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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

As they neared Sniper's truck, Evie noticed how it had been reinforced with bulletproof glass and heavy blast resistance metal.

"Wow, that's a pimped up ride" she snickered and stopped only to see Shae jump from the back and finish his furnishing. His uniform was all black and it blocked out the BLU colors of his uniform.

"From here, Shae, you look like one of them" Ghost pointed out as he held the door open for the rest of the bunch.

"Well, I used to work for them. Until I caught wind of the plan to rule the world using machines and rejected mercenaries, I went rogue. Don't worry, this truck is untraceable" he muttered and got in.

"Well we all have our dirty secrets right?" Evie patted them both, "Come on guys!"
Sonja crawled into the back, checking her bag for anything missing. "All good. Anyone need to get anything? I should probably get Charlotte to come with us, she'll be completely clueless as to whether there's someone from O.W.N readying to shoot her or a tasty smore waffle sprinkling pixie dust on majestic flying puppies. Or something. I dunno what the hell is going on in her little dimension. Opinions?" She rambled, trying to forget that she was wanted by a terrorist organisation.
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*We are going to the Hale's saferoom cause in that safehouse there are experimental weapons for each class, and it's own respawn station Hale was paranoid at the time, and shae are you coming with us?
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Jack smiles, heading out of red base while whistling the american national anthem. "Time to do some epic rocket jumpin'!" He says to himself, hoping that it would help take his mind off of his mistake earlier. Rocket jumping indoors, what a stupid and painful idea.
*Ok guys lets go! As Nathan and the others head to the safehouse he hears Lambda's Voice "HELP!" *Sorry Lambda but we have no time. He thinks to himself
Sonja heard the gunshots, and quite literally collasped into a sobbing heap. "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I created something amazing and now I'm gonna die, I'm gonna be held and gunpoint and they're gonna search my room and track my laptop and track us and..." She was whimpering softly, in a state of panic and anxiety. This continued on for quite a while until she passed out from excessive crying. ((OOC: I looked it up, it's a thing. If people are intensely nervous and absolutely bawling they can faint. ==☆ The More You Know!))
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(Interesting!) "Sonja's shut up! She's not dead but she is quiet, so let's get to Hale's saferoom, how much further?" Bonk said, running beside the truck for so long was starting to tucker him out. (I'm confused though, are we going to Hale's place or are we still waiting to go? If so, disregard my statement about running beside the truck.
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*We are about 5 miles away from it it's in a remote location and Bonk you can ride inside you know that right. "as he tells him looking tired from running

(For rp reasons you guys should say it just looks like a shack so I can explain why)
"Grow some balls Sonja, nothing has happened yet. Besides, OWN knows where the Fortresses are but this bunker. Perhaps we'll be safe then" Shae hissed in slight annoyance.

"Maybe they're after my Australium..? Or the data I have on them anyway..." Evie rubbed her chin.

"Are we there yet?" Ghost refused to look out the windows because he would get motion-sick from the heat and reckless driving.
*Just 1.5 miles left we're almost there and besides its a Bunker that houses experimental technology what could go wrong /it starts becoming dark/ *Also we can set our respawn there and stock up on weapons and ammo when I worked for Hale there was about a billion to a trillion of experimental weapon
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"They better not be experimental weapons that explode in your hands when ya use 'em, Nate." Bonk said as he jumped in the truck.
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"Is there anything worse than a rifle that shoots piss?" Evie smirked from Bonk's statement, "Besides. We can't die, isn't that what Nathan said earlier? Explosions sound like fun....as long as I'm not around you guys."
"Mm, okay then, let's just hope that we weren't followed, cause they know how to break respawns, and if they do, then we have some big trouble on our hands." Bonk said this blankly, remembering some raids on other bases.
Ghost looked over his shoulder and slapped the doc awake, "Wake up you fool. We're here.." he hissed as Evie jumped down from the truck and yawned, "Where to next?" as she followed Nathan in as Shae did as well.
"Woah! This is the bunker? It IS bigger on the inside, right?' Asked Bonk, doubt that this was an actual bunker was filling him, he began to suspect it was a trap. "Hey, Ghost, Evie, Sonja? Come here, I have something to ask of you three."
Jack frowns. "Hey, why's it so quiet around here?" He asks himself, rocket jumping all over the place looking for someone. "Did I miss somethin'?"
((OCC: *the shed makes T.A.R.D.I.S noises*))

Sonja jolted awake. "Ow! What the f**k?" She growled. She frowned when she saw she was in the truck. "Right, so I'm assuming we're still wanted by O.W.N? God, you slap hard..." She grumbled, getting out of the truck. "This looks like a f**king shed. You brought us to a f**king shed. I'm getting back in the truck unless you have anxiety pills in there. This idiot forgot hers, apparently."
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(Yaya, u gota mah jOkes! Yaya!) "Okay, Sonja, seriously, is Nate someone we can actually trust? I mean, the guy IS a pyro, and they have a tendency to be, ya know, insane fire dragons of death who live in a wonderland. And even if he IS'NT insane, how do we know he doesn't work for o.W.n? This guy just led us out to an open valley in Australia, for a shed, seems like a trap to me." Bonk said, going into the truck with Sonja, eyeing Nathan all the while from inside.

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