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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Sounds like a plan to me." He said, they had to act quickly here because if they didn't, the boys were done for. Nick stared at the man from behind his glasses and then slowly shook his head, "Two." He mumbled, gripping his gun tightly in his hand. He was focused on the points he wanted to shoot - It'd be a quick shot, right by the boys' heads - It would have been risky for anyone else, but for them, I don't think they could miss even if they wanted to. "One." He said firmly, followed by quickly lifting his arm and pulling the trigger at the desired area.

What Rick didn't know was that Nick was aiming for his gun arm, too - sure, they didn't harm the boys, but they certainly did some damage to the man himself. His shoulder must have been obliterated after taking two bullets to it, and after that, probably the other one, too, because Nick decided to immobilize the guy by taking out his other shoulder, too.

He wasn't going anywhere.

The gun slid along the floor to the sound of the screams of the man. That's when the boys got up and started running to them, crying their eyes out while doing so.

At least they were okay. (@Beowulf)
"Alright, Vito" Chezzari said, and he continued driving. He continued to drive, until a man with a gun stood in the road, and he raised his handgun, aiming at me. "Drop the gun" Chezzari said and he got out of the car, hands at his sides "Give me the car!" He yelled, flaunting the weapon. "Drop the gun" Chezzari ordered. "Fuck you!" He gun man yelled. Chezzari raised his hand to his coat and drew his gun slowly "Someone is going to die if you don't leave" Chezzari said, and he kept his gun at his side, finger off the trigger. "Vito, stay in the car" Chezzari said to Vito calmly.
"I'm sure he's just fine. He's a good kid and wouldn't want to worry you too much." John smiled back at him through the rearview mirror. It didn't take long at all for them to reach the hospital. They could have walked from the candy shop and still made good time. He really hoped George was feeling better...the boys didn't need the added stress of worrying about each other. ((@DrTrollinski ))
(Just a pointer, please try and stop all of the random crime events from taking place so frequently; the East side is in bad shape, yes, but this carries it a little too far, and running into all this crime in just one day makes it a little unrealistic)

"Don't tell me what to do." Vito snarled back. "You don't know a thing - This man doesn't know you, but he knows The Mob. No one fucks with the mob, at all. If they know who I am, they won't do a thing - If they know Vincent Amari's name, they'll leave without issue." He said, slowly reaching behind his back and pulling his .357 revolver from it, keeping it hidden behind his back as he hopped out of the truck and slowly walked around to the front.

"Come on, now... You's really wanna' fuck with a wise-guy, eh?!" He called out. "I represent those of The Dicciano Family... If you leave now, that'll be the end of it. You will not get hurt, you will not get hunted, and you and your friends and your family will be safe. I'd hate to teach you about what happens when you steal from us, my friend." He said. It'd be easy enough to whip his gun around and shoot him if he had to, but now it was two on one, so he'd be dead before he could kill either of them. (@KurtH6355)


"I hope he's okay, yeah." He smiled a little. Once they reached the hospital (after Joseph had had plenty of candy already), he hopped out of the car and onto the sidwalk, followed by walking around to the side of the car and slowly getting Michael out. He held him in one arm and walked back to the sidewalk, holding the little baby out to him. "You want to carry Michael? I need to carry the bag that has George's teddy bear in it, too, so..." He said, shrugging a little. (@Axel1313)
"Sure thing! I can carry the little rascal." He chuckled and took Michael from Joseph. The little baby giggled happily and clung to his shoulder, smiling and drooling away. "Ready to go make George's day? And probably make some doctors angry for bringing in so many little gifts and a big bag full of candy." He joked. ((@DrTrollinski ))
"Sure." He smiled and laughed a little. It went without saying that he was a little bit nervous about seeing him because he didn't want to see him if he was in a bad state, but there was always that risk. Still, he needed to be strong for him and just go in there, regardless of the state that he was in. Once they got to the front desk, the receptionist greeted them with a big smile once she was told who they were here to see, so that was a good sign. They were lead up to the room, and as they went inside, they saw George.

He had color back in his face and he looked healthier than he had all week. He was fast asleep, though, just nice and snuggled up in his bed. Joseph didn't want to be the one to wake him up. "Do... You think we can wake him up?" He whispered to John, holding the bag of candy and the bag with the teddy bear in it close to his side. (@Axel1313)
Dropping the gun, he gets down on his knees and holds one of the boys close. He didn't care which one it was, they were ok. "You're ok. You're ok." he said, as much to himself as to them. He didn't want to let them go, he had come this close to losing them. But there was the man to worry about. "Brother, takes them upstairs. I have business to take care of."

"I don't see why not? He is sleeping really peacefully, but he shouldn't mind if we wake him up nicely. If not I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you slipped that teddy bear in this arms." John smiled and shifted Michael over to his other shoulder. He was so relieved to see George looking so much better. That took a lot of worry off his of his mind and relieved a lot of stress. He cared so much about the boys and only wanted the best for them, especially with things so difficult now.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Of course." He said. "You know what to do once you've got our questions answered. I and the boys, we'll be outside in the Range Rover." He said, simply. "We need to get ready to leave, so while you're down here, I'll take them both upstairs to gather their things - We'll meet you outside. Please be careful, brother." He said, quickly lifting both boys up to his shoulders.

"I want my daddy..." Adrian sobbed onto Nick's shoulder. Nathaniel was happy enough with being in his father's arms, but Adrian wasn't so impressed that Rick wasn't going with them.

"I know. You'll see him soon." He said, quickly rushing to the elevator and darting inside, hitting a button to take them all upwards. He needed to get out of here, at least until the place was all fixed up. (@Beowulf)


"Do you think you could do it?" He asked, slowly reaching into the bag and pulling the teddy bear out. He went over and placed the bag of candy down on the nightstand and sighed to himself. "I'll give him the teddy bear, but can you wake him up? I don't wanna' do it, if you understand, I just... It wouldn't feel right. I don't usually wake him up at home, either." He said, shrugging a little. (@Axel1313)
"Of course. I can do that." He smiled sweetly and quietly walked over to George. "Geoooorge....hey buddy..we're back." He spoke softly and gently nudged him to try and wake him. "Wake up pal, your brothers want to know how you're feeling today." Michael gurgled and turned to reach out for him as John said that.

((@DrTrollinski ))
(I agree. I'll tone it down) "Alright, just trying to look out for you, Vito" Chezzari said, slightly angered by Vitorrio's reaction, but understanding it. "Oh shit....alright man, I never fucked with you! Don't hurt me!" The gunman said and he dropped his gun and raised his hands. Chezzari raised his weapon to the point where it was presented but not aimed at the man, and he asked Vito "Should we let this guy go?" Chezzari observed the man closely, and realised he couldn't be more than 16.
George slowly awoke and opened his eyes to look up at them all. He was tired and groggy, but he soon came to life when he saw his big brother standing there with a teddy bear in his arms. "Joseph!" He cried out, happily. Joseph instantly ran forward and pulled him into the biggest hug ever, and he was happy to do so. They set there in each other's arms for a good few minutes before George finally pulled away and instantly went to John and Michael, standing on the edge of the bed and hugging them too. "Hi, guys..." He whispered. "I missed you so much." He said softly, closing his eyes as he placed his head on his shoulder. (@Axel1313


(Thank you :) )

"Fuck him." Vito said, quickly raising the gun and sending a single bullet off into the man's leg; the man went down with a scream, obviously, and with that, Vito tucked the revolver away and slowly walked back to the truck, climbing back into it and setting himself back. "We're good! Let's go!" He shouted out to Chezzari, clapping his hands twice. "Leave him where he is, don't hurt him no more. He's learned not to fuck with us." He said, setting his head back against the seat and closing his eyes. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari hesitated, and he looked at the kid screaming in pain. The kid screamed for his parents, and no one came to help him. Chezzari swallowed and looked back at Vito. He looked at the kid again. "Please, don't leave me, please...." He groaned. Chezzari begin to walk toward the car slowly "Please, no!" The kid screamed. Chezzari got in the car. "You just shot a kid." He said.
"Do I look like I give a shit?" He asked, looking out of the window as they drove by the kid on the ground. "Talk shit, get hit." He said. "If he wants to fuck with us, that's not my problem. That's his. Someone will find him, someone will take care of him - This neighborhood's okay, it's not like he's going to die out here. Someone would have heard the gunshot and came running." He said. "Now, to the center of town, we need to get this job done, we've wasted enough time as it is." He sighed, brushing himself down slowly and taking a look out of the windscreen. (@KurtH6355)
"You didn't have to shoot him, Vito, we could have just walked away from it, no one had to get hurt." Chezzari said, knowing that questioning Vito's actions were risky but doing so anyway "Has our lives come to that point? Has our humanity come so low, Vito? You just shot a kid in the leg, and you shot somewhere critical, and he won't walk on that leg again. That kid is scarred for life now, and he didn't have to be."
"We missed you too bud." John smiled and wrapped his arms around George. Micheal giggled wildly and grabbed at his brother's shirt and hair. He sure seemed happy to see him again. "Hope you're feeling a lot better, because we brought a few treats back with us." He grinned. "And we really want you to be able to come back home with us soon y'know. After we stuff you with some delicious pancakes of course."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Gah, bullshit!" He said. "I shot him in the thigh, not in the knee, not anywhere. He'll fuckin' live, he'll be fine. Heck, 'cause'a that injury, he'll get into the west side a whole lot easier. I's done that kid a favor, so, y'know what the best thing to do right now is? Forgetta' 'bout it." He said, waving his hand dismissively. "You's is new around here, don't question things - You wanna' go far, then you've gotta' know when to do whas' right, or whas' needed - I did what was needed." He explained. "Now ca'man, we've got work to do." He said. (@KurtH6355


George just smiled as he pulled away and nodded a few times. ".. It's really lonely here." He shuffled back under the blanket and peered up at them all. "I did miss you guys." He said. Joseph smiled and went and sat down on the bed beside him, holding out the teddy bear to him. George instantly took it with a big smile and hugged it tightly, looking up at Joseph. "Thank you, Joseph..." He grinned sweetly.

"You're welcome... We bought candy..." He chuckled. "You're so skinny, bro... You'll get washed away in the bathtub if you lose anymore weight." He smirked and lied down behind him to pull him into a little hug. Well, Joseph certainly looked happier than he had all week, too - He had his brother back.

"John... Can you bring the candy over for George?" Joseph asked. "You could sit Michael here, too, I'm sure George would like a hug with him." He smiled. (@Axel1313)
"You did him a favor by shooting him? The bullet went into the thigh, therefore didn't exit and therefore will require surgical extraction which will paralyze that leg." Chezzari responded. "Maybe you're right, I shouldn't question things, but shooting a kid not even outta school? Is that what you absolutely gotta do to 'go far', Vito?"
"Sometimes you gotta' crack a few eggs to make an omelette, and I'm gettin' pretty fuckin' close to crackin' you unless you shut the fuck up." He said, this time his tone more flat and demanding. Okay... Maybe it's not the best idea to piss off someone with more power than half a list of government officials, hm? He may have been one of those 'behind closed doors' kinda guys, but that didn't mean that no one knew his name. He was dangerous. He was deadly, and he always would be. "It ain't nothin' personal. We do what we have to do. If the Mob got around by 'being nice', we wouldn't get anywhere. It's how Amari fucked up - He was nice, but he was too nice, and now everyone thinks we're pushovers." He said.

"You've got a job to do, so do it. Once ya' make somethin' of ya'self with us, that's when you can start questioning what we do. Until then, unless it's you who wants to lose the use of your legs, I suggest you be quiet. I'm being patient - Anyone else would have shot you by now, and that's not a threat, that is a promise." He explained. "Now step on it. We needa' do this before sundown." (@KurtH6355)
"We wouldn't want that now would we?" He chuckled and set Michael down with his brothers. Then handed them the big bag of candy. "Don't over do it now, I don't think we want to be stuck here because of upset stomachs due to too much candy now do we?" He teased. "I'll go check with the doctors and see if we would be all clear to take George back with us again. Pretty sure he's feeling good enough now and wants to get out of this place."((@DrTrollinski ))
"We're already here" Chezzari said as he pulled to a stop at the side of the sidewalk. He got out of the car and waited for Vito to do the same. "One question" Chezzari said to Vito "You said "Amari fucked up', why do you display such disrespect for your Don?" (@DrTrollinski Sorry I haven't been tagging, and sorry my RP has been a little short, I'm just pretty tired)
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"I will be with you shortly." Rick said, his heart breaking as he heard his son, well Nick's but that was beside the point, cry out for him. But his face betrayed no such emotion. He was like a blank slate of rock on a winter's day. Hard, and cold. When they had entered the elevator and were gone, Rick walked over to a counsel, tapped in a quick code, and a section of the wall next to him flipped over, revealing an array of knives and other cutting tools. Grabbing a knife and hatchet, he says "First question, who are you."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Okay." Joseph said with a smile, nodding at him as he left to check with the doctors as he said. He was really hoping that George could come with them right now, because he'd really missed him, even if they'd only been away from each other for a couple of days. It's okay, though, because George felt better, and a visit from his family really did add to his confidence. I think that George sort of didn't realize how much he'd miss people after being taken away like that, but now, now that he had some time to think to himself, get away from the house and just have a meal elsewhere and consider things, he realized how much he missed them.

George lifted Michael up onto his lap in the gentle fashion that he always had done and pulled him into a little hug, snuggling him close to his chest. Of course Michael was making all the happy baby noises when he did this, and that was just music to George's ears. It was diamond to Joseph's eyes, though, because this is something he wanted to see again. He leaned over and hugged them both.

Three brothers, finally back together. What could be better than that, eh? (@Axel1313)


(It's fine, don't worry :) )

"I'm not showing disrespect. If someone fucks up, they fuck up - That's just the way it is." He sighed. "I respect him. I really do. I respect how he manages to keep his life hidden from his family life, how he manages to do all of that and still organize everything without it all going to shit. He's a single parent, you see, and he has three boys to take care of, and yet, he still manages to keep a leash on all of us - He's doing well on that front, but with managing how we do things... He's not doing so great, y'know what I mean?" He explained, slowly hopping out of the truck and walking to the back, to the flatbed.

"Okay, you's gotta' jump up onto this and take all the blankets off of the cigarettes. A pack costs three dollars, and a carton costs fifteen. Twenty in a pack, one hundred in a carton. We've got red and blue cigarettes this time, so just make sure you give people the right thing, eh?" He said, leaning against the back of the truck. "I'll do the advertising, you just hand the cigarettes down to me when people say what they want, a'ight?" He said. (@KurtH6355)


The man saw there was no point in trying to fight back here - He'd been thrown into a death trap. He was outplayed by one old man. One old man who was apparently a butler - He had no choice but to make his way down here and find the boys, but he didn't know that he ended up outplaying himself. Why he didn't just kill both the boys and then kill himself, he didn't know, but now it was too late for any of that. He didn't kill two children, and in a sense, he was proud he didn't. He wasn't sent here for them.

And he was glad he wasn't.

"I'm a hitman." He choked, some blood dropping from his lips and down onto his already blood-stained shirt. "I know you're going... going to kill me, and that's fine..." He coughed a little more. "I was sent here from Italy, I was sent here because someone got too paranoid about Vincent Amari being alive and associated with you." He slowly fell onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm not proud of what I've done. I did not expect this failure to your butler, either, but I'm happy that he defeated us." He choked and turned onto his side to spit out some blood.

"Johnny Dicciano... He's the man who sent us." He said. "You made him snap, and he didn't know what he was doing. He was blinded by power and rage and just made the order without thinking." He took a long deep breath and sighed to himself after, but only coughed up more blood. "Amari won't last long in that basement. He's there with his wife, but I don't know how long you have left before Johnny decides to do something." He said, his head slumping back further. He moved one of his legs and kicked the gun he dropped towards Rick.

"Finish it. Make it quick." He whispered. (@Beowulf)
"Thank you for making this simple." Rick said, pickin up the gun and granting the hitman's last request. A two quick shots to the chest and one to the head ensured that the man stayed dead. Returning the implaments he was going to use to drag the questions out, he didn't expect it to be that easy, and adding the pistol, which got it's own special area, he locked everything up tight and went upstairs to Aidrian, Nathan, and Nick. When he saw the three, he holds Aidrian close to him, and says quietly to Nick. "Vincent needs some assistance. A family member is not playing nice."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Alright" Chezzari responded, and he heaved himself into the back of the flatbed, skillfully removing the blankets from the hundreds of cancer sticks and putting them aside, and after doing so he took a seat in the back of the truck, and waited, seeing a group of people coming to buy already.

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