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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Beowulf said:
Leroy looked the part of a cornered rat at that moment. But instead of fighting, he looked ready to turn his pants all shades of brown. "Mr. Leroy, it has come to my attention that you have many visitors from the Rednecks." he did not have to explain what he meant by that. "Yeah, I gets a bunch of 'em." was the simple reply. "Well, you see now, there are a few things I would like to ask you. Such things as, who seems to be in control, who the higher ups are. All the little details like that. And if my brother here thinks you are leaving something out or lying..."
"Right now... The most you can help me with is looking after the boys of Amari's while I get down to the more gritty stuff. I'll let you chip in whenever I find the chance, but until then, stay here and make sure they're safe. If it's all true, I've got a horrible feeling that this place might become a target. What could be a better prize than the Mafia leader's house and property, hm?" He asked. "Just focus, okay? We'll have this done in no time." He smiled weakly and nodded at him. He held out an open hand for him to shake. ".. I'll be in touch." He said. (@Axel1313)


"Let's just say you'll lose a part of your body every time I think you're leaving something out. They'll be things you miss, too. The more you leave out, the lower down the body we get. I hope you know what I mean, Leroy." He said, sighing as he reached down and rested his hand on the grip of his silenced Beretta pistol. He didn't need to decide his next move - as soon as he saw the butt of the shotgun rise up from behind the counter, he whipped out the gun, and so casually, put one bullet between the eyes of the worker behind the counter.

"And yes. I wouldn't recommend that you try anything, such as pulling a gun like your idiotic friend just did." He said, tucking his gun back into his holster. (@Beowulf)
"Alright, I figured this was the absolute best place for me. There's no way I could leave the boys in this state anyway, I care about them way too much to do that." He sighed again and reached out to shake his hand. "Yeah, yeah....please keep in touch and tell me anything you find. Anything at all. I'll make sure to look out for any suspicious activities around here as well. I'll make sure to tell the guards to be on high alert and see if any members of the gang here are willing to help keep an eye on things too."(@DrTrollinski )
Leroy stumbled backwards in shock as he saw the Berreta come out. And on the shot he tripped over his feet and fell. Once everything was all said and done, he eyed the pistol warily but nodded his head hastily. "I don't get involved with them, don't ask around. I don't want to have anything s**ty 'appening to me or my business." he told them. But he quickly went on. "But there are a couple guys that come in a lot with. They's all with the Rednecks, I know they are." He was starting to talk faster, trying to get everything he knew out as quickly as he could so they would leave. "They joke around and do what each other says, but I have seen one of them. They's doing most of the ordering, getting everybody what they need. Names Johnson, I swear that's what it is." he said and hastily held up a hand to forestall what he thought was a movement to a hidden knife. "I don't know where he lives, but he comes in here almost every week. We can work something out!" he said panicking.

One Week Later

George hadn't recovered at all over the week, and Joseph had been pretty bad himself. The sickness he experienced due to anxiety went on for four days, but on the fifth day, he'd finally calmed down. He'd lost a lot of weight, and the attitude he had towards things was quite morbid. He wasn't as sociable, wasn't as talkative or active - he barely did anything over than sit in his room and read all day, and would occasionally come down to the living room.

George, however, had lost so much weight. John and Joseph pretty much had to force feed him, he'd only just gotten over a Urinary Tract Infection, and he'd had constant accidents from where he hadn't gone to the bathroom when he needed to. It was hopeless, but he understood that he needed to drink to survive, so he drunk a bit of water willingly, providing that it was left by his bed.

".. George is getting worse..." Joseph sobbed as he went into the living room, he quickly covered his face and then slouched down against the wall by the bed. ".. I just can't do it. Not anymore. I can't do it." He bawled, and then broke down into even more tears. He had bags under his eyes from where he hadn't been sleeping and had been waking up continuously during the nights of the past week. (@Axel1313)


"So. We'll be back next week." Nick smiled and then held out a hand. As soon as Leroy reached down hesitantly to shake it, he quickly twisted it, and in one move, broke four fingers and left them bent back as Leroy fell to his knees. After that, he sent one foot into his chest to send him flying back. "And let me make one thing clear. If you say a word to anyone about us being here, or about us returning here, you're going to lose those fingers, and then some. Understand?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Johnathan hadn't been doing much better than the boys. Hardly sleeping or eating, he'd lost quite a bit of weight just in the last week. He was a bundle of nerves, but kept a more positive attitude just for the boys. He'd been keeping a close eye on them both. Joseph was doing...okay and George...God. He hated the thought, but he was going to have to take him in for help. He'd lost too much weight and was barely drinking anything.

"Hey...hey. It's alright. You've tried your hardest though." He quickly headed over to wrap his arms around Joseph. "We're gonna have to take him to the hospital soon...it's terrible to think, but we need to seek that help for him before he gets any worse..."(@DrTrollinski )
Nodding his head, tears running down his face from the pain, he's able to say something that sounded something like a yes. "Come, Brother, we are done here. We will be watching, Leroy." And with that, he turned to leave, and held the door open for his brother.

"Please! Let's just go now!" He sobbed, pulling him into a tight hug in response to his own. He continued to sob and cry into his chest. "If we don't do it, he's gonna' die!" He choked. "I just want my little brother back. Please!" He bawled, and then just accepted defeat and slumped against John's chest. It was perhaps the best idea to take George to the hospital. At least there he'd be getting everything that he needed. (@Axel1313)


Nick followed his brother out of the door and then went back to the car, giving a gentle sigh as he opened the door and dropped himself onto the shotgun seat and then set his head back against the chair. "Please get us out of here, brother. I feel my IQ decreasing from being in such a place." He smirked a little. (@Beowulf)
"He's not gonna die okay? He's gonna be just fine." Johnathan held him tighter and pat his back. "Now...we'll leave in a few hours okay? Can you help me get some things together? Make sure things are all put away and you have what you want to bring for a while? We'll go get him the care he needs alright?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, alright... We--.. We can't stay there forever, John... We can only stay there for a couple of nights, and--.. If he doesn't get better, we'll have to leave him there." He sobbed, and then slowly rose up and hugged John again, as tightly as he could manage. He didn't know what he wanted to bring with him. Maybe his phone, maybe some deodorant. His laptop, even, that might help to cheer George up, especially if he was going to be hooked up to a load of different drips. ".. I wish my dad never died." He bawled, his face against his lower chest. (@Axel1313)
"I know, but if we need to, we'll visit him as much as we possibly can while he's there." He held him tight. Knowing that he just needed to cry right now, poor kid.. This was only going to make things rougher on all of them, but at least George was finally going to get better. "I wish that too buddy...I really wish that too."(@DrTrollinski )
He was crying for about fifteen minutes before he stopped, pulled away, wiped his eyes, and then gave John a pat on the arm. All of this was really getting to everyone. The first thing he went to do was pack his bags. He packed his laptop, his phone, a couple of books for George, a couple of his own books, and... that was about it. He didn't know how they were going to get George out of bed, though. He was in no State to walk, and he could barely even walk to the bathroom if he needed to, which was a primary reason to why he had so many accidents over the past week. Once Joseph was all packed, he went to find John again.

".. I'm good to go, man... Also... If we leave the hospital tomorrow night, or something... Can we go and stay in a nice Bed and Breakfast place...? I need to get away from the house for a while... I think it might help." He gulped. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan headed to pack a large diaper bag for Michael. Plenty of formula and diapers and onesies to last them at least a couple of days. A few blankets and toys too to keep him entertained.

"I'm about ready to go too, I've got Michael's bag in the car and his car seat all set up too...do you mind getting him in there while I go get George?" He knew George couldn't walk right now, so he was going to have to carry him down to the car and into the hospital. "Sure, we can get away from the house for a while if you like. I've got no problem with that at all."(@DrTrollinski )
"Sure I can." He smiled weakly and then ran upstairs, went into Michael's room, and slowly swept him up out of his crib, rocking him gently as he sat him in his arms. "Time to go for a car ride, buddy." He smiled and kissed his cheek, only to have him reach up and start pulling on his hair. Joseph winced a few times, but he didn't care all that much. He carried him right the way downstairs, out the front, and then lifted him into the back of the car and set him in his seat, and then got him all strapped in - he grabbed a little toy from Michael's bag and handed to him to keep him happy, and the climbed into the shotgun seat to wait for John. (@Axel1313)
"Come on George...we're gonna go somewhere to get you some help now okay?" Johnathan spoke soothingly as he lifted the boy out of bed. Taking him downstairs and buckling him into the vehicle. He made sure to tell the guards to keep a close eye on the place while they were gone. After that was all in order he sped off towards the hospital getting there in a matter of minutes and got George into the ER as fast as possible.(@DrTrollinski )
When they arrived in the ER, Joseph was more of a mess than George. He was clung to John's side and sobbing his heart out, while one arm held Michael. His whole body was shaking. George was still sat in John's arms, his head rested casually on his shoulder. After a few minutes, they were approached by a nurse. A young nurse, she looked a little concerned seeing as the three of them looked worse for wear.

"Is everything alright, sir?" She asked. (@Axel1313)
"No no...we need some help." He shifted George around to a more comfortable position. "He's been depressed for some time now. He's has hardly eaten or drank anything for days. It's gotten to the point where he can barely even walk on his own anymore. We've tried everything but he just hasn't gotten any better."(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, then." She gulped and then looked at George, offering him the most kind smile she could manage. "Hey there, sweetheart... We'll take you through to a room, and we'll take a look at you and see what we can do for you, okay?" She said. George said nothing and kept his head rested against John's shoulder.

"He doesn't talk now." Joseph sniffled as he gently rocked Michael in his arms. ".. Can we--.. Can we have a private room?" He asked. A private room would be better for George, and Joseph knew it.

".. That'll cost more on the healthcare bill." She said. Joseph slowly looked up at John with pleading eyes. He needed this. They needed this. (@Axel1313)
"Unfortunately he's right...and even if he does talk it'll only be in Italian." He looked at the nurse with an apologetic smile. Then turned his attention to Joseph. "That's going to be real expensive, but alright. Anything for you boys." He looked back at the nurse. "Could we get a private room Miss?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Ah, I see." She smiled and then looked at the two as they debated the private room. She gave them another smile once he asked for it. "Of course, sir. Please, follow me, we'll get you all to the room, and I'll sign him down as a patient once we get there." She said, and then began to lead them off through the hospital. She took them up an elevator, down another hall that looked much nicer and warmer than the rest of the hospital, and then into one room at the bottom - the room had a big window with a nice view, a nice little flatscreen TV mounted to the wall, a dresser, a private bathroom, and a nice bed with fresh sheets and blankets.

"Here we are. Is there anything else I can get you?" She asked. (@Axel1313)
"Thank you so much. This is perfect." He breathed a deep sigh of relief and gave her a grateful smile. The room was a lot warmer and cozier than the others. He gently set George in the bed and pulled the covers up for him. "I'm fine....Do you need anything Joseph?."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I'd like a drink, yeah. Please." He said to the nurse as he sat down on the comfy little armchair that was beside George's bed.

"What would you like?" She asked, Joseph thought for a moment and then looked down at George. He took hold of one of his hands and then looked back at the nurse and smiled.

"Make it two cups of cocoa... Nice and creamy, if you can."

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll be back in ten minutes with those and a fluid drip for your brother, okay?" She smiled and then walked out of the room. Once she was gone, Joseph looked at George for a moment, and then looked up at John and gently shook the arm he was using to hold Michael, whom of which was just sitting there observing the surroundings, and so on.

"John... Can you take Michael for a while?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Of course! Thank you so much for carrying him for me." He leaned over and took Michael from him. Resting the infant cozily on his shoulder. "You've been a real trooper Joseph, I'm proud of you. It's been so tough, but you're hanging in there and helping take care of your brother....I don't know what I'd do without you doing that." He smiled down at him. "We'll get through this. Now that George is getting help the toughest should be behind us for now." (@DrTrollinski )

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