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Realistic or Modern Secrets of Evercrest


She squinted her eyes at his face when he spoke, and put on her "drunk" vision and put her hands over her mouth,"I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else, but the bright side is? You're much cuter." She nodded to herself before rubbing her chin,"Soccer player huh? Hey, I think I have seen you around though. You run the track often in the morning, with someone else? " It was usually dark when they hit the track, so she never really could see Ari's blue hair, but he was distinct enough to be able to remember.

The professor had began to talk and Dakota looked over from Chase up to the man who was beginning to speak. Straight to the notes he went, and she began to jot every last one down on her computer. She was a little tired from her workouts this morning, but it was nothing she wasn't used to. It came with being an athlete, it was not only a benefit but a responsibility.​
Tori Graham

Math class ended almost without further incident, but as she was headed towards the door the professor called her over to his desk with a tone of voice that indicated she was about to hear some disappointing news. He was straight forward and not at all unkind, but by the time he'd finished lecturing her on the importance of focus and exemplary grades she'd felt as if she had been belted on the wrists with a yardstick.

Leaving the classroom, fighting back tears she made her way to her next class - Musical Technology. It was impossible to keep her mind on the subject, but she did all she could. It helped that it was one of her better classes. When the clock rolled over and twelve-thirty hit, Tori barely noticed the room emptying out. Weighed down by worry, she finally pried herself out of her seat and slipped into the hallway. She stepped out of the MARC building feeling rather like a cloud hung over her head, even despite the sun hanging bright in the clear sky. It didn't matter how well she did in her Music classes... if she failed Gen Ed., there would be no graduating for her... let alone with honors.

Before she'd known where she was walking, Tori found herself in the GC building, standing before the piano in the lounge. It was generally empty during the day, but left open for those who wanted to rehearse or play around. It was a source of comfort for Tori, to whom music was an element of calm and control... a tether to the world she so often found she barely belonged in.

Sinking down on the bench she warmed her hands before they to work, picking along the keys... an improvisational piece - soft and soothing and everything she needed to melt away the stress of the morning.


She had skated over to the music building, and found herself sitting in the recording room with one of the guys she worked with that produced music for her. She had decided she'd forego classes for the rest of the day, she couldn't really handle paying attention in class and being upset. She had picked a beat from the guy, and nodded a thank you, before putting her head phones on and sitting out in the hallway. Before she'd write, she'd decided she'd at least let Chase know. So she slid her phone out of her pocket.

Not coming to class, send me the notes please and sign me in if they take roll.
I'll see you tomorrow.

She needed coffee before she could write, so she got off her tush and skated to the GC building, the sound of a piano catching her ears. It wasn't unusual for her to hear it, as many of people played the piano in the lounge, but this music was soothing and it also reminded her headphones weren't on anymore. She managed to shrug that off and approach the person,"Hey that-...." she cut herself off, seeing who it was and quickly about face putting her headphones on, and heading to one of the cafes that served coffee.

She got her dark roast coffee, added a little bit of organic sugar (or a lot of bit), and some organic soy milk. She found herself outside on one of the benches before long.

She picked her phone out to check the time and see if Chase texted back, but he should have still bee in class, so she slid her headphones back on and put her phone back in her pocket and letting the music play through her ears. She closed her eyes and nodded, trying to write what she was feeling....she had gotten a lot down and she was currently writing this

in my head I hear you screaming, just do it.....

don't come close, don't come close, you don't even know me..

don't come close, don't come close, you don't even know me, you think you know me.

She picked her pen up from the paper, and stared down at what she wrote and sighed. Sliding the headphones off of her ears, she sighed and glanced into the sky. Maybe someone would come along and rescue her from her bad mood. She knew it was Chase's job, but at this point, it could've been a horse and she wouldn't have cared.

@Shura @Elle Joyner


He wondered if there was someone if he had meet her at some point but most likely in another class. It was an easy mistake. Chase nodded slightly to the comment of running on the track "Yeah, I run with my sister." He replied. Before the conversation could progress much the teacher walked in and the class started. Falling into the natural rhythm of things Chase paid attention in class jotting down notes on anything important. The class flew by and was over before he knew it. Most science classes felt like that, thankfully. He had felt her phone buzz in his pocket but didn't want to risk catching the teachers attention.

The students slowly filtered out of the class as the teacher made his last announcements, most of them ignored him. Chase slid his belonging in his bag only half paying attention until the mention of a quiz next class came up, wonderful! He made a mental not to review later as he slung his pack on his shoulder and started out of the class. Reaching into his pocket he slid out his phone and saw a message from Saruh. The message was slightly disappointing but not surprising. Biting back the urge to scold her about skipping class. He had done that the previous years and more often than not is lead to a argument. He was trying to be better about scolding and lecturing when most didn't want to hear it. Shaking his head he simply replied.

Not coming to class, send me the notes please and sign me in if they take roll.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Aright, see you tomorrow.

Clicking off his phone he slipped his phone back into his pocket. Thee elevator chimed and the doors slid open allowing the group of students access down to the ground floor. There was an hour before his next class, enough time to grab lunch and maybe some coffee. He made his way to GC not really sure what he would even get but something would jump out once at the food court area. The doors slid open allowing the cool ac to rush past him along with the murmurer of the crowd inside. His mind still on Saruh and their issues he barley noticed the familiar chime of piano which naturally pulled his attention. So many year of listening to his sister play he wondered if she got caught up playing again and was going to miss class. Chase peeked into the piano lounge spying several students grouped together on their laptops chattering. Ari wasn't at the piano but someone else was. Making his way over he waited until there was a break before speaking up. "Working on something new?"

@AkuNoOkami @Elle Joyner
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Tori Graham

As she played the song began to sink down into a minor key, the notes growing slower, more pronounced... her emotions seeping into the music as her fingers worked along the black and white ivory, her eyes closed, her mind miles away. She heard nothing, saw no one... it was her and notes and the rhythm of the song and the anguish with which she played, poured into every ounce...

The lull came easily, her fingers briefly slipping, her eyes opening slowly.

She jumped at the voice beside her, so wrapped up in the music she hadn't noticed him until he spoke. Turning, she looked up to see Chase standing over her and for a split second she was almost concerned... almost that she was imagining him there. But she'd taken her medicine that morning and she'd been to the doctor the previous weekend, her dosage had been verified...

But he was there. He was really there, like a white knight, out of a dream. Before she knew entirely what was happening and could check herself, the tears were streaming and hysterically, she pushed herself off the bench, threw her arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulders.


He could see the emotions across her as she stared at him and already had the sinking feeling lunch would have to wait. Chase managed to brace himself as she suddenly lunged at him and burst into tears. Wonderful... He pat her back and let her get the sobbing out of her system having a whole lot of experience with overemotional females. He noticed some of the other student looking there way and narrowed his eyes slightly shooting them a death glare that read 'Mind your own fucking business'. The group went back to there computers a second later. Sighing softly Chase pulled back slightly holding the shy brunet by her shoulders "Hey... come on it can't be that bad. Whats wrong?" He asked his voice calm and caring. It was a tone used many time before whenever Ari got home balling her eyes out over some kinda drama.

@Elle Joyner
Tori Graham

She felt foolish the minute the waterworks had begun. Poor Chase... he was a saint, if ever she'd known one. As he shifted her back she released her hold, sinking back down onto the bench with a pitiful sniffle, "I'm so sorry. God. I... I can't believe I did that. I just... I'm gonna fail, Chase. I'm gonna fail and I don't know what to do. I can't..."

Drying her eyes on the hem of her sweater sleeves she shook her head, "If I fail, I'm gonna lose my scholarship. And I can't afford this place on my own. And I can't go home... Oh God. If I wasn't such an idiot with this math crap... I just don't get it. It's like the harder I try to concentrate on it the worse I do. I got a 42 on my homework, Chase. I didn't even think that score existed..."

Dropping her head into her hands, she sniffed again, "...I can't fail..."

Math... Tories worse enemy. He remembered a similar break down the year before but really couldn't blame her for it. She handled it better than other, some even tried attacking the teachers saying it was their fault. "Tori." He started sitting on the bench next to her. "We've been over this. It'll be hard but not impossible. Remember last semester? Home work and quizzes only count for 20% of your grade. 80 is from the tests. So long as you do well on those you'll be fine. I already said I'd help you on Saturdays. If you really need help with homework the math lab is open everyday."
Tori Graham

Biting her lip, Tori nodded slowly. He was right. Of course he was right. She was freaking herself out for no reason at all and in her condition it was never a good idea. The last time she'd allowed herself to get so wrapped up in her hysterics, she'd spent nearly a week in the hospital after putting herself into a state of catatonia. It had been covered up, of course, as a vacation at her Aunt's in California, but her therapist had warned her if it happened more than once he would recommend she opt out of her studies and return home.

They said home was where the heart was... but for Tori, home was filled with terrible memories.

Shivering at the thought, she turned her eyes up to Chase and gave him a weak, watery smile, "You're right. I'm sorry. I just... ugh... I panicked. I just wish it would click, already, you know? Last year was bad enough... but this is Pre-Calc. I feel like I'm trying to learn another language with no translator around."

Chuckling dryly she shrugged, "...But you're right. You're always right. God..." Fishing a small compact from the mess in her purse she clicked it open and made a small noise of protest, "And now I look like a drowned cat. Wonderful."

Crisis averted. He sighed softly as she calmed down and grabbed onto some bit of sense. "No worries... you're right though it is like another language. I had a terminology sheet when I took it. If I find the site again I'll email it to you. It helps a lot." He nodded slightly. Calc was always difficult but thankfully he had already gone through it. "Just breath it'll be fine." He assured before figuring it would be best to jump onto another subject. "Hey I was gonna grab some lunch, want to come?"

(>< Rushed post - have them head to the food court area) @Elle Joyner
He was just too good, really... It was frustrating, it was maddening. All she could do was remind herself of the girl that came attached to his arm and force herself to feel anything else... to think of anything else. It was half impossible, but somehow she managed... She always managed. Nodding, she smiled warmly and rose from the bench.

They walked together from the lounge down to the food court, where Tori paused, her eyes scanning the room, scanning the crowd for a familiar mass of dark, curly hair. She wanted to spend time with Chase, but not to the detriment of his relationship and certainly not to the detriment of her health. She didn't spot the girl, however and with a small, weary smile, turned to Chase.

"I don't usually eat here... What's good?"

For 10:30 on a Monday morning, Spit was pretty wired, pun not intended. Even sitting in her Programming III class, playing around with an endless stream of coding, Spit still felt like she was totally engaged. Which was a good thing, no doubt. She just hadn't expected to be, this early in the day. Or this early in the year. Maybe she was just growing up, she mused as she scrolled through lines and lines of commands, trying to find the errors. She'd turned twenty one a few weeks ago - old enough to drink, though not many people to do it with. Jocelyn and Eric had taken her out for a nice night, but she hadn't gotten anything more than buzzed. She'd been far more intoxicated than that when she'd been a teenager. Spit sat back as she finally found what she was looking for and rectified the mistake. Having accomplished what she'd been trying to, Spit finally took notice of the time. Class would be over soon enough, and then she'd have a chance to go grab breakfast (although perhaps it could more accurately be described as brunch, but what college student sticks to any regular eating schedule?) and either get some work done or relax a bit before Calculus I at 1.

Of all her classes, Calculus I was her least favorite. It felt the most irrelevant to what she was actually interested in doing for a living, and there were far too many people in the class - more so than Programming III, anyway. A good deal of them weren't looking at similar career options either, so she had very little to talk to them about. It wasn't as though calculus was the most riveting topic of conversation to the majority of people. The nice thing about Programming III, especially given that it was a morning class, was that not many people talked, and when they did, it was sparse and not at all conversational. The whole atmosphere suited Spit just fine. Data Structures and Algorithms, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, was when she was at her worst, even though it wasn't the worst of her classes. It was just unfortunate timing, both for her, and anyone who had to work with her. Normally she wasn't the worst to deal with, although certainly far from pleasant, but before 10 AM on any given morning...

By the time class was dismissed and Spit felt as though she'd accomplished a reasonable amount, she was hungry. She said goodbye to a few people as they exited the classroom, offering up lazy smiles. Her stoner friends back in high school didn't care or didn't pay much attention to the manner in which Spit did things, as long as she did them. They didn't look deeply into anything. However, that dynamic shifted once Spit started college. Some people still didn't care, for the same reasons, and hadn't changed at all since graduating - these were still the kind of people Spit spent time around, but no longer were they her primary social group. Now with her interests as her focus and not just getting through school, Spit started finding other things in common with people - take, for example, Computer Science Organization. Nerdy reputation, maybe, but she didn't mind. She'd never cared much for reputation, one way or another. Whatever worked. The majority of people, on the other hand, Spit found herself connecting with much like water. This lack of care or concern she exhibited for most things put a barrier between her and most people that prevented her from ever getting close, even though she could spend all of her time with some of the same people. Unsurprisingly, Spit didn't mind too much, although some people found her harsh, unpleasant, or prickly at best. Spit didn't really do it to be mean... though getting a laugh at someone else's expense was kind of debatable. It was something she'd done more in high school than college, thankfully.

It wasn't a terribly long walk to the food court, although she did get to walk around the edge of a lake. It wasn't too cold out, not yet. With her laptop tucked under one arm (evidently, fairly confident that nobody was going to try to snatch it) and her bag slung over her opposite shoulder, Spit made the walk in record time. It took her just under a minute or so to grab a muffin and settle herself at a table with her laptop out. Even if it wasn't for school, Spit enjoyed messing around with HTML and other computer languages, just to sharpen her skills and see what she could do. She nibbled absentmindedly as she worked.

Class Cancelled. Slightly disappointing news but it mean she had some free time before her next class. She sighed softly stretching her arms over her head. "Uhg... rather have just kept the momentum." She shook her head as she made her way into GC. She had eaten a snack before her canceled class so she wasn't hungry and probably wouldn't be for a while. She glanced over to the piano room and saw that the piano was free for once. Normally lunch was the busiest time. Smirking slightly She made her way over to the black baby grand piano and slid onto the bench. She had a similar one at home. The blue haired teen ran her fingers along the keys with a small grin. Without much of a second thought her fingers began to dance along the keys in a jaunty and quick paced tune.


The Great Bug Rescue pt. Two

Eliana clumsily skid into one of the school buildings as her breath steadily grew into a wheezing pant. Tears shot straight from the outer corners of her eyes as she ran. A few students practically had to dive out of her way, but she didn't care. It was this poor, dead bug in her hand that she cared about. She had to find him. He was her only hope.

"JOEEEEEEEEE!" she wailed again, screeching to a halt outside one of the classroom doors. She quickly poked her head in...empty. The girl quickly shuffled to the next door...locked. Eliana was growing desperate. She stumbled over to the third door...SUCCESS! She opened it up, and then quickly surveyed the room. It had people in it, but the person she was looking for was nowhere to be seen. Eliana practically slammed the door shut as she moved on to the next door...

AHA! Legit success!

"Joe!" Eliana wheezed as she tripped over to the man. The girl slid her guitar case off her back, letting it fall to the floor with a loud thwack. She knelt down in front of him, holding out her hand and practically shoving the dead bug in his face. The girl inhaled deeply, and then sputtered, "IwaswalkingandthenthiscicadacameouttanowhereandIdidn'tevenseeitandthenextthingIknewCRUNCHIsteppedonitandPLEASEFIXIT!"

I was walking and then this cicada came out of nowhere and I didn't even see it and then the next thing I knew, CRUNCH, I stepped on it...and...PLEASE FIX IT!

@Der Kojote
It took Spit a while to realize that she was distracted. When she finally did, it was because the soft but constant tapping sounds of her fingers on the keyboard had slowed and ceased altogether, and her fingers rested on the keys, stilled. She looked down at them as though they didn't belong to her, wondering where her mind had gone. Finally, coming around again, she realized she'd been listening to something else. After focusing on it for a few more moments, Spit frowned and lowered the lid of her laptop. If her attention was elsewhere, it would stay elsewhere. There was no use in trying to force it. And besides, it was coming from nearby...

Mind made up, Spit closed her laptop all the way and slid it carefully into her bag. She had no intention of pulling it out again until later. There were more interesting matters to pursue. That in mind, Spit slid off her chair and followed the sound to a nearby lounge, conveniently situated on the same floor (otherwise, Spit wasn't sure if she would've been able to hear it). She paused in the entrance, watching and listening and simply observing. It wasn't often that you saw people on the piano, let alone with a head of bright blue. No doubt, Spit was attracted and wondered what brand of person this girl was, exactly. Why not find out, then? Readjusting the strap of her bag, she finally stepped into the lounge and gingerly took a seat on the lid of the piano, which was conveniently closed at the moment. Spit crossed her legs and leaned back with her hands behind her. "I like your playing, Blue," Spit said, and then tilted her head. "Hey, aren't you related to uh, Chase? Thought I knew you from somewhere." Spit wasn't flirting - not yet, anyway. Or it wasn't her intention to. That wasn't really her goal with this conversation, but hey, if it went there, who was she to object? Mostly, she was just there for the change of pace.


Well, that brief chat was interesting to Kota, she had planned to start the conversation up with him before he left....but he left. So with a shrug of the shoulders, she slung her bag over her shoulders and headed out of the building. Her walked was mainly in a nonchalant pace, for, where did she really need to be? As she made her way out of the door of the building she managed to stretch her arms out wide before her stretch and yawn was interrupted by a red projectile.

Her reaction was quick enough to catch the object, and among further observation she realized it was an apple and immediately bit into it. A mirror began to approach her, but her image in this mirror had on a red sundress instead of the t-shirt and jeans she was wearing. Odd. "How was class loser...." the mirror spoke out to Dakota.

She could only manage to shrug her shoulders, letting rise and then fall down before opening her mouth,"Saw a cutie, now I didn't see a cutie. He's magic." This caused the mirror to roll its eyes, before turning away,"Let's go grab a muffin or something Dak." Boy, this mirror could even turn on its own, was this the snow white mirror? Whatever be the case, Dakota followed. Eventually, she and the mirror ended up in the GC both Dakota and the mirror having a coffee and a chocolate chip muffin in either hand,"Ain't coach said we should be eating better?" Dakota spoke.

The mirror nodded,"We are..look. It's not double chocolate chip muffin." She offered before smiling, causing Dakota to smile in return,"When you're right, you're right Del." Oh, so it wasn't a mirror. It was her twin sister Delilah...that makes more sense.

The two trudged through the rest of the GC building going to find a nice seat, but a sweet melody hit Kota's ears and then disappeared. So with a tilt of the head Kota made her way into the lobby with the piano and stopped, holding her hand out to her sister who was tailing close,"There is a blue haired and a green haired baddie all in one place. Sis, this is God's intervention I can't let this opportunity go, catch you later?"

Del didn't seem to please but shrugged her shoulders and slapped her sister's hand in a hand shake and then pushing her fist into her's in a pound, leaving them in contact as she spoke,"Don't be so fast Dak..." and with that the mirror about faced and left.

She nodded, making her way towards the two and sat on the bench facing opposite of the piano, but giving enough space for Ari that it wasn't too uncomfortable,"Azul y verde, perdon pero .....you two are gorgeous., and I'm Dakota."

@Vatican Cameos​

Izzy Winston

10:30 AM, Food Court, Between Classes

Izzy messed around with a stray lock of hair escaping from her hat as she waited in line, her usually interest in the specimen, emphasis on the 'men' part, around her was rather dulled as she not only played with the rumbling feeling of emptiness in her belly, but also the accompanying feeling of nervousness. There were many reasons she brought home lunches, simple ones that usually never went farther than maybe a heatable dish of macaroni and a cookie from the bakery that was just down the street from the Winston Sibling's shared apartment, one of them being that she hated her food courts way of doing things.

They had people take the orders! She bit her lip as she tried to outwardly downplay her nervousness, knowing that if she appeared to nervous, someone would come up and talk to her. She didn't want to be talked to, she didn't want to be worried over, she just wanted her food. Looking at the line she was in, Izzy glared at the amount of skin the girl in front of her was showing. With her accentuated curves and her pleasant smile, it was no wonder why all the boys she could focus on around her were passing glances around.

Looking up, Izzy sighed as she tried to pick out what she wanted before she got up there, the line was moving quite rapidly, which was a godsend, but what wasn't a godsend, was the dreadful meal choices she had. She loved chicken, but with how her belly was making her feel, nothing sounded good. Here she was, at The Chicken Barn, and she couldn't decide whether or not she wanted the number 8, or the number 11 combo. Izzy was so caught up in her mind's trivialities, that she gasped in shock as the clerk got her attention.

She wanted to say something, but the way his scraggly blond hair and his bright green eyes looked at her with the forced politeness of all those at The Chicken Barn, she froze up. Pulling on the strand that she had been absently twirling earlier, all attempts at concealing her nervousness falling away, Izzy stuttered out, "Uhm, I, I would, um, like a-a number-a number 11 please." Her voice was small, and her face flushed. With the suddenness of the question, she went for what came out of her mouth first. Looks like she was eating chicken nuggets.

The cashier, oh his nameplate said Sean, such a great name, replied, "Alright, a number 7 it is." Oh my gah, even his voice was hot. Izzy got lost in the nice and perfect baritone of the lad in front of her, and it took a while for her to realize the mistake he had made. Her mouth opened to correct him, but as he looked up at her with his adorable green eyes, she wilted. He asked, "Do you want anything on that?"

Izzy looked up at the menu to see what she had just accidentally ordered, and felt her stomach twist at the The Chicken Barn's Original Charred Chicken Burger. She wanted to blanch, but instead she tried to make it better by at least putting some seasoning on the thing, "I-I'll have ket-ket-ketchup, and maybe some mustard."

He nodded at her with his intense green eyes and with a smile, he responded, "Alright, mustard with a side of fries. Would you like a drink with that, ma'am?"

Oh her poor baby, he was so cute, but there was obviously something messing with his brain. Maybe it was the hair? Either way, Izzy simply shook her head at the question, not confident her words would help at all. Besides, she already had a bottle of water waiting in her purse sitting back at her table, specifically a two seater table on the sidelines of the court. Paying for her meal, Izzy took the change and was out of their, taking her food back to where she sat.

Taking a hold of her purse, she sat it down on the opposite chair, leaving no room for any passerby to think she wanted company, and began to unwrap her meal. It was about as disgusting as she thought, but without the butterflies clogging up her stomach, her hunger won out and she began to eat the meal in earnest. It wasn't very good at all, but appetite was probably one of the best seasonings of all, only coming second to love and maybe sadness. Eating her sandwich, Izzy looked around the court, and absently made mental pictures of each. Her camera was in her purse, but she didn't like to take it out while eating.

What if she got something on it? She hated a greasy camera and the smears on the lens would be dreadful. Izzy was in her own little world when she was shook out of it violently by the sight of her precious Chase walking in by a girl. From where she was at, she couldn't hear them, but with the way the blonde was looking around, she was really working her stereotypes muscles. Finishing her meal rapidly, Izzy having found that Rage was actually the best seasoning, she casually sat up in her seat, grabbing her camera as she began walking towards an empty table much closer to the couple.

@Shura @Elle Joyner

Józef Kowalski

Here we go again.

The sound of chaos was drawing nearer. He could hear the rushed patter of feet. He heard people diving out of the way. It was standard procedure now. He knew that many people viewed Eliana with an odd view, generally her antics where met with the words; what, the, and fuck in that order. He wondered if the rest of the student body saw him as an enabler to her antics, or an unfortunate casualty in her war against the delicate balance that was the acceptable noise level. Which yet again, was being breached, and rather violently. Józef cringed as he heared her unmistakable wail of his nick name, "JOEEEEEEEEE!"

He heard a door open, the girls frantic search for him was not going to stop was it? Then the door slammed, again, another door opened, and after a few seconds the door slammed again. Finally he heard the manic footsteps outside the classroom. There was no escape from his fate now. He watched as Eliana burst into the room. Tears streaming from her eyes, panting out of breath. He looked at her as she thrust something towards his face, Wait...what is that? is that a Cicada? Soon he found out the answer, she stumbled out a sentence...or paragraph. As a Bio Major, he was uncertain as how to classify it, a run on word perhaps?

Looking at the bug, it was dead. There was no fixing it. It had been thoroughly crushed. the creature had received the full force of this woman's step, and it had not held up well. Though looking at her, she looked beyond distraught, it was as if she had committed a murder against this organism, and it weighed like a great weight on her conscience. The sound of sadness in her voice, the tears, ahh yes now he remembered why he never turned her down in her quest to save every single animal out there...because it would be cruel not to...the animals had their place in nature...but for Eliana? Well...she just genuinely seemed like she wanted to help everything out there...to say no to that...it would be a terrible thing to do.

But, this time, it wasn't an injured squirrel, or a turtle that seemed a little hungry. This was a cicada, and it was dead, D-E-A-D dead. Could he lie to her? No that wouldn't be right. He was going to have to do this a gently as he could. he reached into his bag and grabbed a tissue packet, and taking a Kleenex, placed it gently down on the desk. "Eliana," Józef started off slowly, hoping that maybe by being calm she would follow suit. Though considering the situation that he was in currently...that was probably the LEAST likely thing to happen. He silently gulped as he continued on expecting the worst. "I need you to put Mr. Cicada on the Kleenex. Then I'm going to have to tell you some news."

@Queen Rai
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The Cicada Criminal

Eliana raised her eyebrows ever so slightly as Józef gently spread out a Kleenex on his desk. The girl felt her bottom lip quiver, the somber tone in his voice sending a wave on uneasiness throughout her entire body. Eliana stared up at him for a moment...then at the Kleenex...and then at the crushed bug in her hand. She felt her heart squeeze as she very carefully let the dead cicada slide off of her hand and onto the Kleenex. Except the cicada was now in three different pieces. Eliana stood up from her kneeling position, staring sadly down at the bug. She again glanced over at Joe, and then sniffled,
"You can't fix it, can you?"

The girl shoved her hands into the pockets of her cardigan as the corners of her mouth pulled into a frown.

"Insects are just too delicate." she sighed as she looked down at the cicada. She shook her head, rapidly blinking her eyes as she squeaked, "It's my fault. I killed it. No, I murdered it. I'm a murderer. That's what people are gonna call me from now on. The Cicada Murderer. The Cicada Crusher. The Cicada DESTROYER."

Eliana inhaled sharply, and then wailed,

@Der Kojote

With things back to calm normalcy Chase was able to relax once more. The issues with Tori had made for a good distraction from his own issues to the honest. Ones he would rather deal with much later when there weren't more classes to tackle. He love Saruh but knew she could be really moody sometimes, more so lately then aver. Their relationship hadn't progressed much since they entered the university but it wasn't much of an issue on his part. With everything going on it was nice not to worry about where they were going and just enjoy the time they did have together. Even if it was limited. Shaking off the worries he shifted his gaze around the food court, the smell of various food mixing in the air making his stomach growl in hunger. "Ah well... everything is good, just depends on what you in the mood for." He shrugged before making his way to one of the 'healthier' options call kitchen chicken. "These guys are usually good about their portions and its better than fried food or fast food." he explained getting in line. "Though I guess this is all fast food, but it is a tad bit healthier."

@AkuNoOkami @Vatican Cameos

Józef Kowalski

Not the worst thing that could have happened...but up there..

Józef was happy to see that Eliana was starting to do what he requested. Hopefully he'd be able to explain to her that it was dead nicely as one could. Maybe also talk about how judging by its size it seemed to already be the end of it life. Soon it would be joining its friends in its own little bug Hevan. Which to most probably would be some form of hell. But maybe then she could get a little uplift in morale. Then it happend there was three sounds.*crck* *crck* *tick* That was the sound of three pieces of a cicada falling on a table. His first thought was there goes breaking the news to her slowly... the next was the fact he didn't want to be right that this was going south.

He cringed as she began to wail. Again. He stood up from his chair. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Alright please don't no one is going to call you that unless you are going to give someone a reason to, and that would be if you let them know you were sad about it. So how about this. Head to class, get your mind off of it..." Then sighing internally as he said it, "if you take mr.cicada and get a matchbox to put him in...I'll help you put him in the ground in a small ceremony...Alright?" Hopefully this would help. At least he hoped if not well...people have lived without eardrums right?

@Queen Rai

Rose Evermore


8:oo Am​

The alarm started going off like crazy. Rose jumped up from surprise. She looked over at the time and turned the alar off. She was so tired she really needed to catch up on her sleep. She got out of bed, got washed, dressed. She then put two pop tarts in the toaster and got all her books for class. Then once her pop tarts were ready she grabbed them and ran out the door. Her class started at 9:00 AM but it took almost and hour just to get a cross campus. She ate as she ran to class.

After her 9:00 class

Food Court​

Rose kept dozing on and off during class she had a few more minutes before class so she decided to stop by the food court. She sat at table and put her head down falling asleep. "I'll just close my eyes for a few minut......." Hopefully she wouldn't sleep to long considering she had class in about 30 mins.
Tori Graham
Lunch with a Friend

The room, as it often did, this time of day, had the mingled scent of too many flavors, poured into too small a space. The school did it’s best to appeal to every taste, but in it’s overwhelming variety there was something nearly unpleasant. Still, having skipped breakfast in favor of making her first class, Tori was starved...

Following Chase through the small crowd, Tori watched with attached interest, the subtle shifting of his posture, the lines of his face, creases in the contour… He carried with him an edge of distraction that felt, somehow, uncommon. As lunch hour dawned, the room began to swell with students and faculty, pressing in tighter. Twice, Tori was shoved, bumping into Chase, and with a mumbled apology, she shifted away again, her cheeks colored pink with embarrassment.

When Chase spoke against the din, Tori looked up to see they’d arrived in front of one of the booths. It was undoubtedly the least offensive of the options, though whether or not that was a positive factor wasn’t quite discernible.

“Well, that’s good.” She started, taking in his words, her smile sly, her eyes teasing, “I’ve been trying to watch my weight, you know…”

Chase didn’t mind, or rather didn’t notice she had bumped into him. Possibly because it was so common in crowded areas. A small chuckle escaped him as she mentioned watching her weight and he shook his head.

“You and everyone else right?” He commented. “Thought you're probably don’t need to.” he added without much thought. The girl was think as it was if anything a few pounds wouldn’t really hurt but to each his own. He just hoped she wasn’t starving herself. Panic attacks plus lack of food never made for a good combination.

“Chase…” She said, grinning, her eyes brightening, “I was joking. I eat like a horse, honest… What do you usually get here?”

“Ah well good to know.” He muttered scratching the back of his head before looking towards the large menu “All of it is the same rice, chicken then what ever side’s you want. I normally go with the original chop.” He shrugged slightly

“Well then, there you go… I’ll try that.” She chuckled lightly, shaking her head, “Safety in numbers, right?”

Stepping up to the counter she bounced back and forth on her heels, gesturing Chase ahead of her, “You go first, so I know what to say, hmm?”

Chase nodded slightly before going ahead of her to face a rather bored looking teen who definitely wanted to be somewhere else.

“Welcome to Tropi-Chop what would you like to order?” He droned out. Yep definitely wanted to be somewhere else.

“I’ll take two number 4’s.” Chase replied fishing his wallet from his back pocket.

“Anything else?” The clerk asked ringing up the order.

Chase glanced over to Tory “You want anything else?” He asked.

Tori looked up, eyes widening just slightly, “I… Oh! You don’t have to.. I can…” Biting her lip, she shook her head, “No… that’s good, thanks.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He smirked slightly before turning back to the clerk and told him no. A swipe of his card and the meal was paid for. The clerk gave him two cups to fill at the fountain and Chase handed on to Tori so she could pick what she wanted. It really wasn’t the first time he paid for others meals, it some something he got into the habit with Ari and it simply transferred over to his friends.

“Next time we have tutoring, I’m buying you coffee. Thanks, Chase… really.” He might have been used to it, but Tori certainly wasn’t, and the slightly sheepish expression she was indication enough of that, “Should I find us a seat?”

“Good thing I don’t drink coffee.” He teased moving to the side to wait for their order. “Sure go ahead I’ll wait for the food,”

She laughed and shook her head, “Cheater…” Then turned away, and with an odd sort of hop-skip-step made her way over to an empty table to wait.

Chase just shrugged as she went to grab the table, in truth coffee was too bitter for his taste but tea was was nice. It took about 10 minutes before the food was done. The line was already getting really long and the area around the counter crowded so Chase was more than happy to get out of there. He spotted Tori and made his way over setting the tray down.

“Jeez it always get so packed here” he muttered glancing around. It was to be expected since it was lunch time but he was used to taking a late lunch due to classes.

“So what class do you have next?”

“Two o’clock, I’ve got Music Performance. Should be a nice change from this morning… Really, it’s the only class I feel half decent at. What about you?”

“I’m sure you’ll get it sooner or later. Calc isn’t easy.” He thought a moment to recall his current schedule instead of the one from last semester, something he’d done multiple times already. “Stats at one, then eastern medicine at two.”

“Statistics, hmm? Sounds thrilling.” She chuckled, shaking her head, “Eastern Medicine, though… that sounds like it could be fun…?”

“Stat’s isn’t too bad just lot’s of maybe and what it’s… not the most fun. Eastern Medicine is interesting so far. Only getting into concepts like Chi and Kie. Their way of seeing the body is more… abstract I guess.”

“Can’t say I’m familiar with it… I barely know anything about Western medicine, all things considered.” She shrugged, poking at the food on the plate before taking a bite, her left foot plodding up and down to the rhythm of the music, piped in through the speakers overhead, “They’re big into natural healing, then?”

Chase nodded “Yeah, less pills and more herbs and techniques like acupuncture.” He replied before taking another bit of his food.

“You think it works? I mean, better than our stuff, over here… Or, I guess I shouldn’t say better, but maybe… different? I can’t imagine something like that working on, say… a mental condition or anything like that…”

“Eh it really depends on the condition. Most of it is treated with a lot of meditation and herbs. Better than how it used to be treated when mental conditions were treated like demon possessions.” He chuckled. “Either way it all works out to more or less the same as western medicine. Not quite as effective but there aren't as many side effects so it kind of balances out.”

“Yeah, I can imagine there being a decent trade to side effects.” Brushing her arm, she felt quiet for a moment, utilizing the silence to take a few more bites. The subject had gotten away from her, and she needed to find a way to shift from it that didn’t cause suspicion.

Finally, looking up, she smiled, “So… How’s it been, anyway? Being back, after summer break?”

“Summer was nice. Great break from classes. Still had soccer but all around a good break.” He smirked. “Ari graduated from High school we we took a trip over to the west coast for a few weeks so that was fun. Surfing is a lot harder than it looks.”

“Ha! Yeah, it is… My mom’s in California. I don’t get to see her much, but for a few weeks in the summer she flies me out. How is Ari?”

Chase smiled slightly “She’s doing good. Adjusting to university and all. She took more classes than I advised but she seems to be handling them well. She was also talking about Joining the music society.”

“Oh! No kidding? She totally should. I’ve heard tell there’s some pretty awesome members…” She said, with a smirk, “I mean, that’s just the rumor, anyway…”

“Rumores, right.” He smirked. “you should know better than most since you got spotlight a few times.”

Blushing, she found suddenly remarkable interest in the bits of rice left in her styrofoam container, “...I didn’t realize you paid attention to any of that. At any rate, I think Ari would be magnificent. In fact, if she wants, I’ll put in a word with the president, to see that she gets a position, soon as possible.”

“That would be great. She was just going to wait until club rush to sign up.” He explained. “Saruh is part of the club as well which is why she was interested but she’s been off doing her own thing lately.” he shrugged slightly.

“Ah! Right. I forgot she was in it…” Biting her lip, Tori pushed a piece of rice forward with her fork, “How’s things going with that? You and her, I mean…?”

Chase shrugged slightly taping a sip of his soda. “Things are going well. Minor hiccup here and there but that’s with all relationships.” he sighed. “She want’s me to move in with her but I’m not sure I can because of Ari. Kinda awkward to be rooming in with your girlfriend and have your little sister in the other room.”

“Oh. Yeah. I can see that being kind of strange… Have you guys had time to really sit down and talk about it, though?” The words came out before she could stop them, and for a moment she hated herself, “...It’s a pretty big step, and sometimes the biggest hurdle is just… communicated, you know? And it might not hurt to ask Ari what she thinks… I know she’s your little sister, but she’s also older now. She might have some good input?”

Chase was quiet a moment before nodding. “I guess your right. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to either of them cause of classes. I don’t think Saruh will be in much of a mood to talk about it today. I could talk to Ari though.” he thought aloud. “I just think it will be awkward if she does room with us but I don’t want to leave her on her own..”

“I guess the more important question, before you even bring it up to Ari is… do -you- want to move in with her?”

“I do… it would be nice to see her more often since the craziness of our schedule kinda keeps getting in the way.” At the same time I know it would be a huge distraction from trying to get work done for classes.”

Biting her lip, she lowered her gaze, picking at her fingernail, “Both valid points… I guess what you need to do is weigh the pros and cons, really. But if Ari’s the only real thing holding you back, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to find her a roommate or something in the dorms…?”

Chase frowned slightly at the suggestion. “I guess… I just don’t like the idea of Ari living on her own… she’s smart but still really immature. Last thing I want is not to be there if she needs me…”

“From the perspective of a little sister… I get it, I do. Well, sort of. My brother wasn’t the overprotective type… We barely even talked, he and I… but he still felt the need to chew me out, every time I put a toe out of line. Trouble with that is… I still managed to do things I wasn’t supposed to. Only I was sneakier about them.” Frowning softly, she looked up at him, “...But it seems like a shame… hurting your relationship in the process of keeping Ari out of trouble.”

Chase was torn to say the least. He wanted to make sure that Ari was safe and be there for her but at the same time he loves Saruh and wanted to try and make things work between them. Other factors still came into play such as school work and increasing diminished time ocne soccer season started up. He shook his head slightly. “I don’t know honestly... “ he muttered. “I love Saruh but there’s a lot of other things I still need to take care of…I’m only two years into my studies.”

“Sounds to me like you need to figure out your priorities, Chase…” It wasn’t said harshly, quiet the opposite, in fact. There was sympathy in her tone, and her smile was understanding, “...You’re gonna go nuts, trying to balance all you’ve got on your plate. And if you fall apart, well… you know I’m done for.”

Chase sighed softly “True enough…” he resolved knowing what he needed to do and what he wanted to do were two different things. If he had been a much less serious man about his responsibilities he wouldn’t take nearly as many classes or care nearly as much about Ari or what other needed of him. But that wasn’t the case. He was the only blood family Ari had to count on. And he had set his goals to become a doctor years before even getting into a relationship with Saruh.

“...Seems to me, though, like you’re supposed to be doing an awful lot of changing, just to fit what she wants.” Blinking, she frowned, “I’m sorry… That… that was out of line.”

Chase waved off her worry and shook his head. “Not its fine… you have a point. I guess it’s just something I have to talk about with her.” He replied. One more of many thing they would have to talk out it seemed. Problem was talking to Saruh and her not getting upset.

“Well… if you’re meant to be, she’ll understand.” Smiling gently, she reached across the table, laying a hand over his, “You’re a great guy, Chase. She’s been with you long enough, she should know that. And if she doesn’t, well… knowing is better than not, right?”

Chase quirked a small smile and nodded “Yeah. Things will work out… with time.” He sighed leaning back slightly in his chair and pushing the thoughts from his mind for the moment. There was nothing that could be done now or anytime soon until Saru was up for it. “Thanks for helping me talk things out though.”

“Of course… That’s what friends are for.” Looking past him she frowned again, “Oh, hey. It’s almost 1:00. Don’t you have a class?”

Chase blinked before checking his watch seeing he had five minutes to get to class. “Shoot. Gotta run then. I’ll see you around alright, Tori. Thank again.” He said grabbing his bag and rushing off to class.

“See you…” She said softly, watching him go. When he was out of sight line she pushed her tray aside and, almost casually, she dropped her head to the table with a groan.

(collab with Shura)
Spit donned an easy, relaxed smile. "Can't pass up that opportunity," she said. First a muffin, and now lunch altogether? She could get used to this, she thought wryly. Kota wasn't bad company, anyway - the free food was just a bonus. And she was peckish by this point, anyhow. Her breakfast had consisted solely of the muffin she'd eaten before coming to investigate the piano playing, and she'd been so preoccupied with her conversation that she hadn't given food much, if any, thought - that is, beyond the ruined muffin she'd left sitting innocently on the piano lid. "Gotta get to class at some point, though. I've got Calc at 1." Spit stepped away from the door and made a showy gesture to allow Kota through the entrance first. "Since you're buying, you can lead the way." Was it still considered chivalry if it had a sarcastic edge to it? Spit hadn't earned the moniker "Sergeant Sarcasm" back in high school for nothing.

Rose Evermore

Working at the cafe on campus


After she got out of her last class. She ran to her dorm so she could get changed for work. She worked at the cafe on campus. Once she got to her dorm she quickly got dressed and headed out the door and to the cafe. She got to work ten minutes late but luckily she didn't get trouble. Man was she ready to pass out.

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