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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

The HazPyro shared Lee's rage. They growled and hooted angrily until they tossed their flamethrower to the floor and grabbed the drunken Demoman, spinning him around as he gave a questioning grunt and a chuckle and tearing his stickybomb launcher from his lower back, popping five bombs onto the elevator doors and backing up. Everyone else backed away too, some with wide eyes.
Lee backed away quickly, knowing exactly what was going to happen. In fact, he even crouched and covered his ears with his left hand and his SMG, finger off the trigger.
The explosion rocked the building and could be heard from in the streets outside. The elevator doors flew into the shaft, hitting the cables and tumbling down to land on the descending elevator itself.

The sound of the elevator, the fading roar of the flamethrower above and the very heavy frightened breathing of the Pyro were the only noises Ramond could hear as he stared the poor BLU merc down mercilessly. Their shaking hands held their axe so tightly the rubber creaked and strained. He blinked as he heard the explosion and was too late to brace himself for the impact as the elevator was knocked awry, the doors sliding open in emergency mode and the Scout body slipping out, leaving blood everywhere. Ramond dropped the shotgun in his efforts to steady himself.

The HazPyro hefted their thrower again and peered downward. They turned to the Soldier and shouted something through their filter and then leapt into the shaft, wrapping their arms and legs around the cable and sliding down, flamethrower dangling in their other hand. It was very cool to watch. The Soldier nodded and repeated what he must have heard.
"Ninth floor! West side! Let's move it, men!" he barked, hurrying toward the stairwell again.
Lee was tempted to follow the Pyro down the shaft, but knew better than that. It wasn't a Spy they were dealing with, so the occasion would have to wait until later. He followed the Soldier towards the stairwell.
Taking no chances, Ramond plugged the imprisoned Pyro with three bullets to the chest from the pistol before scooping up the shotgun as they whimpered and toppled forward, still clutching their axe. Their body tumbled out into the shaft after the Scout. Ramond thumbed buttons until the elevator dinged pitifully and the shaft doors in front of him opened out into the ninth floor. Simply another storage floor, Ramond clambered up into the floor and broke into a sprint, eager to be out of here. The HazPyro landed on the elevator with a thud a few seconds later and fire filled the box.

A Medic looked up in shock and Ramond found no qualms with taking out enemy Medics, unloading another six shots at him as he cried out and collapsed onto a table, slipping and falling to floor, his limp arms dragging a clattering collection of blood splattered objects down with him. Ramond counted in his head as he hauled ass to the a window and looked outside quickly. He heard the thundering footsteps of the hunting party approaching from the stairs, including Lee, and turned to see the HazPyro drop down into the elevator box and fix him with a furious look, hauling itself onto the floor. Ramond seethed with a mixture of fear and anger as he made a regretful decision. He fired the last three shots from the pistol into the window and dropped the gun, throwing himself through the shattering glass.
Lee gazed out of the window and watched Ramond fall to the ground, smiling almost as evilly as the Medic probably would have/has done. He holstered his SMG and unholstered his Sydney Sleeper, peering through the scope at the RED Medic in preparation to fire a shot should he miraculously survive the fall.
He did indeed, falling only two stories before landing on another roof, ducking into a roll all the way down until he dropped off the other side, out of view of Lee before he could line up a shot. At least the consolation prize is still pissed; HazPyro rams Lee off to the side violently and hauls itself out the window, intending to follow suit but ending up crashing straight through the roof.
Lee dropped his rifle on the floor of the room as he was tossed aside. Seconds later, he couldn't help but smirk a little as he heard an equally violent crash and picked himself up off the floor. He peered out the window at the HazPyro-shaped hole and wondered out loud. "Huh, is that me when I chase Spies...?"
Luck favored the bold this day, as Ramond tumbles off the roof and into the back of a dump truck filled with... guns, actually. He lays on the guns in confusion for a moment before the crash of the HazPyro going through the roof of the warehouse he just jumped off of. There's no shouting; this part of the base seems disused. The HazPyro makes some noise. They're still alive. Ramond makes his moves immediately, clambering up out of the guns. He snags a pistol and opens it up, finding it empty. Empty guns. Useless.

He leaps down onto the front of the dusty truck, dropping onto the concrete drive. It's built off of the seventh floor of the base like a viaduct for vehicles, leading off into the rock wall of the Heatsink excavation crater. Assuming the Pyro to be hot on his heels until proven otherwise, he breaks into a sprint, ignoring his aching limbs and back.
Lee continued to peer through the scope of his rifle, still trying to get a quick clear shot on Ramond. Judging by what he assumed to be the Medic's alleged hatred of the Sniper's urine, he knew he wasn't going to let him leave without taking a crack at getting him doused in an unspeakable substance.

It's what he affectionately called "death by humiliation".
The dart leaves the rifle's barrel with great speed (considering that it was now fully charged) and not with a loud bang like the other rifles but with what sounded like, to Lee, a gentle thud. Should the dart connect with Ramond's body, it'll splatter pee all over him and give him a dose of a very light tranquilliser. It won't kill him or even knock him out, but he intended to make him stick out like a sore thumb AND give him a few seconds to realise what's just happened. Lee couldn't help but laugh.
Ramond was flung off his feet and went face first into the concrete as the dart SPHHLUDD'd into his back, splattering his hair and coat with putrid urine. He lay there, unmoving.
In the distance, Ramond could hear a distinctly British Sniper cackling evilly. "Now URINE trouble, Doctor!" He yelled the awful pun at Ramond from the window in between hysterical laughter.
Ramond coughed and grunted in pain, wheezing as he propped himself onto his elbow. He tried to get up, but his body refused to go that far just yet. But as he felt the sting and smelled the stink of true hate soaking into the back of his coat... he knew what he could do. He held himself on his elbow, coughing again, and reached into his coat, wrapping his hand around the revolver. Pulling the hammer back, pushing through the pain and the ache, he tilted himself and rolled onto his side with a gasp, looking back at the noisy window. With practiced skill and intent, he took aim with the last bullet in the revolver ready.

With a distant k-pow, a .357 round slaps Lee's hat right off of his head, barely missing his soft little skull and the precious brain matter within by an inch.
He gasped loudly as his hat was knocked off. Quickly, he kneeled down to pick it back up and reposition it on his head. "Touché, Doctor, but I think I'm going to end up being the least of your worries!" He wasn't afraid of being within a hair of death's cold touch, oddly enough. Maybe it was because he took pride in taunting other enemy Snipers and their poor aiming skills.
Dropping the revolver, Ramond took in a breath and finally managed to haul himself partway to his feet, leaning toward freedom and breaking into an agonized run as other BLUs took notice and let off potshots after him, laughing and taunting his yellowed state. He disappeared into the dark tunnels after a couple dozen feet.
He continued to chuckle after Ramond disappeared out of sight and held up his left hand for a high-five, looking around the surroundings of the room he was in. "Anyone?"
Nobody is there to high five you, except the Soldier. And he ain't having none of that. He growls and pushes you aside, shouldering his rocket launcher and peering out the window.
He grumbled and stood aside for the moment, lowering his rifle. "Think somebody should go check on the Pyro that chased him out there...or at least tried to chase him out there?"
"Negatory, maggot. He's fine. He's tough! Like me! At least I think he is. She. Irrelevant!" he barked, deciding it wasn't worth the rockets and lowering his gun. "We'll clean him out of the spiders and boxes after dinner. Her. Whatever."
Heh, probably an "it". Nobody knew HazPyro's gender but to Lee it really didn't matter as long as it could deal some serious damage to intruders, especially savage killing machines like that Medic. He chuckled and holstered his rifle. "It should be fine."
"Fine I can be medic for now I use to be a medic" As Nathan Wears a medic Coat with his Flame Retardent suit and equips the Hit & Run" Ok guys It's time to confront the oWn"

"Nice. I didn't know that." Sonja grinned as she stuffed an odd leather backpack that was lying on the ground with the contents of her purse. "Nate, extract the last DNA, I don't want any of you dead by the time I'm back. And don't forget to heal them after, okay? Will you need my saw and stuff or will you be using experimental weapons?" Sonja asked, swinging the backpack onto her shoulders, ready for an adventure that DIDN'T involve O.W.N and an extremely high chance of death! At least, she hoped not.

Charlotte had gotten up from the respawn floor by now and was making her way across the BLU base to find the semi-kitchen. Why? She knew for a fact that there were cookies there. And Charlotte friggin loved cookies. So she grabbed the jar of cookies and ate the jar. Of cookies. Not the actual jar, she's not Hulk or something.
Sonja's two hours had gone down into an hour and twenty minutes. If she wasn't on that train there would be hell to pay.

As the sun sets over Heatsink, Ramond rests for a while in the abandoned tunnels of the quarry walls. Using an old well of sorts he managed to rinse out his poor coat. It was so pristine and pressed when he'd arrived just a few hours ago. That Sniper was going to die for this.

The HazPyro was pulled, dazed and flat on their ass in a pile of computer parts, from the viatruck depot and thoroughly rehabilitated to the point where they were fully capable of expressing thorough outrage at the Medic's escape, and after having to be restrained they were left fuming in the mess hall long after every normal class had had their meals and moved onto cleaning up the bodies of their teammates and trying to put the affair out of their minds.

Only the Snipers were left to fetch their foodstuff from the hall now that everyone had had their fill. It was typical; everyone except the Engineers and Snipers would fill up while the Engineers ate their food while working and the Snipers didn't like to be around other people when eating, much more used to solitary meals. While they were generally put off by the idea of eating near their other comrades, fellow Snipers were at least worth a good chat about shooting heads off of people's shoulders. Well, except for Lee. He used a dartgun instead. He was looked down upon for that, though nobody said anything to his face.

By the time Lee shows up to get his food after debriefing over the Medic, HazPyro is there, arms folded and sitting at the table in front of the fridges. Glaring at him through the metal protective mask.


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