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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Will do." He yawned, and then set his head down on the pillow. He had a bit of a problem trying to get to sleep, but he managed it after about an hour of just lying there. He felt really ill for some reason; he didn't know why. It might just have been home sickness, so he simply settled himself down and then went to sleep after all the time that passed. He had a horrible dream, though, and he had only been asleep for a couple of hours - He had a bad dream about George, and that was really upsetting.

His eyes shot open.

He felt like he was about to throw up - He opened his mouth and took heavy deep breaths.

Come on, Joseph... It's okay.


He sprung out of bed and clipped his leg on the nightstand, making a loud thud. It hurt, but he didn't care. He flew through the bathroom door, dropped to the toilet, and then threw up. He was making so much noise and was hoping that he hadn't woken John, but he knew that that was unlikely. (@Axel1313)
"Joseph??" John mumbled groggily. The loud thud and sounds of the poor boy getting sick had woken him up. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he got up and slid out of bed to go check on him. "Are you okay in there pal?" He asked through a yawn. "You don't sound to good..."(@DrTrollinski )
The door was wide open and he just had his head down the toilet; he was holding himself up with his arms via the toilet seat, and he could only shake his head before he threw up again. He didn't even know what had caused the sudden sickness, but it was really worrying - He was sure that the food he ate at the hospital was fine, seeing as he hadn't really felt uneasy until the moment he woke up. The fish fingers tasted normal, and the rest of it was pretty good, too. He was scared, but he couldn't even get a word out right now. (@Axel1313)
"Something not agreeing with your stomach or just not feeling good?" John got a cool glass of water and knelt down beside him. Rubbing his back soothingly as he threw up again. He didn't act like he felt bad earlier, so what could have caused this sudden onset of sickness? "I can go get you something for your stomach if you need it."(@DrTrollinski )
Once he was sure he was done he welled up some saliva in his mouth a few times and spat it out each time. He took a few deep breaths, and he finally started to feel a bit better. He slowly pulled away from the toilet and flushed it, and then sat down against the wall. He was burning up, sadly, and he reached out and took the water and quickly gulped some of it down.

"I don't know what caused it." He whispered. ".. Some.. Some medicine would be good, yeah... My stomach really hurts." He gulped, and then sipped on the water again. (@Axel1313)
"Okay, just a second." It didn't take him long to fish the Pepto-Bismol out of the diaper bag. Luckily he had thought ahead to what they might need and packed it away. "Here, this should help a bit." He handed him the small cup of pink liquid.(@DrTrollinski )
He quickly took the small cup and gulped it down, and then reached out and took hold of John's hand and pulled himself to his feet. "I..." He took a deep breath. "I feel ill, John... I just... I'm worried, okay? I'm really scared, I think it's just the nerves." He gulped, and then hugged him. ".. Just... Can you sit with me for a while until I get to sleep?" He asked, shakily. (@Axel1313)
"There's no need to be scared Joseph. Everything is just fine now, okay? George is going to be just fine and everything will only get better from here on out." He hugged him and rubbed his back soothingly. "I'll sit with you as long as it takes until you can get to sleep again, alright? Just try not to worry yourself sick like this."(@DrTrollinski )
"I'm trying, dude. Honestly, I'm trying." He said. "It's just--.." He walked him through into the bedroom area and then collapsed down into bed again. "It's just really... I don't know, really stressful." He said, and then paused for a while to think for himself. "John... I've already asked you what it's like at public school, but... What's different? Aside from having more kids there?" He asked. God, there were so many things. School counsellors, different teachers, teaching assistants, separate facilities - Loads of stuff. (@Axel1313)
"I know bud, believe me....I'm just about as stressed out as you are lately...." He sat next to him on the bed with a sigh. "Let me think for a moment...it's been forever since I've been to school. I know there are a lot more teachers, desks, classrooms. A cafeteria, library and in elementary school there's usually a playground. I don't know if I can name everything that's different."(@DrTrollinski )
"Things will get better, as long as we stick together on this... I think it'd do us good to be able to move out, that's for sure." He took a deep breath and then just lied back and shut his eyes. ".. School sounds interesting... I bet George will like it. If there's a playground there, and he makes lots of friends... I bet that he will." He smiled softly and then shuffled over so that he could rest his head on John's thigh, and then hugged him with both arms. ".. Thanks for not letting us go into Foster Care, John... They separate siblings a lot in foster care." He said. (@Axel1313)
"As soon as I get in contact with Colette again we can start planning on that. Getting you boys moved in with us. I just hope the house is big enough for all of us." He chuckled softly. "I have a good feeling that George will absolutely love it if there's a playground there and make a to of friends." He leaned back against the headboard. "I would have never let that happen to you boys. Even if it meant going to court I was never gonna let them take you like that."(@DrTrollinski )
"I appreciate it, John..." Joseph yawned softly and then just kept his head rested on his leg, and his arms around his body. He was happier now, at least - In all honesty, he still felt a little bit queasy, but he felt better all the same. Hopefully it would stay that way. He needed to see George again, but like John had said, he'd be fine through the night. Well, he hoped he would be, at least - Who knows what could happen? What if the phone ran out of battery and he urgently needed to call them but couldn't? What if there was no signal? What if he was sick like Joseph was?

Now, now, Joseph. Stop panicking.

Okay. He kept his eyes closed and thought happy thoughts, and within ten minutes, his breathing went shallow and his grip on John's body slowly began to loosen. He was asleep, at long last. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan smiled softly and ruffled up his hair. Poor kid. He was trying so hard to be strong and get through this, but his nerves kept getting the best of him. He wished he could help more, but there wasn't much more he could do other than comfort him and George until they felt better.

He never made it back to his own bed. By the time Joseph had fallen asleep John was starting to snore softly. It was great to finally be able to get to sleep though. Especially after so many days of unrest and stress earlier.(@DrTrollinski )
The next day, Joseph awoke with his head rested on John's leg and his arms around his body yet again. He took a deep breath and then yawned, followed by slowly sitting up; he shuffled away from John and hopped out of bed, and then wandered off to the bathroom to pee. Once he was done, he washed his hands and came out of the bathroom once again - He walked over to the bed and sat down, and then lied down once again. He didn't know if he'd disturbed John when he got up, but he pulled a book out of his bag and started to read it whilst waiting for him to awake - He wanted to see if it was true and this place made the best pancakes in town. (@Axel1313)
It took another hour before John woke up. He yawned and stretched, his back popping in several places as he finally got up. He found Joseph reading on the bed beside him. "How long have you been up?" He asked groggily as he slid out of bed to get ready. "Are you ready for breakfast?" (@DrTrollinski )
"I've been up for about an hour or so. Went and used the bathroom, just been reading for a little while now." He shrugged and then took a deep breath. The idea of breakfast made his stomach rumble, literally, he wanted to try those pancakes. "Yeah, dude. I want to see if these guys really do make the best pancakes in town." He laughed and closed his book after folding one of the page corners, and then placed it down on the nightstand. "We going to go and see George once we've got ready after breakfast?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"You've already been up for an hour?" He cocked an eye brow in surprise. "Yeesh....makes me feel like I'm gettin' old." He chuckled and slipped into the bathroom to at least get changed into some clean clothes. "Yeah, right after breakfast we'll go to see him. I'll stop anywhere if you want to get him something. How does that sound?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, that'd be great." He smiled. "I want to get him something nice. Some nice chocolate, maybe a new teddy bear." He shrugged and then slowly rose up from his bed and slipped on his jeans and t-shirt that he'd worn the night before. "After breakfast, I want to come back up here and take a shower and get into some fresh clothes, though." He said, and then walked over to the door with him. "Let's go. Pancakes." He grinned. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, sounds like a great plan. I have to give this little guy a bath before we go anyway. The little stinker is in need of one." He grinned, slipping Michael into a small harness strapped to his chest. "Now lets go get some of those legendary pancakes." Chuckling he headed out the door and downstairs with the boys.(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, awesome." He said, and then followed him out of the room and made his way downstairs with John. The place they were staying in was really nice and laid back, sort of had a very 'old-era' look to it. Wooden furniture, wooden wall frames, and a nice smell of breakfast items being cooked as they wandered through. What was this place, though? Like a... An all you can eat breakfast bar, maybe? If that was the case, Joseph was sure that he would eat until his stomach could burst. (@Axel1313)
"Mmmm. That sure smells good doesn't it?" John grinned down at Joseph as the entered the dining area. It had a nice rustic look to it and was set out in a buffet style. "I bet the food here is going to be better than anything I could ever make you boys for breakfast. Makes me think that when he's feeling better we should bring George here for a few days to let him stuff himself with all of this good food."(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, definitely." He smiled and walked over to the buffet to look over all of the glorious food that was set out there - it was good stuff, it wasn't greasy and crap. It was good quality and looked really great to eat. Right, first thing's first. He poured himself a chilled glass of orange juice, and then grabbed a plate and went straight to the pancakes that were beside two jugs containing either syrup or cream.

Right, five huge pancakes and some syrup. That was him sorted. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan looked on in surprise as Joseph stacked all of that food onto his plate. That kid could really eat! It was a wonder where he put it all?

As for himself? He only got a couple of pancakes, an egg, some bacon and a nice cold glass of orange juice. That was going to fill him up plenty and he might not even finish it all either.

Meanwhile. In Venice:

"Well well, would you look at that. Never pegged you as the kind of guy for precious, emotional reuniting like this Amari." A dark voice chuckled. He'd been watching their little scene unfold for a while now and couldn't help but speak up. It was too amusing to see Amari locked up like this, right in the heart of the Dicciano family's territory.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph sat down at the nearest small table and started to tuck in instantly. His appetite had returned now that he was out of his house. He still missed his dad and felt sore about it, but it was all starting to settle down inside him.

"You're right... Best pancakes in town." He grinned as he gulped down some of his juice.


"And I never took you as a man who ran." He spoke back pretty much instantly. He knew that voice, it was a voice he knew all too well - all he needed was one look, and he'd see who this man was. He never noticed that this was John's father, but... Soon enough, he might just find out.

He moved Victoria aside and looked towards the cell door. "It's easy for you to mock me when you're behind the safety of bars. How about you open this up so we can have a true man-to-man conversation, hm? I don't even think I was a full leader when I first met you. Let's see how much time's made you change, eh?" (@Axel1313)

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