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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

"Dunno. He seems friendly enough, but for all we know there are cannabalistic, rabid... Rapist... Rabbit... I don't even know. Let's just say there are evil blood-thirsty zombies in the shed. Do we know anything about it? No. We don't, we'll be zombies, and Nathan will be laughing his ass off as we slowly devour each other. The zombie part, not so much, but you get the idea." Sonja growled skeptically. "He brought us to a shed in the middle of nowhere. Seen SHED.mov? Well, think of that, and say you want to go in that shed."
*I heard that. shouting from the elevator in the shed to the bunker. *Guys we don't have all day come on and if I was an agent for O.W.N. I would've just crash the truck in a ravine or something
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Evie and Ghost tailed in behind Sonja and she kicked the edges of the bunker. "What do you think about it Ghost?" Evie looked over her shoulder at the man who was familiar with situations like these.

"Keep your eyes peeled and attention alert, you don't know what he's up to..." Ghost replied as he pulled his hood on a little lower.

"I used to be in Australian Intelligence and I don't know the existence of this bunker..." Evie replied to Nate's comment.
"Grr..." Bonk grumbled, he did remember that video on MercTube. "I don't like this, but, I guess I'll come, oh yeah, and Mr. Mumbles? O.W.N does anything to kill someone, and they like to make it personal, the thing your doing right now, that's exactly the thing o.W.n does. And I have beef with... a high-up person in o.W.n. They would rather kill me themselves, and make it v-e-r-y p-a-i-n-f-u-l." Bonk said as he got in the elevator.
Jack frowns, standing outside of red base. "Where the hell is everyone? I've been searching all over red base and near blu base, but I can't find a single maggot! Did I miss something?" He says to himself.
*GOIN DOWN! Nathan Screemed as he presses the button to tthe bunker rhe elevator goes down faster than a huntsman spider hunting its prey
"Jesus, I think my eardrums are burst." Sonja flinched back at the overly loud noise. "Should we trust him or nah? He is new, anyway. He could be an O.W.N agent spying on everyone."
"As the elevator slows down Nathan tells everyone to follow him to the respawn area.

*Ok guys follow me I'll need your DNA for the respawn verifications.
"Uh, no! I don't trust newbies with my DNA, especially pyros! Besides, what IF YOU ARE a O.W.N spy!? What then? I need proof that you are completely sane and not an O.W.N spy, 'til then, you have no help nor sympathy from me!" Bonk yelled, holding his pistol in one hand, and his other hand near the 'GO UP' button on the elevator. He was scared and paranoid of the threat of O.W.N. The things they did, the things HE did, haunted him, he knew what happened when you get caught, bad, bad things happened to you. And it would probably hurt more since you realized, you weren't coming back this time. You would be very ded, and very surprised.
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Jack frowns. "I've never heard the badlands this quiet before. Where is everyone? Why aren't the blu maggots attacking us, and where the hell is the rest of red team?" He asks himself while rocket jumping around looking for people to fight.
(Been absent to avoid being caught by some people on the site that I embarrassed myself in front of.)

The wind blew through Heatsink like somebody cranked an air conditioner up to a million degrees and then tossed a bunch of dirt and dust into the sky. Sheet metal roofs rattled in the breeze and echoing howls crept throughout the abandoned buildings. Ramond sighed as the inside of RED base cooked and simmered, dust visible through the shattered and boarded windows emitting yellow sunlight. This was an unacceptable situation, he concluded. The respawn station had been sabotaged, possibly over a week ago judging by the decayed state of the Sniper...

This would not do. He descended down to the barracks with his items, whereupon he discovered Bartok and the iron doktor hefting dead RED bodies over to another room off to the side. The iron doktor's voice barked orders at the Heavy, coming out tinny past the metal plague mask he wore. Bartok showed no emotion, simply following the orders without question. Ramond ignored them, choosing a bed far on the other end of the barracks and using a dirty but still mostly intact vanity cover to separate his bed from the empty neighbor next to him.

Ramond had soon changed into his proper Medic attire and equipped himself with his weapons. Experience taught him that he should remain in the company of his comrades, but much more valuable experience of his strictly forbade interacting with the two metal menaces he shared bunks with right now. As such, he quietly ventured out into the ruins of Heatsink, bringing the revolver with him. It fit nicely into his ungloved hand and he held it with confidence unseen in most Medics...
"Hey! Bonk, dude! Ugh. Well, he has a point. Prove you're not a psychopath and then we'll give you DNA." Sonja growled, trying to be menacing but kind of looking like a puppy with hair in it's eyes.
*Fine if you don't trust me the let Sonja do it she just needs to take some bone marrow from you guys and place it in the spawner tube thingy don't really now what's it's really called it just needs to get your DNA to specify who will re spawn in the area. As Nathan leaves to get some experimental weapons for them.
Evie, Ghost, and Shae watched Sonja handle the DNA properly. "Wonder if you could alter my genes and make me taller!" Evie smirked as she lined up before Sonja.

"You're taking this too lightly" Ghost sighed.

"I don't trust him either then again, when I worked for them, I don't remember his name appearing..." Shae reckoned.
Jack sighed, wasting ammo by shooting rockets at random rocks and things. "It's so boring around here, where are all the blu maggots for me to blast to bits?" He asks himself.
"I wish, maybe I'd make money off of fancy body alterations and not shooting syringes at people." Sonja grinned, plunging a painkilling agent into Evie's arm before carefully cutting it open and extracting bone marrow from her... Well, bone. Clue's in the name. "Hey, Nate, got any surgical thread and needles or something? I forgot my medigun." Sonja asked, sifting around in the small purse to look for anything to aid her in her DNA extracting quest.
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*I think so can't really remember I'll look around for now for some check with the DnA spawner thing if it has any built in medical equipment.
*Ok guys I found some medical supplies and some type of red, blue and yellow syringes not sure what they do tho.

(This RP is very fun)
"Sweet. I'll toss the syringes aside for now. Uh, Evie, move with me here." Sonja said, slowly bringing Evie and her arm over to where Nathan was standing to grab the medical stuff. She looked around in the bag until she came across surgical thread and a needle. She precisely sewed up Evie's arm, despite being more acquainted with a Medigun instead of less advanced technology, namely sewing. "Next! Ha, just like when I was a legitimate doctor and not a crossbreed between doctor and psychotic murderer."
"That's a relief," Evie exhaled and a snicker escaped.

Ghost gulped down from the procedure, "Is it possible for me to skip it? I don't like giving up my identity for anything or anyone..."
*For the spawner? Cause your real name will show up on the screen but then it's an instant respawn for this type of respawn room and after you register the DnA follow me to the warehouse part so we can get some experimental weapons
"Oh no one kills me...." Ghost muttered as Evie slapped his back.

"Come on Ghost, it's just us!" she snickered.

"You guys can't be trusted likewise all spies can't be trusted" he hissed back.

"I'm offended!!" Evie gasped jokingly.
"Dude, we're not going to go leaking your stuff online or anything. Man up." Sonja hissed. "Since Ghost is being a baby, I'll extract someone ELSE'S DNA. Anyone volunteering as tribute?" She asked, fiddling with her bonesaw.

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