• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest

Izzy sat down at the table and frowned as she felt the after taste of her burger come up. She had forgotten her water back in her purse, and there was no chance to get it back. Besides, she had picked a perfect spot to look at Chase and his blonde friend. She was also close enough to hear some of their conversation, a blessing for anyone who was curious about the affairs of their interests. Making sure her camera was ready, Izzy turned off the flash and began to take snaps of the two as they conversed, making sure that she swerved and took pictures of her surroundings as well. She had learned that if she acted like she wasn't focusing on just one group, it would lessen the chance of getting discovered. Her brother had taught her that the best way to stealth right was hiding in plain sight.

As each snap of the successful shots rang from the Camera, Izzy heard bits and pieces of the two's conversation and furrowed her eyes as she heard the bits about someone moving in with Chase. Maybe it was Kenny, they were close an-her? Her!? There was some chick that thought she was good enough to be spending time with Chase? Enough time to ask about moving in? Did...Did her Chase have a girlfriend? Izzy felt tears spring up in the corners of her eyes as she continued to take pictures, feeling her heart break a bit at the thought of her precious Chase being swept up by the arms of some random girl. Even worse, how had she not known? She had spent so much time taking pictures of him, and making sure he was alright, and now she was being told that her efforts were all for naught?

As the two finished up and left, Izzy comforted her wounded heart and tended it with the thoughts that at least the woman he was with was merely a friend. One that had much higher chances of getting to Chase than she did, but a friend nonetheless. Looking at them as they went, Izzy frowned and stood up. Going to her original table, she picked everything up, before going after them towards the exit. She would be getting a glimpse of this "Saruh".

@Shura @Elle Joyner

Victoria Moore

Fic Critic

Library, First Floor

Really? How in the hell did this user get away with using such atrocious grammar? And terrible word usage? She winced as she continued to read, every word torturing her mind.

"She slowly closed her eyes, like a wolf in pain?" she read aloud. For a romance short story, this sure did not appeal to Victoria's romantic side. No "awws" or "ohhs" it was just "meh."

The more she read, the more her brain fried away IQ points, one by one. She finally forced herself to the end of the story which was as anticlimactic than the story with the sparkling vampire, however at least that had a plot

They kissed and the passion burned like ice

"BURNED LIKE ICE?!" She yelled out. She gasped and withdrew her head at her mistake. She was at a library, after all. She shook her head and clicked on the reply button. She started off with her signature introduction:

Fic Critic: Here is my take!

This story contains the cliches from any romance. A misunderstood girl, an insecure boy, and a common subject that causes their budding love to ignite and then spread like a wildfire of buring hot passion, lust and desire. While I am a big fan of romances, I say this is not a good example of a romance. The girl does not have a dynamic personality and seems like an automaton without any definition of life. The boy is worse; the boy only wants the reader to punch him in the face. Other than the story, the usage of similes and metaphors is very elementary, and the plot is choppy. The story overall is anticlimactic as well.

In conclusion, I give this story a


Fic Critic, out.

Victoria skimmed through her reply for grammatical and spelling errors and pressed send. She smiled and watched the forum, just so she can see the future replies from her fans. She is famous on the internet for being the Fic Critic, and she tends to keep it that way. She is better off famous on one thing, than another, and the other thing, is something she might end up getting crucified for.

She finally sighed and clicked out of the story sites, and closed her eyes, like a wolf in pain. She winced at that horrible simile as it danced in her head like a loud annoying monkey, playing the most annoying song in the world over and over.

"I need a coffee after this" she said to herself as she shut down her laptop and packed up her notebooks and pencils
Erich Grün
>> Some time, some place, Algebra II

Erich had already been awake by at latest 7:00 in the morning to make it for his first class, English. One of the more tolerable classes, but really nothing that interested him. At least he didn't fall asleep half the time when the teacher rambled endlessly.

That morning, he'd quietly got out of bed and glanced over at his roommate. He hadn't really noticed anything astray, so he'd shuffled into the kitchen. Most days he ate at home for breakfast, typically scarfing down a bowl of cereal and a banana or the like. Nothing heavy, but not something that would leave him starving by breakfast. Of course, he did slip a granola bar into his pocket in case he did get a little too peckish before lunch. He got really shaky when he got too hungry, and that just wasn't good for his focus.

After breakfast, he went over to Nikolaus and gave him a couple scritches, putting a finger to his lips to let the copper and cobalt bird that he needed to be quiet. He'd had the avian pet for three years now and had taught him well with many treats and daily training sessions - he'd even introduced him to water and was pleased to find that the bird tolerated it. Then he gave him fresh food, some carrots, and hoped into the shower. Twenty minutes later, he was out the door with his back pack off to building GC, class 032.

Good lord, what time had he gone to bed last night? His neck was soar, even after a hot shower, and his eyes consistently drooped. His pace was sluggish, back slumped, black tennis shoes almost dragging against the particularly light pavement that made up most of the sidewalks. He had to wake up before first period, otherwise he might get slapped with a ruler again. That wasn't fun in the least bit.

He slid his backpack off of his back and onto the grass, making sure to step out of the way of other commuting students. One strap, two strap, three strap... both shoulder straps and the hip strap were tightened and secure, back on his shoulders and flush against his back. Now that it wouldn't bounce so much, Erich took off onto a steady jog, getting his muscles moving and blood pumping. It definitely woke him up.

He ran off and on to his English course, out of breath by the time he'd reached the classroom. The class passed rather uneventfully, the only thing worth noting is the reading assignment that he'd written in his planner. He was then off to his next class, Algebra II.

What he otherwise called 'Hell in the form of numbers'.

And letters.

And small, obscure symbols that he didn't understand, nor did they need to exist.

But that was just a matter of opinion.

He sat. Bored out of his mind. He swore he glanced at the clock every five minutes. It moved by thirty seconds. Yes, this was Erich's own personal hell, wrapped neatly with a textbook and nightly assignments. The life was being sucked out of him, he was dying, he - no, he was ismply being overdramatic. He was just bored, confused, and at the same time, he really didn't care. That was why he didn't hang out with Math Majors - they talked all this stuff that confused him and would probably give him a stroke if he tried to understand. Of course, had it was required of him to pass the class, so he did the best he could and took notes just like any other student. To add to his anguish, though, class was only half over.



"Alright please don't no one is going to call you that unless you are going to give someone a reason to, and that would be if you let them know you were sad about it. So how about this. Head to class, get your mind off of it...if you take Mr. Cicada and get a matchbox to put him in...I'll help you put him in the ground in a small ceremony...Alright?"

Eliana glanced back over at Joe, and then raised her eyebrows as she tilted her head ever so slightly. The girl hugged her arms, calming herself down as she looked back over at the dead bug. She let out a long sigh, and then nodded. The girl shoved her hands into her pockets, and said,
"Alright...that sounds...nice. Err...I'll go find a matchbox. Would you mind keeping an eye on it?"

@Der Kojote (Shite post is shite...sowwy ;- ;)


She actually hadn't left campus yet like she planned to. No. That bench she found outside? Well, it kind of became her bed, and with her backpack over her face to block the light from interrupting her eyes, she had rolled on her side and made herself comfortable. Her skin tone gave her natural protection to the sun (though she wasn't immune to sun burn) and thus her spot on the bench had become ever the more comfortable. It wasn't until her clock with off to tell her it was time for class that she shot up, her bookbag falling to the ground before her.

She stretched her arms out like a zombie (eyes still closed) and even managed to do a monster groan,"Class......" The odd part about this was, this wasn't an act, she was seriously that groggy. This show continued for a second before it donned on her. She wasn't going to class anymore, so her arms dropped. A yawn came out of her mouth as both hands (in balled fist form) reached her eyes and she rubbed them gently.

She supposed she should head home and actually sleep in her bed. Her anger had subsided, but she wanted Chase to seek her out. Otherwise, she'd just go back home and sleep the rest of the day. She reached under the bench, thankful no one had stolen her skateboard and slid it in front of her. A foot on it, and then another and she ....moved five feet before stopping and sitting on it. She was too sleepy to skateboard, and sitting inf ront of the GC building where all the food was didn't help,"OH brave knight of a soccer player who number is 24, where art thou to rescue me from groggy disposition? Are you in the stars? LoveBug come bring your star back to the sky."

MEANWHILE in Gotham....

Kenny had been making his way across campus because..well...he actually forgot what his schedule was and his phone was dead, and he didn't have his laptop. THE TRI-FECTA. He was doing great today, but he was hungry. He had dining dollars though, so he was gonna spend them on campus wherever they were accepted,"WHICH WICH!" he exclaimed, but only on the inside. He had made his mind up that, that's what was going to happen and so he was on his way towards GC. Though he couldn't remember if the restaurant was in there or not.

He had made up his mind and his mission was firm, until he saw a blur of blue move in front of him. Now, on a campus this big there had to be more than one blue haired girl BUT he'd never forgive himself if he didn't go see if it was Ari. So that's wha the did, traversing the danger campus streets. Dodging the oncoming fans, spinning around the bikers, and hurdling over the bench before reaching her,"Ah, so it is you. Stuih matta with ya now?" he asked that Texan accent strong.

@DamagedGlasses @Shura


The flurry of anger was short lived as she made it half way through GC. The smell of food was starting to make her hungry but at the same time she was a bit too worked up to care. As the rush of anger faded she started to feel rather embarrassed for the outburst. Had she kept her cool she could have simply said she wasn't gay and walked off like a normal person. But getting all upset just probable assured their false assumptions. In truth she had never dated or really been attracted to anyone, but she refused to give into such ideals. Hopefully she wouldn't have to run into either of them again, and if she did she could keep walking. The campus was big enough right? Perhaps if she got headphones she could make a better show of not noticing them. Her thoughts were interrupted with a burst of movement beside her. It took her a second to recognize the bench leaper as Kenny. "Ah no nothin much. How's classes been for you?" She replied rather quickly. Last person she wanted to talk about exuality trouble was Kenny. Not that he was mean or rude but rather because of his hard core religious beliefs.


A raise of his brow, before shrugging it off was all he offered as he rose his hands,"I kinda of forgot what my schedule was, my phone is dead AND I don't have my laptop or tablet. So, as far as classes today? Couldn't tell you." He had gotten himself into an odd situation, those most teachers wouldn't bat an eye because they were often instructed by the higher ups to let athletes slide, particularly basketball and football players.

Kenny wasn't actually that type of guy to do something like that,he genuinely didn't remember his schedule. Though true, he could have used one of the several computers on campus or even ask some stranger to, but man. That was a lot of work, and not going to class was kind of nice for the day. He had to admit, he was still freaking sore from the game. It was a weak team and they still hit way harder than they did when he was in high school,"and what about you Ari?"​
Tori Graham

She couldn't be sure how long she'd sat there, but when her head lifted from the table and her eyes shifted to the clock on the wall, ten minutes had passed since Chase raced off.

It was, by no means the first time it had happened. Something in seeing him look so miserable, so uncomfortable drove her to babbling, and for inexplicable reasons she could only attribute to some other undiagnosed mental illness, or possibly acute masochism, that babbling always came out in the form of unsolicited advice... more often than not, regarding his relationship...

Frustrated, she dug her phone from her pocket and keyed open a new message, her fingertips working along the screen with rapid fludity.

SOS. EMERGENCY: Regarding the good doctor. I'm the biggest idiot ever. --T


BBQ or Honey Garlic....? It had to be the hardest decision of the day for the film major as he stood off to the side of one of the food carts on campus. He had already breezed past his classes and was trying to figure out what to eat for lunch He was rather happy his classes were light especially if he was supposed to start working on a thesis project. The decision would probably be much easier to make if he wasnt getting distracted by the guy behind the counter. He natural curiosity had him playing his usual game of figuring out whether he was straight or not. 9 times out of 10 they were. But then there was the occasional lucky break. Unfortunately they had a boyfriend already. He was pulled away from his musings as his phone chime. pulling out he reach the message and who it was from and let out a heavy sigh. "What she do this time..." he muttered softly before responding he was on his way and heading towards GC where they would normally meet up.

@Elle Joyner

Izzy Winston

Outside GC Building

Izzy sat on her felt anger fall in as she went through her past photos of Chase. She had plenty, owning almost enough for Chase have his very own notebook dedicated to his dreaminess, and her anger was actually centered towards herself than anyone. How could she have not known that Chase had a girlfriend? She had been at the University for a year, and so how was she able to think otherwise. It must have been that black girl that was always hanging around him. She was just a friend though! They-They couldn't be anything more! Izzy mumbled, "This dirty little witch thinks she has the right to move in with my love. I'll show her what I'm made of! Or," Izzy's eyes lit up in devilish delight as she put the photos to the side and picked up her camera, looking through the multiple pictures of the moment Chase was having wth another girl, "I'll show her what their made of."

Izzy giggled into her hand as she put her photos carefully back into their place, before freezing as she caught a glimpse of the time. Her eyes widened as she realized that she had accidentlay spent missed the first few minutes of her Dynamic Photography class. The Picture Passionate side of her desperately called out for her to make a run towards the class, and not miss it, but the jealous monster referenced her perfect grades, and how one miss wouldn't hurt. Nodding to herself, Izzy picked up her bags and began to search the grounds. She was still around the Food Court, so if she was lucky, Izzy may be able to find this "Saruh" around. She didn't have her schedule planned out like Chase's, but if he was following to the dot, then he would be free. As much as she would want to see him and take pictures, he arrival could spell trouble for her plan. Looking around, Izzy's trained eye picked out the number of students that were going to and fro their classes. However, one figure stood out. One that was laying on the side of a bench and looked distinctly like the unwanted guest in many of her Chase Pictures.

Mustering up courage for the good of all that was true and romantic, Izzy deteriminedly went towards the laid down figure and stood about five feet from Saruh, awkwardly shifting her weight from one leg to another as she tried to figure out how to this kind of stuff. Fiddling with the camera in her hands, the pictures on it waiting to be shown, Izzy piped up nervously, "Uh, are you...Saruh? Chase's g-g-girlfriend?" Wow, that word was hard to say. Hopefully, that wouldn't be a problem after the pictures were shown.



Well, no, her knight had not come to rescue her though he was actually not that far away (well about ten minutes ago), yet another knight came along. It was a dark knight, bewitched in withcraft with magic of a watchful eye. Well maybe not that dramatic, but still. Izzy's voice traveled through Saruh's ears. It wasn't an immediate response that Saruh offered, nay, her grogginess had caused her reactions to be low, and it took a minute to process what was being said.

"Chase's girlfriend?" she questioned, her eyes closed, chin leaning on her knees , with her arms wrapped around her legs, all while rocking back and forth on the skateboard. "Chase's.....oh right, I am..." she said lifting her head up, and shaking it a little to get those long lochs out of her face,"Yeah. That's me, Seraphine Zendaya Austin. And you must be....." she trailed off again before yawning a bit,"Can't quite say I know who you are."

She shrugged her shoulders before looking back down to her skateboard,"Is it something I can do for you this fine day? "

Tori Graham
A State of Panic

Pacing back and forth, Tori waited anxiously, staring at the return message from Cam as if somehow it was meant to work as a teleportation device, bringing him to her immediately. She was less than patient, and trying desperately not to slip into hysterics… So much so that by the time he rounded the path she had tears in her eyes as she raced to meet him.

“I have got to be the -biggest- moron on the planet…” She said, looping her arms around his shoulders and burying her face in his shirt, holding on to her lifeline with a pitiful whimper.

Cameron spotted the ginger as she started running towards him and braced himself as she crashed into him and started crying. “Come on I’m sure it’s not that bad…” He muttered patting her back and trying to calm her down.

Sniffling miserably, Tori shook her head, “Can we go somewhere and talk?”

Cameron nodded, “Of course hun.” He smiled slightly before putting an arm around her shoulders and leading her away from the crowded area.

Taking the time to settle herself, Tori let Cameron lead her, until they’d reached a bench along the path. Generally free of any passersby, it was private enough to have the conversation she was dreading to have, without the fear of eavesdroppers.

Settling on the bench, Tori dropped her head into her hands for a moment, “...What is wrong with me, Cam…? I’m so...so stupid.”

“Hm, how about you told me what you did first and let me decide if it was stupid or not.”

“...Well, first… because I’m completely pathetic… I totally just emotionally vomited all over him about that ridiculous math class. He walks in and I legitimately have a Carrie style breakdown. Then, as if that wasn’t bad enough, he asks me to lunch… even paid for me… and what do I do? I sit there and I give him advice… about his relationship… -Good- advice, Cam! Like a complete moron. And not just a suggestion on what color roses to buy her, or where to take her for a really great date… Oh, no… No! I practically told him to -move in- with her! What is wrong with me…?”

Cameron sighed and shook his head. “Hun your not a moron. You’re just a good person. Beside what would happen if you gave him bad advice? He would probably get mad at you or think you were trying to break them up when you do finally confess your undying love for the dreamboat.”

“Cam…” She started softly, her lips folding in a frown, “What am I gonna do? Moving in together… It’s a huge step. It’s like… -the- step. Or at least right up there at the top. And he said he was considering it. No wonder, since I practically shoved him in that direction… Ugh. And that ridiculous girl… She has no idea what she has… She just wants to change everything about him. The things that make him so amazing. You know his hesitation about getting a place with her is because he doesn’t wanna leave Ari on her own? How does she not get that that’s what makes him so fantastic?”

Cam smiled slightly. “Well… he might not do it., He does love his sister a lot, and he already has his hands tied with studying, Med school isn’t easy.” He shook his head and leaned back on the bench bracing himself with his arms. “Overall You’re a good friend and Chase will appreciate that in the long run.”

Shaking her head, she shifted, “That’s the problem, though, isn’t it? It’s always been the problem. I don’t want to be his friend, Cam. But what choice do I have? It’s the only way I can keep him in my life… Not having him there? It… I can’t even consider it. But where’s the balance between being a good friend and shooting myself in the foot…?”

Cam looked over to Tori with a slight smile. “Tor, its a hard balance to find but look at the bigger picture. Last semester they were already having issues, and it doesn’t sound like it's clearing up this semester. They will sort things out for better or worse with or without your intervention. So better to be on his good side right?”

“...It’s easier to say yes when I’m not thinking about the two of them shacking up together. Is it wrong, Cam? I feel like a complete bitch, hoping things don’t work out… but it’s not even for me. I just… I see how she treats him… I see the way she tries to manipulate him and it kills me.”

Cam sighed leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees. “I know hun. But Chase isn’t exactly innocent either. He tries to do too much at once without really thinking about how it affects him and subsequently everyone he’s connected to. Studying medicine is hard enough but being an overprotective brother, top player in soccer and amazing boyfriend is a bit of a stretch. You can’t blame the girl for wanting some of his time.”

“...But why is he the only one having to sacrifice? She’s got her classes, her music, her clubs, her sorority. She’s just as busy as him, and she doesn’t seem too anxious to cut out any of her drama to make time for him.” Shaking her head, she sighed, “But none of that even matters. Cam… I don’t know what to do, anymore. I’ve never felt this awful in my life. I spent half of last year trying to convince myself it was just a crush, but I can’t pretend anymore. Cam… I love him, and I can’t be with him. What do I do?”

“I know I know, but that’s for them to figure out. Who knows, they may finally find out that their paths are not the same and break up. It would honestly be healthier! High School relationships are one thing but take that into the real world and add a bunch of responsibilities sometimes they just can’t hold up.”

“And me…? I just sit around and wait till he figures out I exist as more than just a pal? It’s killing me, Cam…”

“I know Tori…” He muttered before thinking a moment. “Weeeeeeelll we could always go an super shopping trip and get you some new outfits that might appeal to him more. Maybe something a little sporty?” he grinned.

Looking up, Tori smiled faintly, wearily and shook her head, “...Leave it to the gay bestie to suggest shopping. If I thought my wardrobe would win him over, I’d have burned everything I had and started from scratch. I just don’t think he sees me…”

Cameron placed a hand on her shoulder. “He sees you Tori. But… Just like he’s having trouble seeing all the trouble he’s causing himself. I think he’s just a little too short sighted to see how much of an awesome catch you are. Trust me. When He catches a break and can see things clearly he’ll notice you.”

Leaning forward, she rested her chin on his shoulder with a small sigh, “Why’d you have to be gay, anyway?” Pressing a kiss to his cheek she rose to her feet, “I’ve got class at 2:00, but I think I might take you up on that shopping… Heck, even if I can’t find an outfit to knock his socks off, at least it’s a distraction.”

“Hun if I weren’t gay I’d be just as blind as all the other guys you girls hound over.” Cam chuckled before getting to his feet right beside here. “Well then, I got a full tank of gas and the whole afternoon free. Shall we.” He extended his arm to the lovely lady.

“...You’ve convinced me… Let’s go.” She said with a laugh, taking his arm, “Lead the way, Hitchcock.”

“Of course of course!” He grinned leading the way off campus in search of an awesome place to shop or some place to eat which ever came first.

(collab with Shu)
Izzy Winston

Izzy began to fiddle with her hair as the woman leaned up and began to talk. Instantly, Izzy knew that this girl was not the one for her Chase. She had hoped that Saruh would have displayed more poise and refined movements that would be expected of someone who was in such a significant relationship with one of the hunkiest guys on the planet. Watching her as she woke up from her nap, Izzy eyed up the fuzzy mess of black hair that sat comfortably on the head of this tramp.

She wasn't sure how their relationship had started, and she didn't really care, because all that mattered was that the relationship ended, and she never had to take another picture of Chase with the chance of having this floozy mucking it all up. However, now came the hard part. Izzy heard the girl as she asked for her name, and with a small second of trapidation, the moment being used to build up more confidence, and introduced herself, "M-My name is Izzy. I-I am a part of t-the photography club, so I-I take pictures." Izzy couldn't help, but blush as she lost her courage, looking down with her hand yanking on her blonde hair.

Looking up, Izzy breathed in and said quickly, "I saw your boyfriend with some wenc-I mean a woman. I saw him with a woman." Izzy sat down on the bench, and pulled up her camera. Pushing a few buttons, Izzy pulled up the pictures and angled the camera to show Saruh. The first picture was of the blonde and Chase just talking, but then it carried on to catch all of their actions during the conversation, even the ones that got more in the moment. Piping up as Saruh looked at them, she said, "I-I've al-always been a bi-big fan of Cha-Chase, and I-I wou-would hate to se-see him get hur-hurt by some wo-woman. I-I tho-thought he was bet-better than this, th-though." It was hard to say these things, almost like a slowly peeled off bandaid, but it would work out for Chase in the end. And Izzy.


Ari & Kenny

Food Court -> Class​

Ari rolled her eyes as she heard of Kenny’s predicament “See this is why you print your schedule!” She shook her head with a small laugh. “Or at least carry your charger around with you.” She added as she started digging around in her pack and fished out her phone charger which would work with pretty much any other phone so long as it wasn’t and Iphone. “My classes? Well History is interesting enough, Second class was canceled on me though.” She shrugged her shoulders. “All in all a chill day so far.”

He looked at her charger, and gladly took it away from her even if she didn’t actually hand it to him. A crack of his knuckles and he plugged it into his phone, and then blinked.”I think your charger is broken..my phone ain’t charging.” It was a joke of course, but he was playing as if he was dead serious. He nodded to her having a chill day,”Eat lunch with me then!” Not another lunch “date”……

Ari couldn’t help but burst into giggles at his antics and shook her head. “Hm perhaps we should find an outlet. That or your phone is totally done for and will never be revived!” She faked a gasp before chuckling once more. “Sure, I have time before my next class. Where were you thinking of eating?”

He smiled when she played along with his silliness, a reason why they were great brother and sister. “It’s probably one somewhere whe-I was going to which wich to eat! So onward! They have outlets there. Plus, ain’t nobody bothering me now so let’s make a move on it!”

Ari glanced to the building she had just left and was worried a minuted Kota and Spit could still be by the lounge… hopefully they didn’t get any ideas to go to the same place. She nodded slightly “Which Wich it is!” She matched his enthusiasm and started to head back inside.

First. They got inside. Then he located the Which Wich. Then he located the large sammich bag. Then….he located the sharpie to mark off what he wanted on his sandwich. Chicken, bbq, banana peppers...etc…

then he handed it in and eyed Ari,HURRY UP.”

“Alright, Alright.” Ari chuckled as she grabbed a bag and marked down her order as well. “You are in a rush today. Did you have red bull or something?”

“No, just…” he looked up and around before turning to her,”I’m supposed to eat better says coach. So I’m not suppose to be having this, but it’s our secret.”

Ari gasped in an exaggerated manner “Kenny…. for shame! You know I’m not the only eyes around here.” She teased. “You never know who’s around the corner and can tattle on you.” She poked his shoulder as they moved up in the line. “This food isn’t too bad honestly…”

“I know it’s not bad, but coach says I need to eat what the dietitian tell me to because something about gaining weight, but gaining healthy muscle weight. I don’t know sis. I’m just happy he gave us today off because boy is this a big one coming saturday….” he told her as they continued to move, waiting for their sandwiches. He had shown a bit of his nervousness about the game..and honestly he was scared.

“Well your secret is safe with me.” She winked before noticing the bit of nervousness. “Hey you’re going to do great saturday.” She assured placing a hand on his shoulder. “You got the whole team with you not to mention Chase, Saruh and me to watch your back!”

“I know I just….I just don’t want to let anyone down…” he trailed off before their names were called for their sandwiches, and he took the liberty to grab them both.”Let’s find us a seat, nice and quiet.”

“You won’t let anyone down, Kenny.” She assured smiling slightly. “The fact that you even go first string QB is amazing. Some games you win some games you lose. Even if you do you best.” She smiled slightly before grabbing her lunch and following her brother off to a quieter section of the food court

He found somewhere that appeased him, sliding out Ari’s seat first like the gentleman he was, before sitting in his own. Bowing his head, he moved his left hand (with the rosary on the wrist) and moved to his forehead, and down and cross his shoulders to mark the holy trinity. He then to say his grace under his breath, before repeating the gesture of the holy trinity. He glanced to Ari,”Yeah but tell that to the thousands and thousands of upset fans.”

Ari let the boy finish his prayer as per his habit before starting to eat along side him. “There is always going to be upset fans even when you win. Some know it all is gonna try to critique everything and say “oh they could have done better and score 14 more points” She mocked before shaking her head. “Point is you try your hardest and your team works together right?”

He bit into his sandwich and looked her into the eyes, and closed them as he chewed. She had a point, but...it was just hard for him to get pass that,”So….how’s Chase….” he hadn’t seen him much since he had been busy with football.

“Stressed as always.” She shrugged with a sight. “He’s trying to get a jump start on some of the work so it’s not as bad when soccer season starts. I told him to take it easy and not worry so much but he’s hardheaded.” She shook her head before taking a bite of her own sandwich

“He should slow down, but what do I know I’m only 18…” he said shrugging his shoulders a bit before looking off into the distance,”It’s hard enough being an engineer and doing football..and I’ve only been doing this a week! I don’t think I could handle a girlfriend right now.”

Ari shrugged. “I just don’t want him to burn out before the semesters done and end up botching the last few tests. That almost happened last semester.” She looked over to Kenny as he spoke up about a girl friend. “Awe you’re going to break all those fan girls hearts. They’ll cry all night at their shrines of you for they will never have their dream boat.”

Kenny looked at her and laughed taking a piece of his lettuce off of his sandwich and throwing it at her,”Not likely. I don’t have shrines! I hope not..dear God I hope not.”

Ari just brushed off the stray bit of food. “You never know. There are some crazy fan girls” She replied ominously. “I swear you have some stalkers already.”

“Don’t say that, that’s creepy… “ Kenny said to her, a chill running through his spine before he reached over to his phone (which he had plugged in ) and powered it on,”Oh CRAP I got E&M at 2.”

Ari chuckled “Alright, alright.” she finished her teasing before doing the same with her sandwich she took a sip of her soda as Kenny found out about his next class. “You should write your schedule down.” She advised before glancing at her watch. “Well we got 30 minutes till then so you’re not late.”

He blinked and rose a brow,”Ah, well in that case.” And with one swift move, he downed the rest of the rather large sandwich. It was delicious if he had to admit, and now it was gone,”I think ice cream would be a fitting dessert.”

Ari rolled her eyes. “It’s a wonder you stay in shape with that sweet tooth.” She smirked. “Dont you think the sandwich was bad enough?” As much as she wanted ice cream she also didn’t want Kenny getting in too much trouble for getting off track.

“You’re right. Ice cream is a bit too much…” he sighed and looked to the side in a sad manner,”So milkshake it is.” And with that, he began to walk towards the place with the best milkshakes, which we will leave up to the imagination of the reader.

Ari chuckled softly as she got up and went with him to grab a shake. Sure she was trying to keep fit for track tryouts but there were a few weeks until then still. “You’re lucky you’re a guy.” She pointed out

He rose a brow as he looked to the cashier lady,”Oreo snicker milkshake PLEASE.” and then looked back to Ari,”Wait, what does being a guy have to do with this? Sexist.”

“Off you burn off all those calories easy. If you were a girl there is no way you would be breaking your diet!” She teased with a smirk.

He used one of his long arms to poke Ari in the belly, before grabbing his milkshake,”You know, you seem to have a pretty decent metabolism yourself. Anyways, so you’re gonna keep lying to me, or you’re going to tell me why you were in a huff earlier?“

“Hey I work hard for that.” She stuck her tongue out. “Gotta keep in shape some how if I want to make track.” She paused a minute as he asked about early and just shrugged it off “It’s nothing important.”

“”And the serpent said to the woman. You shall not surely die. Come on Ari, what was it?” he asked digging a straw into the gold mine of the cup that contained his precious milkshake, and sipping it in slowly.

Ari wondered sometimes if it was gift or curse that he knew her so well. She accepted her own vanilla milkshake and sighed.” I just let some other girls get to me is all.” She replied before taking a sip of the rich and creamy drink.

“Come on Ari, you know better than the words of man to get to you,” he said punching her playfully on the shoulders,”Is it it ‘cause you’re single? I’ll hook you up with a good guy don’t worry. Ha, what did they say that got you, anyways?”

Ari snorted slightly “I got enough on my plate with 6 classes to worry about a relationship.” She replied, it was a tempting offer but in the back of her mind she really didn’t want to be set up with anyone. She trusted Kennys judgement for it to be a good guys and all but the idea still didn’t sit well with her. “Partly ‘cause of that though. From some reason being single in college suddenly mean ‘undecided’ when it comes who to date. They kept insisting I was some kind of lesbian.”

Kenny flipped his wrist in a sort of ‘peesha’ fashion, and shook his head,”Nah, you’re just picky. Know good and well you ain’t into women. Is it because you want to date me? Ari you should’ve just said something!” It was a joke of course, but it was always fun to tease.

Ari couldn't help a small laugh. “Ew date you? That would be just creepy. Dating my own brother.” She shivered in an exaggerated manner.

“Pfft, know good and well I’m better than the other options you got. Get out of here,” he said with a smile to her,”You got class at 2?”

Ari stuck her tongue out at him. “Maybe if I need a date to the home coming thing… If I end up going.” She shrugged. “Yeah I got class at 2 as well. thankfully last one of the day.”:

“Nope no takes backs, you got to go to homecoming with me,” he said laughing and then looked off to the side,”OH darn, I was going to say walk with me to class, but I forgot you have your own life too. Pity.

Ari chuckled “If you're sure about that, Mr. Popular Superstar.” She grinned. “Don’t you have like… science mumbo jumbo class next? I would be totally lost… then again I have math next…. dono which is the lesser of two evils there…”

“This class is fun, a lot of work, but fun. It’s about circuits and electricity and stuff. Easy fun stuff. Besides, you know I’d probably teach you math better than your teacher.” he said with a chuckle, which was partly true.

“To sciency stuff it is then!” She cheered honestly wanting to avoid her math class. Plus it would be more fun to try and distract Kenny. The blue haired teen finished her drink and tossed it away in the nearest trash can. “Shall we be on our way then?

Kenny nodded leaning over the trashcan, sipping the last bit of his shake which seemed to take forever to finish...but he eventually did. He looked back to the woman before him and smiled,”Onward on our journey through Mordor!”



She rose a brow as the young woman before her began to speak, sounding like she was lacking the confidence to even speak. It was all odd. So much so that Saruh reached her into her backpack and took out what seemed to be cashews, and casually threw them into her mouth, chewing slowly before returning her attention to the young woman. "Izzy huh?" she questioned yawning, this time not because she was sleepy, but because she wasn't amused.

She rolled her eyes a bit when she mentioned that she saw him with some woman, which wasn't news to her, he was always with some woman. It sounded more and more that this woman's intentions weren't so genuine, but when she started to shower her the pictures she became less annoyed with Izzy, and more annoyed with her relationship. It wasn't much going on there, but it was enough going on there to get a rise out of her. She slipped her phone out of her pocket, holding it up to take pictures of the pictures, before slipping it back.

Surprise, she wasn't groggy anymore and suddenly found the energy to skateboard home,"Izzy is it? You should work on that confidence of your's, you're much to beautiful to let that ugly stutter ruin you." Her words were sharp, not intentionally, but just thet type of mood she was in. Saruh was now on her feet and on her skateboard pushing away,"Have a good day, and stop taking pictures of people like that ..it's weird......"

When she had skated far enough out of the sight of Izzy, she pulled her phone back out, sending chase a few of the pictures and then texting him,"See you have time for everyone but me, don't worry about our date tomorrow."

@DamagedGlasses @Shura

David got out of class and headed to the school cafe to grab something to eat still writing notes in his book. "I just can't see how its so easy to chat in class. It seems to be such a social difficulty when your supposed to learning." He scribbled as much as possible to catch up with what he thought had learned. Blindly he walked across the courtyard dodging people as they walked past. He stomach growled letting him know to look up and focus on getting to the building for lunch. He looked at his watch "Dear god was walking for a hour just writing notes." He shook his head, within his own world he had actually walked around the courtyard writing down his notes.

Straightening up he bee lined straight to the GC building to get some food in his stomach. He decided to grab something easy so a simple sandwich was all he needed. He found a empty table and sat down putting his bag down, propping his book up again and continued reading. "So what have we learned today..." As he ate his sandwich he turns to grab his pen from his book bag hitting his book with his elbow. The book flops to the floor and is then kicked away by a passer by student. "HEY!" he screams out as his book zooms off. In a mad dash he runs as could to catch his only life line in the school. He didn't care about his bag, it was his book that meant the most to him in this school right now.


Why did his classes have to be so far apart? It was something he really needed to take into consideration next time while picking classes. Along with possibly spacing them out better. It was only 2 and he was already feeling the pull of exhaustion mostly mental. Between classes and personal issues it was starting to take its toll but t day was almost done. He was contemplating skipping weight training all together. Approaching the door to his class Chase was greeted with a bright yellow paper on the door which announced that his class was cancelled. Wonderful... all that rushing for nothing. Shaking his head Chase started back down the stairs He was free until 5 which gave him 3 hours unless he really did decided to be lazy and not go to training. Then again... he could take Tori's advice and try to talk thins out with Saruh instead of waiting.

Digging into his pocket he pulled out his phone and clicked on the screen seeing there were no knew messages. He was slightly hesitant if only because 'see you tomorrow' mean she had probably skipt her classes and gone to her apartment. It was worth a shot though. He started a new message and sent it off.

Hey are you still on campus? Class was canceled

Not even a second later his phone chimed and he checked to see who it was from. Funny enough it was Saruh, perhaps she had been on campus still? He checked the messages and was greeted with a few pictures from earlier when he was talking with Tori. Along with a rather frustrating message. Honestly if he got mad every time she hung out with a guy instead of him or something of that sort this relationship wouldn't have lasted more than a few weeks. Even more irritating was she hadn't gone home but decided to spy on him instead? It was more than a little odd. Sighing heavily he replied back

Not coming to class, send me the notes please and sign me in if they take roll.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Alright, see you tomorrow.
See you have time for everyone but me, don't worry about our date tomorrow.
First off you said you were going home. Second why are you spying on me? I was just helping her out of a panic attack.

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Victoria Moore

Food Court

What a terrible read!

Victoria gazed at her latte and sighed happily at the sight of it. The baristas do great jobs in making them presentable and delicious looking, and then once the cold caffeinated treat collides with her tongue, the taste performs a sweet dance on her taste buds, relaxing her and filling her up with joy. She might end up going back to reviewing short stories again while she is eating, but then again, she does have calculus homework to do and to finish up on her latest short story, My dear Timothy. Also, she has work to go to tonight and she does not want to cross Madame Calhoun again.

She took a quick glance around the court and found a good spot to sit and relax. Just as she was about to step forward, a stray book collided with her foot. Victoria looked down at the small book and raised a single eyebrow; the owner of this book must have been a victim to the douchey jock bullies that always chill in the corner. She sighed and bent down to pick it up, and located the name of the owner

This book belongs to:

David Summers

She can not recall a David Summers, after all this is a huge school and the odds of meeting someone twice is very slim, however, she shrugged and looked around for a frantic student, looking for their book.



Saruh was half way home when her phone chirped, and she looked down at it for a split second, and couldn't help but chuckle,"Spying on him? He really done lost his mind."

First off you said you were going home. Second why are you spying on me? I was just helping her out of a panic attack.
spying on you?
You really think I would spy on you? You think I wouldn't throw all this love and peace stuff to the wind and go smash that little girl's head in if I saw that?
Some Izzy girl showed me those. You got some damn nerve to accuse me of spying. Really chase? It's like you're not even trying to make sure we don't break up.

First off you said you were going home. Second why are you spying on me? I was just helping her out of a panic attack.

spying on you?

You really think I would spy on you? You think I wouldn't throw all this love and peace stuff to the wind and go smash that little girl's head in if I saw that?

Some Izzy girl showed me those. You got some damn nerve to accuse me of spying. Really chase? It's like you're not even trying to make sure we don't break up.

Chase quirked a brow not even known an Izzy... did he? He wracked his mind but couldn't put a face to the name. It honestly wouldn't surprise him if there was some girl taking pictures but still. It was a simple question and now it had blow up into all this mess which just added to his headache. "Just isn't my day..." He rolled his eyes before responding to the text.

Look I wasn't accusing you of spy, just asking. Honestly no need to bite my head off, I'm not the one jumping to conclusions. And I am trying to make this work but I have 100 other things on my plate I need to take care of. I love you but I can't drop everything just to try and keep up with you.

She looked at her phone, and sighed as she had finally reached her apartment, hopping off her skateboard, unlocking the door, and walking in. She closed and lock her door behind her, before she tossed her skateboard to the side and sat her keys on the closest counter.

I'm not asking you to drop everything, because that wouldn't be fair cause I couldn't do the same for you. I just wished you put yourself in my shoes sometimes, and see how what you does affects me. I'm going to paint to vent now.....I'll call you later.

And with that she put the phone on the counter next to her keys and walked into her closet. She pulled, well more like drug, out a giant plastic tarp into the middle of her furniture less guest room, spreading it out, making sure it covered every last part of the carpeted floor. She then returend to the same kitchen, grabbed her paint, and a giant piece of wood. (about 6 by 6 feet).

Once she sat the paint to the side, she took the jersey was wearing, and put on a giant white t-shirt (that was stained with paint) tied hair her into a messy ponytail and then BAM...the her hands were in the cold medium, and soon, she began to slap her paint covered hands on to the wood. This was how she eased her anger. This was kept her from exploding.​
David Summers

David was never the jock type having little to do with other people but at least he could hold his own in a race if anything did happen. On the bright side he was able to keep up with the skidding book which finally slammed into some ladies foot. He almost stopped in his tracks at the thought of interaction with another person since he had yet to learn anything that would help him be more sociable. The thought slowly crept away as she reached to grab the book. The last thing David wanted was for some random student to think that he was some weirdo that watched everybody for the jollies. Steeling himself he got up the courage to slowly walk up the young girl noticing her features, making mental notes to write in his book if he needed for later.

Stuttering as best as he could to speak David walked up to the young women slowly "E..ex....excuse me mam that's my book that hit your foot." Speaking in the least threatening and docile tone he had. He was almost at the point of shaking with fear that he would lose it but he knew this wasn't to time to show it. "I...i...I'm sorry if i bothered you but if i could please get that back." He wanted to reach out and grab it from her but his anxiety was getting the best of him and was frozen on the spot. All he could was adjust his glasses and give a incredibly nervous smile.


He read over the text before just sliding his phone into his pocket. He probably shouldn't have thought more before sending the message. Honestly he did understand where she was coming from. He wasn't exactly someone who had a lot of time. Saruh had her own activities and interests as well. They were two people on two different tracks trying to stay connected to one another. Sometimes he really did feel bad for being so busy and having so much to take care of. Like he was just wasnt enough for her or was just holding her back from what she wanted out of life. It was what kept him from saying anything on his feeling in the first place. Two years later and he was back to being in the same spot. Letting out a heavy sigh Chase made his way towards the gym needing to burn off some of his frustrations.
Tori Graham
Fighting... Fighting... Losing...

There was something to say about shopping... Even without money to burn, Tori managed to spend a small fortune on what was largely a new wardrobe she really didn't need. Regardless, it felt good, coming back with an armful of bags - and in record time, too. She was a few minutes late to class, but a quick explanation to her professor about losing track of time was all it took. It was, without a doubt, her favorite class and followed up my Musicology, by the time 4:00pm rolled around, she was in a better mood than she had been that morning.

During her shopping venture, Cam had been, as he always was, an unmitigated comfort and source of rational thought. And, in his own way, he had helped her more than he really knew, just by being exactly what she needed... a friend. Before dropping her off back on campus, Cam had made the suggestion that while, for the time being, she obviously couldn't be more -than- a friend to Chase she might try being more -of- a friend to him. He'd casually let fly the suggestion that she bake him something... a way of saying thank you for lunch and while Tori had brushed the idea aside, it had certainly been tempting.

With class over with and time on her hands, Tori had retired to her dorm room. She'd breezed through most of her homework - save her sheets from math, which she looked at with unadulterated disgruntlement before jamming them back into her back, pulling instead a Mary Stewart novel from her bookshelf, dropping back onto her bed.

About an hour passed and as she devoured the romantic thriller - supremely jealous of Lucy Waring's seamlessly sophisticated and sharp way of dealing with the troublesome man in her life - her mind revolved back to Cam's suggestion. In her room was a small oven - electric, and hardly the Maytag she was used to, but sufficient enough for small treats now and then...

She did love to bake, and while This Rough Magic was a surefire distraction, it was really only that. The fact of the matter was, no amount of shopping, reading, homework or class, or really even baking was going to take her mind off the trouble at hand. Cam was right... She would get no where if she didn't start to present herself as something -valuable- ... If she wanted Chase to see her, she needed to be worth looking at.

"...Damn you, Cam..." She muttered, rolling off her bed and moving to her refridgerator.

Baking was, to Tori, a little like entering into a fugue state... Dishes and ingredients thrown together in a blaze, her mind disconnected, her hands working automatically- her small kitchenette became a Chernobyl disaster, but as the toaster oven warmed and the smells filled her room, she remembered clearly why it was all worth it.

White chocolate macadamia, vanilla sugar and orange zest and chocolate almond sat in piles on her counter, more than she'd meant to make and certainly more than she would ever want to eat. A frown fell to her lips as Cam's voice, like a little devil on her shoulder, chimed in her ear... his words, so encouraging and dangerous revolving around in her skull.

Fugue state over with, she sighed and plucked her phone from her back pockets, wiping the flour off of her hands before pulling up a new message.

The Good Doc
Hey. So... I'm pretty sure I was just possessed by Martha Stewart and I've officially baked more cookies than the football team could eat. If you're not busy, swing by my room. Pay back, for lunch! -- T



The brown wooden board had been covered in several shades of paint, and it started to take the form of something. What it was? Well that wasn't for certain, but it was clearly forming. Moments passed and she had began to sweat, not from heat, but from the intense emotions she was throwing into what she was doing before finally..before finally she was done. She stood back, and took in the image. Accurate.


She walked to the bathroom and washed her hands clean in the proper fashion to get rid of this type of paint, and returned to the room with her phone , snapping a picture of it and sending it into the chase with the caption,
Sunsets and Warm Winds. She was about to call him, but decided to wait because she wanted to smoke. He wasn't particularly fond of her habit, so she made sure to not do it in his presence or while he was talking to her.

She moved back into her living room, putting on some of the beats Chance had sit her, and flipped through until she found one that really caught her. She put it on repeat, the music playing through the speakers, setting her phone down and going into her special cabinet. She reached in and got one of her prepared doobies, a lighter, pen and her notepad.

She sat on the couch, flicked her lighter, and the room was starting to be filled with smoke as she wrote.

How do I create annotations?

I'm tired of time travel

I wanna stay here with my thoughts

Wish they'd stay


I'm miseducated


You should just save me

I just wanna live

How it should be

Or what

What it is

Or what

Can i get a heartbreak

Or what

Unstick my thoughts

Unstick my heart

Unstick these words

Go from the start

Take me to reality

And drag me to the truth

Take me to reality

Drag me to the truth

Come clean, soul

Yearning for things, are numb

Do me good then jus so

Look with the light, i see

Top of my sight im scared

Can't sleep at night

Maybe an hour had passed when she had finished the song, long finishing her smoking, and head feeling heavy. She smiled...the picture had expressed her feelings, and now this song had also done the same just as successfully. She was high, so this was the right to talk to Chase without her getting upset, as for how he would respond? No idea. So she picked her phone up, selected the word LoveBug and called......


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