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Fandom Red Vs Blu: The Very Retarded Battle. (TF2 Roleplay.)

DarkLordFTW said:
(Staff, what do you mean by that? Like he stands in for you as owner of the rp?)
((Basically, yeah. Not completely though. I'm in the middle of creating a few rules for him to follow.))
Dean backpedals from the group, firing his Pomson at Ethan. He ends up backing into the vagineer, and nearly shoots it in surprise. Dean quickly moves past it and pulls out his PDA. He types in a code, and a large toolbox materializes on the ground. "Dispenser going up!"

The Mini-Sentry begins scuttling in circles around Pyrecter, firing and beeping wildly. It stops short however, when it notices Charlotte sitting around with her dolls. It scurries over towards her and beeps angrily, then points at the o.W.n men with one of its legs.
Garbacca said:
Dean backpedals from the group, firing his Pomson at Ethan. He ends up backing into the vagineer, and nearly shoots it in surprise. Dean quickly moves past it and pulls out his PDA. He types in a code, and a large toolbox materializes on the ground. "Dispenser going up!"
The Mini-Sentry begins scuttling in circles around Pyrecter, firing and beeping wildly. It stops short however, when it notices Charlotte sitting around with her dolls. It scurries over towards her and beeps angrily, then points at the o.W.n men with one of its legs.
Seeing the engineer build a sentry,the vagineer walks over.".uoy pleh ll'I sseug I os em tohs ton evah uoY"the vagineer spits out a jag from its mouth and starts helping the engi build the dispenser.though if the engineer were to look at the pad when it's finished.it would have more health then a dispenser usally has.
"Kay." Sonja said, pinning down Pyrecter with her foot and slamming her bonesaw into THEIR FACEHOLE until they were as good as dead.

Charlotte waved to the sentry, and though she couldn't be heard through the van's door what she said went something along the lines of, "Oh hi kitten guard junior! Would you cake? I have straw burrow, van killer and offers but they are imigration cake! I was joust heaping the grills out with deafening evil doctor spy crap and had no tEm to made rail cake!" So in other words it was practically impossible to translate.
MTchaos1134 said:
Seeing the engineer build a dispenser,the vagineer walks over.".uoy pleh ll'I sseug I os em tohs ton evah uoY"the vagineer spits out a jag from its mouth and starts helping the engi build the dispenser.though if the engineer were to look at the pad when it's finished.it would have more health then a dispenser usally has.
Dean gives the Vagineer a thumbs up once the dispenser was finished. "Much obliged, pardner." He then begins to spam more Pomson bolts at the o.W.n, as well as vaporizing any projectiles that might come their way with the Short Circuit.

Dawn2Dusk said:
"Kay." Sonja said, pinning down Pyrecter with her foot and slamming her bonesaw into THEIR FACEHOLE until they were as good as dead.
Charlotte waved to the sentry, and though she couldn't be heard through the van's door what she said went something along the lines of, "Oh hi kitten guard junior! Would you cake? I have straw burrow, van killer and offers but they are imigration cake! I was joust heaping the grills out with deafening evil doctor spy crap and had no tEm to made rail cake!" So in other words it was practically impossible to translate.
The Mini stood there for a moment, trying to understand what it just heard. It's head suddenly sparks, and it perks up, remembering the battle. It ran back towards Dean and the Vagineer, shooting anyone that got to close to them and the dispenser (read: everything).
Garbacca said:
Dean gives the Vagineer a thumbs up once the dispenser was finished. "Much obliged, pardner." He then begins to spam more Pomson bolts at the o.W.n, as well as vaporizing any projectiles that might come their way with the Short Circuit.
The Mini stood there for a moment, trying to understand what it just heard. It's head suddenly sparks, and it perks up, remembering the battle. It ran back towards Dean and the Vagineer, shooting anyone that got to close to them and the dispenser (read: everything).
The vagineer gives a thumbs up back,then pulls out a toolbox and starts to make a exit teleporter
MTchaos1134 said:
The vagineer gives a thumbs up back,then pulls out a toolbox and starts to make a exit teleporter
Dean helps set up the teleporter, to distracted to see Mini continue to shoot anything that isn't BLU. It seems to have forgotten that RED and BLU are currently truced to fight the o.W.n, which means that Sonja, Triggerhappy, and Painis were now in danger of being shot.
Ubel shot a critical syringe at Nathan, hoping it would stun him, and he pulled out his saw and moved in and started hacking away at Nathan.

Bonk decided to stop looking at Pyrecter's dead corpse, and looked over to see that Sonja was getting shot at by the sentry, so he slipped on his Supah Speed Boots and rushed to her aid, picked her up, and dropped her off at a rock. "Stay here while I try and 'fix' Dean's sentry. 'Kay?" Bonk rushed of and started doing one of the most annoying things that an engie can think of, he started beating the **** out of it with his bat. He also screamed, "NEED A DISPENSER HERE!" over and over. @Garbacca @Dawn2Dusk @VirtualNotoriety
DarkLordFTW said:
Ubel shot a critical syringe at Nathan, hoping it would stun him, and he pulled out his saw and moved in and started hacking away at Nathan.
Bonk decided to stop looking at Pyrecter's dead corpse, and looked over to see that Sonja was getting shot at by the sentry, so he slipped on his Supah Speed Boots and rushed to her aid, picked her up, and dropped her off at a rock. "Stay here while I try and 'fix' Dean's sentry. 'Kay?" Bonk rushed of and started doing one of the most annoying things that an engie can think of, he started beating the **** out of it with his bat. He also screamed, "NEED A DISPENSER HERE!" over and over. @Garbacca @Dawn2Dusk @VirtualNotoriety
Mini screeched and launched itself at Bonk. It clutched onto his face and began repeatedly smacking him with one of it's legs, still trying to shoot Sonja from behind the rock.

Dean heard Bonk's shout and turned towards him. "I already have a dis- OH ****!" In a very panicked fashion, Dean yanked his PDA from his pocket and fumbled to type in the password to disable the sentry. He finally puts in the right one, and Mini falls off Bonk's face. Dean picks up his Dispenser and hauls it over to Bonk. "I'm so sorry bou't that, I've been working on this darn thing's AI for a while now and it still has some bugs I have to fix."
"Yeah well, hope ya get it fixed soon, man, a mini-sentry is one of the most horrifying things ever. Ever. Period." Bonk said, rubbing just about all of his face.
.When dean said a bad thing,Beta vagineer shot his hand at dean,and it hit him in the back of the head.".gnisruc oN !yeH"he said as his hand instantly regenrated.
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MTchaos1134 said:
.When dean said a bad thing,Painis shot his hand at dean,and it hit him in the back of the head.".gnisruc oN !yeH"he said as his hand instantly regenrated.
(You mean Vagineer) "OW!" Dean cried out, rubbing the back of his head. He had to stop for a moment to process what Vagineer had said, then replied. "Ok, sorry 'bout that to."

DarkLordFTW said:
"Yeah well, hope ya get it fixed soon, man, a mini-sentry is one of the most horrifying things ever. Ever. Period." Bonk said, rubbing just about all of his face.
"Yeah, this little gremlin has had his share of trouble. He likes to deviate from his programming. He's even tried to shoot me once or twice." Dean pulls a toolbox out of thin air and opens it, before lifting up Mini and placing it inside. He lifts the box onto his shoulder before surveying the battlefield.
DarkLordFTW said:
Spencer jerked upright from within the oWn base, and followed the sound for sore dispenser ears. He planted himself right next to Bonk, dispensing ammunition and health packs as a dispenser does.
"As Nathan was Stabbed Once by Ubel in the chest he Punched Ubel right in the jaw making him stumble back, Nathan removing the Saw from his Chest he broke it in half throwing it away as Nathan started healing from the Injection"Is that the Best you got Medic"As a Newly Spawned Pyrecter Appears from the Truck, Cracking his Neck"Hey Sonja! Surprised to see me?"As Pyrecter begins to chase Sonja with a Powerjack while Nathan squares off with Ubel"Ethan build us a Sentry! we need a hand with these Traitors"Understood Captain!"As Ethan builds a Mini Sentry aiming at Sonja, Nathan Grabs Ubel's arm as he dislocates it"How do you like this Traitor!"As Ubel Screams from his Dislocated Arm, Nathan looks at Bonk"

Garbacca said:
(You mean Vagineer) "OW!" Dean cried out, rubbing the back of his head. He had to stop for a moment to process what Vagineer had said, then replied. "Ok, sorry 'bout that to."
"Yeah, this little gremlin has had his share of trouble. He likes to deviate from his programming. He's even tried to shoot me once or twice." Dean pulls a toolbox out of thin air and opens it, before lifting up Mini and placing it inside. He lifts the box onto his shoulder before surveying the battlefield.
(Fixed it,I was tired at the time.)

VirtualNotoriety said:
"As Nathan was Stabbed Once by Ubel in the chest he Punched Ubel right in the jaw making him stumble back, Nathan removing the Saw from his Chest he broke it in half throwing it away as Nathan started healing from the Injection"Is that the Best you got Medic"As a Newly Spawned Pyrecter Appears from the Truck, Cracking his Neck"Hey Sonja! Surprised to see me?"As Pyrecter begins to chase Sonja with a Powerjack while Nathan squares off with Ubel"Ethan build us a Sentry! we need a hand with these Traitors"Understood Captain!"As Ethan builds a Mini Sentry aiming at Sonja, Nathan Grabs Ubel's arm as he dislocates it"How do you like this Traitor!"As Ubel Screams from his Dislocated Arm, Nathan looks at Bonk"

Painis sees Ethan making a mini sentry,so Painis charges at Ethan and head butts him."fight like a man!"Painis said,raising his fists.

Ubel snaps his arm back into place, saying "It's unpleasant, but less so when you have medical experience. I see why you were a Reaper Captain, however. Powerful indeed. But not too smart. Heh, you see, as general, I implanted chips into your brain, but you already know this don't you? Let me get to the good part, I saw to it that a failsafe was made for leaders who decided to leave o.W.n, but were too powerful to be brought back to o.W.n. This failsafe was a deadly neurotoxin, which only I could activate, so that others couldn't just press a button to kill someone they didn't like or to gain more power in o.W.n. I still have the activator. Because, you see, all I need to say is this to kill you, Reaper Captain Nathaniel C. Vincent, I denounce from o.W.n and hereby release you from o.W.n, say hallo to the devil when you meet him." Said Ubel, an evil look in his eye, he loved doing this to 'other traitors', however, he does know that the toxin can be cured by drinking green tea, so in case he made a mistake he could give them the antidote, which he told to some of his lower officers. He realizes that Pyrecter might know the cure and mentally slaps hisself.

"Oh." Bonk says, feeling a bit small.
"Pyrecter laughs at Ubel"You think we didn't know about those chips Ubel, we had the General remove them from us, and further more those Nanobots in the Captain's brain should have already removed the threat, Hey Captain kill Ubel first I want the satisfaction to kill Bonk myself"As Nathaniel looks back at Ubel getting ready to dismember the ex o.W.n. Medic"Heheheh, I'm going to enjoy torturing you Ubel"As Pyrecter hits Bonk on the head with the powerjack, Nathan equips his Shotgun pumping rounds into Ubel"
VirtualNotoriety said:
"Pyrecter laughs at Ubel"You think we didn't know about those chips Ubel, we had the General remove them from us, and further more those Nanobots in the Captain's brain should have already removed the threat, Hey Captain kill Ubel first I want the satisfaction to kill Bonk myself"As Nathaniel looks back at Ubel getting ready to dismember the ex o.W.n. Medic"Heheheh, I'm going to enjoy torturing you Ubel"As Pyrecter hits Bonk on the head with the powerjack, Nathan equips his Shotgun pumping rounds into Ubel"
A toolbox is sent into the air from behind a rock. It lands a short distance in front of Ubel and Nathan. It bursts open almost immediately, and a Mini-Sentry pops out. It begins circling around Nathan, firing everything it's got at him. Dean runs out from behind the rock towards Pyrecter and Bonk, firing his Pomson at Pyrecter.
"This is a very conveniently shaped rock." Sonja deadpanned, not entirely noticing the fact that she was chased by a madman (whom she had just murdered) equipped with a giant hammer. Fortunately, in kindergarten, she slightly aspired to be a gymnast! That aspiration was soon taken over by the aspiration to create a cupcake that turned people into puppies. So, using the very skillful skills she learnt by watching half a segment of a gymnastics tournament when she was four, she attempted to kick away Pyrecter's Powerjack. She missed and almost broke her entire foot, but she still dodged the attack.

Meanwhile, Charlotte was clawing at the window rabidly, absolutely SEETHING. Why? PYRECTER STOLE HER MAGICAL UNICORN HAMMER THAT FIXES ALL INJURIES AND STOPS POVERTY, AND HER HATRED FOR RESPAWN HAD BEEN UNJUSTIFIED, AS THE RESPAWN WAS INNOCENT! She grabbed her Powerjack and smashed the glass, jumped out and screamed in fury, "I AM GOING TO UTTERLY DESTROY YOU WITH KINDNESS, FRIENDSHIP AND PACIFISM!" before sprinting over to him and absolutely bashing his skull in. "Wow, um, okay, what the f**k, Charlotte?!" Sonja yelled a bit too loudly, recoiling in shock. "Swearing is bad. Don't swear. " Charlotte pouted, before launching back into rage. "AND YOU! STOP BUILDING THAT KITTEN GUARD JUNIOR THIS INSTANT! I DON'T WANT INNOCENTS CAUGHT UP IN YOUR REIN OF TERROR! I'M GONNA POUND YOU INTO A BALL OF HAPPINESS AND SMILES!" She screeched loathingly, as the roleplayer slowly ran out of words for anger, as she ran over to Ethan and smashed his ribcage. "There we go! I'm gonna go back inside. Tell those two chaps that I'm sorry if I offended them in any way." Charlotte smiled, skipping over to the truck and jumping in, resuming her quest to help out her dolls.
Dawn2Dusk said:
"This is a very conveniently shaped rock." Sonja deadpanned, not entirely noticing the fact that she was chased by a madman (whom she had just murdered) equipped with a giant hammer. Fortunately, in kindergarten, she slightly aspired to be a gymnast! That aspiration was soon taken over by the aspiration to create a cupcake that turned people into puppies. So, using the very skillful skills she learnt by watching half a segment of a gymnastics tournament when she was four, she attempted to kick away Pyrecter's Powerjack. She missed and almost broke her entire foot, but she still dodged the attack.
Meanwhile, Charlotte was clawing at the window rabidly, absolutely SEETHING. Why? PYRECTER STOLE HER MAGICAL UNICORN HAMMER THAT FIXES ALL INJURIES AND STOPS POVERTY, AND HER HATRED FOR RESPAWN HAD BEEN UNJUSTIFIED, AS THE RESPAWN WAS INNOCENT! She grabbed her Powerjack and smashed the glass, jumped out and screamed in fury, "I AM GOING TO UTTERLY DESTROY YOU WITH KINDNESS, FRIENDSHIP AND PACIFISM!" before sprinting over to him and absolutely bashing his skull in. "Wow, um, okay, what the f**k, Charlotte?!" Sonja yelled a bit too loudly, recoiling in shock. "Swearing is bad. Don't swear. " Charlotte pouted, before launching back into rage. "AND YOU! STOP BUILDING THAT KITTEN GUARD JUNIOR THIS INSTANT! I DON'T WANT INNOCENTS CAUGHT UP IN YOUR REIN OF TERROR! I'M GONNA POUND YOU INTO A BALL OF HAPPINESS AND SMILES!" She screeched loathingly, as the roleplayer slowly ran out of words for anger, as she ran over to Ethan and smashed his ribcage. "There we go! I'm gonna go back inside. Tell those two chaps that I'm sorry if I offended them in any way." Charlotte smiled, skipping over to the truck and jumping in, resuming her quest to help out her dolls.
Dean stopped when Charlotte lost it and killed Pyrecter and probably Ethan too. He quickly turns his attention to Ubel, and runs over, firing at Nathan with the Pomson. Mini was still firing, or at least was trying to, as it had used up all of its ammo. Most of the shots missed as well. @VirtualNotoriety
"Ohoho! Interesting! Who is this 'new' general? Who did you get to replace me?" Asked Ubel, in between dodging shotgun pellets. He pulled out his syringe gun and fire a few more 'medicine' syringes into Nathan's eyes, and decided to take a tactical retreat to the back of the truck. "Hold them off, I have an idea, Dean, is it? Get back here, I'll need you construction expertise!" Shouted Ubel.

"Ow! Ho boy, I'm gonna blast you into the next Yankee's game for that! And they're gonna lose!" As Bonk says this, he pulls out his shotgun and meatshotted him, so by now his face was looking like potato salad, after being bashed in by Char and that meatshot that was mentioned about 24 words from now.
DarkLordFTW said:
"Ohoho! Interesting! Who is this 'new' general? Who did you get to replace me?" Asked Ubel, in between dodging shotgun pellets. He pulled out his syringe gun and fire a few more 'medicine' syringes into Nathan's eyes, and decided to take a tactical retreat to the back of the truck. "Hold them off, I have an idea, Dean, is it? Get back here, I'll need you construction expertise!" Shouted Ubel.
"Ow! Ho boy, I'm gonna blast you into the next Yankee's game for that! And they're gonna lose!" As Bonk says this, he pulls out his shotgun and meatshotted him, so by now his face was looking like potato salad, after being bashed in by Char and that meatshot that was mentioned about 24 words from now.
Dean stumbles and follows Ubel in his tactical retreat to the back of the truck. Once behind it, he whips out his Construction PDA. "Whaddya need, doc?"

Hearing Ubel's order to hold them off, Mini threw itself at Nathan, doing the only thing it could do while out of ammo. It began forcefully jabbing Nathan in the face, legs, and every sensitive area it could find.
Garbacca said:
Dean stumbles and follows Ubel in his tactical retreat to the back of the truck. Once behind it, he whips out his Construction PDA. "Whaddya need, doc?"
Hearing Ubel's order to hold them off, Mini threw itself at Nathan, doing the only thing it could do while out of ammo. It began forcefully jabbing Nathan in the face, legs, and every sensitive area it could find.
Seeing mini out of ammo,beta vagineer ran up and restocked some of its ammo.

Painis got bored and sat on a conveniently placed lawn chair watching the fight will drinking an adult drink.

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