• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


There wasn't one part that wasn't aching in someway or another but it was a good ache one gained after a long hard workout. All the tension from before was long forgotten and the only thing on Chase's mind was finding Ari and getting home. Possibly grabbing something to eat on the way home before passing out. He had gotten some studying earlier but would need to get more done earlier. Adjusting his bag over his shoulder he checked his phone to see if he had any sign of Ari. None. Maybe she had gotten caught up with piano practice. He brought up her name and sent a message to ask where she was. Just as he sent the message his phone flickered to reveal a picture of Saruh. Hesitating a moment Chase slide the green bar and answered the call.



Yes. Dakota was going to buy Spit lunch, and that was no problem. She had the extra income, well not really income, money. It didn’t hit her where they would eat lunch, but of course she would think of something quick. There was, afterall, several places to choose from. And today? Well today Dakota wanted something Southwestern inspired food, and so, so she moved through the space spit had conceded for her to lead,”Quite a gentleman,” she offered with every bit of sarcasm as was offered her, before walking up to he one place in the entire GC building serving what she wanted.

Spit followed obediently, not particularly caring where they went. Really, free food was free food - Spit couldn’t emphasize it enough. Besides, she was never a particularly picky eater. Beggars couldn’t be choosers. That thought aside, Spit grinned as she walked along. “Gentlewoman, ya mean? I’m as feminine as they come,” she said, winking. “What’re we having?”

“You know, burritos, tacos, whatever faux mexican food you want,” Dakota said pointing up to the menu above her,”I mean, I like tacos pero I don’t like tacos unless papa making them. So I guess I’ll just get like. Uh. A burrito bowl then. “ She did mis her dad’s cooking, even though it wasn’t Mexican or southwestern, but he could make a mean ass taco. His tacos de lengua? Shesus. She shook her head from the nostalgia that overcoming her,”Anything piques your interest?”

“Preferably whatever will give me the least amount of diarrhea,” Spit quipped, examining the menu. “No offense, of course,” she said and picked something out on the cheaper side. “Thanks for lunch,” Spit said, idly thinking about what Kota had said about her father. Happily, leaving home was not something that was particularly challenging for Spit, and for this, she was grateful. But Kota was a junior as well - she’d probably adjusted by now. She took a seat at the nearest table for two and waited for Kota and their food.

Dakota followed, making sure to sit across from her and eyeing Spit carefully before looking away. She wanted to figure out what to say before she said anything,”Doing anything big this weekend, Spit?” she questioned with an inquisitive tone that almost gave away the fact she was interested in learning a bit more about Spit and her life. Even if it was just started with weekend plans.

Spit crossed her ankles, propped her elbows on the table and leaned forward into a comfortable, relaxed slouch. This was certainly not a bad way to spend the afternoon, and Spit couldn’t stop patting herself on the back for it. Or maybe reassuring herself. “Nah,” she said. “You know me, I’m not really the type to plan things,” she said, grinning. If there was more to the question, Spit didn’t pick up on it. Not yet, anyway. “How ‘bout you, Kota? Big weekend of seducing freshmen girls?” Spit almost laughed in spite of herself, and then added, “or boys, I guess, but that’s boring.”

“Eh, I guess it depends on how drunk I am. I mean, it’s a big football game this weekend and you know all the freshmen will be hanging around,” what she said was a joke, mostly. There was some truth in it, but she hadn’t any plans to give up her body to anyone new anytime soon. I mean of course, it depended on how drunk she got as previously stated,”I think I’m getting old, can’t party and seduce like I want to anymore. I think want me a junior lass…” she mentioned a wink, before playing with the end of her hair for a while, something she didn’t usually do.

“Big football game?” Spit thought that it just goes to show her much she pays attention to school events - that is, not at all. Thank goodness for Kota, although Spit also wasn’t quite the type to go to that kind of school event (a football game wasn’t quite her idea of entertainment). But if there was alcohol, she could be persuaded. Rather easily. But this was where Spit’s casual smile fell into a more solemn expression, though she still had some teasing left in her. “Look at you, getting all grown up and mature,” she said, nudging Kota under the table with her foot. “You have somebody in mind that you’re planning to see at the game or something?” Gossiping was never boring, after all. Plus, you never grow out of it.

Kota looked up to the young woman with a gentle, half smile,”No...Nobody in mind.” it wasn’t much of a gap between the time the last word left her mouth, and her getting to her feet and going to retrieve their food. She had accomplished that, and soon returned with the items for consumption,”Aquie. Now let’s eat chica.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Spit said, digging into her food. “Thanks again.” It took her a few minutes of silent eating and contemplating before Spit figured out what to say next, and she wasn’t quite letting the topic drop. “I take it you’re going, though?” It was quite clear that Kota intended on going, but Spit didn’t entirely understand why, if she wasn’t looking to catch anyone’s eye. Or maybe she was, and she wasn’t telling her. Or maybe she just wasn’t sure whose eye she wanted to catch yet.

“Well, of course….” she said after taking a few bites of her food,”My childhood friend is the starting quarterback, and I’d like to support him, but besides that….” she said thinking a bit. It was going to take her a bit to figure out how to traverse this minefield of her own creation,”I enjoy football anyway, and I enjoy tailgating. I’ll probably be drunk by the end of it, and I’ll definitely be drunk afterwards. So simply..yeah, I’m going. You should go, even if it’s just to tailgate.”

Oh, well, that explained it. Not quite as interesting as Spit had originally thought, but she felt satisfied by knowing. “Aren’t you a good friend,” she said, taking another bite. The food wasn’t lasting all that long. Spit’s initial response was to object: “Eh, not really my idea of entertainment,” she said, shrugging. If she had nobody to go with or for, and the game itself wasn’t entertaining, why go? The alcohol was a nice touch, but Spit didn’t go anywhere just to get drunk. Getting drunk was always the bonus for her, not the goal. “I’m not really friends with anyone on the team.” Which was true. Spit didn’t have a reason to go like Kota did.

Dakota didn’t bother looking up from her food this time, she didn’t want to show her disappointment,”Oh.” was the only thing she muttered, not bothering to say anything else on the topic and instead opting to finish her food. Once she was finished, she balled up some of the aluminum foil that came with her food, and shot it into a trash can a few feet away from them with success. “I hope your weekend is still bomb regardless though….” she added, more of a consolation then something she really wanted to say.

Spit quietly finished her food, ignoring the silence that, if she were honest, didn’t feel right. She looked up just in time to see Kota shoot her garbage into the trash can, which got Spit to smile. “Nice shot,” she said, getting up herself to throw her garbage away. She was definitely not about to try the same thing and just end up littering instead of actually throwing it away. Once she returned to her seat, she shrugged again. “Who knows?” she said. “I guess we’ll see.” Spit would’ve left it there, but again, something didn’t feel right, and this time, she didn’t have the food to distract her from it. “Let me know if you need a wingwoman though,” she said. She wouldn’t mind going with Kota. It would justify her getting drunk, although it occurred to her somewhat belatedly that she could end up in a position where Kota was off with her sporty friends while Spit got drunk alone and just ended up going back to her dorm anyway. “I’ll be there if ya need me. It would give me enough reason to drink.”

Kota smiled, but didn’t respond immediately. She took the time to get up and throw away the things she couldn’t just ball and shoot into the trash. I mean basketball wasn’t the answer to everything, besides, this gave her a chance to actually have sometime to think and on her way back she gazed at Spit,”I mean I’d love to have you go, but I really don’t want you bored. I can just hang out with you another time...I mean besides not like I’m checking for anyone else….”

Spit seriously reconsidered. It wasn’t like her to give something like a weekend football game this much thought, but here she was. Kota certainly didn’t need the company, as she’d already have friends there, so it came down to, did Kota really want her there? Or was she just being polite? Spit weighed the situation one more time, and decided at least there’d be alcohol to fall back on. Good old alcohol. “Okay,” Spit said, resting her chin in her hands. “Why not. I’ll go. But you better not ditch me unless you have a good reason,” Spit said, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

“Bueno!” Dakota said with a large smile, and more enthusiasm than she intended. She caught herself quickly, noticing she had done that and immediately cleared her throat and shook her head,”I mean yeah that’s cool…” She got to reach for her phone, pulled it out and checked the time,”Ya ought to get to class, 1 o’clock running close. I mean or don’t on you. Either way, I think I’m going to go take a nap.”

Spit chuckled at her outburst. Never a dull moment with Kota in your company. “I guess I should,” Spit said, disappointed - whether it was for having to go to class or leaving Kota, she wasn’t sure. Maybe both. Maybe neither. Oh well. “Fuckin’ calc,” she muttered, taking her time standing up and stretching her arms up. She grabbed her bag from where she’d slung it over the back of her chair and slid the strap over her shoulder. “Enjoy your nap. And let me know when that game is, and I’ll be there,” she promised.

A nod,”Right, I’ll text you or call you if I don’t see you the rest of the week. Which, I doubt…” she said grabbing her bag, slinging it over her shoulder and looking at the door,”Let me know if you change your mind chica.” With that she let a slight wave, and disappeared out of the double doors……
Spit gave a small wave as Kota headed out, wondering when she'd see her next. True to form though, Spit didn't give it much thought as she headed to her own class, which she should be just on time for. Afterwards, she could spend the rest of the day doing what programming, coding, and other work she'd originally been doing when she'd been interrupted. It was going to be a boring day from then on out, she supposed. The whole week would be pretty boring up until the game that weekend, which also had the potential to be boring, but Spit didn't care.

“Hello…….” she stopped, thinking about the word before shaking her head and continuing,”LoveBug?” she questioned rubbing her eyes, because she was a little higher than she intended.

Chase could tell from her tone that Saruh was in her happy place. “Hey Starry, how are you?” He asked.

She chuckled, as if asking how was she was something funny, and sighed,”I’m fine..better. I just finished writing a song, and I painted, did you get it? ….” she stopped speaking...realizing she was about to ramble.

“I just got out of training so I haven’t checked my messages yet.” He replied

“Oh…” she said nodding her head to show she understood, though she knew he couldn’t see,”Well, I don’t want to keep you for long...I just missed you, and I wanted to know if I could stay the night with you….”

Chase tilted his head back slightly trying to remember if there was anything he needed to do there was some stuff minor things that could wait until tomorrow. “Sure… I was about to find Ari and head home. Want me to pick you up?”

“Yeah….yeah. That sounds good, just pick me up….I’ll even cook if you want me to.” Saruh was calm, and just honestly wanted affection at this point. The issues could wait, she would just be happy to be around him, no matter what she needed to do.

He smiled slightly at the offer but wasn't sure if he could wait much longer to eat. “I planning on to pick something up along the way.”

“Alright, that’s fine. I’ll just make myself something,” because she didn’t eat meat, she liked to make her own food to be sure of it. She rested her back and took in a deep breath,”Alright well, text me when you’re on your way. Alright?”

“I don’t mind stopping by Jason’s.” He offered knowing she liked the food there. “It’s on the way.”

She smiled, happy that he was nice enough to think about her wants. This is the part she did enjoy about their relationship, and so he smiled,”Well, you’re just a kind one aren’t you. But thanks babe, can’t wait to see you.”

“Alright, I’ll text you when I’m close.” He said starting to make his way back towards the main builders where Ari had her classes.
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Chase ended the class as he made his way to the main campus area. He checked his messages and saw he had three two from Saru and one from Tori. He checked Tori’s message first and saw the offer. As nice as it was she figured it would be best to go home so he replied back,

Hey! Sorry for the late reply just got out of training.. Thanks for the offer but really tired and ready to crash. If anything we can meet up tomorrow.

He sent the message before seeing the time and frowning slightly when he saw no response from Ari.

@AkuNoOkami @sneekykota
Hadassah Klein

Headphones on, the music styling of Sheppard pulsing in her ears. She danced along to the rhythm of Geronimo, oblivious to any eyes on her, her own eyes closed as she relied on the ever present sense of familiarity to guide her along the path, on instinct to warn her of obstacles in her way. The sky had opened up over night and a gentle rain had begun to fall that morning. Ignorant to the torrent, she splashed through puddles, singing loudly, along with the lyrics.

It was the freedom with which she tried to live, daily... a sense of fullness... No hesitation, no regrets, no self-conscious regard for how she might look or how others might perceive her. And she was, really... free.

Passion for life was unfortunately not as infectious as it had been once. People cared too much how they looked or how the rest of the world looked at them, but Hadassah Klein had learned long ago that life was short and if you spent it worrying about how you lived... you'd never actually end up living, at all.

Hands up above her head she spun and her eyes opened, staring up into the sky. If there was one thing... one promise Hadi could make to herself it was that she was going to live. Walk the Moon's Shut Up and Dance took over and with a grin, she continued along her way...

Bucket List #225: Dancing in the Streets - Check.

(@AkuNoOkami )


As Chase's text message came through, Tori looked at her phone for several seconds, her throat tightening as she read the words. It wasn't that she had expected anything more, it was really that she had expect just that.

'Sounds good. :) Have a great night.' She texted back. Shaking her head, she dropped her phone onto the counter, wrapped up the cookies and made for shower. After she'd washed and dressed, she curled up on her bed with her book. Through tears, the pages blurred, but she refused to let them fall, and eventually, lights on and book in hand, she fell asleep.


The following morning, Tori woke to the sound of her alarm, from across the room. Rolling over, a crick in her neck, she untangled herself from her bed sheets and half-stumbled to find her phone, pressing the button to turn off the noise. She only had one class that day and with that in mind she managed to pull herself together.

After breakfast, she took her medication, slipped out of her pajamas and threw on a blue tunic dress and sandals, pulling her hair back into a messy bun. Peeking her head out of her dorm room she could see through the windows in the hall the rain coming down and frowned, softly. Slipping back into her room she traded sandals for wellingtons and grabbed an umbrella.

It wouldn't be a pleasant walk to the CP building, that was for sure.
Teah Melanthios

Teah stretched as soon as she walked out the school building, The first class always made her feel a bit sleepy afterwards. She took out her camera and started to take pictures around the campus trying to wake herself up. Then something caught her attention, Not to far away from where she was standing a girl was singing and dancing around in the street. Good thing that there weren't any cars around and most of the people on bikes just moved past her. She was so interesting and so lively it was..beautiful and Teah found herself taking pictures of her.


Classes, she only had one today and she just had just gotten done and now? Now it was time for her to make her way to GC and help out with the fundraiser. She wasn't a big fan of the sorority scene, stupid mom, but she did enjoy the community outreach parts and would continue to stay in it as long as they did things like that. She was prissy today, a nice change from her usual hippie love bohemian look. She was wearing a white blouse that was just a bit frilly on the end of the collars, a long with a black skirt form fitting skirt that stopped short of her knees. Around her neck wear the white pearls, black heels..pumps actually, and on her back this follow jacket.


She initially had her straight, and let down but the rain didn't pay her any favors, so she stop fighting with it and let it frizz up a bit as she covered her head with an umbrella that matched her jacket. Eventually, she made it into the GC building and up to the table in the middle of everyone hoping Chase was already their. There were only three girls there at the moment, and Kenny would be there shortly.

Dakota, though she didn't cross at Evercrest, was going to help with the event also. It was always funny to watch her, when she crossed at Kansas she was in the back of the line of 24 girls, because she was the tallest. She was the tail. Saruh on the other hand, was sixth in a line of 12 girls, but Dakota was taller than all the girls who crossed here too.

When she was satisfied, Saruh reached into her backpack to grab her brush, and and took in a deep sigh, waiting for things to occur.




Kenny had finally gotten out of that class this morning, and it was time to go to workouts. So he did, he hit the football facilities, met up with one of his teammates and then his strength and conditioning coach. They got at, because it wasn't going to be a long one, and after it was all said and done he was tired. He chuckled a bit when he finished though, and headed to the showers. He was going to dress up spiffy for this charity event.

So when he rturned out of the shower and into the locker room, he put on a nice blue polo (team color) some really expensive black slacks, with matching black shoes polished to the shin of apollo. It was a bit dark outside, but it was bright enough he put on the blue tinted mirror aviators, and moved out of the football facilities to go do what he (and a few other football players) promised to the AKA's.

He was running behind, so he was looking to the nice silver watch on his wrist and the next thing he looked up he was about to crash into a girl. But being the gentleman he was, so he wouldn't knock her over he picked her up right as they were about to collide (by the hips) twirled the both of them in a circle, before placing her gently down and trying to catch his balance, but failing because he slipped on some wet concrete and fell straight into a large puddle......."Joy." He muttered looking over ot see it was the girl from his English class, Hadi.

@Elle Joyner

The rest of the evening was calm and enjoyable. No drama or stress as the rest of the day had been which was a nice change of pace. It had honestly been what he and Saruh needed just a chill night together. It did worry him a bit that Ari was so quiet but she kept saying everything was fin so there wasn't much he could do there. The morning was a bit of a rush since all three had early morning activities. Thankfully Tuesdays and Thursdays were easy days with only one long class and the rest of the day off. Or... he would if he hadn't agreed to help with Saruh's back sale. But it was for a good cause and last time he helped it was good fun. He didn't want to see sweets for a few days after but still good fun. He would make sure not to give in to his sweet tooth this time.

Stepping out of VH chase pulled the hood to his navy blue hoodie up as he made his way to the GC building. The rain never bothered him much but he also didn't want to get sick. Still the 'bad' whether was a nice break from the heat that had slowly been building over the past few days and it made for a nice walk. He reached the GC building in no time and made his way to where the events were being set up It was only 11 but the halls were already crowded with activity. More than one of the houses were having events so that would mean the building would probably be the busiest spot on campus for several hours.


The night had been a rough one, Despite trying to study and get homework done very little progress was made. Part of her was mad that the other woman had weaseled her way into stealing a kiss. Honestly she should have just denied the bet and just walked off, save herself the aggravation. She hadn't exactly gotten a chance to Saruh or Chase either. Though she wasn't sure if it was something to even talk about. Well mote like it wasn't something she wanted to talk about. She'd rather push the whole even to the back of her mind and forget it ever happened.

Music Theory was just what she needed though. The class had been long but fun with much to be learned and new ideas to experiment with! What started out as a fairly sour day had perked up quite a bit as she made her way to GC. Saruh was having a big bake sale, while she wasn't part of the sorority she still thought it would be fun to help out. The teen hummed to herself as she walked through the drizzle, her earbuds in place as music played through them serving to keep her mood up.


Shopping was always so much fun. Mostly cause it gave him something other to do than sit around and let his mind linger on past mistakes. Not to mention a new jacket was always a good thing. Especially on rainy days. Normally rain would be a horrible idea but he had been looking for new inspiration for what to do his Thesis on. In his mind he wanted to do something abstract and different. Yet personal at the same time. Possibly something with water since it was such a huge part of his life, and well life in general.

Looking at life through the lense of camera that morning Cameron decided to film the rain and all of its wonder. Along with how some people reacted to it. So far the results were mixed.

Teah Melanthios

Still taking pictures of the girl she watched as a guy who seemed to almost crash in to her, Instead of that he picked her up and twirled her around placing her back on the ground. And Teah captured the whole thing on her camera she wanted to squeal in delight it was so beautiful and so perfect! They had to be friends or something it was too perfect for it to be a coincidence! Excitedly she walked over to the two smiling " That was so beautifully done!! Did you guys plan that out? It was so perfect!! I took pictures of it if you want to see!!"

Hadi Klein

It happened so suddenly it felt a little like magic. One minute, she'd been dancing along, the next, her feet were lifted from the ground, a pair of massive hands wrapped wrong her slender hips and in something like a practiced pirouette, she was spun round and lowered again. It all would have been rather spectacular... probably a 9.5 on Dancing with the Stars (except possibly from that Italian judge, but he had a bee in his bonnet, that one), but as she removed her headphones and turned to face her dance partner she was stunned to see him toppling backwards into a puddle.

As he fell, she spotted another figure from the corner of her eye running towards them. The girl said something, but Hadi only half heard her, still registering exactly what had happened.

"Oh!" Hiding something in between a gasp and a giggle behind her hands she stepped forward, shaking her head, "I am so sorry! Are you okay?"

She reached out a hand to help him up, which was really quite ludicrous, given his size, but it was the thought that counted anyway. In the meantime, she turned to the excitable Asian girl and smiled gently, "Sorry. Didn't mean to ignore you, there. Thanks! We've been practicing all weeks. Can't quite stick the landing though."

Flashing a wink, she looked back to her puddle-jumper, "...Kenny, right? From English? You okay? I didn't break you, did I?"

@AkuNoOkami @Wynn
Kayden Jace

Kayden stepped out of the shower and attempted to tame his mess of hair before it dried, because if he failed to get his hair in check, he'd have to go observe a class with a beanie on his head. He had been explicity instructed not to do so. He was to observe a Calculus II course and take notes regarding his opinions on the teaching style, as well as the speed and the students' ability to comprehend the material. He had also been told to dress nicely. When he was telling his sister about this over the weekend, she had decided to take him out and buy him enough nice clothes that he'd have a different outfit every day for a month, and still have enough left over for another two weeks. He grinned, at least his sister and he had a similar opinion about his fashion sense. He decided on a blue collared shirt, light gray sweater, and a pair of dark khakis, with some basic black shoes.

His hair was still a bit of a mess, so he tried to run a brush through it, but it just got worse, so he pulled out his last resort. Hair gel with enough hold to stop a bulldozer. He sighed, applying as little as possible to his hair so that it would come out tonight when he showered. He then carefully arranged it until, finally, it seemed presentable. He smiled at himself, he was looking quite sharp, and then made his way down to the dining hall for breakfast. He grabbed an apple, as well as two slices of toast, putting a light layer of peanutbutter. Everything else looked pretty good. Eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, cereals, etc, but Kayden was a vegetarian, had been for the past eight years, so he tried to stick to that. He had slipped up once, when his parents came to visit three years prior, around Thanksgiving, and he had eaten turkey just to try and be normal for the day, at least in their mind, but they barely acknowledged him.

He sighed, finished with his breakfast, and went off on his way to CBC, wanting to get there a bit early.
Tori Graham

Class went by without incident, which was saying something, considering social science was not a strong suit of hers. She'd managed to avoid texting Cameron out of desperation - but it hadn't been easy. After grabbing lunch from the Brew she found herself, umbrella and wellies and all wandering the campus grounds.

She was about halfway to the apartments when she noticed a familiar face and with a grin, spotted his equipment tucked carefully beneath a rain proofing screen. Sneaking out of the shot she wandered up behind him, tucked her hands in front of his face and cupped them gingerly over his eyes.

"Guess who, Hitchcock..."

A trio of students came into view of his camera as they socialized in the rain. It looked as if two of them had slipped or tripped into a puddle. Not uncommon but unfortunate. He noticed on of them was Kenny the younger brother to one part of the live triangle which was the source of most of his headaches. He was a cute kid and had a lot going for him. But from what he had heard he was the highly religious sort. So he kept his distance. You heard one lecture you heard them all a this point. Just as he was shifting his camera to another part of the landscape his vision went dark leaving him very confused for a moment until a familiar voice chimed in his ear. Cameron chuckled "Hm the tooth fairy?" he chuckled before turning around. "Hey Tori-bear. How are you holding up?"

Izzy Winston

Evercrest, 12:00 P.M., Heading to class

Izzy smiled as she held up the newspaper, the school newspaper specifically, and read the newest, Rumor has it, section. Her photos hadn't seemed to do much yesterday, but after she had sobbed to her brother and explained everything, as well as making him apologise for not saying anything about Chase's relationship, he had been happy to help. The section was, at the time, being heavily considered, and would have probably even put off until the next issue so that they would have time to get a fresh view from any newcomers, but after Izzy had told him of it, Jack pushed the section through, and even provided prime material for the section's writer, himself. when she got back from school, she would have to hug him so hard! This was a newspaper she was going to be putting in her closest! Izzy kept reading the paper as she started off towards her Sociology class, not willing to miss the beginning of it.

Evercrest Monthly

Issue #1

Hello fellow peers and faculty! This is a great new year that lends us the opportunity to make use of Evercrest's grand chances of reaching fame and fortune. We here at the Newspaper Club would like to start off by firstly welcoming any newcomers who would like to lend their imagination towards the successful and knowledgable our newspaper helps bring every day. Now that we have our shameless advertising out of the way, lets proceed to the rest of this year's debut editon of the Newspaper. With our fresh writers coming out of the woodwork, and some fabulous teamwork, we have a few new subjects for you to peruse while you sip your coffee or try and find your way out of that trashcan some bully put you into!



On page 2, we have some amazing recounts of the most recent games of sports, all respective writers being listed there, and page 3 has wonderful stories that have been sent in from students among the crowds, or are being reused from last year. Sadly, we don't have much to offer this far into the new year, but remember that you can help us out amazingly if you take the time to sign up and really get your head in the game. We do have a very special section arriving from the mind of one of our own. Our "Rumor has it" section on page 3 will certainly give you some entertainment!


Page 1

Rumor has it

Ever thought about the dirtiest gossip around the campus? We now accept any kind of information like that, and if there is high demand, well we'll gladly showcase it. Don't take what we say completely seriously for printed gossip is still gossip, but know that every rumor has a grain of truth in it somewhere! Now, we have recently gotten some very juicy news from a very reliable source that focuses around one of our school's oldest couples. Seraphine Austin and Chase Peirce. We all know Chase as one of our prized athletes, a good few of use students praising his efforts in helping us win, but now we know that this man of steel isn't protected from a rocky relationship. His girlfriend is getting rather annoyed at his flirting with other girls, showing off a chauvanistic edge that we may or may not have known about. Will this power couple disband over the multiple things that Chase has done? I for one wish him luck on his path, as it is filled with a lot of landmines and thrown vases.

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Erich Grün

>> Algebra II... great.

The simple white room was disturbingly silent for a Tuesday morning - much more quiet than it should be, that is, for the beginning of the class. Mr. Cadeyrn was sitting at his desk, blank faced, typing away at his old-school keyboard with not even a glance towards his nervous class. One kid was tapping his pencil - another was shifting through papers. Erich himself threw a glance - correction, several glances, at his instructor, one eyebrow cocked and his eyes showing immense confusion. The other male didn't bat an eyelash, however, simply continuing to tap away at his computer.

"What the hell," one of his classmates hissed, leaning over to her friend that sat next to her, continuing their inconspicuous whispering betwixt them. Erich sighed, curling his hand into a fist, laying his chin on it, and using his other hand to unceasingly tap his fingers, hoping to get Mr. Caderyn's attention.

It didn't work. Nope, the guy could almost be considered a statue if it weren't for his flying fingers.

The light brunette glanced at the clock - class was 20 minutes in at this point. One girl, fairly tall with striking red hair, picked up her bag and simply walked out of class, slamming the door with a loud 'humphf.' That was Jillian, known for her lack of temper control and impulsive decisions. As soon as the class could no longer hear her footsteps echoing from supposedly empty hallway, Mr. Caderyn actually spoke.


The words were flat and hinted at nothing, simply existing in a quick, but quite loud huff that sounded close to a bear's sigh. Most of the students in the room looked at their teacher with very perplexed looks, more talking starting to talk among each other. Erich caught wind of more cursing and phrases surrounding the general idea of "What's wrong with Mr. Caderyn?" and "Can we just leave class at this point?" Erich shifted uncomfortably, picking at his cuticles, until another student stepped down from his desk, book in hand, and strode up to the whiteboard and began to write things. On the 'Things for Today' board, which held up-to-date information of Mr. Caderyn's lesson plans for all of his classes - which were neatly divided by class type, time, and dates - it had a clear outline of page numbers for the lesson and notes as to what would be discussed. As Erich guessed, the kid in front was going to discuss the lesson for those who were too lazy to open their books.

Known as Kyle Hemsmen, he was a strawberry-blonde with an extremely confident, extroverted personality. While he wasn't the brightest, he certainly wasn't stupid by any means and would probably carry the class just fine since their normal teacher had decided that he just didn't give a damn today.

"Here we go," Erich mumbled under his breath, pulling out his notes and opening his own book.
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Saruh had been speaking to one of her sorors when they had pointed out that Chase was around, and Saruh looked for him. She brushed her hair once more, trying to get the frizziness to calm down, before shuffling her feet as her shoes clicked across the ground and moving to Chase and wrapping her arms around his neck. A smile came across her face before it disappeared as she buried her face into his chest.

She was happy to be happy with him for once, it was a nice change of pace and she wouldn't let it anything ruin her day. She stepped back and looked up to him, a large smile painted on the canvas of her face,"Hey...Thanks for coming and helping." She liked when she felt like this. Happy to see him, jittery, as if it was their first day dating. It was nice, something she didn't get often with their relationship anymore.

She turned away from him and walked back to the set up they had, believing Chase would follow of course.


Kenny waved his hand, trying to get the excess water and dirt from his hands, looking up to the girl who had inquired of their practice of that maneuver. This only brought a groan from him, though he would play along with it,"No pictures, save that for when we perform at the dance."

He smiled when she reached to help him up, glad she offered to help but amused because it wouldn't really solve anything. If he actually put his weight on her, they'd both just end up back in the puddle. Moreover,she would've ended up on top of him. So he reached out, grabbing her by the forearm (near her elbow) and picked himself up so she'd get the satisfaction of helping and he wouldn't look like a rude prick.

He brushed himself off a bit, but to no avail, his clothes were soaked and not presentable. Reaching his hands up he removed the shades from his face and smiled to the young girl,"Ms Klein, right? Don't worry, it'll take more than little ol you to break me." He then turned his attention to the other woman who was standing there beside him,"No seriously wait."

@Shura @Elle Joyner @Wynn
Tori Graham

Tori grinned and released him, shaking her head. She rifled around for a moment in her purse before dragging out a small plastic bag of cookies, holding it out to him, "Tooth fairy, or sweet tooth fairy?"

Dropping down beside him she shrugged, trying to keep her expression as casual as possible. It wasn't as easy as she imagined, but the umbrella held over her head kept her face partially masked, and he was preoccupied with his camera as it was, "Not too bad. I've got CoOp this afternoon... That's always exciting. It's only a half-hour session today, though, thank God."

Leaning back, she sighed softly, "And I've got about eight-dozen cookies in my dorm room, which I'm not entirely convinced Chase is going to come by later, to collect. His text was kind of vague... Not that he's ever not vague, I guess."


Hadi Klein

He was slick... and more importantly, he wasn't upset. It was nice, really, refreshing in a world where so many people were quick to lose their tempers... particularly when they were already in a hurry. Giving him a once over, she frowned at the sight of him. He was soaked, almost head to toe... and he looked nice, too...

A brow quirked when he pulled himself upright and she chuckled softly at he spoke, shaking her head, "...Ms Klein? Oh geez. I did break you... You're suddenly under the impression I'm ninety-seven. Gosh. Did I start to melt in all this rain? Wrinkle up like a prune?" With another wink she turned back to the girl and chuckled.

"I wanna see those pictures, but I gotta get our QB here dry before he catches himself pneumonia and the football team's beatin' down my door to take his place." Pulling open her messenger bag she fished around for a moment before producing a pen and paper, scribbling something down. This, she tore off and handed to the girl, "That's my number. You call me up and we'll have a little slide show! Now you!" She said, turning to Kenny with a grin, "Let's get you dried off, hmm?"

( @AkuNoOkami
@Wynn )


Mood: Cocky

Location: Home--->GC

@'s: Anyone in the GC

Other: Because what makes a rich boy a rich boy better than a muscle car? :P

11:00 AM

Zane had awoken relatively late, about an hour and a half till class was starting. Noooot that he particualry cared...

But he still had things to do. So Zane was up and getting ready in his spacious estate before heading down to the garage and opening the large door to expose his charger to the sun, the sleek black body glinting in the light.

Zane grinned, sliding over the front of the hood to the other side to slide into the drivers seat and start her up. He took a moment to adjust his seat, put her in gear, and start the

. With a hoot of joy he slammed down on the pedal and peeled out of the garage, spinning her around in the large cresent driveway outside the estate before driving out onto the main highway leading down into Evercrest. Without hesitating, Zane slammed his foot on the gas and quickly picked up speed down the winding road towards evercrest.
12:00 PM

Zane pulled into Lot 3 in low gear, mostly coasting in as he revved the engine loudly, creating a ruckus that could be heard from the GC pretty well. With a grin he pulled into his spot and revved it a few more times before finally killing the engine and the stereo and climbing from the car, sliding a pair of shades on as he went.

With a cocky smirk he began his walk towards the GC, eventually walking into the main area and looking around for anyone who was actually interesting.

(Arrogant prick is arrogant lol)
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Victoria Moore

Library, first floor, 10:15 a.m.

She smiled softly to herself as she finally closed her new read, and placed it on the desk in front of her. That was positively the best science fiction love story ever. A dying alien race going down to Earth to find women to breed with, one alien finds one, and actually discovers the human emotion of love. The ending teared her up; the alien did not want her to have that fate to be a baby machine in his world so he left, oh that feeling must be terrible for both her and him. Oh she will definitely write this in the School Writer's website. she sighed and then opened up her notebook and her computer. Her calculus class doesn't start until another four hours, so she would just spend her time in here, or if anything pops up, she would do that.
David Summers

Student dorms 9:45 a.m

David was for the first time in his life a bit relieved when he woke up to his alarm. Not much had changed still he was still the same insecure nervous and awkward guy that he knew but the first time in his life he had a friend. Not one that was supposed friends because they thought his parents were cool but because someone was actually interested in him and he was able to slightly hold a conversation. Walking to the mirror he tried to stifle somewhat of a smile as he got ready. Once again he slicked his hair back and brushed his teeth. The same ideas still whirled in his head that this was all a dream and that there was no way that this could be happening.

He grabbed his bag and his notebook which luckily he was able to get back yesterday thanks to the person he was so happy about meeting Ms. Moore. It was a bit formal but considering she was his senior and his line to learning a little faster about being social then by all means call her his teacher. Grabbing his book he walked to the library writing as he walked "So i finally had my first social uncontrolled experience yesterday. She goes by the name Victoria Moore. If it wasn't for this book i wouldn't have even met her so there is that. Thank god she didn't read it or it probably wouldn't have gone well. After a very rough start with stuttering from beginning to end on my behalf, we became what i guess be called familiar." He shook his writing this but continued "I grabbed my bag and went back to find that she was still in the location as before as if waiting on me to continue the conversation. Lest to say it was frustrating but luckily she was patient with me"

David stumbled as he looked up to the library. By pure luck he had made it to the library without any issue. He put his book in his bag as he climbed the steps to the front door. This was the time to focus because knowing that she was also a psychology student meant to him that she would observing him as much as he was her. He looked around and forgot one major thing to ask her. Where in the heck was she going to be in the library!? His head started to spin at that point thinking "What if she starts to take a disinterest in me because i can't find her? What if i have already bored her with my almost trivial social methods?!" In that moment swiftly turning around he slammed into a book cart being push by another student flipping over it crashing face first into the ground "....ow".

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Kenny would have protested because he needed to be on time to his sister, but it would be counterproductive to show up soaked and not presentable. So with a sigh, mostly of frustration with himself, he nodded and smiled to the young girl who was many inches shorter than he,"Right, I need to get some dagum dry clothes and perhaps even a hot chocolate. Ain't that what they give people when they rescue them from freezin' water? A blue warm blanket and a hot chocolate?"

He smiled still, his little story was something of truth. He had watched many a newspecials when they had rescued someone from freezing, or even not so freezing water and had done just that. In fact, he wanted the hot chocolate more than anything. I mean, what person in their right mind wouldn't want the hot chocolate.

"Well, lead the way ma'am." he offered in his last bit, not in much of a rush to get to his sister afterall.

@Elle Joyner
Chase & Ari

It was nice to be back on good terms again with Saruh. Chase returned the hug and added a simple brief kiss. "More than happy to help." He replied with a slight grin before following Saruh to the booth were things were being set up. He helped with the banners first getting them anchor the brightly colored cloths high enough to see over the crowds. Once that was all done most of the baked goods had already been set out and the selling had started. Saruh was selling tickets for a reffel already. He figured he leave it to her and try to sell some of the sweets.

The CG halls were already bustling with activity. Ari could hear the AKA members already working their booth which looked to be doing fairly well. She made her way over and grinned over to Chase. "How many have you had?"

Chase just quirked a brow. "None, how was class?"

"Well enough. It's music so it's always fun!" She grinned before looking over to Saruh, "Hey sis. Anyway I can help?" She asked moving over to the older woman for a quick hug.



"Ahhh well... don't give up that easily hun. I mean he had training last night right? So there was a chance he just went home to sleep he does also have to take his sister home." He shrugged. "Besides todays a new day!" he grinned while twirling around. "Come on you can help me with my new project! I'm filming.. well water.... but I want it to be more than that. Like show just how important water is to life and what not. The beauty behind such a simple fluid!" He explained becoming more enthused as he spoke. If there was one true love for Cam it really was Film.

@Elle Joyner

Saruh and Kota

Dakota had finally been able to finish her workouts, and if she had any classes, fuggetaboutit, she was done with everything to do. It was her last free weekday before practice? She was going to help her sorors as much as she could. She had made it into her room, and her sister was there. So being the sweetheart she was, (of course after Kota showered and the like) her sister -and another friend- prettied the young girl up. They flat-ironed her hair so that it would behave, and lay down (mind you it went half way down her back) put her make up on and picked out her something nice in her closet.

They fitted her nice with a pink blouse, the pearls, and a black skirt (though it was much shorter than the one Saruh was wearing). black pumps and of course her jacket


A quick skip and a hop, and she made it to the GC building and over to the booth. Saruh smiled when Ari hugged her and returned it,"
Yes, pimp your brother please....and pimp mine..whenever he gets here. Make sure you sell as many raffle tickets as you can!" She stated before handing her a roll. She smiled when she saw Dakota,"Soror!" she said waving to the girl, approaching her and hugging her. Dakota smiled,"Hey..." and glanced at Ari before looking away,"Where do you need me?"

Saruh only nodded,"
Um just use your pretty looks, and sale some baked sweets with Chase." With that, she nodded and made her way towards the male offering a smile,"Hey bud."


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