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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"You didn't believe me?" He chuckled. Pulling up a high chair to set Michael in while they ate. "I'm glad to see your appetite is finally returning. Although, at this rate I think you're going to eat the owners out of house and home." He teased. Digging into his own plate. Yeah, he was definitely happy he found this place.


"You must not have known me as well as you thought then." He chuckled again, stepping closer to the bars. He made sure to stay a little over an arm's reach away from them though. He knew better than to risk that with Amari's reputation for being quite violent at times like these. "I'm no fool Vincent. I'm perfectly fine with mocking you from out here. You have no idea how entertaining it is to see you behind cell bars like this anyway. Reduced to nothing more than a caged animal? Definitely a great laugh." His mouth spread into a Cheshire like grin. "Anyway, why don't we do a little catching up? Because it looks like a lot has changed with you. Going soft on us and losing your touch. Never thought I'd see that day."(@DrTrollinski )
"Well, we'll just have to wait and see." He laughed a little and then went back to the pancakes. He forked a heap of pancake into his mouth and smiled back at him. "This is nice, John." He said. "Thanks for bringing me here, man... It's really nice to be out of home for a while, you know what I mean?" He said, and then took a sip of his drink.


"I never went soft." He said. "Just gained some human decency when I realized that the world changed..." He took a long deep breath. "A lot's changed since we last met. I've met a lot of people." He said, and then took a good look at his face, a faint and sick smir stretching across his lips. "Yeah, lots of people." He winked gently at him, and then reached up and rubbed the back of his head.

"You're not a very noble person, I've noticed. You left without a word, as if that was the last thing you had left to do." He closed his eyes and bowed his head towards the floor. "And now... Now you've probably got The Black Sun closing in on you, all because they probably know I'm here, because you've fucked up for the second time." He explained, and then looked back up to him.

"Why did you run?" (@Axel1313)
Crouching down, he gives Adrian a hug. It never really dawned on him how dangerous his line of "work" was. But it needed to be done, for a better city for the boys to live in. "Yeah, I'm going to work. And I'll see you as soon as I get back, promise."
"Okay, daddy." He smiled and kept him in a hug, and rested his head on his shoulder. "Buy me some candy before you get home, daddy, please?" He said, and then giggled quietly and hugged him a little tighter.

"I love you." He said, and then just fell silent whilst waiting for him to response. "I'm gonna miss you, but I know you'll come back." He smiled.
Still chewing on some food he had to nod in agreement. "Mmm. Yeah. It's real nice to be able to get away from the house like this. It's a well needed break."


"Pfft. 'Gained some human decency' that's a good one Vincent." He laughed as he pulled up a chair. " The world hasn't changed one bit. So I don't know what you're talking about. All I still hear is that you've gone soft he smirked. That faded though when Vincent mentioned the Black Sun and asked why he ran. "How is a gang that hasn't been together in years going to come here and save you and your precious little wifey there hmm? Even if they get organized they wouldn't dare come here just to get you." His expression turned cold. "And you wanna know why I ran? I ran to get away from that stupid debt you and your gang piled on my head for no reason. I didn't much appreciated that you know?" He spat. "So. I found a little help to get back at you for it."(@DrTrollinski )
"For sure." He said, and just continued eating his breakfast. He was really enjoying this, and he wanted it to never end, but he was going to be done soon enough, and he'd just have to settle with that, wouldn't he?


"For no reason?!" He broke out into laughter and slowly stood up, and then ran a hand through his hair. "You borrowed that money. You owed it to us - I gave you respect. I didn't have your family targeted, and you could have worked with me to pay off that debt. But no. You didn't. You left everything behind - You know why? Because you're pathetic. You left everything behind, and you came here. You abandoned everything, and you just ran away - I ran into problems. I got into fights, I dealt with people bigger than me..." He took a deep breath.

"I didn't abandon my family and run away to another country." He smiled at him. He recognized him. He had 'John' written all over him. "And The Black Sun... I'm allied with them. They're bigger, stronger, definitely bigger compared to when you last saw them... If you don't believe me, just go and look them up." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I'm sure they won't mind if we stay here for as long as you boys want to enjoy some time away. I explained things to the owner just a little bit and they seemed nice enough to understand." He took another swig of his orange juice to wash down his pancakes.


"Hey whoa whoa. None of that debt was my fault. You were the one who kept piling on my head for God knows what reason. I was just trying to make an honest living, but you messed that up." He pointed at Vincent accusingly. "I would have never left my family if it weren't for you." He scowled. "And I'm not gonna look them up because I think you're just spouting nonsense now. If they are back why on earth would they ally with a pathetic waste a space like you hmm? Surely they'd have bigger and better things to do with their lives."(@DrTrollinski )
".. That's great, man. Yeah, I think it'd do us all some good to just kick back and relax for a while." He nodded in confirmation and then forked the last of his pancakes into his mouth, and then started sipping on his orange juice. He was going to sit and let it all go down for a while. "What are you feeding Michael?" He asked.


"You were the one who borrowed the money. If you paid it back, perhaps you wouldn't have given your son a shit life in the long run." He snarled. "Why would they ally with me? I think the true question is why wouldn't they ally with me? I'm the leader of the most successful, richest, and longest-surviving Mafia in the whole of New York - Certainly a damn sight better than this little shit-kicking operation you've got going in the middle of Venice." He said.

"If you don't believe me, does that mean that you won't believe me if I tell you that your son works for me now?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"It definitely will." He nodded. "As for this little man? I think some mashed vegetables and fruit will be a tasty meal. Some formula too. He's still a little too young to enjoy these pancakes with us right now."


"You have no idea what your even talking about Vincent!" He snapped. "I know my son's life has been perfectly fine without me there. In fact, I think I did him a favor. Making him toughen up and see what the real world was like early on. And come on, your little gang off in New York is pathetic! Nothing compared to the operation we've got going on here. You think you know how things are here but you have no clue." He spat. His expression quickly turned to confusion though. "Wait a minute...what? My boy has allied himself with you?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, I'll be back as soon as I can. Gummy bears?" he asked, wanting know what kind of candy he would like. After he got the answer, he gave Adrian one last hug before getting up and hunting down his brother. "Get who ever else is coming. I want this done with quickly."
"Yeah, that's true." He chuckled a little. "It ain't gonna' be long before he's eating solid food, though. I mean, he's already walking around and talking gibberish, so I don't think we've got long left." He laughed a little and then swooped down the rest of his orange juice. He brushed himself down and then slowly rose up from the table. "I'm just gonna' use the bathroom, dude. We can go back upstairs when I come back if you're all done here." He said, and then made a wander off to the public Men's Restroom that was just across from the large dining room - this place was pretty fancy, too. Urinals were all clean, the stalls were like mini rooms rather than a few thin wooden walls surrounding a toilet, and the sinks all looked pretty fancy, with gold-plated faucets and nice hand-soap, and all that.


"Perfectly fine?" Vincent burst out into laughter for a good couple of minutes. "That's rich, really, rich. I was right about you - You really are a fucking idiot." He grinned and shook his head again. "Your son's life has been shit because of you. He got into debt with me as well, but you know something? He certainly isn't as fucking pathetic as you are- He worked. He came to my face and told me he wasn't happy with it. He worked with me, and now, he's rich, he has a nice place, a house..." He took a deep breath. "And The Black Sun. He has them, too. Just like I do - Your boss upstairs sent off some assassins to wipe the guys out... You just don't realize how fucked you are." He chuckled.

"Oh, and before I forget to mention, you're a grandfather to twin girls. Margaret and Alice." He said. "Your son is a legal guardian if my own boys, too. He's made a life, and he thinks that you're the man who ran away from his problems and wanted to abandon his family for his own gain." He closed his eyes. "So. Before The Black Sun come in here and claim blood - I give you two options. You can either listen to me, or you can be hunted for a few days until a few government agents come along and cut you to pieces." (@Axel1313)


"Yeah, gummy bears!" He grinned. He enjoyed the last hug with Rick, and then made a run upstairs to find his own brother. Okay, they were just going to generally play around and have some fun. Peter was in the house, so they were all safe. Nick always wondered what Peter's background was, because he was quite a mystical guy when you thought about it.

Once Rick approached Nick, he shrugged. "They're meeting us all there. Everyone except the house guards. We've got six, seven, maybe eight people including us. Keep in mind how talented we are - If they're like us, we could take on a small army with that number." He said, simply, and then walked over to the door in the house that lead into the garage and pushed through it. "What car? How about the black Ferrari, hm?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Chezzari parks his car, a Nova Cadillac, outside Amari's right hand man's estate. He gets out, closes and locks the doors, and walks up to the house confidently. He knocks three times, and waits for a answer.
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"Not the moat subtle thing. But it does certainly get a point across." Rick said, visibly calming down. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it quickly and correctly.

Grabbing the keys to the Ferrari, he gets into the driver seat, checks in his coat for his pistols, good old Desert Eagles, waits for Nick to get in, and drove off. Hopefully Leroy wasn't baiting them into a trap. Well, that's what the six other people were there for, to take care of any problems that might be there.

Reaching BOOM!, he pulls over to the side and makes sure he locks the doors. "Wish me luck." he told his brother before making his way across the street, and into the gunstore.

((@DrTrollinski since I can't remember the guys name, let's just call him Jhonson.))
"Definitely not too long at all until he becomes a true little terror." Johnathan chuckled teasingly. Tickling Michael's stomach and causing him to burst out in giggles. "We'll be waiting here until you get back. I've just got a little more to finish up. If I get done quickly though I'm going to take Michael upstairs to feed him okay?" He made sure that Joseph knew were they would be before he left.


"Well good for him. Being the 'big man' and running to you to find a way to pay it off. What'd he do to get paid like that from you? Bend over backwards at your every beckon and call?" He spat coldly. His face twitched as Vincent spoke. No, no, it couldn't be true. He was just spouting lies to get under his skin. "Okay, now I know you're lyin'. For one, he ain't old enough to have made me a grandfather yet. No way in Hell. He didn't even know any girls last I saw him. And second, there's no way Johnny is gonna let those guys within a hundred miles a this place. It's locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I'd love to see em try though."(@DrTrollinski )
There was a long pause, but eventually, there were some footsteps running towards the door. Yeah, running, that was quite a worry, wasn't it? Still, though, the door flew open, and there was a boy stood there with black hair - short black hair, mind you. He looked to be about ten or eleven, and he simply stared upon this man that had arrived at the door.

"Uh... Hi." He smiled a little, and then looked at him with an expecting look. He didn't know what this guy was here for, but he could only assume that it was his father he was looking for now. He wasn't going to call him right away though, just in case. (@KurtH6355)


"Peace and Prosperity is damned, Rick." He said. "You wait right here. I'll be on the building opposite. You've got the six guys watching from across the street, too. They've got a lock on every man in there - You'll be fine, I can assure you." He said, and then made his way over to the other building and progressed up to the roof. He lied down on top of it, rested the rifle scope against his eye, and then got ready. This could easily get messy. (@Beowulf)


Once Joseph was done, he flushed the urinal and then walked off to the sinks. He washed his hands, and then made his way back out of the bathroom and went back into the dining room and approached the table once again. "You all good to go, dude? I'm ready if you are." He smiled at him and then sat down at the table. (@Axel1313)


"He is. Early twenties. You see what happens when you run, buddy? You make things worse - He ran off, he had kids when his life had barely started, and look what happened then." He said. "He was in debt. He was forced to move his family back to Paris in order to pay off his debt - No. I didn't bend him over backwards and make him my little lapdog. I gave him a place to live, he's a full member of the family, and he's one of my right hand men now." He sighed.

"Do not believe that I am lying, my friend. The Black Sun will not hesitate to kill you when they get here, they're--.. Even I'm scared of them, alright?" He asked. "Come on... You can end this right now, you can meet your grandchildren, and you can come and tell your son why you ran. You can tell him in person." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Ya father, boy. Is he in? I need to speak to him about...business..." says Chezzari. He hesitates to add detail, for fear his father will be mad, if this is even his kid. He looks at the kid and waits for him to reply. (@DrTrollinski)
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"Uh... Sure." He said, and then made his way back into the house and found his father in the kitchen and told him what the situation was. Soon enough, there was a man that appeared to be in his late thirties. He walked over to the door and then looked at the man that was stood there. "Hey there." He said. He looked a lot like the boy, so it was easily identifiable as the boy's dad in general. (@KurtH65355)
"Hello. I am Chezzari Riczezio, and I am aware that you are Don Dicciano's Consigliere? (Leader of Dicciano's right hand man in Mafia terms). I wish to enroll in your..." Chezzari remember's of his son, and doesn't wish to notify the child of anything that he doesn't want his child to know) Business Venture. I believe I have some skills you might...appreciate.
"Yep! All ready to go." He smiled as he adjusted Michael in the little harness again. It was really tough with him kicking about wildly and giggling as he yanked on John's hair. He got up and dropped his dishes off by the kitchen area before heading towards the stairs again.


"That little...I knew he was hopeless. I may just have to come back to have a word with him. About whatever this having kids and joining you nonsense is." Otto grumbled, very irritated at this point. "You can forget about getting out of here right now Vincent. Johnny's orders were to keep you locked up down here unless he says otherwise and knowing him. I think you're just gonna rot down here with your little wifey there."(@DrTrollinski )
Opening the door, a bell ringed over his head. 'Hmm, that's new.' Rick thought to himself as he studied the group of rednecks in front of him. Johnson was easy to pick out, he just gave off the air of control over this group. Johnson was a big man, head and shoulders above Rick, and he wore a ripped sleeved shirt with a beer logo for some company or another. And there was Leroy, of course, already beginning to take cover behind his counter. "Johnson, is it?" he asked the big man.

He gave a single laugh. "Is... Is this some sort of joke? I have no idea what you're talking about." He said, and then sighed as he stepped out and closed the door over. "Let me walk you back to your car, sir... I think you might have come to the wrong house." He said, and then walked him down the driveway, followed by right out of the front gate. Once they were outside, he turned to him and brushed himself down.

"What makes you think you're worthy?" He asked. "The boss is in Venice. We've heard news, but we're looking into it... He'll need to be here before anything fully goes down." He explained. (@KurtH6355)


"Let's go, then. Mind if I have first shower?" He asked as they walked along. "I mean, if you want to bathe Michael first, that's fine. I'm just trying to save time, that's all... If you think about it, it'll take you longer to wash him." He said, and then walked upstairs to the room with him at his side. "So, what's the plan? You have a problem with me going first?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"You're making a mistake." He said. "I'm fine with sitting here, but I'm going to feel bad for you - Just you wait. The Black Sun will swoop in here as soon as your people have made a move on them - I'm in an alliance with them, Otto. I can make you a very rich man if you decide to listen to me, and all of this can stop - You can come home to America, you can live in a nice mansion and get to know your son and your grandchildren again, and that'll be the end of it. If not... Well, you're going to die like everyone else in this building." He said.

"Believe me when I say this... The Black Sun are not people you want to fuck with anymore. They're years ahead of anyone in the country." He said, looking him straight in the eyes. He just wished he could see exactly how serious he was. (@Axel1313)


"There you are." Nick murmured quietly. His crosshair was right on the man's head now, and he was taking note of everyone that came into view. By now, the other operatives were already on their way there. A couple of them were crossing the street - they were dressed as bystanders, it seemed. One sat on the bench out the front of the store, whilst the other walked around to the back to scan around for anyone dangerous there. If there wasn't, then he simply went and stood outside the back door, ready to make a move. The other four men simply wandered around the streets. (@Beowulf)
"What I think makes me worthy is the fact that you need men. Men who get things done. I've been keeping up with things. Am I wrong?" I shift my weight to my other foot and look him in the eye, hoping I haven't gone too far and pissed him off. (@DrTrollinski)


KurtH6355 said:
"What I think makes me worthy is the fact that you need men. Men who get things done. I've been keeping up with things. Am I wrong?" He shifts his weight to my other foot and look him in the eye, hoping he hadn't gone too far and pissed him off. (@DrTrollinski)

KurtH6355 said:
"What I think makes me worthy is the fact that you need men. Men who get things done. I've been keeping up with things. Am I wrong?" HEe shifts his weight to HISother foot and look him in the eye, hoping he hasn't gone too far and pissed him off. (USER=21364]@DrTrollinski[/uSER])
(It keeps making my edits double posts for some reason...)
"I don't mind one bit. I need to feed him first anyway and you know how messy he can be." Michael looked at Joseph and giggled after John said that. As if he was saying he knew he was guilty of that. "So it'll be best to give him a bath afterwards."


"You can cut the crap already Amari. I don't believe a single word you're saying. There is no way those Black Sun clowns will ever get anywhere near this place." Sadly, Otto's pride and stubbornness blinded him from just how serious Amari was and how every word he was saying was true. "And what makes you think that I'd join your side again huh? I left for a good reason and that seems to have paid off quite well now hasn't it? I'm a rich man here with plenty of protection. I don't need you or anybody else." (@DrTrollinski )

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