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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

"Ey, Sniping's a good job mate" Evie retorted as she threw around a bottle of jarate, "Amusing doc. You talk about gross sh*t and yet you all cringe when I use this."

Ghost shuddered at Evie's words and stepped towards Sonja's side. His interest grew when she mentioned dead bodies for some reason, "If you need someone to fetch you more dead bodies, I'd be happy to help. For a fee of course" he chuckled.
"Ay, o.W.n." Said Bonk."I remember them. They are all friggin' idiots! At least, if you count executing multiple members of the team for making one mistake." Bonk shuddered at that."I used to be part of them. I was selected for execution because I stood up to a commander. Surprising that they would want me back, it feels like a trap." Bonk turned to Evie. "Blood is a bit different than piss, Evie, however, I guess I'm just as guilty with this milk. Or is it milk..."
"What the f**king f**k, why the f**king f**k, GET THAT BULLS**T OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS. I SWEAR TO GOD IF IT ISN'T MILK I'LL STAB A BITCH." Sonja stated, barely blinking an eye. Calming down almost instantly, she turned to Ghost. "Yeah, no. The money I spend is for coffee, air freshener and bribing all scouts ever to LEAVE THEIR SUPPOSED MILK OUTSIDE THE WARD. Thank you for the offer, I'll pass." she said nonchalantly, picking up her dove and stroking him. "He's hungry. I'll be right back." She said, walking into the surgery room to get bird feed or something.
Evie looked at Bonk and snickered, "Mate, even I ain't that gross" she smacked his back in a friendly manner.

Ghost looked at Sonja and chuckled, "You're a medic, aren't you supposed to be used to being surrounded by weird liquids?"
"Eh. Still don't wanna know what that milk is." she replied casually, still hunting out bird feed for her dove. She turned her attention to what Nathan said. "I'm not joining. I didn't know what OWN was a second ago, and now I know that it executes people. I'm out. Besides, if I lug a load of corpses into their base along with my other crap I'm pretty sure I won't be around long."
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"Heh, wait, why were we talking about o.W.n again? Oh right, o.W.n is here! Wait... o.W.n is here. AH CRAP!" Bonk yelled, rushing to close anything someone can see through. "O.W.n never comes to a RED and BLU facility without an amazing reason. Nathan, I don't think that is a recruitment list, I think that's an execution list. Think about it, why would they want me back? That's why the respawns have been breaking, they'll do anything to kill someone. But how did they find us?!" Bonk yelled nervously.
"Wait, why exactly do they want ME execut- The syringe. Ok, teams aside, you guys need to help me get rid of the syringe and the notes. If they find it, they get one of the most powerful amplifiers in the world, if I do say so myself. Why are we special to them, so much so they want us dead? For Bonk, he escaped previous execution, for me, they want my notes, formulas, and the syringe itself. They want Nathan because he managed to follow one of their members... But why you two?" Sonja thought out loud, setting her dove down and abandoning the bird feed, then turning to Ghost and Evie. "What did you do that makes O.W.N want you dead? Backstab someone you weren't supposed to? Headshot someone they wanted for theirselves? I need answers. Someone get my laptop and a stress ball, I'm hacking their website. Bonk, did you have an ID to get in or something?" Sonja was already hyperventilating, absolutely determined to get answers and stop the organisation that wanted her and her semi-friends dead.

Jack smiles, strapping on his trusty B.A.S.E Jumper, grabbing his Half Zatoichi, and loading up his Air Strike. He was finally ready, to rocket jump LIKE A TOTAL BADASS!!!! He aimed at the ground, firing a rocket and rocket jumping straight into red base's ceiling. "Oww...." Why he'd thought that trying to rocket jump indoors was a good idea just then still eluded him.
"Eh, I dunno if it still works, but, here it is." Said Bonk as he pulled out a slip of paper from his pockets."N-1-0-9, there. I'm also curious though, buds, why would they want you?"
Evie raised a brow. "It could have something to do with my previous affiliation with the Australian Secret Intelligence Service although that was a long LONG time ago...." she rubbed her chin then shrugged her shoulders, "Besides. I haven't heard of OWN until now."

Ghost stayed silent as he smoked his cigarette and exhaled deeply.
Hmm.... Gasp... I remember they were loading something into a van it screemed I didn't oh God guys you better barricade fast I think we're screwed
"Australian Intel Society? Hm, if I'm correct they wanted to wipe out most intel stations, and their members." Bonk said as he turned to Nathan. "Now, they had something in a van that screamed? I dunno what that could be..."
Sonja typed the code into the website. "Access granted. They must have really lazy moderators. Ok, wanted tab and... We're there. Sonja Varkenheins, Bob ((last name here)), Evie ((last name here)), Nathan ((last name here)), uh... No mention of any Ghosts, I'm assuming you're not gonna tell me which lucky duck is you. No reasons given for any of us, either. Ah, they're clickable! What did I expect? Well, good news everyone, we are on O.W.N's wanted list. I have some boards in the waiting room. Ghost, steal the engineer's toolbox so we can board the windows and such. The ward is officially on lock-down. Nathan, guard the door, just in case. Evie, use your scope to check outside, we'll leave a viewing space in the boards, just a crack. And, Bonk... Er... Is that crap REALLY milk?" She adresssed everyone in a professional manner, trying not to have an anxiety attack.
"Well then. We're wanted on an international terrorist society? So much for trying to find dirt on them here....." Evie hissed then sighed, "Damn it. Cover's been blown" she snickered as she patted Ghost on the shoulder.

"Abort everything and survive, huh?" Ghost snickered as he looked at Sonja's screen, "This is why I use nicknames and not my actual name. You just suck Evie."

"Screw you, I happen to like my name. I don't care if everyone knows about Evie Price but it's too late now. They sniffed out the deep undercover agent in me" she shrugged her shoulders and chuckled, "You're gonna barricade up in here?? Wouldn't that make it easier to overrun this place?" she looked towards Nathan who brought up OWN in the first place.
*Hey I just stumbled on one of their spies they would've ambushed us anyways the thing in the van was an A.I. I know you might think to yourself how is that possible well comeon we can't die! So and well I know the A.I. it's name is Lambda we used to be friends when I wasn't apart of red and served under Saxton Hale he was the person who helped me build and test weapons last I saw him he defused a dirty bomb sent by O.W.N. maybe thats why they are targeting us?..
"I-I don't know, ok? It's better than... I... We have wifi in here, meaning we can search the website for anything useful to us. Each of us has a weapon, right? If not, I've got a bonesaw and syringe gun somewhere in here-" Sonja's breathless speech was interrupted by gunfire outside the ward. Either the sentry had been set off, or O.W.N was here. Sonja sprinted to the surgery room and grabbed her purple syringe related stuff and shoved it in a nearby purse, not taking much care. She then grabbed her Übersaw and smashed a nearby window, motioning for everyone to jump. She jumped first, landing on a roof just below the window. She waited for everyone to get out, before sprinting to the BLU base. "We need to get to somewhere secure. O.W.N thinks we're somewhere in the RED base. Do you guys have a saferoom or something?" Sonja asked shakily, clearly about to have another meltdown.
Sonja climbed into the front seat and went to work with a bobby pin. Before long the engine started up. "Who's driving?" She asked, twitching a bit from panic and anxiety.
*I am I'm the only one who knows other than hale where it is. As Nathan starts the engine he hears gunshots. *ok lets go!
Jack sighs, deciding it would be best to head out of red base if he wanted to rocket jump. No point in hitting his head on the ceiling every single time he tried. Or was there? No there wasn't. He sighed, replacing the shot he'd just wasted due to his own stupidity before heading out of red base.
"You sure that we have to go to the Hale saferoom or whatever, we have a bunker underneath the Blu Intel room." Bonk yelled, running beside the car, carrying the "milk", prepared to throw it at anyone who came near.

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