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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Mh hm." Rick grunted. Twins did develop their own language some what (I should know, I have one) which let them communicate in grunts, to a certain extent. The drive, for the most part was a quiet one. The road did, however, did turn from a nice paved one, to s dirt one that had seen better days. They thought it was fine, so never bothered to fix it. And trees grew in abundance in the Redneck's territory, some sprouting up in people's small backyards. But signs did stand out more for it. Giant, gawdy things advertising their wears. Over there was an auto shop. And there, almost hidden away, was a clothing store. But one sign in particular stood out, especially sice he was looking for it. It was a neon sign that read BOOM! The letters were a light blue, the exclimation point yellow, and the cartoon explosion in the vackground red. "Brother, we are here." he said, giving Nick a nudge with his elbow.

((@DrTrollinski guten nacht.))
Ten minutes later and Joseph near enough sprinted back into the house, and went straight into the bathroom beside the kitchen. Yep. His stomach was playing up again. Great timing, right? George was upstairs sat on his bed. He wasn't crying, but he wasn't saying or doing anything, either. (@Axel1313)


"Mmm..." He slowly rose up from his seat and then looked off towards where they were. He checked he had his gun on him, and then took a long-winded sigh. "Great. Nice to see we're in a classy part of town..." He murmured. (@Beowulf)
John finished up the soup and headed upstairs to check on George. Nothing...he wasn't crying, but then again...he wasn't doing anything but laying there. Maybe he had fallen asleep? After that he went to knock on the bathroom door. "Soup's done. I know you probably aren't up to it quite yet, but it's there when you are."(@DrTrollinski )
"How's George doing?" He yelled out from the bathroom, followed by giving a tired and rather shocked deep breath. He really wasn't feeling that good all of a sudden. Christ, why did his nerves always have to get the better of his gut. Why? Was this going to happen on the first day of school, as well? Is that what was going to happen when he went there?

No, of course not... He wouldn't be that nervous when he started State School, no chance. (@Axel1313)
"So far he's doing....alright. Not crying anymore, but not doing anything else either. Just layin' there." He scratched the back of his neck. "How are you doing? Your stomach giving you some troubles again pal? I can get you something for that if ya want?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, alright..." He sighed a little from behind the door. "And please do... I'll be out in a couple of minutes... I think there's some medicine in the cupboard that I can take to put things at ease." He said, and then reached up and scratched the back of his head while he lazily looked around to make sure everything he needed was in here.

Toilet paper, air freshener - Yep. He had everything. (@Axel1313)
"Alright. I'll be back in a moment." He headed downstairs to search the cupboards for any medicine to help poor Joseph. Luckily he was able to find it in the bathroom downstairs. Pouring him a small cup of the gooey pink liquid he headed back upstairs. "Found it. You want to take it now or wait until your stomach settles down a bit more before that?"(@DrTrollinski )
A toilet was heard flushing by the time he came back upstairs, and then there was the sound of air freshener being sprayed. A minute later, he came out of the bathroom looking very pale and ill - he'd washed his hands, so that was no problem, but he looked up at John and shook his head. ".. No, no. I'll take it now." He said, and then took the little cup and quickly gulping it down. He was hoping that this would make things a little easier for him. "John... Can you grab the blanket from my bed and one of my pillows? I'd like to lie on the couch for a while." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Sure thing. You head downstairs and I'll meet you in moment." He gave his hair a little ruffle before going to get his blankets and pillows for him. Even setting it all up on the couch for him when he got down there. "Do you want me to grab anything else for you? Your laptop or book or something? Or do you just wanna sleep?"(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph was already wrapped up under his blanket and his head was rested on the pillow by the time that John had returned. He smiled gently up at him and then took a deep breath. ".. My laptop would be great, John." He said softly, and then snuggled up even more. He was freezing, but he'd live. He knew that much. (@Axel1313)
"I'll be right back." He smiled and went to fetch it. It was funny how he treated it like he was holding Micheal. It was an expensive piece of equipment though...one he did not feel like having to pay for... "Here you go. Where do you want me to set it?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Just pass it here, John." He said, and then reached out to take hold of it. ".. If you could make me some of that soup with some bread on a tray... I'd like that." He said. "I'll be able to eat it. I just need to lie down for a while, that's all." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Okay." He carefully handed him the laptop. " And you're in luck. I've already got the soup finished so just need to heat some up for you." He smiled kindly and went to fetch some for him. Making sure it was just the right temperature before bringing it to him on a nice tray.(@DrTrollinski )
"Awesome, John... Thank you." He smiled and took the tray from him and then began eating right away. Chicken soup was bound to make him feel better.

The phone began to ring. (@Axel1313)
"No problem. Anything for you boys." He smiled before rushing to get the phone. "Hello? Amari residence Johnathan speaking." He answered in a rather cheerful tone.(@DrTrollinski )
"I know. Isn't it wonderful." he replied sarcastically before getting out of the car as well. He made sure to lock it, because not five steps away were several members of the rednecks eyeing the SUV up and down. Obviously, they were a little bit jealous. Walking into BOOM, the first person they see is a rather pimply young teenager. "Hello there. I was wondering if I could talk to Leroy. I have a meeting with him." Hopefully, that would be enough. But, just in case, he eased his pistol in it's holster.

((@DrTrollinski sorry I didn't respond when you were awake.))
"Johnathan. What the fuck happened?!" A voice screamed at him almost instantly after he put the phone to his ear. It was the voice of Isaac. The CIA Agent. "Tell me what I'm hearing is a fucking sham!" He yelled again, and then took a panicked deep breath. (@Axel1313)


"Leroy ain't here right now." He said, shrugging. "He went into town to get breakfast... You can wait here, if you want... I can leave a message, as well, if you don't have time to wait around." He explained. (@Beowulf)
Shocked by the sudden screaming in his ear Johnathan nearly dropped the phone. "Isaac? I'm sorry to inform you, but....this isn't a sham..I don't know exactly what happened, but Amari was murdered while in Venice..."(@DrTrollinski )
"Jesus Christ... That's not possible." He sighed. He was heard slapping something, presumably his forehead. "No... No, not Amari. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckedy-fuck." He shook his head furiously and began pacing around. "How are his children? Are they safe?" He asked, his tone suddenly sounding more panicked and distressed. (@Axel1313)


Vincent had been dragged downstairs through this mansion and right down to the basement that actually looked more like a prison. The place reeked of death, and he had a horrible feeling that he wasn't going to be getting out of this place alive. He just wanted to hug Joseph and George again. He wanted to snuggle Michael close to his chest - Hell, he wanted to sit down and have a conversation with John.

He was dragged right to the end and thrown into a cell and locked into it. He looked up to see someone he'd been waiting to see for half a year now. Someone who he thought for sure was dead. She was skinny and malnourished, and she looked like she didn't have any energy to her at all.

She was his wife.
"I don't want to believe it either but it's true...." He took the phone into another room to keep from disturbing the boys while he talked to Isaac. "The boys are taking the news real hard, but they're doing good. Nice and safe and I'm going to be taking care of them from now on. I won't let a single thing harm them."(@DrTrollinski )
"Jesus Christ... Are the boys alright now? Do you think it'd be a problem if I stopped by for a visit, or do they need the time alone to grieve?" He asked. He certainly didn't want to intrude on Amari's children, especially right after they'd lost their father. Even the CIA had their limits. (@Axel1313)
"They're as good as can be at the moment.....just resting and still getting through the shock...." He paced back and forth. "I think it'd be alright if you came over, just say you're a private investigator or something...I did tell Joseph I was gonna look into their father's death. We can find a private room in the house or outside too."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Alright. Do you think you could tell them that? Cover for me, maybe?" He asked, sighing a little. "I'll come by in an hour or so, alright? Just make sure I'm not some kind of surprise visitor, or anything like that... Tell them I'm a Case Worker who worked for their father as a private investigator for his business." He said. (@Axel1313)

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