out of the way. Last time he had gotten food for everyone he had made the mistake of putting it on a random table everything had been knocked over. He waited until Saurh took a break from talking to sneak up beside her and kiss her cheek. "Everything going well?"

@AkuNoOkami @Der Kojote
Tori Graham

Somewhere into the movie, around Cary Grant's third alias, Tori had begun to feel better. They had followed Charade with North by Northwest, and shortly after the intensity of the crop duster attack, Tori drifted off against Cam's shoulder. After the nightmare day she'd had, she woke surprisingly refreshed. At some point, Cam had laid her down in her bed, but Tori woke with a crick in her neck to the sound of her alarm going off in her jeans pocket.

Rubbing sleep from her eyes she sat upright, yanking her phone out, to shut off the melody. Across the room she could see Cam, sprawled out on the couch and with a soft smile she shook her head. He would've stayed... of course, to make sure she was safe, but Tori also imagined there was a hint of laziness in not having to walk all he way back to his own dorm.

Sliding out of bed, Tori made for her bathroom. She took a quick shower and her medication, then dressed in a yellow button down sundress and a flowered cardigan. The rain from the previous day had subsided and the weather was unseasonably warm... and with most of her classes cancelled in favor of Club Rush she was in the mood to feel less student, more person that day.

Returning to the living room she made her way to the couch and gently, tapped Cam on the shoulder, "Hey, Hitch... Time to get up."


Hadi Klein

It was an art day. She couldn't really be sure what that meant, of course... Good art could never be planned - but it was in the cards that day, for sure. It was also Rush Day. Now, naturally, she 'd already heard the lectures every day since school had begun, not to overwhelm herself, not to overdo it... and because she was a good girl (and because her mother was a good Jew, more than capable of putting Hadi in the dirt with a world famous guilt trip) she had no intentions of joining any clubs... at least none that required a terrible amount of energy.

That didn't mean, however, what with classes cancelled and all, that she couldn't at least check out the scene. She'd spent the morning on the phone with more people than she cared to recall, dressed quickly in jeans, a pale blue tank top and a Evercrest hooded sweatshirt, and made her way down to the Student Center where the majority of the day's events were to take place.

Even early in the afternoon the crowd was large, but Hadi melted her way in, bouncing casually from table to table - taking pamphlets and fliers, some of which she knew would send her mother to an early grave (particularly the Bungee Club). About halfway around the room she spotted a familiar face, the Quarterback easily standing out, even in so large a throng, and she smiled faintly. She'd made it nearly the whole way over to him before she remembered the red flag she had put into play the day before and abruptly, she turned instead to the table beside her with what she hoped appeared to be rapt attention.

Knitting and Crochet club...

Well, that was sort of an art, wasn't it?


Leandra Sinciato and Manjano Sinciato

Leandra and Manjano both made their way through the various booths for the clubs on campus, wondering whether it was worth it to get involved or not. Leandra was shortly distracted when she saw a banner advertising a Photography club. Grabbing her brother's wrist, Leandra veered to the side and dragged him alongside her while he quietly protested, "Lea, let go!" Ignoring his pleas, Leandra continued on her way until she got to the booth and curiously peered down at the pamphlet while Falarion, her pet savannah cat that happened to be casually perched on Leandra's left shoulder, was distracted by a butterfly near the group. Rolling his eyes at Leandra's antics, Manjano absentmindedly pet Farkas' head, his pet German Shepherd. Looking around, Manjano didn't really spy any clubs that spiked his interest. Not that he'd want to join one regardless. He preferred to be alone, which was currently being ruined thanks to his twin sister.

After finding out that the Photography club wasn't really about taking pictures of whatever you wanted, Leandra turned away from the booth, now disappointed. Manjano raised an eyebrow at her, but she waved him off and then dove back into the throngs of college students, leaving Manjano to jog in order to catch back up with her, Farkas loyally staying on Manjano's heels. Leandra soon veered off to the side yet again, as she spotted a club named 'Otaku's Anonymous' and was advertised as a gamer and anime club. While Leandra didn't really keep up with anime, she absolutely loved video games and promptly signed up to join the club, while Manjano continued to silently stand to the side and wish he was anywhere but here. The crowd of college students all around them certainly wasn't helping the situation for Manjano.

Saruh and Kinda Kota at the AKA table

Though, Kota wasn't from this chapter, she always helped them out since she had been there. The sisterhood was true across all chapters, despite her own chapter being in Kansas. She had been off to the side doing her won thing, when she noticed Chase, and in the distance Kenny..but they all seemed preoccupied. Maybe someone fun who wasn't preoccupied would show up, maybe spit? Or maybe even the blue haired one would come this way and say hi. Unlikely but......

Saruh's attention was off on the person walking away when Chase's lips had touched her cheek, but it only forced a smile as she welcomed to the affection, placing her arms around him in a hug before pulling back,"You know the usual. Guys walking up as a proxy for the girl who is actually interested, girls being extremely bold and approaching. Nothing different than when I was basically first forced into this by my mother." She took the food from him and kissed his cheek,"You're a sweetheart, you know?"

She asked before tilting her head towards the pizza fro a few of the girls who may have not noticed. Times like this made her appreciate Chase more. Yeah, she knew she could be a bit demanding and a bit of a brat when Chase didn't do exactly what she wanted, but she loved him for doing what he could even when he didn't have to,"I take it you've been enjoying what little free time you have?" She questioned before sitting down in a chair and removing the food out of the bag.

She hadn't had time to eat this morning, and tonight she'd have to work. So getting in what food she could would be nice.


Kenny (add on to his previous post) and Jodye

Kenny had started to lead the way for Kiyo, but stopped to turn when he had seen Hadi from the corner of his eye. His first instinct was to stop, and to speak, but...well he was in the middle of something, and she seemed to be the same. So he only continued to lead Kiyo (@Goddess refer to this and the other post)

But it all seemed to work out, as one of his teammates -Jodye- approached the young Hadi and rose a brow,"Don't get me wrong, I like Knitting and Crocheting like the rest of them..but for some reason, I just find it hard to believe out of all of these clubs, you're choosing this one."

Well, the young male had been just walking about the clubs venturing over to a few of the one's which piqued his attention, but out of the corner of his eyes he had spotted Hadi. She was at the Knitting and BORING table, and that had been more interesting than anything. I mean, who in their right mind would join a club about that? Is everyone a grandma?

"Now, I mean no offense if you're truly interested in this club...but I must ask...why?"

@Elle Joyner
Hadi Klein

She'd been perusing the flier with what she hoped had looked like interest, but ultimately it wasn't so easy to feign desire for something that registered slightly below 'root canal' in a field of excitement. Ultimately, she was grateful for the distraction when she heard the voice in her ear and casually, she turned to face the intruder with a pleasant, albeit slightly dry smile.

"Ah. I see you're already a member of the 'Judge a Book by the Cover' club... Where's that table? I've been looking for it, all morning..." She peeked over his shoulder, then looked back at him with a grin, "Of course, in this case, you're absolutely right. But they won't let me join the football team and I'm totally tone deaf... and those were really the only clubs that sparked my interest."

Over his shoulder she could spot Kenny moving off. It was probably for the best...

"...What about you? Not a closet-knitter, I imagine....?"


He nodded a bit and shrugged his shoulders,"Sometimes I think it's appropriate to judge a book by it's cover. Pretty sure if it says by shakespeare, it's probably full of old english syntax and dialect. It would be awfully irresponsible of me to assume it could be something else, and read it," he stated with a slight shrug of his shoulders, noticing her looking behind him and taking a moment to glance back. She couldn't figure out what she was looking at, though he did see Kenny with some girl, but that couldn't have been what she was glancing at.

So he gave up on that idea, and only offered a chuckle,"Well, I mean if you really want to join the football team, I'm pretty sure I can get you on if you're good enough. I mean, I am on the team myself.." he told her rubbing his arms a bit, tempted to scratch a touch up on one of his tattoos, but deciding against it.

"Well, I have a habit of finding things that don't fit. Might join the Sherlock club or something, just figured I'd give you something entertaining to do since you're at this boring club. But really, football and school is almost too much for me, so I'll stick to those things. I'm Jodye (Joe-dee) by the way."​

@Elle Joyner
Hadi Klein

Chuckling, Hadi nodded, "Fair enough... Though maybe not so fair, since really, there are a lot of author's out there who write with variation. But I can hardly argue that Shakespeare, however brilliant, was anything but syntax and prose."

He continued, and her brow quirked as she leaned up against the knitting club's table, arms crossed over her chest, "Oh, really, now? Just like that? You must really hate knitting. Was it your grandma? I mean... I've gotten a few horrendous sweaters, myself, but if you're willing to vouch me onto the team you must have a serious grudge."

Extending a hand, she smiled faintly, "Hadassah... Hadi for those who don't speak Hebrew. And no worries... I'm not actually joining any clubs this year. Just wanted to check out what was happening around here. So you're friends with Kenny, then?"


"I'm sure there's a few more authors who'd fall into that category, but It's safe to say it was an example," he told her with a slight chuckle."Grams does make me wear terrible sweaters during Christmas, but it's more so to do with the fact that underwater basket weaving is far more interesting."

When she extended her hand, her met her's with his and shook it. When their hands separated, he was able to stuff it back into his pocket and look over to where Kenny was just standing,"The young Religious True Freshman quarterback who stands taller than most people you see? Nah. Never met him." he was jesting of course. He had met him before, they were actually pretty alright friends.

"Yeah I know Kenny. Cool guy. Kind of tall, but no one I can't jump over. " he said laughing a bit. There was a bit of truth in his statement. For a guy who was 6'7, kenny was deceivingly athletic and quick. He could even jump pretty high, but Jodye well...Jodye was able to dunk at in 7th grade..despite only being 5'7.

"You must have a crush on the guy, and want his number?"

Hadi Klein

"Underwater basket... Wow. So there is something potentially more crazy than Bungee jumping club on this campus. You know where they've got a pamphlet for that one? That'll make Mom crazy..."

He went on and she grinned at his description of Kenny. At her diminutive height there weren't many people who weren't taller than her, but even beyond that, Kenny would have towered over her. Still, tall or not, it wasn't his height that had made an impression. Not that Jodye, who was essentially a stranger needed to know that...

"Kenny's tall?" She asked, with an edge of uncertainty that might have been convincing, were it not for the grin, "I never noticed. Being quite large, myself, I guess I just don't pay much attention to those sorts of things." He continued and she laughed, loudly, covering her mouth at the sound that squeaked out, shaking her head, "Oh geez. Blunt, aren't you? Matter of fact, I have his number, already. Heck, we've got a date this weekend, even. Won him in the lotto. I just figured you knew him, since you're on the Football team."

Sleep was a wonderful thing. Cam enjoyed it almost as much as he enjoyed film to waking up was never a particularly fun time for him. Groaned as Tory tried to wake him grumbling under his breath as he rolled to try and escape the intrusion into his sleep. Unfortunately he had forgotten he wasn't in a bed and felt a sudden shift in gravity. A yelp escaped him as he fell off of the couch and onto the ground thankful for the short fall. "G'damn it..." she grumbled under his breath before finally opening his eyes to look up at his friend. "Hmmmm too early..." He yawned.



She smiled as she bit into her food, and listened to go on about helping the girls out and how he'd prefer to have classes,"You know all work and no plays makes jack a dull boy. A handsome boy, but dull nonetheless." she teased before continuing to eat,"Well, at least you can study. Meanwhile, I have to deal with this and go to work today. Three cheers for work." The sarcasm seemed to seep from her mouth and on to the floor as she made a gun with a free hand place to her head, pretending to shoot it off.

She went back to her food and thought for a second,"you know, this is like two days in a row where you've seen me all pretty and prissy. I think that's a record." she offered with a slight chuckled before looking out in front of her at the waves of people.


"Bungee jumping? I think jumping off Kenny's shoulders should suffice. Well, i mean it's not like he's tall or anything, he managed to say while holding in a chuckle,"Yes, I'm sorry. I forgot you're towering over me ole giant."

He listened to her go on about the lotto and having Kenny's number already,"Blunt? No Thanks, I stopped a while ago. Oh you mean, nah, I'm just ....honest? Ok blunt works, but in any amount.."

He rubbed his chin,"His sister must've got him to agree with this, but still you got his number and he promised you a date? That's an accomplishment. He doesn't even make time out to respond to the thank you cards to the children at the kid's hospital send him for helping out there." It was a joke. Well,a joke as in he actually does respond to those cards. That Kenny, what a stand-up guy.

@Elle Joyner @Shura


AKA? Kiyo raised a brow as she shoved her hands in her pocket. For some reason she was a little excited being in a club. She was in one before that was made up of her and her childhood friend. It wasn't a real established club, and they met up really to just play computer games. Kiyo smiled a liked as she thought about the past, and how they wound up breaking the computer screen every time. It seemed Kiyo always had the anger issue, and her friend was there to add oil to the fire. "Its cool that she skates. my big brother taught me when I was really little. I didn't get into it till way latter."

Kiyo looked up toward his side as they walked. "Looking at you now...better in the sunlight, you can do any sport." Kiyo smiled as she pocked at his arm muscle. "You have the muscles for it too. Well, I'm rooting for you on the side lines, heck I might come out of my comfort zone and be a cheerleader." Kiyo gave a laugh, but truthfully she would never think of the thought, actually putting on such a girly thing was not her taste.



"I was recruited by a lot of schools for multiple sports, but football was always my love," he told her after she poked him in the arm, "Cheerleader? My own special one? Don't get my hopes up." Of course he knew she was joking, but nonetheless it was fun to continue the joke.

He would hold the door open for her when they got to the building with the lab where the Comp Sci club met, and even would hold the door open for her then. The lab would be empty, well it was empty during this time anyways but even more so that campus was all focused on rush (Except most of the upperclassmen). I mean, there were one or two students around that were working on something in the lab, but for the most part.

Kenny stepped over to one of the machines he built for the club (mainly for gaming night), and cut it on before turning on the projector,"So this is one of the many labs, but it's also the lab the comp sci club uses. Got any specific anime you want to see?"


Kiyo walked through the doors of the lab, nodding her head when he had open them for her. Smiling a little she opened her mouth in aw as she saw the rows of computer. Setting down her back she had crossed her arms while watching the few that were their work. "Their working on CSS coding, while programming Java applications and Ocrea settings number four through six. Upperclassman indeed." Kiyo gave a small smile as she watched him turn on the projector.

"Hm, I'm in the mood for some horror, or a lot of action pack scenes. Then again were in the middle of fall, so something in the middle of those." Kiyo tapped her chin as she began to run through the list of anime shows that each were all put in different categories in her mind. "Your Lie in April is a good romance one with a musical interest, Berserk is a good action pack, maybe Magi. "

Kiyo looked back as she pulled out a chair, pulling his out as well as she tapped on it. "Come on then, hurry up and sit."

Tori Graham

Tori laughed, and bent down to help Cam disentangle himself, before she stepped back, "It's uh... it's definitely the afternoon. We slept in, apparently. It's Club Rush today, though... no morning classes. I figured we could run down to the Student Center... sign up quickly as humanly possible, grab some coffee from the Brew, and then you and I could take the rest of the afternoon to do some shooting on that project you were working on. The water one. Because, well, I realized I'm a horrible friend and you've been doing everything possible to make me feel better about this whole Chase situation, while I've totally been ignoring your needs."

Biting her lip, she held out her hand, "Forgiven?"


Hadi Klein

She laughed, shaking her head at his comments. Even without other underlying factors, bungee jumping wouldn't have been her thing - It was thrilling, sure, but there were definitely quicker ways to get an adrenalin rush. Somehow, though, the idea of doing it off of another person's shoulders was just too funny to picture. She imagined telling her mother she'd joined that club... Chances were, she'd be yanked back home faster than she could say 'Geronimo'.

Her laughter faded a moment later, and a brow quirked at his comment, and slowly she rolled her eyes, "Ha ha. You know... it's not my fault the stoners stole a perfectly good word out of the dictionary to describe their vice. Webster had it first." Grinning, she shifted, started casually towards the next table.

"...What can I say? I'm gifted in the art of wooing." She looked over at him and winked, then laughed again, "Or... his sister got him to agree to it. Who knows. But is that true? ...Does he really help out at the children's hospital?"


"Well..." he said in regards to the people she was talking about before shrugging his shoulders. He wasn't too heavy into web designing, or coding for web applications though he was particularly skilled at Java and (my)SQL. He was a more of C++ coder, and work heavily with the Unreal Gaming engine. On the projector showed the desktop of the computer he was on, and he clicked on a particular application titled "Pandora's Box." It was an application he designed that talked to a database on a server the comp sci and otaku club came up with, that was full of HD rips of animes. They made sure to update it often, for most animes even acting as a simulcast for some them.

When a gentle clickity clack of the keyboard, he typed in the first he heard, which was the last one he remembered,"Your lie in April it is then..." he said with a decent nod, it starting up and he walking towards the seat she grabbed for him,"Coming coming..." he stated smiling a bit before sitting next to her. He smoothed his pants out a bit, and took the shades that were rest on his head and placed them on a near by table,"I've actually never even seen this one."



He followed her to the next table, making sure to give her space (as that's what he wanted to). "Hey I use to be one of those, do not blame them. That's profiling and stereotypical..or something I Don't know what I'm talking about."

He could only smile at his nonsensical rambling. She was interesting to talk to, and this conversation had gone quite differently than he expected. He had tried this before and they were either boring or very stand offish...which didn't bode well for his disdain of people in general,"His sister is a sneaky one...and um. Well. Yes. Actually, which brings us back to topic 1. How in the world did you get him to promise time you when he has absolutely zero free time. He doesn't have an off switch. He's in the weight room, on the field with the receivers, in the film room, at church, study hall, and then the hospital. That doesn't include the extra time he spends do all activities. Only need three days in the weight room? nop 5 days, twice a day. Over achiever...."​

@Elle Joyner
Izzy Winston

"T-Thank you."
Izzy mumbled as she accepted the helpful form for the club. It had a nice atmosphere, one that she felt truely gave her something similar to a backbone. It was made even better that the person in the front desk was something akin to a hotty. He had his brown shaved head with the perfect nice guy face. His teeth weren't white, but they didn't look dirty. Instead, he simply looked normal. There was nothing wrong with him and there was nothing particularly eye busting either. It was kind of comforting. He also had a really laid back personality, keeping a simple smile on his face and his voice was calm and soothing. She didn't know whether or not she looked like a small bomb ready to go off or what, but he was definitely handling her with care. It was weird to see that he didn't even looked like he cared that his club's booth had been put aside because of someone else's error.

Walking away in haste, not wanting to get asked a question by other members of the club, who could potentially be much more prying with his questions, Izzy made it back to the main path of clubs and looked around. She breathed a sigh of relief as she resumed taking pictures of the street, looking through her view as she watched everyone go. The grip on her camera tightened to an almost unacceptable amount when she stopped on the couple talking to each other beside one of the sorority booths. Her precious Kenny, with his muscles and deep brown skin color, was with some she-devil that she didn't even recognize! Forcing a small smile that looked like she was nervous instead of barely holding back murderous rage, Izzy began her cautious trek over to a place near where they were talking, ready to overhear any kind of treacherous speech they dared to utter.

@AkuNoOkami @Goddess

Tory's offer honestly too the half asleep Cam by surprise. Partly because his mind was still waking up and partly because he was used to take care of other with out much of a second thought to himself. Honestly he spent most of his free time not doing much. Still the offer was nice. Cam grinned slightly as he got up. "Hey don't worry about it." He pulled the girl into a hug. Love and romance was never easy, and it was only made more difficult with the issues Tory had already. Someone had to be there for her and he didn't mind. Then a realization came to mind. "Wait you said club Rush is today... crap I'm supposed to help with the photography booth!"


"Hm I think the current record is three." he teased with a chuckle. He did feel a little bad that Saruh had to work, but at the same times she was working to work. She didn't need the money but wanted to make connections. So in a way he did and didn't feel bad. "I'm sure work will be fine. At least its the middle of the week and not a Saturday or Friday." he pointed out know those were the busiest days. "If you want I can help you catch up on some of the history and math. We haven't gotten into anything difficult."


Teah walked around the students with a few club forms in her hands sighed a bit to herself. There were so many good clubs here and she couldn’t choose just one! There was Otaku Anonymous, Photography club, Artists Society and much, much more! She walked to a few more booths then stopped at the AKA table. The sorority always had interested her but she never was 100% sure she wanted to join. Looking shyly at Saruh and Kota she greeted them.”Uh…Hello."


I'll give you the run down then, but I won't give you any spoilers. " The video began to start, and like any musical anime show you could hear a piano in the background, and the soft words of a young boy speaking in Japanese about a fragment of his past life. "Your Lie in April is about a pianist and a violinist. During spring he meets this violinist , and oddly enough they become friends, though through not a usual encounter like bumping into somebody on the street. Its a romance that deals with classical music, a tragic past, and a tragic future that will soon happen, but later on in the show." Kiyo spoke with passion as she looked toward him.

"At first I didn't think I would like it, but while I watched more of it I was drawn to it, it was sweet and sad at the same time." Kiyo turned her head toward the screen , as she put her hand underneath her chin. "I think out of all the action, and horror. Romance is probably my favorite genre. They show what we want, so much emotion , problems, it makes being in a relationship a must have."


Kota and Saruh

She smiled when he said three, rolling her eyes playfully,"See, prissy me is Seraphine and regular old me is Saruh. So you gotta be nice to Seraphine." She smiled and listened to him,"Yeah, least it is the middle of the week. I think that's my saving grace, and yeah that would be nice. I don't want to get too far behind."

She had just taken a bite out of her food when Teah had approached, and opened her mouth to say something, but stopped. She had a mouth full of food, and whether she was Saruh or Seraphine, it wasn't attractive nor ladylike. So she stopped, putting her hand over her mouth and holding up a finger as to signal a minute, trying to chew the food quickly.

Dakota could only watch, before laughing and moving up closely to place a hand on her shoulder,"Don't worry, you two love bugs eat. I'll handle this." It wasn't her chapter, but again, they were still sisters and wanted to help her fellow Sorors as much as possible.

Kota looked over the girl, beginning to do her thing where she broke people down. She approached the table, which most females who were interested either sent someone else to get the information or finding other ways to do so. So she was bold, but she seemed shy about her approach, meaning she probably had to build a bit of confidence to do so. This was a double edged sword, because it means she was shy -which was not a characteristic of the sorority. It also meant she wasn't too full of herself (kettle calling the pot black) and also meant she had the ability to overcome her fears, both good characteristics. This one would be difficult.

"Welcome to the table of the illustrious Sorority of Alpha Kappa Alpha, serving the community and doing great things since 1908. How may I help you today," her opening was short, and had she not been hungover she'd probably have a better one. The girl seemed to be Asian, and as she recalled there were no Asian AKA's , well none who weren't bi-racial with black and asian, but that didn't mean she couldn't fit the mold.

@Wynn @Shura


"Kind of sounds like Zetsuen No Tempest, well as far as the tragedy and odd meetings and what not. Which coincidentally is like Shakespeare's The Tempest..." he managed to saw right before she turned her head to face the screen. He didn't follow suit, but he stared at her for a bit, though he didn't mean to. A few thoughts were running through his head. She was gorgeous, thick, was into computers, knew something (even if not much) about sports, and liked anime. Not to mention she was easy to talk to. He felt like he was developing a-

He shook his head, clearing his throat when he caught himself staring and turned to face the screen and look at the anime going on before him,"Romance is your favorite huh? Is a relationship something you must have? I mean. You said the genre makes them a must-have."



Without turning her head she titled her head a little to give the question some thought. "Not really, if you want it you want it, if not then not. For girls who enjoy things like that , they the make it seem like its a must have, but in truth its something they just want, its not a need thing. When you watch a romance anime, you think like that a little. Like it would be nice to have that, I wish that could happen to me, god if a guy were like that in reality. The show starts mixing up feelings, and then all of a sudden you need to have one just like that." Kiyo watched as the young boy had met up with his friends.

"It would be nice though, to have a relationship like in the anime, a bit far fetched and unrealistic, but it would be nice. Your cliche boy trips over girl, girl slaps boy, both create a friendship bond like thing. Later down the road, they realize they have feelings for each other, but don't want to admit it, or your cliche bad boy falls for the softy. I think my favorite is the Jock, with similar interest, but his boys would think otherwise, so he keeps the whole thing a secrete , till he sees the girl he likes getting comfy with another." Kiyo laughed a little as she thought of a previous manga book she had read a few days ago.

"Did that answer your question, or did I just fall off the tracks?"



There was now a plastic black pen on Kenny's lips, he chewing on it a bit as he watched the anime while listening to Kiyo. He had reached into his pocket and pulled it out subconsciously, as something he did when he was in thought, nervous, or confused. You'd often seem him doing such things in the the film room, during film sessions when he was with coaches (or even just by himself) breaking down film.

"Jock is your favorite you say," he responded out reaction, not really hearing what she said. Kenny had never had a girlfriend in his life, he had always paid more attention to sports, video games and computers, and Church. Ari was the closest thing he ever had to one, and they weren't really romantically involved in the slightest. His sister had always pushed him to get a girlfriend. It wasn't that he couldn't get one. He was pretty handsome, he was very kind and friendly, great at sports and popular, but....it just wasn't his thing.

Did that answer your question

He snapped to, and looked over to her,"Yeah, I mean you went in a bit of a circle, but I got the jist." He could only smile as he looked back to the screen,"So, the jock situation kind of sounds like you and I right now." He didn't mean to say that aloud, he was just thinking.



Kiyo tapped her fingers on her laptop before it began to vibrate. Startled a little , she jumped slightly before opening it up. Powering it on she typed in her password, before being greeted by a small boy dressed in a butler outfit. Bowing its head, it said welcome home in an automated voice that sounded like it came right out of a tv show. On the top right hand side of her screen, several emails had popped up. Several were from her brother in law, others where from her sisters and distant family. All of them had one thing in common, how was school going. Typing away Kiyo had almost missed his question, but lucky her she was able to peace the words one by one, after letting them run out of her ear.

"No. In the show its to easy, to simple. Jock meets girl, girl is soft and one that doesn't stand out. Girl is dependent, defenseless and is amazed by the jock's position in school. I am independent, not a softy , and care very little for labels, such as jocks, nerds and the like. Granted Jocks are cool, depending if the jock is a complete ass or half an ass. I am more moved by the brains of the person, their intellect and desire to locate the impossible. Some people would see me paired with a science major, psychologist , or philospher. Jocks....highly unlikely to ever be paired with one, but that doesn't mean it can't happen."

Kiyo pressed enter on all the emails, each and everyone getting the same reply as the last. Sighing, she ran her fingers through her afro, before pulling up program called Cube. "I am a complicated girl, I just appear easy to talk too, because that is the program I give everyone, the face that makes people accept me , even if its a fraction of me. In truth I am blunt, my humor is deadly, I make threats and hate everyone." Kiyo turned to him with bland eyes as she forced a smile. "By now during this conversation, the other party has lost interest in me, ran away, or deemed me an outcast, unworthy of their presence. I am left alone, just the way I like it."

Kiyo went back to her lap top before closing it down. "Ah , but that doesn't mean I don't want friends or anything, its just hard to obtain them. For everything I have high standards for."



He had no response for her, at least not immediately. She had successfully knocked him out of his deep thought trance, well more-so, she successfully made him switch from one topic to another. He had been going over plays in his head that he had struggled with last game, as to not make the same mistakes once again. A little slow with his progressions, footwork just a bit sloppy, and forcing throws when they didn't need to be made. He had been working hard at it the whole week, but he was a hardworker, and the job was never done.

Between his sister and Ari, he had become accustom to doing that while listening to what they had to say, and Kiyo was no different in this situation,"That's cool." Was all he could come up with for a little while before quickly following it with,"I mean. If you want to be left alone, you can say it, grandmother always said respect'a lady wishes fo' notin' more dangerous than a woman scorned." His southwestern, more specifically, Texan accent came out strong when he was repeating the ole' addage his grandma had taught him. It only brought him a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes,"I mean, I'm not the greatest at reading people so forgive me if I folly, but it don't quite seem like ya' the kind'a person that would push me off. If anythang, you just seem more and more interesting."

Well it was true. Maybe it was dealing with Saruh and Ari, who both could be really offputting at times - especially Saruh when she was in one of her moody 'the world is a tragedy, we're all going to die and become one with the cosmos' moods. Kenny had gotten use to bluntness, crude humor, and threats. Well not just threats, he had more than his fair share of bruises from Ari's punches and from paintbrushes and canvases (and anything else Saruh could reach). The last thought actually sent a chill down his spine, causing him to shake a bit as he recalled the time she had tossed her skateboard at him and it narrowly missed his head.

"I mean no offense ma'am."



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