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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Can do...I'll make sure to make something up so they have absolutely no idea. So, see ya in an hour." After hanging up the phone he went back into the living room. "Hey Joseph. I'm just letting ya know that there's gonna be somebody coming over in about an hour. They're a Case Worker who worked with your father for his business. He was a private investigator as well so he's going to help with well....you know.."(@DrTrollinski )
"We can wait. We don't have any where else to be." he told the cashier. Deciding not to waste his time by standing there, he began to browse the weapon racks. Leroy had an impressive collection of deadly things. C-4, grenades, assault rifkes of almost every make and model, and all most likely gotten from the black market. And the cops couldn't do anything about it, they had enough on their plates outside their starion as it was.

"Alright..." He sighed a little and moved his laptop aside, eating some more of his soup. ".. Is he gonna' come in here and interrogate me and George?" He asked out of worry. That was the last thing he needed right now. Yeah. That would really go down well if some guy came in here spitting questions at them. (@Axel1313)


"Quite an interesting collection, isn't it? It almost comes close to the one we had." He said, and then took a long pause as a grin stretched across his face. "Five years ago, I mean." He chuckled gently under his breath and then took a slow look around. This place was... mediocre, at its best. (@Beowulf)
"Nah. I don't think so. He's just coming over to talk to me we're even going somewhere more private in the house so we don't disturb you boys. So don't worry about having to talk or translate, relax right here, okay?" (@DrTrollinski )
"Almost the exact same size." he commented. At that moment, a weasly looking man, face pinched and all angles with two large buck teeth. Perhaps the more accurate term to describe this man was a rat. "This is the biggest selection of weapons you'll find in the Big Apple!" he said, insulted at them calling his armory small. This man must have been the Leroy they were after.
"Alright..." He sighed a little. "Do you think that you could try and get him upstairs and talk to him there, in my dad's office, or something?" He asked. ".. I mean... You know, I don't want him being in the kitchen if I have to run to the bathroom right next to it at any point, you know what I mean?" He sighed a little and then leaned back and continued to eat his soup. (@Axel1313)


"We know a place that's willing to test that, my friend." He slowly turned to face the man that had spoken. "That, however, can be left for another discussion." He smiled at him and then linked his hands behind his back. "I assume that you're Leroy? The owner of this... fine establishment?" He asked softly, one eyebrow raised. (@Beowulf)
"Sure thing. That'll be the perfect place to talk to him anyway. That way we won't be in the way of either of you boys and you can rest." He reassured him. "And if you need anything, don't be afraid to come and get me alright?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Will do, man... Thank you..." He smiled a little and then spooned the last of his soup into his mouth and took a deep breath as he leaned over and put the plate and bowl down on the table. He was still really sore about his dad's death, but he was holding in all the sadness for John and George's sake. ".. Go make sure that George is okay and knows that guy's coming, please... I don't want him to get more upset." He gulped, and then lied down. ".. I'm gonna' sleep for a while... I hope you don't mind." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I don't mind one bit, sleep the day away if you like and don't worry. I'll let George know what's going on before the guy gets here." He smiled softly as he headed upstairs. "George?" He knocked lightly on the door before coming in. "I just came up to let you know that there's a guy coming over in about an hour. He worked with your dad and is going to help me in the case, okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
George was lying in bed and not saying a word. He didn't answer John, he just kept staring at the wall. He was back to being all curled up once again. Yep, he was back in that state of mind, and he wasn't planning on coming out of it anytime soon. Sorry, Uncle John. He was just going to lie there - once again, it wasn't out of spite. It was just because he didn't feel strong enough to talk. He didn't know when that strength was going to come back to him.


An hour later, there was a knock at the door. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, that's me. What do you want?" Leroy asked. Rick decided to make a move right then. "We have come to talk to you, Leroy. We think you may have some connections that we would be very interested in." Here, he pulled out his pistol and trained it on Leroy. "Tell your employee to drop the gun he has underneath the counter, or you get a bullet."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Just....let me know if you need anything. Okay?" He let him know quickly. "I'll be in the office if you need me."

As soon as he heard the knock on the door Johnathan rushed downstairs. "Isaac! So glad you're here....come on in. We can go upstairs to Amari's office to talk so we don't disturb the boys while they rest."(@DrTrollinski )
The employee looked at him and then slowly lowered the gun towards the ground, setting it down. Then he put his hands down on the counter top and looked at them all rather nervously.

"Right... I'm glad we could come to an agreement." Nick said softly. (@Beowulf)


"Wonderful." He said, and then followed him upstairs to Amari's office. "I have some things to confess, Johnathan, and I suggest that we sit down and talk about them immediately." He said, sighing a little. Yep. There was indeed a lot to talk about. (@Axel1313)
"Ooooh great." He let out a heavy sigh and plopped down in the desk chair. "Alright....I'm not sure how much worse this could possibly be, so lay it on me...." He was prepared for the worst, it wasn't like this could get any worse anyway.(@DrTrollinski )
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"Very." Rick agreed.

Leroy, on the other hand, did not agree. He was backed up against the wall, eyes darting around looking for an exit. "What do you want? I made my payments. I don't need to be shot." he all but whimpered.
".. I knew." He said. ".. Well. Let me change that... I thought I knew where his wife was, but I didn't want the guy to run off of false hope, so I looked into it further. I was literally a second too late before I confirmed where his wife was. I'd heard he'd already left..." He sighed a little. ".. Christ... I don't know... I worked so hard to try and get the man's wife back after everything he'd done for New York. I mean, look at the crime rates, now that La Desierta are out of action, the rates have dropped by nearly forty percent because of the work you guys did - People are just that little bit less scared to leave their homes now. We've caught half of the gang that broke away, we've got children being taken and put into families that aren't illegal or surrounded by drugs and violence, things... things are better because of The Dicciano Family... Amari saved the city, and I didn't even have the ability to save him." He sighed and placed his head in his hands. (@Axel1313)


".. Victoria..." Vincent said as he slowly picked himself up from the ground. The black-haired woman looked at him with wide eyes, and then both of their jaws dropped. She got up as quickly as she could and ran to him, falling not only into his arms, but also into a kiss. Exactly how long were they going to be stuck here? Vincent didn't know, but the woman who had been missing from his family life for half a year was finally back in his arms.


"We came here to talk, Leroy..." He smiled and then walked up to him, gently patting him on his shoulder. He looked off towards the counter where his employee was, who was still standing there awkwardly and not saying a word. ".. I'll leave it to my brother to tell you more about what we need to know, okay?" He patted his shoulder and smirked a little. (@Beowulf)
"Don't beat yourself up over that Isaac... You tried your best. All we can do now is honor him for all he's done." He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "Even I didn't know he was going to suddenly leave like that. He just did after that dinner we went to."(@DrTrollinski )
"Honor doesn't mean shit." He said, quickly shaking his head. "Honor doesn't give those kids their fathers back - It throws them into an unstable life which is going to lead onto being complete hell and Christ knows what else." He shook his head again and then brushed himself down at his sides. ".. It's over for them. In my time in the CIA, nothing's ever happened like this. Not under the spotlight, and now look... Three boys... Aged ten, six, and nine months."

".. It's over, John. It's all over." He mumbled. (@Axel1313)
Leroy looked the part of a cornered rat at that moment. But instead of fighting, he looked ready to turn his pants all shades of brown. "Mr. Leroy, it has come to my attention that you have many visitors from the Rednecks." he did not have to explain what he meant by that. "Yeah, I gets a bunch of 'em." was the simple reply. "Well, you see now, there are a few things I would like to ask you. Such things as, who seems to be in control, who the higher ups are. All the little details like that. And if my brother here thinks you are leaving something out or lying..."

"I know I know....but it's the best we can do right now Isaac." He looked back up at him. "It's not over...not by a long shot. Joseph seems to be doing fine, Michael doesn't even know anything and George...we're keeping an eye on him...I'm going to adopt the boys so they won't be all alone in the world and I plan on looking in to this murder. Especially since it happened to be done by a member of Dicciano family."(@DrTrollinski )
"It doesn't change anything." He sighed. "The Dicciano Famiy, killing the American leader? Does that really seem right to you?" He asked, shaking his head. "His real birth certificates were destroyed, Christ knows how long ago. There's no way of them getting hold of Amari's details. Does it honestly seem right that they killed him?" He asked, and then closed his eyes and rubbed his head.

"Regardless. The boys are without a father. Nothing can change that - Sure, you can take over, but what of George? What State is he in? At his age, losing his father like that..." He shook his head. "I just can't imagine what's going on in his head right now." He said. (@Axel1313)
"It doesn't seem right at all...there's gotta be a reason behind it. They wouldn't just kill him for no reason and I don't think he went over there to start anything." He sighed. "I'll act just like a father towards the boy, so they'll get along just fine. I'm sure of it..as for George. Man, I dunno...he won't talk and if he does it'll only be in Italian and he's probably not gonna eat or drink anything for while either unless we're lucky. It's going to be rough taking care of him..."(@DrTrollinski )
"It's going to be more than rough. It's going to be hell. How do you know that he's ever going to come back? Joseph, he's going to go on to be depressed at one point or another, and George... I don't even know. What are you going to tell Michael when he's older? What are you going to say to him about his father? The lord knows that Joseph and George won't want to keep quiet about him, even if you ask them to. Michael's going to get to the age when he realizes that you and him look nothing alike, at one point or another." He sighed.

".. I'm going to look more into Amari's death." He said. "In the meantime, his funds, housing, and businesses are all going to be temporarily where they are until it's all dealt with. It's the least I can do to repay him. I've got a strange feeling that there's more behind this, Johnathan." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I don't know man...I'll be able to at least cheer up Joseph in time. George...he's gonna be tougher to deal with, but I'm not going to give up on him...I know I'm going to have to tell Michael when he get's older too..." He scratched the back of his head. "Maybe I'll just let him know everyday, tell him about how great his father was and all that." A heavy sigh escaped. "I wanna help you look into Amari's death. I got a strange feeling there's more behind this too and just have to know more about it."(@DrTrollinski )

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