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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

John couldn't remember the number at all. He hadn't put that in his phone for obvious reasons...last thing they needed was for the boys to find out just who he was in contact with. He did however remember the place to go. He'd have to find a time to get away from the boys for a moment to go pay Nick a visit. That was for later though, for now he had some good news for the boys.

"I'm baaack." He entered the room with a big smile. "And the doctors gave me the go ahead to take you home today George!"((@DrTrollinski ))
Once they were there he went to the back of the truck and took the money from it, splitting it in half to get roughly two stacks of 1.5k. He handed one off to Chezzari with a nod. "It ain't much, but there's more where it came from if you stick around." He said, brushing himself down. "A few garages down, there's a sixty-nine Chevy in there. I need you to take me home." He sighed. "There's a guest bedroom in my place. I hope you don't mind the kids being around, but you need to lie low just as much as I do - If anyone asks, you're my nephew, and you've only just got into town." He explained. (@KurtH6355


"Awesome!" Joseph said, pulling George into a big hug again. Michael giggled and reached out happily once John came back - The little guy had got a bit of an attachment to him since he'd been around him, so obviously he wanted to be picked up by him. Joseph took Michael from George's lap and slowly lifted him up, holding him out to him. "When are we gonna' leave? We've had quite a bit of candy already and we wanna' save some for later." He chuckled. (@Axel1313)
"What about the guns and the cigarettes?" Chezzari asked, pocketing the money Vito had given him. "Leave it in here?" He asked, looking again at the cigarettes and AK47s. "We could use those AKs to get back at the Russians, I'd personally enjoy slaughtering those bastards. You think they know it was the Dicciano they had a confrontation with? Think they'll declare war?"
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"Any time you boys are all ready to go. Just make sure you have your things together." He grinned and happily took Michael. Giving him a fake little toss in the air that made him burst out in giggles. "I will have to sign a couple of papers and they need give George one last little check up, but as soon as that's done we can leave."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Forgetta' 'bout it - You ain't high enough to get involved in any war. Yet." He said. "Just forgetta' 'bout the guns, and take me home. We don't need to worry about it just yet - there's no point stirring heat, that's how you lose. You either wait for them to strike, or you find out if they're planning on doing it. You don't just attack, because your enemy will always have the upper hand right after." He explained, sighing a little to himself as he did so. (@KurtH6355)


"I wanna' leave now!" George cheered happily. "But I gotta' go bathroom first." He said, Joseph chuckled as the little boy hopped up and ran off into the bathroom connected to his room, slamming the door shut and locking it thereafter. Joseph sighed and looked up at John with a happy little look on his face. "You could go and sign those papers while he's in there, if you want. I can get him ready to go as soon as he's outta' there." He said. (@Axel1313


(Been mobbed with school, guys. Sorry.)
"Alright, I've already forgot about it" Chezzari said, laughing again, and he begins to walk toward the Chevy. He reached it and opened the driver door, getting in, and he held his hand out to Vito to catch the keys, rolling his neck as he did so (@DrTrollinski No problem bro, school is more important.)
Johnathan laughed at the enthusiasm and nodded at Joseph. "I'll go get on that now and ask them to send a doctor in for that short check up too. Kill two birds with one stone so we can get out of here fast." He smiled brightly as he headed off to the counter to work on it. Hospital paper work was never fun, he knew that all too well, but at least this was one of the times it was for something good.

(@DrTrollinski , Don't worry...I know exactly how you feel...fell asleep in class today just from exhaustion of it all..))
Vito handed him the keys then gave a small sigh, leaning back as he sat down in the chair on the passenger side and shook his head. "This whole thing is fucked - I'm usually tha' one who tells the boss wha'to'do in this situation, but the underboss don't give a fuck, and the actual boss is fuckin' dead... If we ain't careful, this could be the end of The Dicciano Family." He took one last deep breath and shook his head again. "The last remanin' member of The Dicciano Family is a Johnny Dicciano, some preppy little prick out in Venice. We think it was him that got our boss, but we're meant to be in an alliance, we's is wise-guys, soldiers, men of honor... He broke the number one rule that every family follows, and that, that is whackin' a boss - Ya' need permission from the commission to do somethin' like that, which is what he didn't have." He explained. "He's a dead man." He murmured. (@KurtH6355


"I'm gonna' ask John to try and get us into public school, bro." Joseph called through the door, a smile on his face. George was still in the bathroom but was more than capable of talking back to him, obviously.

"Yeah! I wanna' go to a real school!" He shouted back excitedly. Joseph just chuckled, because he felt the same way. It'd be awesome, wouldn't it? To be able to go to a public school and actually get real friends? The only issue is that some of the kids his age were bound to know his father's name - If they did, then Joseph wouldn't have any problems making friends, not at all, and there was a high chance that George wouldn't have a problem, either.

People would get them lunch, just out of respect.

That's where they'd be. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari put the key in the ignition and turned, starting the car, and he shut the driver door tightly. He listened to Vito rant for a bit, and he kept to himself for about half the ride. When they turned right onto Baker Street, Chezzari asked Vito "So whose gonna put him down? We got any hitmen or some shit over in Venice? Or, do you, considering I'm not officially in the Familia" He added. He looked around. Things actually seemed peaceful around here. He saw a kid riding a bike, he saw a kid and his father throwing a baseball, he saw 8 men playing basketball on the dead end of Cedar lane. It was almost like the world was normal, and that amused him, knowing how quickly things could pop off any second. He looked at the road, but continued to wait for Vito's response. (@DrTrollinski)
"Well that's done and over with faster than I thought!" John walked back in with a smile. It had taken him hardly any time at all to fill out the papers. "Do you need any help getting your things together or carrying them out to the vehicle? I can help, but not too much with Michael in my hands." He looked around to see if there was anything that he could pick up.

((@DrTrollinski ))
((Oh, god. I need to post a reply. Let me do something.))

Rick was on his phone, looking for an assistant for Peter. "Yes it will be full time..... We'll supply a place for them to stay if it is needed..... Peter will handle training. He knows what he's doing, just needs some help doing it is all." As he spoke, he unpacked things to be moved into their Maine mansion in the woods. The raid had been a real scare. But that let him realize how exposed they were. Everyone knew where they were at. It was only a matter of time before someone tried. The move did throw a bit of a wrench into the works, but it could be worked around.
Vito looked at him. "If he needs to get whacked, he'll get whacked. I don't like the questions you're askin', so tone down on 'em." He said. "Consider yourself a connected-guy, an associate - That's all you need to think about, because that's all there is." He explained. "You've done alright, so I guess you could call this me giving you a chance - Don't fuck this up." He said to him, sighing a little as he did so and looked out of the window once again. (@KurtH6355)


"Well, we're still waiting." Joseph laughed as he nodded towards the bathroom door. Yep, George wasn't out yet. "I still need to help him get dressed once he comes out, too, so we might be here a few more minutes." He chuckled and went over to sit down on the bed, smiling a little. "John... Can you... Can you sign us up for public school for the end of the Summer?" He asked. "I spoke to George while you were gone and he really wants to go, too. Please can you?" He begged, his dark and sparkling eyes going a little bit wide to have more of an impact on his question. (@Axel1313)


It wasn't so much a mansion. It started off in a little hut, but there was a hatch in the floor that lead down underground. It was beautiful down there, and it needed a door code once you walked far down enough into the hatch. Nick had opened it up and sat the boys down on a little couch that was just inside the door in the hallway. Once they were put there, he went up to Rick and tugged on his shoulder. "Let the guys worry about unpacking." He said. "Your son needs you, brother, and my one needs me. They didn't say a word for the whole car journey - they told us once that they needed the bathroom, but we had to offer them food and drinks, they wouldn't engage in conversation... They need some time, brother." He explained. (@Beowulf)
"Alright, alright, just trying to make conversation, I figured you weren't really into talking about the weather" Chezzari said with a laugh, and he continued to drive until they reached Vito's house. Chezzari stopped the car and took the keys out oft of the ignition. Chezzari handed the keys to Vito and then exited the car, waiting for Vito to do the same before following him into his home.
"Still in there? Yeesh, I swear he takes more time in the bathroom than my girls." He joked. Taking a seat nearby with Michael. Bouncing the giggly baby on his knee. "Whoa whoa! No need to pull out the puppy dog eyes there." He chuckled. "As long as you boys are really feelin' up to it I'd be more than happy to sign you up for public school."

((@DrTrollinski ))
Vito lead him back inside and immediately lead him up the stairs. They went by Chezzari's eldest son, whom of which got a ruffle of the hair from his father as he went by. "I'll show you your room for the next few days. My wife will gladly cook for you, I know that much, just be nice to the kids and you'll get on just fine." He explained. "My eldest son, he's thirteen, we just went by him - That's Luca." He said. "The little one I had on my lap, that was Jason." He explained. He lead him through to a big bedroom with a king bed and a nice flatscreen TV mounted to the wall opposite it - the window was large and looked out over the neighborhood, but there were also some large curtains that could block this room from every angle. There were some dressers, a book case, and some lounging chairs with a coffee table, too.

"I hope this room is okay for you." He said. "Lay low, remember, don't make yourself obvious. If you need to go to the store, come to me and I can send some guys to get it for ya'." He said. (@KurtH6355)


"He does that a lot." He chuckled, sitting down beside him. "He's the one person in our family that'll spend the most time in the bathroom, believe me - I wonder how he does it sometimes." He chuckled. Speak of the devil, though, there was a flush of the toilet and the sound of running water not long after. "I'm glad you can - By the end of the summer, I think I'll be good enough to go to public school." He smiled. "I'm sure George will, too." He added - It was at that moment that George ran out of the bathroom and went to John.

"John, I gotta' get dressed now." He grinned at him. "Can we go after?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Shit, you hope this room okay for me? This room's fucking awesome!" Chezzari said with a grin. He turned toward Vito with his hand out for a hand shake. "Thank you, man, for everything. For the room, for the work, for everything"
"That is a good question. Maybe he just likes to stare at himself in the mirror?" John laughed. Quieting himself down to a snicker though as George rushed to his side."We most certainly can." He smiled widely at him. "I got everything cleared. We're all good to go as soon as you are ready."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Forgetta' 'bout it." He said, grasping his hand and firmly shaking it. "Feel free to settle in." He said, looking at his watch for a moment. "We'll be havin' late lunch soon - Feel free to join us downstairs." He explained, making his way out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Yeah, late lunch, and judging by the smell in the air, Vito's wife was a good cook. (@KurtH6355)


"Alright!" He chirped, and instantly ran to Joseph - Joseph helped him get changed into the clothes he was wearing when he got here, and also took him into the bathroom so that he could get him to brush his teeth and also help him brush his hair. Once all of this was done, Joseph walked him back out into the main room and smiled at John.

"We're good to go, man." He said, grabbing the candy. "Back to that motel, or...?" He asked. "We need to upgrade our room size, I think." He said. What Joseph didn't know was that anyone in any business would most likely bow down to whatever they wanted and would give them anything, only because they knew their association with the Mafia. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari stomach growled as he smelled the familiar aroma of steak and mashed potatoes, along with....was that broccoli? No, no...Zuchinni! All of that for a lunch? Chezzari went to his bed and sat, taking out his M9 and reached to tuck it into the small drawer next to his bed. Inside the drawer he found a cigar and a spare 357. Revolver. He pondered, putting away the M9 and looking at the Cigar. Would Vito mind if I took it? I'll ask him at lunch Chezzari decided, and speaking of, he heard what he assumed to be Mrs. Merlino announce that the lavish meal was prepared. Chezzari headed downstairs to eat, hoping he would be able to keep his manners in check. Growing up on the street had made Chezzari lose most of his table manners, but he was sure he could recall them. Don't talk with your mouth full, use your inside voice, say please and thank you when asking someone to pass something over the table....he thought he could hear his deceased mother in his head listing the rules of the table like she used to when he was younger. (@DrTrollinski)

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