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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

George smiled with joy as he reached out and took the teddy bear and then hugged it tight. Awesome. He really needed this - It helped keep him comfy, seeing as he had something from home that could act as a comfort item while Joseph and John weren't here.

"Let's go, yeah... I'll carry Michael to the car, don't worry." He smiled and then stepped out of the room, and then turned back and waved at George, whom of which waved back. After that, he left the room to wait for John. (@Axel1313)
"You get to feeling better now okay?" John smiled and gave his hair one last ruffle before following Joseph out of the room.

"I hope you like pancakes, because they told me they make the best in town at this place and that they're about as big as a dinner plate too." He chuckled. "We have to make sure that we take George there when he feels better to so he can try some."(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course I like pancakes. Don't you remember cooking us those buttermilk ones a little while back?" He asked, chuckling thereafter. He kept walking with him until they got out of the hospital and back into the car, and then he got Michael strapped in and handed him the toy that he was playing with before they got here, and then he went around to the shotgun seat and climbed in and got all buckled up. "I'm good. Let's roll." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Maybe, maybe." Rick said, still walking around. "We do not know when they are going to be there, how many of them there will be. To many unknowns. And on top of that, what would the boysdo if anything happaned to us?" he asked him. To many things were unknown, things he wanted answers for and some he didn't.

"Let's" Johnathan smiled happily and headed off towards the bed and breakfast. When he pulled up it looked just as the owner described it. A nice, comfy little place. Looked like an old country home and even had a toasty fireplace in it. "So. What do you think? It's a nice place isn't it?"(@DrTrollinski )
"They'd be orphans, that's what would happen." He said. He took a sigh and then scratched the back of his head a few times. "If we're planning to wipe them out, that can be done easily with a couple of semi-automatic sniper rifles - If you want to do anything else, then you'll have to let me know, because some things are going to be more dangerous than others." He said. "What do you want to do?" He asked. (@Beowulf)


"Definitely, yeah." He smiled. "It'll be nice to be away from home for a while." He said, and then took another look around, and then looked into the back of the car to check on Michael, whom of which was still happily playing around with his toy and throwing it around, and such. He turned to John again and took a deep breath. "Are we going to be moving in with you when you get to go back to your family?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"That's why I chose the place that looked the least like your house." He smiled back. Unbuckling so he could get Micheal out of his car seat. "Yeah...that's the best thing to do. Nothing will happen to your house. I'll make sure to keep that up nicely so you can inherit it when your old enough, but you boys will move in with us until then"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Alright... How old do you have to be to own a house...? You need to be like... The laws said you need to be at least sixteen with the consent of a parent or carer, right?" He asked, scratching his head again. He didn't have a clue, but he was in no rush to grow up and take his dad's house. He wasn't sure if he was ever going to be able to take the house after everything that had happened, but he'd have to wait and see. (@Axel1313)
"I'm not sure, I'll have to look into it and see exactly when you can own a house. Sixteen is probably a little too young, but when you get to that age and want it I have no problem with that at all." He scratched the back of his head. "Why don't we leave that hurdle for when we get closer to that?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Yeah, I wasn't thinking about inheriting the house anytime soon, anyway." He chuckled a little and then looked off a the little inn. It was starting to get quite late, and he just wanted to settle down and get a good night's rest. "Shall we go inside...? I could use a cup of hot cocoa and a bed right now, dude." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Man, a cup of hot cocoa before bed sounds so good right now. and maybe a little applesauce and mashed peas and carrots for a certain little man." He chuckled and bounced Michael on his shoulder as he led the way inside. The infant responded with giggling and tugging on his hair.

Once in the Inn Johnathan got their room key from the owner and headed upstairs so they could all get settled in for the night.(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright..." He smiled as they got into the room. One baby's crib and two beds with massive feather-stuffed blankets and pillows. God, it looked like heaven on a bed, that was for sure. The first thing that Joseph did was walk over and collapse onto it. It was a nice room, he could see that - there was a nice TV, a dresser, and a bathroom not too far from his bed that looked pretty fancy as well. ".. Can you go and get the cocoa and Michael's food...?" He asked softly with a yawn, his face down in the pillow. (@Axel1313)
"Are you going to be awake by the time I get back?" He teased. With his face already in the pillow like that it looked like he was about to fall asleep already. Johnathan quickly headed downstairs to get Michael's bag and two piping hot cups of cocoa.(@DrTrollinski )
"I just need someone we can use in with the Rednecks." Rick said. "For lack of a better term, a mole. But we don't know how thy will react to us. We can shoot them all, but then there goes our man."

".. Should be..." He smiled and then rolled over and sat up on his bed. He really wished that George was sitting right there beside him when he thought about it, but it'd do them all some good to get away from it all for some time. He was just praying that George was alright during the night - He hoped that the nurses took good care of him, and he hoped that he actually spoke to them and took care of himself, too. That's what his responsibility was for tonight.

".. You got that cocoa?" Joseph asked with a yawn as John entered the room again. (@Axel1313)


"A rat?" He asked. "Well." He sighed and then thought for a moment. He wasn't going to say that he cared more about the boys than Rick did, because they loved them both equally, but Nick had far better plans for the two, as opposed to going into a life of murder and dictation - it wasn't what he wanted for them. He wanted them to live good lives, but not as The Black Sun. "You go in and talk, I'll provide sniper cover. Just make sure you're by a window, and whatnot, and if any guns get pulled, I could probably have my own and five others on standby ready to blow them away." He explained. "If you want to go with that plan, that's the safest we've got." He said. (@Beowulf)
"No, I've got two cups of broccoli here." He joked with a big goofy grin. Plopping down next to Joseph and handing him a cup. "Too bad Michael is still a little too young for this. Although, I don't think that little spas needs any sugar." (@DrTrollinski )
"Thanks..." Joseph said, reaching out and taking hold of the cocoa. He brought it up to his mouth and took a sip of it, and then shuffled back on his bed to sit against the headboard. "Yeah, the last thing Michael needs is that, I believe you... He's going to be so hyper when he gets older. Wait until he's about four or five, he'll be going all day, nonstop." He said. ".. I was like that, but... I couldn't run around for too long." He explained, and then sipped his drink again. "Do you think George is okay?" He asked.

(@Axel1313 - Sorry it took so long. I've been busy with school as it was the first week back.)
"Yeah, he'll definitely be a little energizer bunny. Just like his brothers." He elbowed him teasingly. "I'm going to have to get in tip top shape to keep up with all of you." He chuckled and took a sip of his cocoa. "I think George is better than okay. He's eating and was already looking better when we left." (@DrTrollinski it's alright. I know how that goes.)
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"Heh, I'm sure." Joseph smirked and slurped up some more of his hot cocoa, and then set his head back against the wall behind his bed. "Michael's going to always be on my back, seeing as I'll be the oldest brother... George will be the one that plays with him more, though, I'm placing that bet right now." He chuckled a little and then took a deep breath. "And about George... I mean, do you think he'll be alright tonight. Not in general. I mean... He's there by himself. You sure he'll manage okay?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, yeah. Thank you, brother. Get the five other guns ready. We'll leave shortly." Rick said, and was once more off to do something that was already done at least three other times. It could be a very delicate business, dealing with Jackson (just going to assume that's what his name was, because I honestly can't remember and don't feel like looking back to see what it was.) and his group. For all he knew, Leroy crossed them and half the Mafia was there with all their shotguns and rifles.

"Ha. I bet he will too. Michael will probably look up to you the most. Go to you for advise because you're older." He set his cocoa on the side table and leaned back. "I'm sure he'll be just fine. He knows we're only a few blocks away and will rush there if he needs us." (@DrTrollinski )
"We're leaving." Nick said to Adrian and Nathaniel, whom of which were happily playing upstairs in Nathaniel's room with some toy cars, and such. They were making all the noises for the cars and playing away joyfully, and Nick almost didn't want to disturb them. Still, he wanted to say goodbye. He went into the room and crouched down beside them both.

"What? Where are ya' goin', daddy?" Nathaniel asked. Nick simply hugged him as Adrian ran out of the room, and then kissed his head.

"Just to work, son... I love you." He smiled.

"Love you too, daddy." He said.

Adrian went straight downstairs to find his father and ran up to him. "Uncle Nick said you're goin' to work now, daddy! Gimme' a hug before you go!" He smiled. (@Beowulf)


"I hope so." He said. "I mean, Michael would probably look up to our--" He instantly paused and took a deep breath, and then shuffled over to the side of the bed and sat on the edge of it, looking down at the ground as he gulped down the rest of the cocoa. Once that was done, he put the cup down on the nightstand and cleared his throat.

"I was about to say he'd look up to our dad." He choked, and then quickly cleared his throat again. ".. I just--.." He shook his head. "I'm tired, okay...? Can I--.. Can I have a hug, please?" He asked. The sadness was starting to overwhelm him now that he was tired, and he just needed someone to hug him before he burst out into tears. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around him. "Of course bud. And don't worry. Things will start getting better in due time...I won't rush you boys to start feeling better. You'll get there at your own pace and things will feel like normal again. Okay? For now, let's start by getting a good night's rest. None of us have gotten that in a while now."(@DrTrollinski )
He didn't want to release him at first. He just wanted to hold onto him for as long as he could; at first, he was just leaning against him, his face buried against his side. After a while of just sitting there and hugging him, he patted his back and nodded in agreement with what he said. ".. Yeah, sure." He said, and then pulled away from him and slipped off his shirt, and then his sneakers, socks, and pants - He was down to his boxer shorts, seeing as he didn't really have any PJ's with him. It was then that it was easier to see just how much weight he'd lost. He wasn't dangerously thin, but he might have easily dropped a size in clothing.

"Goodnight, John." He whispered as he rolled over and tucked himself into bed, setting his head down on the pillow. He just stared at the wall opposite him, and he imagined he was going to be doing that for a while. (@Axel1313)
"Goodnight bud, you sleep well now okay?" He chuckled softly and ruffled up his hair before moving over to his own bed. He only took off his shoes and socks before falling face first into the pillow. He was too tired to bother with getting ready for bed any more than that. The past few weeks had been so stressful, it felt great to finally be able to rest like this.(@DrTrollinski )

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