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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I'm so sorry boys. I really, truly am." Hot tears now began to roll down Johnathan's cheeks as he watched the two boys sob. They had lost everything they truly loved now and it shattered his heart to have to see it. "I wish there was something I can do...but this time I can't. I can't do anything but comfort you."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I feel sick..." Joseph sobbed, and then quickly sat up, his face pale and his eyes filled to the brim with tears. His cheeks were red from how much he'd been crying, and his whole body was shaking. He could feel it coming. He knew he was going to throw up almost right away, so the first thing he did was make a dash out of the bedroom and straight to the bathroom a couple of doors down - he flew into the bathroom and dropped down in front of the toilet, and then began vomiting up everything he'd ate and drank in the past hour. God, eggs, a bacon sandwich, and orange juice. It looked so horrible, but he didn't care about that.

He was dead.


George kept on crying once he left, tightly gripping his teddy bear and holding it at his side. He curled up into a ball and kept his face in his pillow, and kept on sobbing. This was all too much pain. He didn't want to go through it any more. He wanted everything back. He wanted to go back in time to when his mother and father were both still here, back when he could call for anyone and they'd come running... It hurt too much to think that that was gone.
"I'm so sorry George." He leaned forward and hugged him tightly. Trying so hard to try and stay strong for him and Joseph. "I wish I could do more for you...I really do...just know that everything is gonna be okay...I'll be here for you boys. I'm not going anywhere."(@DrTrollinski )
George didn't want to be hugged. He didn't want to do anything. He quickly shuffled away and then dived under the blanket of his bed, and then pulled it over his head. He wanted to be alone right now. He needed to be alone, for some odd reason. He was lucky he ate just now, because now, speech seemed like a nightmare, and even thinking about food made him feel sick. He just hid himself right up against the wall and continued sobbing.

Joseph flushed the toilet and then wiped his mouth, followed by collapsing down against the wall right beside it and burying his face in his knees. He started crying, too. Well, he already was, but now he was crying more.


".. I have a little boy just like you." Vincent smiled at the young child that had come up to him. The boy smiled back and nervously rotated one foot on the ground.

".. What's his name?"

"His name's George... What's your name?" He asked.


"Well, it's nice to meet you, Mark... Don't you worry about me, okay? I fell over outside and cut my lip, and... now... now daddy's helping me fix it up, okay? You run along and find something fun to do... Your daddy will be with you soon." Vincent said.

"Okay!" He smiled, and then shot out of the room and went down the hallway. Vincent slowly looked up at Johnny, whom of which had a sad look shot right across his face. He hadn't seen Vincent for so long. He didn't even know that he had children. How odd. It sort of changed everything, but he knew Vincent would kill him at the first chance he got... He needed to finish him off, but... He couldn't.

He said nothing and stormed out of the room.
Johnathan didn't try and force him to seek comfort from him. He just needed to be alone right now, that much was clear. "I'll...I'll be nearby if you need me. Okay? Anything at all you just call for me, I don't care if it's in Italian or anything okay?" He pat his back gently. "I need to go check on your brother..." He stood to head to the bathroom to see how Joseph was doing.(@DrTrollinski )
"I can't believe he's gone..." Joseph sobbed as soon John came into view. "Now me and George and Michael have got NO ONE left... First mom... And now dad!" He cried, and then broke out into manic sobbing and crying. (@Axel1313)
"I know I know...and I am so sorry Joseph...but you are not alone. You still have your brothers and soon enough....if everything goes smoothly. You'll have Colette and I. How does that sound?" It seemed a bit early to even mention that, especially after he'd just told them the terrible news. But he wanted him to know that they still had someone there for them.(@DrTrollinski )
He kept crying and sobbing, not saying a word after that. He didn't really know what to say. John may have been a legal guardian, and he loved him like he was family, but he didn't know what he wanted right now. He didn't even know what he was going to do, because living with John and Colette would mean that he, George, and Michael would all have to move out - He didn't think he'd be able to do that.

He slowly stood up and went to John's side, hugging him tight.

"Can we--.. Can we go and sit out by the boats?" He asked in a sob. "Just for a little while?" He added. (@Axel1313)
John did not hesitate to hug him back. "Yeah...we can go sit out by the boats. That's no trouble at all." He pat his back. "Whatever makes you feel any better bud."(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph sniffled and sobbed for the whole way there. The sun was blaring down on them as soon as they got outside, and seeing as he was in his PJ's, it wasn't actually unbearably hot out here. The fresh air hit him pretty hard, but his body felt empty from how much he'd vomited. He wasn't sure if he was ever going to be able to eat again. That was a perfectly good breakfast that went, quite literally, down the drain. He knew that all the anxiety caused by this was going to result in him having a very bad upset stomach again, but that was something they could deal with later on.

Once they were at the end of the wooden jetty, he pulled John down to sit on the edge so they could dangle their legs above the calm waters. It was very nice indeed.

"This..." He sniffled and leaned against John. ".. This is where dad taught me to fish, and--.. and to 'appreciate things'... I don't think I ever knew what he meant by the appreciation part until--.. until now." He sniffled quietly. The main shock of his dad's death was out of the way, but the sadness had far from passed. (@Axel1313)
"This is a beautiful place." Johnathan sighed as he sat down next to Joseph at the end of the jetty. "You never know until something like this happens." He looked down at him sadly. At least he had an idea of what the boys were going through. He had no idea if his father was dead or not, but he definitely still had the memories of all the good times and advice he'd been given. The pain was still there too whenever he thought about it. "You're father was a great man...I know you'll make him proud."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I hope so..." He sighed a little bit, and then sniffled once again. ".. I know what he meant now, though..." He said, gulping a little. ".. He meant that you need to appreciate things as much as you can, because you never know when they'll be gone... Like... That tree over the other side of the lake... that could be cut down, and a new one could grow in its place, but it'll never be the same tree." He took a deep breath and sniffled a few times. ".. I--.. I guess dad was one of those things, huh?" He whimpered in question. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan sniffled and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. "Yeah...yeah. That's a good way to explain it...A part of him will always be with you though. The memories and all that...as long as you keep those it'll be like he never left to begin with."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I was five years old when he brought me out here and taught me to fish." He smiled sadly and hugged John for a moment. ".. It was a long time ago, but... I still remember it like it happened yesterday." He took a deep breath. ".. John..." He gulped. ".. My dad did more than just the vineyard, didn't he...? I remember I used to beg him to let me go to State School, but... He never said why... He always said that we had enough money for better education, but... I never believed him. Even my mom couldn't talk him into it..." He sighed. (@Axel1313)
You never forget the small things like that." He gave him a soft smile. That dropped though when he heard the next question "I....he...um.." Oh God...did he come clean about what Vincent really did or not? "Well...I'm not sure about the better education bit, I only went to State School so that's all I knew, but as for your dad...he. May have had another job of sorts."(@DrTrollinski )
"What kind of job?" He asked. Would it really be right to reveal it? Vincent had said that he was never going to let any of the boys get involved in that sort of stuff, because he wanted them to make an 'honest living' - would it really be right to betray his trust and let Joseph know the truth, now that he was dead? Or would it be better to potentially lean Joseph towards a life of crime? Decisions, decisions... (@Axel1313)
"It was the....honest kind." He must have looked like a deer in the headlights. Should he tell him or make up some sort of lie to keep them in dark and from a potential life of crime? It was such a difficult decision! On one hand he was betraying Vincent's trust, but on the other...the boys did deserve to know the truth about all of this. Especially now that their father was killed because of it. "He...dealt with business in things around the city..."(@DrTrollinski )
"You mean... Like... Real estate?" He asked, scratching his head. "Or did he deal with some sort of big security kind of thing? Is that why he ended up going to Venice?" He asked. He was completely clueless, all of this didn't make sense, but the security thing would explain why people would be scared to mess with Joseph at school. Sort of. (@Axel1313)
"Big security kind of thing. Something like that." That was a good thing to go with. It was...sort of close to the truth. Close enough that he could make something up. Hopefully. "Let's just say he was a very important man and very well known in the city."(@DrTrollinski )
"Right." He sniffled a little and leaned against him. ".. So... What are we gonna' do now?" He asked. ".. Now that--.. now that both my parents are gone..." He gulped heavily. (@Axel1313)
"I have no idea right now buddy...I know it's going to be quite a process to actually adopt you boys, but we'll make sure it happens..." He scratched the back of his head. "But before even that...I have no idea. We'll have to get through this and see."(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright..." He took a deep breath and stared down at the water, sniffling a little. "John...

Do you know how he died...?" He gulped in question. (@Axel1313)
"I don't know exactly..." He took in a deep breath. "All I was told was that he was....he was killed by somebody...I'm not even sure who." He hated to tell him that part, but there wasn't really any way he could sugar coat that part. They would find out eventually.(@DrTrollinski )
DeMarcus puts his hand to his forehead, and head down. In his other hand his revolver it loosely gripped and smells of gunpowder. One of the men with him tentatively begins to say, "Mr. B-" before he is cut off with a nudge in the side. DeMarcus shakes his head, and looks down at one man propped up against an old Honda. "I just don't see why any of this was necessary," DeMarcus said disappointedly though with obvious tinges of anger. He went on, "False reports and check ins. Skimming money of the top of money that was ALREADY skimmed - or rather chopped in half! You just can't 'start-up' a new gang. First, you'd have to get some kind of protection, preferably from a rival... but not that I should even bother telling you this. You thought it'd be a good idea to oppose your own mafia!" As his tone began to rise in anger, he took another deep breath in before continuing. "Look... we're mafia we protect the people - help 'em. These towns don't need to be confused with multiple gangs. They don't need any more violence then they already have. I bet, nah, I know your grandma lives here. She don't want anymore trouble than is here. But you let her down. You let your family down. You let our family down. Ya see, we in the Disciples we can care for the people. That's why I'm not gonna send your mom back a dead body. But you can't just going 'round high on your own stash dreaming about power. And you certainly don't snitch. So I'm gonna have a few of my men here, take you back to the warehouse for a bit, knock some sense into you, and then cut off bit of tongue so you can't snitch anymore." Demarcus stepped back and motioned with his gun towards the man so the men would come and start taking him off. He was grabbed by his shoulders, and was loose between the two men. Demarcus smiled at him, "Now I let you off easy this time. Don't do this again." He nodded and a bag was put over the man's head and loaded into an SUV which drove off. Demarcus helped pile up the remaining bodies onto a flatbed truck. Another man would handle the bodies, not my job. Demarcus headed to his car, but turned to adress those still here, "Good job today, remember The Disciples run this." He climbed into his car, and sighed. His parents had called during the fire fight. He smiled and told himself would call them back later.
James grinned and stood up. "It was nice doing business with you. I'll be back soon with my friends." James stood up and walked out the room. He took the elevator back downstairs and walked back into the front of the casino. He walked up to the counter and smiled at the employee he had met earlier. "I'll be back soon. You may wanna clear out the casino before I do."

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