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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Partially." He said. "We don't need men. We want men." He said. "If you want to be part of us, you need to prove that you're worth keeping around. Not too far from here, there's a little warehouse. You're looking for a man named... Richard. Richard hasn't been very loyal at all... Just kill him. He's a junkie, just like most of our associates now. If you take care of that, maybe I'll consider you." He said, and then took a deep breath and wandered back towards his house. "Good luck." He said. (@KurtH6355 - Use third person, please.)


"Alright, awesome." He said, and then went and got some clean clothes from his bag and carried them off into the bathroom. He locked the door behind him, stripped off all of the clothes he was wearing, and then went and climbed into the shower and turned it on. The hot water began to pour over his head and body, and he instantly took a sigh of relief. This was great, really, great - Power showers were just amazing. (@Axel1313)


"So be it. Don't expect me to get you off the hook when The Black Sun roll in here and shoot everyone to pieces. I'm trying to warn you here - I've met one of Johnny's sons, the five-year-old one. As much as I hate the fucker, he doesn't deserve to die, and his children don't deserve to lose their father. I can get you off the hook, but fine, if you're not going to swim, then I'm going to let you drown." He sighed and then went over to the bed to sit down on the bed beside his wife.

"You can leave now. Thank you. It's been a pleasure." He said, and then lied back against the wall. (@Axel1313)
"Okay little man! Time for your breakfast." John smiled brightly and set Michael down on his lap. He dug out some applesauce and mashed vegetables for him and as expected. Michael proceeded to make a mess of himself as John tried to feed him.


Scowling, Otto stood up and shoved the chair out of his way angrily. "Whatever Amari. I don't even know why I came down here now. You're just a bit wast of my time." He got closer to the bars just to give him an ice cold glare. "I hope Johnny keeps you down here to rot for the rest of your miserable life."(@DrTrollinski)
Chezzari doesn't respond, just gets in his car. He pulls out his smartphone and finds the warehouse which he assumes Ameri's Consigliere was talking about and he puts the address into his GPS, taking off toward the adress.

Around 15 minutes later he pulls up. He goes to his trunk and grabs a bag of cocaine he is going to use to bribe his way in. He goes inside and is confronted by two guys with pistols in their hands. Chezzari thinks to himself "Amari's Consigliere didn't mention armed fucking guards". He says "Hey. Lookin' for someone named Richard". "Turn around, kid, and don't come ba-" one of the thugs says, until Chezzari pulls out and presents the bag of cocaine. The thug takes it and says "On the catwalk, room to the back. He should be high, so it'll be a easy job." Chezzari walks up the stairs, drawing a M9 as he does. He kicks through the door of Richards "Office" and he raises his gun. "Woah man, what th-" yells Richard, but a sharp bang cuts him off. Richard slumps in his chair, head sagging to the left, within it a bullet snug deep in his brain. Chezzari puts the M9 in his jacket and he walks out of the office, back downstairs, and outside. He gets into his car and drives back toward the house.

He pulls up to the house, parking on the sidewalk, and for the second time approaches the door, knocking three times.


(@DrTrollinski are we gonna continue?)
(Yes, but you need to keep in mind that I'm not always going to be able to reply right away. Also, separate the dialogue of different characters. If it's all in one paragraph it's confusing.)

The man came back to the door and swung it open, and then looked out at the man that was standing before him. "There's two possibilities here. You either couldn't get close, or it was a success." He said. "Go ahead, make my day. What's the situation on what I told you to do?" He asked, and then leaned against the doorframe and continued to look over him. (@KurtH6355)


Ten minutes later, Joseph emerged from the bathroom, clean, dry, and wearing fresh clothes. His hair was brushed, as were his teeth, and now he was ready for a new day. He went in and smiled at John while he was dealing with Michael. "Is he eating up, or giving you trouble?" He asked, smiling a little. (@Axel1313)


"He can if he wants to. Don't worry, The Black Sun will show you otherwise, I give you my word." He said, and then lied down on the bed and took a long deep breath. "You can leave now. Goodbye. Enjoy the last few days of your life while you're gone." He murmured casually, and then yawned and shut his eyes. Victoria looked at Otto for a moment, but then lied down beside Vincent and took a quiet sigh. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari speaks "Richard is dead, and his guards pacified for the time being." Chezzari reaches into his jacket and clicks a new bullet into the chamber, putting the M9 on safety (@DrTrollinski - Okay.)

(And still, it was 2 hours ago I came. I was kinda getting into the RP so I asked. Sorry.)
"Little bit of both at the moment." He chuckled. "Half of it has gone into his mouth and the other half has ended up all over him. It's a good thing you took a shower first."

Michael looked up at his brother with a big messy grin and giggled. The goofy little giggle of a guilty little bugger.


Red faced, Otto gave Amari the middle finger before storming back upstairs. Only a few minutes of talking to him and he'd had enough. Nothing but nonsense, that's all he saw it as.(@DrTrollinski )
"Good." He said. "Please, come inside and sit down." He said, and then walked in through the door and held it open for him. He waited for him to walk inside and then closed the door over. The house was actually quite nice - It was a big house, too. He lead him through to the living room and then motioned over to the couch. "Please, take a seat." He said. (@KurtH6355 - It's fine, pal. Don't worry about it.)


"Heh, fair enough, man. You can go and bathe him if you want. I'll wait out here and read for a while." He smiled. "Look at that grin." He said, and then walked up with a smile and gently pinched Michael's nose with two fingers. "Who's the cutest little brother? Huh?" He asked, and Michael was just sent off into giggles.

Joseph looked up and smiled at John. "Go bathe him. I'll be waiting." He laughed. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari sunk himself into one of the armchairs of the living room, and he faced the man sitting opposite of him. He is emotionless on the outside but quite excited on the inside. He could finally join the Dicciano Family! He waits for the Consigliere to speak to him.
Chezzari sunk himself into one of the armchairs of the living room, and he faced the man sitting opposite of him. He is emotionless on the outside but quite excited on the inside. He could finally join the Dicciano Family! He waits for the Consigliere to speak to him.

Chezzari sunk himself into one of the armchairs of the living room, and he faced the man sitting opposite of him. He is emotionless on the outside but quite excited on the inside. He could finally join the Dicciano Family! He waits for the Consigliere to speak to him.

(Dunno why it tripled it....my internet is freaking out)
"He's a devious little guy isn't he?" Johnathan laughed and wiped as much of the food off of Michael's face and hands as he could. "I'll be back in a little while. It's going to take a bit to get him completely cleaned up." He chuckled as he whisked the little guy away to get him nice and cleaned up. (@DrTrollinski )
"You did alright." He said, and then reached up and scratched his head. "Now, the biggest secret you should know is that the leader of The Dicciano Family in New York isn't a Dicciano. His name's Amari, Vincent Amari - I don't know when or if you'll ever meet him, but for the love of god, don't address him as Mister Dicciano, okay?" He said, and then took a deep breath. ".. It's not usually my call, but you can work with us. Consider yourself a, uh... an apprentice, if you will." He said. "We need you at Amari Vineyards and Winery - If you're going to work for us, you need to be willing to do anything. Talk to Brent when you get there - He's the manager of operations, can't miss him." He said, and then sunk further into his chair and shut his eyes for a moment. (@KurtH6355)


"Of course, don't worry about it. If you need any help, just give me a call." He smiled. "I know from experience... Michael can get a little bit funny when it comes to bath times, and all... Not really in a bad way, but sometimes he has a habit of moving around a lot - It all sort of depends on what mood he's in, to be honest." He gave a little shrug and then picked up the book from the nightstand that he was reading earlier in the morning, and then lied down on the bed and opened it up once again. (@Axel1313)


The three men had just landed at the airport now. The three assassins that had been sent by Johnny Dicciano - This was going to end badly, for sure. What were they here to do? They were here to target The Black Sun - this was going to end badly, definitely - It was destined to end badly right from the moment that Johnny gave the order. Did they actually expect to take down The Black Sun?
"Thanks for this...opportunity, mate. See you around." Says Chezzari as he gets up, and he shook his hand professionally, after so he walked out of the door of his house, walking up to my car and opening the door. He takes one look back at the house, and then he then got in his car. He put the adress of Amari Vineyards and Winery in my GPS and he started my car, put it in drive, and started going that way.

Chezzari reached the field in 30 minutes and got out out of his car, walking up to the house that overlooks the field. He is approached by a scrawny looking guy, and he asks what Chezzari came for. "I could just put this guy asleep. Guess that would piss off Dicciano though" Chezzari thought. "Associate of the Dicciano Family. Here to see Brent." Chezzari says. Apparently the kid wasn't too bright, because he doesn't ask questions, just starts walking. He leads Chezzari to Brent's office, and Chezzari stands in the doorway.

"Vincent Amari's Consigliere sent me. Said I'd have to be willing to do anything. What do I gotta do?" (@DrTrollinski)
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"I need you to start off simple." He said. "Go into our bottling area - We need you to start moving the crates." He said, taking a deep breath. "I need you to move the crates into the storage room. Come back to me once you've got that done." He said simply, and then wandered off into his office to sit down at his desk. There were going to be other people handing the crates with Chezzari, but still, manual labor and all. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari feels insulted at first, but he lets it go. He can't just become a capo or something he thinks, he has to work for it. Even if it is manual labour.

He walks out to the bottling area and the people there show him what to do. After 2 hours, he walks back into Brent's office, a little winded. "Okay. Now what?"
"I think I'll be just fine. I am used to dealing with two little rowdy girls quite often during bath time, so one little stinker should be no troubles at all." He chuckled as he took Michael into the bathroom. He did give John some troubles by wiggling about and splashing wildly, but at least it wasn't anything more than he could handle. The most it really did was make the front of his shirt completely soaked.(@DrTrollinski )
"I don't know." He said, and then leaned back in his chair. "Just do what you please. Go back to who you came from and speak to him - I've got nothing else for you to do right now. Do stop in soon, though, I'm sure there'll be something that'll be more worth your while." He smiled at him and then kicked his shoes up onto his desk, crossing his feet. "Have a nice day." He said, and then took a long-winded yawn. (@KurtH5633)


"That's true. Best of luck, man. Michael can be a pain, believe me." He said. "Bathing George was much easier than bathing him, believe me..." He said, and then took a long deep breath and turned to the page that he was reading previously. With a soft chuckle, he left it at that, and fell into silence as he started reading. Now it was time to play the waiting game. (@Axel1313)
About fifteen minutes later John came back out of the bathroom. Michael was squeaky clean and wiggling around happily. John on the other hand was now a mess. The entire front of his shirt and his pants were soaked and covered in soap. "Oookay....little man here is all nice and clean, but now I need to change..."(@DrTrollinski )
(@KurtH6355 - I wrote your name wrong. Check the above posts, sorry.)


"Let's see him." Joseph put his book down and then stood up and walked over to John's front; he reached out and took Michael from his arms and held him close to his shoulder. Michael turned his head to look at Joseph's face, and then gave him a cheeky little grin and a giggle. Joseph lightly bounced him in his arms and then walked him over to the bed - he lied him down, and then sat down on the bed at his feet - he started gently tickling him, and Michael started to giggle and kick around wildly.

"You can go take a shower if you want. I can keep watch of him." He laughed. (@Axel1313)
"Thanks, I really need one after that. The little monster likes to splash so much." He chuckled and headed over to get some clean clothes. "You two behave now while I'm in the shower. Noooo funny business." He teased before heading in.

He didn't take terribly long, just enough to feel fresh and clean again. Then pulled his clothes on quickly and stepped out again. Figuring that Joseph would want to spend as much time with George as possible he didn't want to take too long.(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright mate, don't work too hard." Chezzari responds walking outside the door. He walks out the door of the house, not wasting any time, and he walks back to his car. He comes up on three teenagers. One is slitting his tires. About to, anyway.

Chezzari taps on the one wielding the switchblade's shoulder, and when he turns, Chezzari delivers a right Haymaker to his gut, a crack following the blow, and throwing him to the floor behind him afterwards, and one runs off, the other throwing a strike at him. Chezzari grabs his punch with his left hand, throwing a straight at the kid's jaw afterwards. He falls to the ground holding his jaw, and Chezzari stomps onto his balls. The kid goes on his side and vomits, then passes out from pain, his tounge out of his mouth in the middle of the puddle of his own bile. Chezzari takes the one with the switchblade's knife, and he puts it in his pocket, and he unlocks his door, getting in and driving off, leaving the teenagers on the floor.

He drives back to the house, and he walks up to the door, knocking, again, three times. (@DrTrollinski)
(Seeing as it's at a private vineyard that's under control of the mafia, I highly doubt there's going to be three teenagers slicing the tires of one completely random car out of the dozens that would be there, but this time, I'll let it slide.)

After the knock on the door, the consigliere came walking down the hallway and then opened it up. In one arm there was a toddler, perhaps around two years old or so, that was just babbling on his shoulder and happily tugging at his hair. The man looked at him for a few seconds, whilst occasionally wincing from having his hair pulled, and then spoke up.

"Back so soon?" He said. "Please, come in." He said, and then pushed the door open fully and turned around. "Close the door behind you." He said, and then wandered through the house until he got to the living room again, where he took a seat in the nearest armchair. (@KurtH6355)


Joseph spent the ten minutes that John was gone just simply playing with Michael, and it seemed that Michael's laughter would have been able to have been heard from right across the floor that they were staying on. It was so loud, but they were both having a really good time. Joseph was having a lot of fun just playing with his youngest brother, and he was in a much better mood than he had been over the past few days; Michael seemed happy as can be, as well, but he's pretty much always like that. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari walked into the house, closing the door, and following him. He sits in a armchair opposite of him, smiling and almost laughing. Something about seeing a Mafioso getting his hair tugged on by a tot humored him. Plus he loved kids. For a little bit he thinks about what it'd be like to have kids. Then he comes back to reality.

"Brent had me do some manual labor" he said "afterwards he told me to just come back, so I did. Ran into some trouble on my way to the car, but nothing serious or relevant. Anyhow, he had me lift boxes for an hour, then sent me here." (@DrTrollinski)
"Well you two certainly sound like your having a boatload of fun out here." He chuckled as he put some things in a small diaper bag. "Are you ready to go see George again? We can stop on the way if you feel like getting him something."


"Hey!! Johnny!! Where are you!?" Otto shouted as he searched through the large house for his boss. He had to ask him about this whole Black Sun matter.(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, loads of fun." He said as he gently tickled Michael's belly, whom of which burst out into giggles started kicking and swinging his arms around. Joseph laughed and then leaned forward and picked him up. "Come on then, big man." He said, and then lifted him up and held him at his hip, followed by walking over to John's side. "I'm all good to go. I want to stop to buy him some candy, and maybe a teddy bear... Can we stop at a toy store and a candy store?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"For Christ's sake, be quiet!" Johnny called out as he stormed out of a room. "I've been trying to get my son to sleep for the past hour, and you just fucked it up." He slammed the door closed and then rubbed the back of his head. His hairstyle was very... 'Jake Gyllenhaal'. Johnny was an asshole. A stuck up, preppy little asshole, but there wasn't anything you could do about that. "What do you want? Make it quick." He snapped. (@Axel1313)


"I see." He said, and then gently reached up and pulled the boy's hands away from his hair, and then simply set him down on his lap and gently bounced him continuously on his knee. "The boss hasn't come back from Venice, so we're all concerned. We were told that he was murdered, but I don't believe that for a moment. It's not like him to get killed - he'd be leaving behind three children if that's the case. We heard his missing wife is somewhere in Venice - Suspected that it's the last surviving member of the Dicciano's. We don't know, though." He explained.

"Tell me something... What is it you're good at? What sort of person are you?" He asked. (@KurtH6355)

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