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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Thanks, John." He smiled at him and then squeezed George's hand again. "It wasn't easy to take care of him... It got really tough at points, but... There ain't nothing I wouldn't do for him." He smiled and turned to George, and then gave him a hug. "Hopefully you're right, though. Hopefully that was the last tough thing we had to go through." (@Axel1313)
"You're a great brother you know that?" He chuckled and ruffled his hair. "And I'm positive that it is. George is going to be well taken care of here and once he's feeling better we can get all of you back home and things back to normal again. Get you ready for school and go the the Carnival like I promised."(@DrTrollinski )
"I'm glad you think so." He smiled and then looked down at George, and then back up at John. "Let's just hope that George is all better come school time, huh?" He asked. He did want George to get better, but at the same time, he was hoping that he'd remember who his father was in a good way. He just hoped that he wouldn't be too saddened by it.

".. I can't believe that I'm going to be in Fifth Grade." He said, chuckling. (@Axel1313)
"Even if he isn't I have no troubles in making sure he's at least home schooled until he feels better. Of course, making some friends might be real good for him right now." He smiled. "And I can't believe it either. I haven't known you boys that long, but it's still hard to wrap my head around how old you are....this'll definitely be good preparation for when my girls start school. Hopefully."(@DrTrollinski )
"It will be, man. Preschool ain't as big, but it'll be good for when they go into Kindergarten." He smiled. "I mean, me and George had playdates when we were that age, so it was just like Kindergarten for us, really." He shrugged. "Our mom and dad taught us all the important stuff, though, not any teachers." He smiled at him and then looked back at George, stroking his hair. "Ain't that right, bro?"

He nodded.

The nurse came back in and put a tray down beside George's bed and smiled. She took a drip stand and dragged it to the side of George's bed, and then went and retrieved a fluid drip for him. She tied a little band just above his elbow, and then gently tapped his arm until she could see a vein.

"Would you like to hold his hand during this?" She asked Joseph. Joseph nodded and sat down beside George, and then pulled his head over towards him so he wasn't looking at what the nurse was doing, and he tightly squeezed his hand, too. All while the nurse was slipping the needle into his arm - he gave off a quiet whimper, but it was nothing that bothered him too much.

"John... When do you think the--.. y'know, the funeral will be?" He asked with a gulp. (@Axel1313)

One Week Later

Leroy got a hold of them, through one of their agents, and had this to say. "They came yesterday. I told them that a new shipment was coming in tomorrow. I didn't tell them anything else, I swear." And that was it.

Rick, after hearing the news, was in a flurry around the house. Checking this, re reading that, making sure Peter did something even though they both know he did it. He was preparing for a confrontation. No doubt Jacobs (couldn't remember his name) and his buddies were armed.
"That's a relief to hear. You boys will probably have to help me and Colette out a bit, we're going to be the ones hardly able to deal with the girls being away for half the day." He gave a light chuckle.

When the nurse came back in he sat back and watched as she put the tube in George's arm. He was such a trooper and Joseph was too. Always being at his brother's side to help him out. Then Joseph asked him a tough question to answer.

"Well I uh....I don't know yet. I haven't had the energy to get things in order for that yet..." He rubbed his eyes. "A few days of good rest and I'll begin to get things set up okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
"In a hurry are we, brother?" Nick asked as he came walking up to him. "At this rate, you look like you're going to be late for your own wedding." He chuckled softly. "I'm guessing today's the day, am I right?" He asked. He was just as ready for conflict as Rick was - he'd already loaded up their range rover with a couple of silenced M4A1's, and he had a couple of Silenced AMT Hardballers to himself, too. (@Beowulf)


".. Actually, can you--.. Can you leave it a while?" He asked, and then watched the nurse walk out. ".. I mean... I think we should give it more time before we go ahead and do that, just so everyone can come to terms with it, you know?" He said, smiling weakly. He reached out and grabbed the cocoa from the bedside and then held it out to George.

"Please drink this." He begged in a whisper. George looked him in the eyes for a moment, but then reluctantly reached out and took hold of it. He took a sip and then lied back in his bed. Oh well, at least he'd drank something. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan looked at him with a soft smile. "Yeah, I can do that. When you put it like that it sounds like the best idea right now." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'll make sure to get it all planned out and nice, but won't really do anything until everybody has come to terms with it. How does that sound?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, that'd be good." He smiled at him and then looked back down at George. "I'm sure he'll be fine after some time... He'll come around, won't you, bro?" He said as he reached up with one hand and bopped George's nose with his index finger. George simply shuffled over and hugged Joseph with one arm, his head rested atop his thigh. ".. John--.. What will they do if George doesn't eat anything? Like, what will they use?" He asked. Christ, he knew that if George had to have tubes put down his throat, he'd be none too happy. (@Axel1313)
"I'm sure he will." John smiled softly at the boys. "And I'm not so sure what they'll use if he refuses to eat...When my mom was sick and could hardly eat they just used a drip and got her to eat some soft foods and smoothies and I think they had to use a tube when she got real bad. Don't know if they'd do that to George though."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Right." He gulped and then looked down at George, rubbing his arm. "You're going to eat, aren't you? You don't want a tube stuck down your throat, right?" He asked. It was sort of a method of scaring him, just so he'd eat at least something. George looked at him and frantically shook his head, his eyes filling up with worry. Joseph lied down beside him and put his arms around him, hugging him close. He felt really bad for George, and he just hoped that he'd start to get better.

"Have you heard back from your family at all, John?" He asked, and then bowed his head to rest it atop George's own.
"Don't worry George, they'll be able to help you out here. Help you to get better so that won't happen okay?" Smiling softly he reached over and ruffled his hair. "I still haven't heard from them. No idea where they are or how they've been doing...all I know is that they're all safe and sound."(@DrTrollinski )
"Good to know." He said, and then went back to calmly hugging George and rubbing his back. He knew secretly that George wasn't happy to be here, and he was really scared about it all, so he was doing what he could to make sure that he was comfortable and sure that he was safe. George didn't feel safe at all, though. He just wanted to go home. He was starting to regret how he'd been acting.

Six Hours Later

They'd brought George something to eat. A little tray with a plate of food. There were some fish fingers, sweetcorn, fries, and some peas - there was some ketchup, too. In the bowl, there was some chocolate spongecake topped with hot chocolate custard. George had had it on his lap for a couple of minutes now, and then he looked up at John with a desperate look.

He didn't want to have the tube down his throat.

He needed to eat, but...

He couldn't. Even though he wanted. (@Axel1313)
"Come on George, please eat something. You've got to okay?" John sat beside George and held a spoon out for him. "The sooner you start eating something and feeling better the sooner you can go back home and they won't have to use those terrible tubes either. You don't want that now do you?"(@DrTrollinski )
George's eyes filled with tears, and then they flowed down his cheeks. He let out a sob and then leaned forward and took the food off of the food, chewed on it, and then sniffled a few times. He swallowed the food, and then gave a nod to John. He wanted to eat more. He wanted to eat all of it. He just wanted to be George again, not this horrible shell of George, this morbid and depressed shell was becoming too much and he could feel himself slipping away. He realized how much pain he'd caused John and Joseph, and he felt so guilty for it.

".. Is he eating...?" Joseph asked from the corner. He was sat in a corner in a chair and eating the same thing as George. Yeah, he wanted some dinner, too. (@Axel1313)
A soft smile spread across his face and he leaned forward to give him a hug. "Thank you...I just want you to be happy and healthy okay? Don't feel bad about feeling so depressed and sad though. I understand that it's hard and you just need time to fully accept it. Just please talk to me and Joseph about it, I promise that it'll help a lot." He got another spoonful of food and held it out to him. "Yeah, he's eating. Going to be a whole lot better in no time and we'll be outta here in a few days. Won't we?"(@DrTrollinski )
George nodded in reply to him and then took the spoon from him after eating the second bit of food. His hand was shaking from how hungry he was, but he'd finally realized how good food tasted and started to munch on it as quick as he could manage it. He was eating so quickly, and that made Joseph happy - Just to see him enjoy his food like he always did made him feel a lot better straight away.

"I certainly hope so... Are we staying here tonight, John? Or are we heading out?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan was extremely happy to see George eating like this. It was a great sign that he was trying his hardest to get better. "I don't know Joseph, right now I think it's up to George. If he wants us to stay the night here with him or doesn't mind if we go stay somewhere else for the night."(@DrTrollinski )
George looked around for a few moments and then looked over at Joseph. "Non c'è abbastanza spazio. Va bene." He said, Joseph smiled and scooped the last of his main course into his mouth, and then started on his dessert.

"He said that he doesn't mind if we go because there's not enough room in here." Joseph translated for him, and then started tucking into his food while George began to tuck into his own. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, if you say you don't mind." He smiled. "I'll make sure that we leave a cellphone here for you to call us if you need to." He reached for the phone book tucked away in the room. "I'm going to make a few calls around and see if there are any rooms for us in a nice little bed and breakfast okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Go for it, man. Try and find one that's close, and I'll keep an eye on George." He said. "And do that... Leave a cellphone here so that he can reach us just in case he needs something from us... We can make sure he's comfortable here before we go, though." He said with a nod. He was starting to have faith that George would get better now. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, I'll be back in a moment. Could you watch Michael for me too?" He chuckled and carefully handed him to Joseph. The little guy had been clinging tight to his shoulder the entire time. There were so many interesting sights and sounds, he looked around with bright little eyes.

It took a few minutes, but eventually John was able to locate a nice little bed and breakfast only a few blocks from the hospital. He didn't say how many days they were going to need to stay there, but the owner was kind enough to let them stay as long as needed.

"It's all taken care of!" He announced happily as he came back into the room. "We can go there whenever and stay as long as we need to. It's not too far away too just in case George needs us."(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, that's awesome." Joseph smiled and then stood up and went to George's bedside, and then bowed his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, bro... We'll see you soon, okay? You make sure you're good for the nurses here... Your bathroom's right behind us, and you have a cellphone if you need to call." He said, George simply nodded. Joseph was about to stand up, but then he sighed and then reached down with one hand and squeezed his own.

"George... Please, go to the bathroom if you need to, okay? Don't hold it if you need to go."

George nodded again. Joseph smiled and then went to John's side. "Shall we?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Here George, I grabbed this for you before leaving." He reached into Micheal's diaper bag and pulled out George's teddy bear. Handing it to him with a smile. A little piece of home in a place like this was more than needed. He then looked at Joseph and nodded. "Yeah, lets get going so we can settle in for the night and get some rest. We all need it now."(@DrTrollinski )

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