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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

"Do you? Do you really?" he asked mockingly, taking a deeeep drag of his smoke and blowing it at Lee smugly. Down the corridor the two Heavies watched silently, one glancing at the other and earning a dismissive little shrug in response.
"If that's not true, then let me ask you something.

You do fully realise my rifle shoots urine-filled darts, right?"

At least he knows that.
His face darkened. On a Spy that face would be hard to spot due to the balaclava, but on a Medic you can spot the death in their glare from a mile away. "I will warn you once... 'mon ami'. If you dare to splash, spray or even so much as get an instance of a drop of that fool's gold on me or any of my things, I will slit your throat while you sleep, just deep enough to make you bleed to death, unable to scream or fight. Understand?" he told Lee. "And if I find any of that substance in my coffee, and believe me I will know, the very next think I drink will be your blood."

Hands behind his back, he stalked up toward the Heavies, whom shimmied aside with their guns to give him space, and he used a key to unlock the doors to the head office. "Now, I believe you were spychecking. After you."
"I pray to all that is good and holy in this world that I never experience the rock bottom life that you take such pride in." he states flatly, closing the door behind the both of them.

The head office is filled with dusty old computer equipment. A bit dated for 2015, but absolutely fitting for the time period TF2 is set in. The sides of the room are lined with these computers and data storage boxes. The desk at the far end of the room is emptied of personal effects. Even the nameplate has been removed. The massive window on the rear wall oversees much of the surrounding area.
Lee inspected and explored the room carefully, making sure not to damage the equipment and occasionally looking out the window at the rear wall. This seemed like the perfect vantage point in case of an attack on the base by RED, not that it was likely judging by the enemy team's current size. They wouldn't dare reveal themselves especially with the respawn on the fritz.

"Be glad you're not a Sniper, then."
"Mmm." he agreed, standing at the desk behind Lee, slowly drawing the revolver and gently pulling the hammer back, aiming it at his torso. "I am much better off as a Medic, I find."
"I sincerely doubt that." He hasn't taken notice of the drawn and loaded Revolver aimed at his torso as he checks the last corner of the room.
Jack sighs, wandering around outside of red base. "Great, I'm the only one here. Maybe the Blu maggots are hiding! Maybe they're waiting to attack! I can't let my guard down, not even for a second!" He says to himself, pacing back and forth in front of Red base.
Ghost, Evie and Shae were out checking out their new gadgets as Shae placed a transmitter that blocked out additional radar signals that OWN could pick up.

"I still don't trust them..." Ghost muttered as he chewed on the end of his cigarette.

"Well, they got cool guns, worst case scenario: we can just kill them all" Evie cooed as she admired the feel of the railgun in her hands.

"How much longer will we have to stay in this place?" Shae looked back at Nathan.

(( Happy New Year Guys! I'm in Asia so we're more advanced, if it's not yet Jan 1 in your area, then Advanced Happy New Year! ))
((To you too! :D ))

"Look, Nate, this could be life or death for me. Yes, you need a Medic, but I've quite literally been threatened. Can't someone else work a Medigun? I can show them the basic controls and such." Sonja sighed, going over to where she left her Hit & Run. "Hey, guys, I'm finishing the respawn surgeries! Line up!" Sonja yelled.

Meanwhile, in an alternate universe, (Not really though unless you count the fact Charlotte sees an alternate universe) Charlotte existed. Not big surprise. Her lack of mention in this roleplay made her sad, as she was the comedic relief character. She knew this because she accidentally broke the fourth wall in a desperate attempt for icecream that was actually a rock. She later found some much more delicious, non-metamorphic frozen yoghurt. Then she found a blue phone box. It was the T.A.R.D.I.S, Then she went back in time with The Doctor and saved Gallifrey from the time war.

She was killed by a Dalek.


And then she slept. On the floor. In the respawn room.


((I don't even know wtf that was... But Charlotte was gone because I kinda forgot the stupid schizophrenic and now her tales of idiocy will continue!))
He will of course be met with the sight of a RED Medic holding him at several foot distance gunpoint. The top hat has been discarded onto the floor. His expression is hard and dares Lee to move out of turn.
"Deadly. You are going to approach the double doors and ask the Heavies posted outside if we can have some 'private time'. You are going to ask them, awkardly and with great discomfort, if they have any spare rubbers. And then when they leave you will walk back to the window." he orders, hammer pulled back and ready.
He rubs his face indicatively to show he has no disguise mask. "You've been had, mon ami. Your Spy has been issued a long overdue dirt nap and I have used this opportunity to infiltrate the head office. Now, do as I have commanded, or we start with the kidneys."
"Oh, so-" He sighed with relief, glad this git wasn't a Spy. "Oh thank god, that makes this so much easier." He approached the double doors with a warm smile on his face and headed outside for a moment, clearing his throat to address the two Heavies. "Can you two give us some private time and, if you have any, a couple of spare rubbers?" Truth be told, he didn't exactly remember to ask that question with great discomfort but it was kinda difficult to considering he wasn't being threatened by a Spy.

He still gripped his SMG in his right hand.
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He nearly pulled the trigger when the bloody fool OPENED THE DOORS instead of just SPEAKING THROUGH THEM...

The Heavies exchange looks, but otherwise shuffle off.
He waited there for a moment before looking back at the Medic. "They're either going off to get rubbers or they're just leaving. Not sure which." He held his SMG with a tighter grip, hoping there were still some rounds left in the clip.

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