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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

"Nathan Returns to them with a type of experimental medi gun" Ok om Sonja would you try this on Evie since Ghost would just run away from it, its an experimental medigun it Makes the Healer and Target run faster than scouts when you activate the charge that and it give the target mini crit
Sonja will receive a phone call.

Meanwhile, at Heatsink, Ramond meets no challengers on his way through the shanty town of scrap and trucks. He soon finds himself peering up at the concrete walls of the BLU base of Heatsink. He had been able to see its radio tower all the way from the train station but he had assumed it to be a neutral zone. The discovery that BLU controlled communications in the area disturbed him and he proceeds stealthily toward the rear of the base; the loading zone. Trucks and a large deserted trainyard decorate the rear of BLU base. His watch began to make a quiet, uneven ticking noise as he neared one of the trucks and he retreated hurriedly. The area held ambient radiation...

This was a serious problem, though he knew the why of it. He'd read the briefing about this frying pan of a battlefield. The trucks and trains must have been moving the uranium before everything shut down. As he slunk toward the loading gates to enter the BLU base he noted that the vehicles, aside from some weathering, were all still intact for the most part. And yet radiation leaked anyway. His disgust for the RED and BLU ceo's only grew. Pulling back the hammer on the revolver, he disappeared into the base.
"Sweet." Sonja grinned as she equipped the medigun and blasted it onto Evie. "Is it working?" She yelled over the unusually loud sound of the healing device. It stopped after a few seconds, and Sonja lowered the medigun. "Are the stitches gone? Is the cut healed?" she then asked, stepping towards Evie to inspect her arm. Sure enough, no sign of any operation remained. "Dude, this is awesome. I don it, the "QuickER-Fix". Cause, uh, it makes you run fast. Look, I'm uncreative." She laughed, starting to have a bit of fun with these experimental weapons. She felt a vibration in her purse, and sure enough, her phone was ringing. She picked it up.

" How about the Hit and Run the mini crits and the sprint speed "Nathan suggested to Sonja as he looks for somthing for Evie could use
"Hey Evie catch as he toses to her a Railgun esk type of sniper" That's the newer version of the machinma it can past through one layer of wall with full charge and can go through people in half charge reason why this wasn't released is because of its damage there is only one bullet per shot and it snail paced in tetms of reloading but that thing can kill anyone in one hit "As he shows her the path towards the gun range"
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"Bro that sounds so damn cool!" Evie smirked as she eyed the railgun from afar, "Imagine the damage I could deal to the peeps back in the Fortress..." she held the gun in her hands and felt her way around it in order to get accustomed to it. She aimed down sight and fired towards one of the dummies and he was right, the shit went through the wall but didn't seem to penetrate the bunker. "I'M A BLOODY GOD MATE" she held up the gun and pranced around. "Whether you're on our side or not, this is the best shit that has ever happened to me so far!" she squealed.

Ghost raised a brow at her and sighed, "Unlike you. I am hardly impressed by anything unless there is such thing as a 'Perfect Spy kit' which I highly doubt."
"How about a watch that's a mix of C&D and Deadringer instead of dropping a dead body it spawns a hologram that can take damage?" As he hears Ghost's question
Sonja managed to one-handedly extract DNA from Bonk whilst awaiting a response from the number on the end of the line ((I'M SO FRICKIN FUNNY AMIRITE)). She then healed him using the very cool Hit & Run, she thought it was a lot more original than Quick-er Fix, and went over in the far corner of the bunker.


The scrape of signal static crackles out of Sonja's phone as she moves around the bunker until a voice comes in, though with poor connection quality. "Hello?? Doct-" a woman's voice asks, cutting in and out. Whatever she's saying is impossible to make out.

Ramond moved through the facility with ease, and found himself needing to rely on his natural agility for stealth upon discovering the facility still inhabited. A large number of BLU mercenaries idly patrolled the concrete corridors, mostly Soldiers and Demomen. His incognito was kept that way in no small part due to the mercenaries often picking fights with each other or otherwise distracting one another, seemingly suspecting absolutely no chance of attack or infiltration. Given what he'd learned from the dead Sniper he wasn't surprised.

Tucking his white coat up close to himself, he made a decisive break for the BLU offices upstairs, miraculously avoiding the detection of numerous wandering Pyros. They mumbled and grunted in agitation, their Spycheck Senses tingling in their minds even as their searches turned up nothing. Ramond had had enough experience to last him a while when it came to the nature of Pyros and this experience told him that they just instinctively
knew someone that shouldn't be in the building was in the building. He would have to make this quick before their incessant behavior upset the rest of the facility. He crept along a catwalk, his heels gently treading the metal walkways with not even the slightest of sounds, as below him in the warehouses nearly two dozen assorted BLU mercenaries drank, played cards or did other recreational things like throw darts, get in brawls or share things.

As he slipped out of the warehouses and further upward to the offices proper, he could have
sworn he'd seen a Demoman carrying a frying pan and wearing a tricorne hat with a treasure chest ornament on the top, shouting and howling about selling a shako cap for "two refined"... whatever that was.
Ghost's eyes flickered with curiosity as he walked up to him and received the dead ringer. "This looks like a normal watch tho...." he muttered.

(GLaDOS and Ghost would just be arguing the entire time HAHA)
"Well cause that's a normal DR the thing I said is locked with some password cause it was deemed to op unless you know how to hack it it's staying there"Nathan told Ghost"

((We already got the annoying wheatly we don't need a sadistic woman sapper that annoys some people... Hey that kinda sounds like sonja JK JK xD ))
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"Alright, so now what? Are you gonna give me something or are we gonna continue?" Bonk asked, thinking back to the base and what may be happening there. He, also, was worried for himself and the others, they WERE still being hunted. While he waited for an answer he jogged in place to take his mind of these dark thoughts.
"Oh... Yeah umm... be right back gonna get a few more stuff so we can get ready to retake our bases"Nathan goes deeper into the warehouse of the bunker to find more weapons"
Sonja put down the phone for a second or two. "I'm going to the surface, ok?" She stated, clicking her Übersaw onto her belt and making for the elevator. "Uh, hello? You're dropping out, are you still there?" She asked as the elevator made a faint "Ding" noise and the dolrs to the outside world opened. Sonja leaned on the truck, not seeing anyone from O.W.N so declaring it safe. "Okay, I'll probably get better reception here. Repeat what you said please. Oh, and in case I forgot to mention, this is Sonja speaking."
"Alright Doc, Mr. Mumbles, Sphee, Snoipah, I'll be going to look around, if anything happens call for me." Bonk says this as he walks off into another area of the base, and about 5 seconds later an explosion can be heard following exclamations of "OH CRAP" and eventually a loud crash as something made of bread that was teleported for 3 days straight dies.
"Hey Bonk!"Nathan calls out for him as he found an experimental equipment he could use"Hey Evie have you seen bonk?"Nathan Asked as he holds some type of boots"
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Bonk said as he ran towards Nathan. There was something different about Bonk, maybe it was the slime he was covered in or the fact that he wore a suit made of the moldy bread skin from the bread monster, no, no, it must be the fact that he slightly cut a 1 centimeter long scratch on his back, obscured by his shirt so that no one could be able to see, not even himself, but he will come to terms with it when it starts to burn because of a reaction of dirt and slime on the scab of the cut, we all come to terms with our problems, eventually. Or you know, shoot them in the face, whichever comes first.
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The growl of the signal static simmers down finally. "Doctor? Are you there? It's Pau- uhhh, Parker, it's miss Parker. I need to talk to you about something important. Like, really important."
"Sure, take your time." Sonja stated, not meaning it sarcastically as the woman on the other end sounded genuinely concerned.
"Nathan gives bonk the boots as Nathan said" This boots aren't cosmetic it will alow the scout to run twice as fast and allow an extra two air jumps that and it give you an extra 25 hit points" As he leaves to find sonja"
'Whoa, thanks Nate!" Bonks says as he puts the boots on, as soon as he does, he takes one step and ends up on the ground four feet away with a bucket on his head that he tripped over.
"But Nathan found something else in the cache of weapons a note he gives to Ghost and whispered" I found the codes for your op watch but not sure which is the right code "Nathan said due to the 9 other codes on the paper as he leaves to find his weapon"

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