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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

".. I can't understand why someone would want to kill him... Didn't they think what they'd be doing before they actually did it?" He asked, he looked down into the water and then slowly broke down into tears, he quickly shuffled to John and hugged him tight. ".. I miss him... I miss him so much..." He bawled. (@Axel1313)


"We can't ask people to leave... If we do that, The Gunma will get suspicious." He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Just bring some people here and clear the place out. Please. Try not to kill any civilians." He took a deep breath and then waved him off. If this place got shot up too bad, it'd be out of business in no time. (@AvidElmV2)
"I can't understand it either bud." Well that had to be the biggest lie of the year. "I doubt they even thought about what they were doing at all, but they'll get what's coming to them. Karma is merciless." He reassured him. Hugging him close as he began to sob again. "I know pal...I know....I miss him too."(@DrTrollinski )
"Now--.. Now what's George gonna' do?" He asked in a sob. "Now he's not gonna' eat and he's not gonna' talk or do anything, and he's just gonna' keep doing that until he dies! Just like dad did!" He bawled to him, and then fully put his arms around him and put his head against the side of his chest, his cries muffled by John's clothes. (@Axel1313)
"Hey, hey! Don't think like that." He held him close. "George will be just fine okay? I'll make sure he stays healthy and eats something. You gotta trust me with that okay? I swear I'll take the best care of you boys."(@DrTrollinski)
".. It's not gonna' be that easy, John..." He sniffled quietly, holding him close. "If he doesn't want to eat. He won't eat." He shook his head and closed his eyes tightly. "He won't sleep until he passes out, he won't go to the bathroom until he really needs to, meaning that he'll hold it for days if he has to." He let out a quiet whimper and then shook his head. ".. I don't want that to happen to my little brother, John..." He sniffled. (@Axel1313)
"Trust me, I know it's gonna be real tough now. Especially with this news being so hard to take in and understand....I'll make sure that he's well taken care of...Even if it means having to take him to the Hospital..okay?" It definitely wasn't the best option, but if he had to do it he would. "It's not the best to think of, but you have to consider that it would be the best for him..."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I know... I know..." He took a sad sob. ".. I don't want to see him have all these tubes put down his throat, it just--.. It won't look right, John... It won't look right... Not on him. He--.. He doesn't deserve any of this." He said, blinking away some more tears. "We just need to get him to eat and drink something, even if it's only bread and water... I'll stay with him every night, I don't mind... I just... Y'know..." He sighed. (@Axel1313)
"I know....we'll only resort to that if things get really bad okay? I don't want to see him like that either..." Just the thought of that sight made him uncomfortable...hopefully they wouldn't have to see George like that at all.. "And that's a good idea...keep a close eye on him until he starts doing better.."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I know what George is like with anything... I know what he looks like if he's hungry or thirsty... I know what he does if he needs to use the bathroom. I know how he looks when he's tired... I know what he acts like when he's any of those things." He took a long deep breath through his nose and then released it through his mouth. ".. I'll do what I can..." He sighed. (@Axel1313 - Last post, my friend. Goodnight!)
"Okay...thank you so much." He hugged him tight. "I'll need all the help I can get with this...I'll do all of I can for you boys...and to dig in to who killed your father and why. Hopefully I'll see Colette again soon too....she's a lot better at this comforting thing than I am." He chuckled a little.(@DrTrollinski ~ Noapte buna!)
Rick slowly made his way down to the computer room, after getting dressed and doing the rest of his morning rituals if course. He needed the coffee Peter was going to make him, and was very pleasantly surprised to find those buttered biscuts by them. Old servants, especially ones you grew up with, were one of the best employees anyone could have. And their age gave them lee way to do a lot more things concerning their employers, such as scold them slightly. Sitting down with a biscut already in his mouth, ge searched up gun and ammo stores by and in the Redneck territory. Those store owners would be his first line of contact. A supplier to buyer relation ship can lead to big things.

((@DrTrollinski sorry, term paper just finished so I should be able to di much more.))

".. Don't worry about it, John... What's done is done." He sighed. ".. I don't want revenge... I don't think George will, either... I just--... I want to honor his life, not--.. Not by digging into what brought it to an end, okay?" He put an arm around his shoulders and hugged him tight. ".. What was George doing when you last saw him?" He asked, sniffling a little. (@Axel1313)


(So sorry, guys. I had a friend over today, and I've been feeling terrible for the past couple of hours.)

(@Beowulf - Honestly, pal. I don't know how to reply to that. Can you add something to it?)
"Don't worry...It's not for revenge, just for answers." He reassured him. Holding him tight and giving him a comforting pat on the back. "When I was in there last he was curled up in a ball and crying....I couldn't get any response from him.."(@DrTrollinski )
((Alrighty, let's see...))

Rick stared intently at the screen. There was an unimaginativly named store called BOOM, all in caps and everything. There was a man by the name Leroy, who was the owner of the store. Leroy got a lot of traffic going through his store, most wearing flanel. He looked like the perfect guy to persuade. So, getting up from his chair, and cramming the last biscut in and drinking the last of the coffee, he went to the garage. He needed something that would blend in a little bit, an SUV then.

((@DrTrollinski you got this now?))
"I think it'd be left for a while... If you don't mind, I'd like to sit out here for a while longer." He took a deep breath and then leaned back. ".. You can look into my dad's death, if you really need to..." He sighed a little. ".. I threw up, by the way. I threw up a lot. I'm not really in the mood for eating, but--.. I'd appreciate it if you could make me a simply sandwich, or some soup, or something." He said. (@Axel1313)


Nick saw his brother walk into the garage, so he quickly followed after him, one eyebrow raised. He was in the same suit as yesterday, but he wasn't too much of a mess. His sunglasses were the slightest bit bent, though. "Going somewhere, brother?" He asked softly as he walked up to the SUV and patted his hand down on the hood a few times. (@Beowulf)
"Yes. There is a store called BOOM. I have done some research, and found that it is owned by a man named Leroy. He is rather popular with the Rednecks. I believe he may know a bit more about them then we do." He hated to say that last part. Some things they don't know. They had to know everything for them to enforce their ideals.



"Then what are we waiting for?" He smiled and then hopped into the car beside him. "I'm sure Peter won't mind looking after the boys for a while. He's a very... specially trained Butler, if anything goes wrong. Special Forces, if I'm correct? Krav Maga? Kung Fu? Something along those lines." He chuckled a little and the fastened his seatbelt. "Let's go." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Something along those lines." Rick said with a smile. He was glad his brother would join him on this, it was a bit strange doing things without him. Taking out the keys from the glove box, he starts the car and drives off to town. Where he was headed was obvious. All the big time gangs had migrated their HQ's to the Big Apple, and the Rednecks were no different. From a high hill or sky scraper, you could see them. A large, sprawling city all of it's own, with no rhyme or reason. All handmade, to. They didn't like others doing things, and they didn't care where they put down their roots.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Stay out here as long as you like okay? And tell me if you feel sick like that okay." He managed a slight smile. "I'll make you some chicken noodle soup okay? That's usually really good for an upset anything and I'll make enough for George too. I know he won't eat right now, but I could always warm it up to try to get him to eat later."(@DrTrollinski )
"Mhm... Just lead the way." He grinned. "I'll be catching up on some more sleep, okay? Wake me up when we arrive." He said softly, and then lied back in his seat and shut his eyes. (@Beowulf)


"Yeah, some chicken noodle soup would be good." He smiled a little and then looked back out over the water, smiling a little. "Leave George for a while, please... He needs some time to himself." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I'll make you the best chicken noodle soup I can." He smiled kindly. "I'll let George do what he wants to do the rest of the day. Lay in bed, come downstairs, anything that feels best to him. If I need any help I'll come and get you."(@DrTrollinski )
"Please do... I'm honestly not feeling too good myself right now... I just need some air, that's all... Poke your head into George's room now and again... See if he's okay. If he looks uncomfortable or irritated, let me know." (@Axel1313)
"If I need any help with him I'll make sure to come and get you." Smiling sweetly he stood up and ruffled his hair up. "The soup should be done in a little while, so whenever you're feeling up to it again just come back in and enjoy a bowl alright?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Give me a shout when it's done and I'll come inside." He gave a half smile and then took a deep breath as he turned to look back out across the lake again. (@Axel1313 - last post. Goodnight.)
"Can do. " He smiled. "I'll see you whenever you start feeling better bud." He messed up his hair one last time before heading back inside to work on the soup. Michael needed a little tending too as well. He was so lucky....he was absolutely clueless as to what had happened.. (@DrTrollinski ~ Noapte buna!)

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