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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Joseph lead them both into the toy store after that and smiled once they'd entered. "I'll pick something out for George first, and then I'll grab the stuff I'm looking for. You can have a look around for something for Michael, if you want." He smiled a little, and then walked over to the section where all the stuffed animal toys were. He looked at some of the teddy bears that were there and scratched his chin a little while looking over some of them. He reached out and took one with dark brown fur, and then looked at it. It had PJ's on, little striped ones, blue and white. It was nice and soft, too, soft like a pillow. This one was perfect.


'You've given me plenty of time to find out who you are, Otto.' The message popped up. 'The records I've got here show that you were once a resident of New York - You happen to be in a lot of debt to a fellow associate of ours. A Mister Vincent Amari - That's strange, we've got tabs on most of the foreign Dicciano Family members, so this is quite surprising. It's nice to see you're with the Venetian Mafia. How's Johnny doing nowadays? Is he well?'

Well, that showed that Vincent wasn't lying. (@Axel1313)


Nick had indeed been watching from the rooftops. He'd had a little bug planted anyway, just so he could listen in and make sure that things were well down there. As soon as he heard the man start giving them what they were looking for, he said one thing into his radio. "Call it off." And then he did indeed make his way back down to the car. The tinted windows, everything, he was there, and he was waiting for Rick to get in and drive them off when he got back. He had his AMT Hardballer on him, silenced, just in case anything went wrong between here and now. He was just hoping that things would go well for them from here on out. (@Beowulf)

"Okay, but I think the little guy is gonna end up picking out something for himself without my help at all." He chuckled as the infant giggled and reached out for everything in sight. While Joseph was off searching for something for George and himself, Johnathan was getting in his daily workout. Having to stoop over every few minutes to pick up something that Michael had gotten his hands on and tossed. It was wearing him out, but the little menace seemed to be getting a riot out of it. Bursting into loud giggles every time he tossed a toy and watched John awkwardly struggle to put it back again.


Otto stared at the screen in disbelief. This couldn't be real. No no, Johnny had to have just hit him harder than he previously thought, but...the proof was right there in front of him now. He could hardly deny it now.

'What the?? How did you?.... This has to be a prank!! Who are you?' He typed back furiously. Trying so hard to convince himself it wasn't real as the dread filled him.' Whoever this is if you're messin' with me I'm gonna hunt you down and kick your a**'

((@DrTrollinski ))
Rick could almost feel the eyes follow him out. It made sense, watching a man they had just placed so much trust in. But it still didn't make him feel better. Reaching the car, he opens the door and gets in. No shots fired, no armed truck swerving around the corner, nothing. "It wen better then I suspected."

"Yeah...a drink sounds good" responds Chezzari. He thinks about his status as a "recovering alcoholic". "Fuck it" he mutters under his breath, and he sits and waits for his beverage, observing the house as he does. Large, quite, and he smiles to himself thinking out having a place like this. ((@DrTrollinski - Sorry for the lapse of absence))
(Sorry, guys. Busy once again. I've got my assignment finished off so hopefully there won't be too much pressure on me for a while now :D )

And there they were. The RC Helicopters. Joseph's grin got so wide that he felt like his face was about to tear. This was just great, there were currently five of them to collect, and this store had three. They weren't all that expensive, but they were expensive enough at thirty dollars for one. He wanted all three, because there was two of one of them, and the other two both had the last one in stock. They were high in demand, and Joseph knew that if they went out and came back tomorrow to get one of these, they'd be gone. He scooped up all three boxes (the choppers themselves were relatively small) and made his way over to the counter to wait for John.

When John came back with whatever toy he'd picked for Michael, he smiled at him and gave him a bit of a puppy dog look. "Can I have these three?" He asked. "I mean... It's no problem if I can't, but... I've always wanted to get these, and they're rare, so..." He shrugged a little and looked at the ground; it didn't feel right to ask John for stuff like this.


"I really recommend that you don't threaten me. I know where you live now, I know your address, and if I wanted to, I could wipe your whole bank account of every last nickel." A message popped up. "Let's see... You've got a son back in New York, hm? Like father like son, he's gotten himself into the Mafia, too. Isn't that just lovely? He happens to work for your biggest rival."

There was a long pause.

"I hope you're willing to listen to this next part, Otto, because this is important. This could be the difference between you walking away alive, and us taking you down into a basement and cutting you to pieces. You going to listen to me now?" (@Axel1313)


"I heard, brother." He said. "What's the next plan of action, then? Are we going to the location that he told you of, or are we going home for further planning?" He asked. What they didn't know was that there had been a coordinated attack on the mansion while they were gone. They missed it by literally minutes, which was rather painful to think about - Let's hope the boys are okay there with Peter, because it was one big attack, even if there were a lot of guards. (@Beowulf)


Soon enough the man came back with two glasses of whiskey with ice. He handed one of to Chezzari and then sighed as he sat down. He looked tired, but seeing as he was a father, that could sort of be expected, couldn't it? Yeah, too damn right it could have. He didn't say anything, he just sat there for a moment before lifting his glass a little. "To good health." He said. (@KurtH6355)
"Sure. Put em up on the counter, I've got no problem with getting them all for you." He answered happily as he returned. Michael was hugging a little blue and purple stuffed dragon he'd taken a liking to as tightly as he could. Not tossing it half way across the isles had given John a pretty good indication that he liked it a lot. With what Joseph had, any other time he would have been more strict about it. Three of those little choppers seemed like a lot, especially for the price of each one too, but it looked like they really made the kid happy. So how could he say no to that after what they all had been going through?


Otto didn't reply for the longest time. Whoever this was had gotten on his nerves and managed to scare him as well. He kept wanting to defend his pride, but like the coward he really was deep down he'd do anything he could to stay above ground another day.

"Alright pal......go on. I'll listen. Tell me what just might keep me from being cut to bits"

(@DrTrollinski )
"Awesome, thanks." Joseph grinned and placed them all down on the counter with a huge smile up at the employee behind the cash register. The woman smiled down at him and then looked up at John and Michael, also giving them a sweet little smile. Joseph stepped back and allowed John to step forward so that he could pay for the items that he picked up. "Once George gets out of hospital, I'm sure he'd like to play with these, too. He really likes the look of them as well, but..." He lifted the dark brown teddy bear in the PJ's up onto the counter as well, and watched as the woman began to scan the items through. "For now, I think he'll be okay with the teddy bear." He nodded. Joseph had been a real trooper during all this - he lost his dad, but he was still in high spirits for his two brothers, no matter what.


"Good man, Otto." He said. "Now, I'm not sure if you're aware, but I've recently been informed on an attack on the housing estate of our two directing agents - This was not a smart move by Johnny. This can be forgiven, seeing as he did not know the extent of which we can reach. Now, down to our main concern - Our most trusted associate, Vincent Amari, has gone missing - Last seen on a trip to Venice. You may think that the Venetian Police Department bow down to you, but believe me, we can make anyone bow down to us by doing so much as clicking our fingers. The Venetian Police Department informs us that it's actually a Johnny Dicciano who has Mister Amari held prisoner."

There was a long pause.

"We'd like to offer you the opportunity of a lifetime, Otto. You tell us what you know, and, if all goes well for us, and we get Amari back to his three children unharmed, then you walk away a very, VERY rich man. Don't forget who controls all the banks here - Have you forgotten? It's us. We can generate enough profit for you, that you could shit on people from so high up, that they'd think god himself had crapped on them. Sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it? If you go ahead with this, your sins against our organization and country will be forgiven."

If he was going to go ahead with this, then that meant one thing: He'd have to tell them of Amari's wife, too.

"I think he'll love it, but I'm sure by the time he's better you'll be wishing that he was still just fine with the teddy bear." He teased as he stepped up to the counter to pay. He knew all too well how siblings could be when it came to sharing things. There was no doubt the boys would be better than his girls ever were though seeing as they were older.


"Hmmm.." Otto rubbed his chin as he thought about it for a moment. Now, Johnny wasn't the best guy around, but at least he had some form of honor. Otto on the other hand? Well....it was surprising he even knew the meaning of the word anymore. He may hate Amari with a passion and still have his doubts about this whole Black Sun thing right now, but at the mention of all that cash his interest was piqued.

'You've caught my interest now. I definitely like the sound of what you're offering for this, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. So, what is it that you need to know so we can make this work huh? I'll tell ya everything ya need to know.'

It was amazing how low this man could sink. It was bad enough he abandoned his own son and stabbed Amari in the back, but now he was going to do it again. And all for the cash.

(@DrTrollinski )
"To good health" Chezzari agrees, lifting his glass, and raising his glass to his nose, he sniffed out the drink, to see if he could determine the brand. Afterwards, he put the glass to his lips and knocked it back steadily. Afterwards, he put the glass on the table between him and the man, and he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Kentucky Bourbon" he said "You've got a fine taste when it comes to liquor"
"I'm sure I'll be thinking the same thing, too. They reckon that these helicopters, opened or unopened, are gonna' be worth fortunes when I'm older." Joseph laughed a little. "Plus, George is good. He'll be gentle with 'em - With stuff like this, he won't play with 'em unless I say so, and he won't do it unless I'm there, so we've got to be careful, you know what I mean?" He said. "Anyway..." He stood there and waited for the cashier to bag up all of the stuff that they'd bought, followed by taking his and George's bags with the appropriate contents and began to carry them towards the exit. He was nice and decided to take the one with Michael's stuff in it, too.

"How do you think he's doing this morning?" He asked.


"Then tell me where Amari is." The message said. That was it. There was nothing else to it whatsoever, just that. They were men of their word, apparently, so Otto would be better off at this rate - He'd be welcomed back into the state, given a nice mansion and whatever, and then just live life to the full. Of course, there was no guarantee that all of the problems would be dealt with for him, but that could be figured out later on in life, couldn't it? (@Axel1313)


"So... You any good at selling things?" He asked him, scanning him up and down. They were a different type of mob, but they still had the basic stuff behind them. They'd still sell drugs or stuff off of the back of a truck, and whatnot. "You good at makin' negotiations, and all that? Because there's a little something going on." He said. (@KurtH6355)
"Yeah, I've been on both sides of a drug deal" Chezzari responded. "Mostly the side that's selling. Me and my brother did that alot before we died." Chezzari sighs. "Good days those were." After a long pause, Chezzari continues "I consider myself multi talented, I'm a Strategist, I'm a Manipulator, I'm a Persuasionist, and I'm a violent son of a bitch. So, to answer your question, yeah, I'm good at selling things"
"I think he's going to be doing a lot better than he was the other day and maybe even ready to come home." He replied cheerfully as he put Micheal into his car seat. He really did hope that was the case. Sure, George did need the help, but right now he felt like the boys needed each other more than anything.


'Amari and his wife are being held in a cell in Johnny's house. It's in the basement and a little hidden away, but not that hard to find. Hope that's enough info for you.' Otto didn't even hesitate when it came to giving away their location. His ego and desire to be that rich completely drowned out and remorse or regret that he might have had.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Let us go home. We know where to find him now. No sense in working to hard for something easily accomplished." Rick said, searching for a comfortable spot before giving up and placing his pistol on the dash board. "And I promised I would be back."

((@DrTrollinski Life can be a butch sometimes.))
"I hope he can come home. I had a dream about him, you know." He said as he climbed up into the back of the car, placing the bags down beside him as he buckled up his seatbelt. "I dreamed of him when he was older, not much older, but a little." He said. "He was really... I don't know, really smart, kinda' like our dad was. Like, really smart, you know what I mean? I just hope he can come home. He's probably getting a little lonely there." He said, sighing. You're right. The boys needed each other more than anything else, and taking one of them away was something that no hospital could ever help fix.


'You're a very disloyal man, Otto. I can see why Amari wanted to have you killed. He always seemed to see something in you, for some odd reason. He never understood why you ran away and handed your debt over to your son, the innocent one. It's odd... Odd what people will do when it's their own neck on the line." He said. "Here's what you're going to do. You're going to go back to work and do whatever it is you usually do, and you're going to wait. Capiche?" (@Axel1313)


"I'm not talking about a drug deal." He said, standing up as he drank down the last of his beverage and placed the glass down on the table. "Let's go. We've got something to do." He said, walking out of the living room and eventually out of the house to the driveway. He got into his car, of which was a BMW, and started up the engine whilst waiting for Chezzari to join him. (@KurtH6355)


"I see." Nick said. "Let's stop at a store on the way, hm? One of those fancy ones. I'll buy Nathaniel some candy for when we get back." He said. Ah, well, that's convenient, seeing as Rick had actually promised to get Adrian some gummy bears while he was out at work, so that worked in everyone's favour, I guess. (@Beowulf)
I set my glass on the coffe table and walk outside, closing the door behind me. I see the BMW in the driveway and walk over it it, opening the passenger door and letting myself in. "So, what are we doing? Should I have my gun at the ready?"
"Sounds like it was a pretty great dream." He smiled back at him as he pulled away from the shop and headed towards the candy shop next."I'm sure that after all the treats we bring him he'll definitely feel good enough to come back home with us. I should even see if I can get a hold of Colette and my girls and see if they'd like to help make a little welcome back home party to make him feel even better. How does that sound?"


'Hey, I did nothing wrong. That debt was not my fault and it also wasn't my fault that it was put on John. If he just woulda let it all drop none of this would have happened.' He typed back. 'Anyway. You got it. It'll be nothing but business as usual with Johnny and not a single word about this arrangement.'

(@DrTrollinski )
"Good. I got to get some gummy bears for Adrian anyway, might as well only make one trip." he said, startin up the car and drivin off. After a moment if silence, Rick spoke up. "You know, I've been thinking over what Amari said about his kids. He doesn't want them in the buisness. Said so himself. What if." Here he paused, a look of immense thinking crossing his face and deciding to stay for a bit. "What if the boys weren't to get involved? We can buy our way into the West. We could stay here, straighten things out. And when the East is as goodas the West, we can come back for them."
((Finally on Spring Break! but somehow that only ended up in twice the homework because my professors are arses....))
((It might be. @DrTrollinski was doing the story lines for all of us. He was basically the gm. So, if he is done on this site, which I do not know, then this is sadly dead.))
((I'll write up some more replies in a little while. I feel like I just needed a break, sadly which was forced. I've been experiencing some writers block recently so everything I've been doing has been affected :( I'll write something up for you soon, guys.)

(Try and avoid first-person. It messes me up xD )

"Yes." The man walked over and climbed into the driver's side of the door with a little smile on his face. "You should have your gun ready, definitely. We don't know how well or how bad this could go, so it's best just to be ready." He said. He started up the engine and pulled out of the driveway before looking over at Chezarri with a small sigh. "As you know, the government's put a huge tax on tobacco and alcohol, meaning that a lot of the market's fucked up. We've managed to snatch some cigarettes from a shipment, so we're going to sell them in the more downtown area." He explained. (@KurtH6355)


"That'd be good." Joseph smiled. "I mean, you still need to see them, so really, it'd be a bit of a reunion party, don't you think?" He laughed a little. "I mean, you don't have to do that if you'd rather wait until you've met them properly, I don't mind." He said. "I don't know how you're going to get in contact with them, either, but I'm sure there's a way we can do it." He smiled at him a little and shrugged. (@Axel1313)


'Just go, Otto.' The person typed back. 'Head back, be friendly, and you and the boss will be spared. We have reasons behind letting people live, and those reasons will go unsaid. Just go home, work on a biography, watch TV, do whatever the fuck you want, but just keep it under the radar and this'll all be over soon.' (@Axel1313)


"I don't know." He said. "I can't picture a life without the boys. The place we live now, the area is richest and the most clean. Very little crime, very little trouble whatsoever." He sighed to himself as they drove along. "It's why I fight." He said. "After I gave up my wife so that you could still be around, I made a promise. Even if I died, I'd be building a better world for our sons to live in, no matter what." He explained, looking out of the car window. "They'd have a good life on the west side. But would they enjoy it there? Without us? We've been put on a mission. We're not allowed to leave, and we were born for this - Who's to say they won't be in danger if we buy them a way out of here?" He asked. (@Beowulf)

(I'm more than happy to continue if you are, guys.)

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