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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Wasn't asking you to, was asking If you wanted to" Chezzari said, But he decided to drop it, and he sat on the bench that was to the side of the ambulance, yawning and enjoying the ride. Too bad he didn't get to finish the dinner. He saw Mrs. Merlino run out of the house yelling for them to come back, she was crying. Whatever.
"Ah, okay...so a definite member of the family." John nodded. He'd brushed up on a bit of Italian ever since he became part of the family. He didn't know much but he knew enough to understand basic stuff.

"Geeze, that was a little unnecessary don't ya think? Ya could have done without hurting the poor guy." A frown creased his face and he crossed his arms over his chest as Carlo tossed the chef out. "And Hell if I know why you're so angry. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You're boyfriend break up with you? Enlighten me." He couldn't help but be in a foul mood after seeing what Carlo had just done.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Forgetta' 'bout it..." Vito said, continuing to gently run a finger over the top of his son's hand. "It's done. Let sleeping dogs lie, eh?" He said, looking down at Luca's face - he smiled a little and bowed over to plant a kiss on his forehead. "You're gonna' be okay, boy, don't worry about that." He chuckled a little and gave his hand a small squeeze.

"Dad..." Luca gasped. "Why... Why didn't they arrest you?" He asked quietly.

"They's just understood the situation, that's all." He smiled. "Don't worry about it - You're more important right now, okay?" He explained, gently ruffling the young boy's hair. (@KurtH6355)



That was a bad move.

Before John knew it, he was pinned over the counter with Carlo hovering over him like a fucking ravenous vulture. One fist was clenched while the other was busy squeezing John's shirt as tight as possible. "I dunno' where you fuckin' come from, I don't know if you came from a home where mommy'd wipe ya' fuckin' ass every single fuckin' time somethin' upset you, but let me tell ya' - You ain't playin' a fuckin' preschool game here, you stupid cazzo." He said, shaking his head violently.

"Riddle me this, you smart fuck. How's is we gonna' keep Cosa Nostra if you keep fuckin' around, eh? You're like a fuckin' pushover out there! You's got guys orderin' Joey and Georgie around and treatin' you like a fuckin' king, but you ain't layin' down no damn rules!" He said, bending him backwards further over the counter. "I don't know what ass-end of New York Amari found you in, but from now on, you start takin' advice." He said.

"You clearly don't know how things work - Once you're in, you're in. You don't get out unless you go on the inside, or you get iced. This family comes before your own, and this family comes before everyone else's family - If you's were told to go out and shoot Joey, you'd do it - you know why? Because if ya' didn't, you'd be whacked, and then Joey would get a cap from whoever gave the order anyway." He said, finally releasing him and tossing him towards the fridge.

"If anyone else tries to kiss ya' fuckin' ass, teach 'em a lesson - I don't mean fuckin' talk to 'em and suck their dick, I mean beat 'em back into shape." He demanded, storming out of the kitchen. (@Axel1313)
Chezzari looked at the sickened boy, and he then closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall or the ambulance. He was tired from the day's events. Killing Richard, getting held up in the car with Vito on the way to the truck with the cigarettes, selling the cigarettes, getting held up by Ivan and his buddy, and now this? He decided he'd bring up the cigar he had found in his guest room to try and lighten the mood. "Hey, Vito, I found a Cuban in my guest room, mind if I use it?"
"And do what? Start a war again? Get more heat on us than needed?" John shouted at him. He didn't much appreciate this guy's attitude or getting bent backwards over the table like that and then tossed towards a fridge. And definitely disliked him using the boys as an example to try and get his point across. "That's the last thing we need you moron!" He straightened himself up again. A harsh scowl on his face. "You're obviously the one who doesn't know how things work. Ya can't get everything done through brute force and Amari knew that. Too bad it was lost on meat heads like you!"

(@DrTrollinski )
((Oh god, I've been meaning to post. Well, there's no time like the present.))

Rick gave his brother a simple nod before going to see his son. Finding him, he sat nearby. He didn't know what to say. But something needed to be said. "How are you holding up buddy?" was the tried and true question, so that is what he asked.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Ca'man! We're in the back of an ambulance with a sick kid, for fuck's sakes." He said, sighing to himself. “Smoke it when we get there, once we’ve got Luca inside you can step outside and have a smoke break.” He said, continuing to gently stroke Luca’s hand. “Whatta’ fuckin’ day.” He groaned, looking at the boy. “First it’ fuckin’… The problems with work, now it’s my son, just…” He sighed and slowly bowed his head onto the boy’s chest, closing his eyes. (@KurtH6355)


“Ah, go fucka’ ya’self, eh?!” He yelled as he walked out of the kitchen. Joseph and George looked up from eating their pancakes and looked at Carlo – They looked concerned, but soon enough Carlo came over and walked over. “I’ve gotta’ take care of some stuff, guys… Ca’man, get ova’ here.” He said, holding his arms open. Joseph and George got up and walked to him – First up it was Joseph. He’d seen how the guys greeted each other and said goodbye – they’d peck each other on the cheek, so he did that, as did Carlo.

“You’s are good kids.” He said, releasing Joseph and pulling George into a hug. “You take care’a each other, eh?” He asked, patting their shoulders before standing up and walking out, blanking John as he drifted by the kitchen and made off for the door.

It’s safe to say that Joseph was confused. (@Axel1313)


Adrian didn’t say anything for quite a long time. He just shrugged. “Scared.” He whimpered. Nathaniel was beside him, too, but after only ten seconds he broke into tears and ran off to find his own father, whom of which picked him up and lifted him into a hug. He did his best to comfort him but he couldn’t really do much for him.

“I’m scared, daddy.” Adrian whimpered again, hugging him tight. “The man wasn’t nice to Nathaniel – He pushed him over.” He sniffled. “He pushed him really hard and hurt him.” He said, some tears finally breaking out. “.. It’s why he cries a lot now, daddy. It’s why he cries a lot.” He said, his voice getting more shaky and quiet.

“We should get the boys to bed. It’s late, we’ve been travelling all day.” Nick said as he walked up with a sobbing Nathaniel in his arms. (@Beowulf)
Rick nodded his head in agreement and picked Adrian up. "He has a point." he said softly to himself, but odds were Adrian also heard him. "You won't have to worry about that man. I talked with him, and he's going to leave you boys alone." he said more loudly, trying to reassure Nathaniel and Adrian. Hopefully Nathaniel will get better, get back to his old self. And hopefully Adrian wasn't hiding how he felt, covering it up and stuffing it in a corner of his mind and leaving it to rot and fester. That will ruin anyone.
John made sure to flip him off as he left. What an arse....having the gall to confront him like that. It did spark a feeling of concern though. If one guy in the family felt like that there certainly had to be more. Which definitely wasn't good if they ever felt like having a little talk like he had with Carlo. Oiy....he was going to have to start making some more friends within the family to avoid things like that again. Frustrated by it all John had to stay in the kitchen a few minutes after Carlo left just to regain his composure before heading back to sit with the boys.

(@DrTrollinski )
Lei had made sure to have her staff clean up her private room after she'd finished up with the cop, tipping the bartender a respectful amount for his nice work, and leaving soon after with a brief goodbye. Signalling for the first cab she saw drive past, hopping into it and being presented with a pretty much stereotypical view of the inside of a New York cab, really messy and disgusting in general, a really just smelly Eastern European middle-aged man sitting in the front, grossing Lei out to no small extent.

It took the cab 45 minutes to drive home from the club in typical NYC traffic. It'd usually take 20 in good conditions, she'd considered walking a few times during the very tedious trip. As the cab pulled over to the sidewalk outside her uncle's luxurious apartment just beside Central Park, she got out swiftly, handing the driver a 20 and quickly entering the apartment's lobby, she didn't like being around the driver to say the least, the ride was pretty awkward. Her uncle had kept telling her to get a real, full time job for herself and her own apartment, but she just constantly prolonged it with "I'm still searching" or "Have you seen the prices here?!" It usually worked, sometimes it didn't but he was too busy with crime related work to bother about it to much.

As the building staff wished her a good evening as she walked towards the elevator at the other end of the long and large corridor. Entering the elevator and pressing the button for the 75th floor, she sat down in the middle of the elevator, with her legs crossed, playing some crappy app on her phone as it went up the floors with great speed. She had made sure to send her contractors the details on the information she had gotten out of the cop whilst in the cab minutes earlier. Leaving her with another day of no work.

The elevator stopped suddenly at the 75th floor, Lei standing up and patting her backside and the backs of both her thighs down from the dust they had collected on the carpet in the elevator. She casually strolled out of the elevator, heading towards her uncle's apartment room, bringing out her own set of keys and opening the door, entering, closing and locking the door behind her all in quick succession with one another. Immedinately running into the living room and jumping onto one of the large and very comfortable couches. A lovely view of New York available from outside the large series of windows presented to her.

She spent the next hour or two playing Angry Birds on her phone, sprawled out on the couch, waiting for anything to either happen, or come to mind.
"Let's go." Nick said. "We've got nice rooms for the boys here - I had them designed last year - They'll have a door with a lock that they can unlock if they need to, with a hand scanner that's already got our hands linked to it, including theirs." He smiled a little. "It's got comfy beds, a couch and a big TV, a video games console... It's got a lot of things." He said, gently rubbing Nathaniel's back as they walked along. Adrian was clutching to his father tighter than tight, and he wasn't showing any signs of letting go. "There's also a nightlight in there for you, boys, so if you get scared, you've got that there and your teddy bears and all that to just prove that there's nothing to be afraid of here." He smiled.

"Are you guys gonna' stay with us for a while?" Adrian sniffled in question. "Can me and Nathaniel share a bed, too?" He asked. Nick just looked at Rick - this was his decision, but he was hoping he'd say yes. They'd seen enough today and having that little bit of extra comfort would probably mean the world to them. (@Beowulf)


Joseph looked at him as he returned and frowned. "Is everything okay?" He asked. "I heard shouting... I'm gonna' guess you and Uncle Carlo aren't gettin' along so well." He chuckled anxiously and looked down at his half-eaten plate of pancakes. He continued to slowly eat them, but he wasn't as quick as he was before. George wasn't holding back, though - He was starving and wasn't really paying attention to anything.

".. There was a man that walked through here... He broke his nose." He gulped. "What happened, John? Is there trouble?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"Fuck that." Le'Mar said, picking up the phone from beside him and quickly dialing a number. He'd heard the word of a good informer. A very good one. He had a lot of money at his disposal, too, and the main thing here was what he found out about the rival gang that had given them so much trouble over the past while. He dialed a number and placed the phone to his ear.

The Gunma wanted to play rough? Well, he had a whole new ball game for them. (@RIPSaidCone)


(sorry that the posts are a little short. I've got a cut on my index finger on my right hand so typing is rather painful xD )
(( xD Ouch! I understand your pain there!))

"We just got into a little disagreement. That's all." He sighed heavily and fiddled with his plate. He'd lost his appetite after all that. "Don't worry about anything okay? It was just an accident that that guy broke his nose...and it was nothing too serious, so he should be fine." John managed to work up a small smile.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Okay..." He said, scooping a bit more of the pancakes into his mouth and sighed. "John... I'll go back to the room, okay? Stay with them until they're done and I'll see you up there." He gently patted his shoulder as he stood up and began to drift across the room so he could head up the stairs.

"Is he okay?" George squeaked in question. (@Axel1313)
As Lei casually laid on her couch, a phone call came through her phone, a number of which she didn't know. She looked down at the phone skeptically, answering it and putting it up to her ear. Answering with a chilled "Sup?" Her spare arm now changing the channel on the large plasma screen that stood opposite the couch, keeping it tuned into a music channel as one of her favourite songs played. Her head moved in sync with the music's beat as she held the phone to her ear. Seemingly casual about the entire thing.
"Okay, we'll see you up there when we're finish bud. Don't forget that we're in a different one now too." John managed a sweet smile before going back to fiddling with his pancakes. Looking back up when George spoke. "I'm sure he's just fine. Probably tired y'know? It's been a long and busy day and I'm sure that sugar crash is starting to kick in about now."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Ey'." A voice called over the phone - It was a strong voice of an African American man, evidently - If it was someone calling about business, then it had to be someone from The Six - The Six were the strongest and longest-living African American street gang in New York - After a series of extortion, their boss became a very rich man and now wastes his days away in his New York penthouse - He still paid attention to his thug life, but... Maybe not as much as he should have. "I've been, uh... Havin' some trouble with some people." He said, pausing for a moment. "I need yo' service, if you wanna' meet at some point tomorrow, I'm sure we can discuss arrangements." (@RIPSaidCone)


Due to the fact that their room had been changed, the first thing Joseph did was ask where it was. Thankfully he wasn't followed or escorted up there by anyone - He got into his room with a keycard given to him, and once he was inside, used the bathroom, took a super quick shower, then changed into some PJ's - Everything that had happened today had drained him, too. He just needed some sleep, that was all. It was nearing a time he used to be sent to bed when he was younger, so he figured now was a better bet than any to catch up on some sleep. He crawled into his bed and pulled the covers right up to his chin.

He curled up into a ball and slowly drifted off to sleep.

He had a lot on his mind. He just needed some rest.

George looked at John and then took a look around as he took a few gulps of his soda. "It's nice here." He said. "Are we gonna' get to go home after we've stayed here?" He asked quietly, shoving another chunk of his pancakes into his mouth. (@Axel1313)
(The cigar was at the house still, so disregard Vito scolding Chezzari. Sorry, been busy cramming for MCAS) Chezzari put a supportive hand on Vito's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, brother, Pnenommical Flu is easily treated, he'll just be recovering for a long time, and there will be alot of meds to take on a regular basis. You may be wondering how I know all this shit - my brother had it back when he was alive. He's dea-" Chezzari said, but remembering the kid, he decided against continuing. (@DrTrollinski)
"Mmhmm." John nodded and finally decided to just push his half eaten plate of food away. "We'll stay here for a day or two more and then go back home. Does that sound like a good idea?" Yawning John stretched his arms up, wincing as a twinge of pain shot through his back. He probably had a bruise there now after being forced back against that table earlier.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Yeah buddy. I'll he right here. You guys go to bed now." he said, not saying to not be in the same bed. Finding a spot to sit, he ends up with his back agains the wall and his legs stretched out in front of him. The boys needed to calm down, especially Nathaniel. But he couldn't blame them fir panicking a like this. That was basically the first time his buisness messed with his other life.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"I've seen people come back from worse than this." He said, pushing Chezzari's hand off of his shoulder. "I don't need people to grovel over our misfortune. I've lost a lot in my time, and the thought of losing more isn't as scary as it was before, but I don't want to lose my children. I'd give up the rest of the fuckin' world if I had to, but if anyone asked me to give them up, they'd learn that I'm not that sort of person." He said, taking hold of Luca's hand once again and holding it tight. "We should be at the hospital soon, right?" He asked, scratching his head a little. (@KurtH6355)


"That does sound good." George smiled. George didn't want any more, so he just pushed the plate to the center of the table and slowly stood up. "Are we gonna' go upstairs now?" He asked softly, going over to John's side and setting his head down against his chest. "I'm really tired now..." He said, giving off a yawn shortly after. (@Axel1313)


Both Nathaniel and Adrian stripped down to their underwear and their t-shirts and climbed up into the nearest bed - They didn't ask for the TV to be put on or anything like that, they just lied there hugging each other and burying themselves under the blanket as much as they could. Nick felt sympathy for the first time in forever, actually, because he let this get to them so badly. It was... Quite awful, actually. He felt pretty bad, so he walked over and dropped down beside Rick and sighed.

".. This is fucked." He whispered. (@Beowulf)
"Me too bud, me too." He yawned and ruffled up his hair. "Yeah, let's head back upstairs and get some rest. Its been a long day and I think even Michael is finally ready to sleep now too." (@DrTrollinski )
Chezzari looked outside the ambulance windoe, pinpointing their location. "Yeah, about 13 minutes" Chezzari said to Vito, watching the world go by through the window. "Why wasnt there a medic in the back with them? Wasn't that protocol? Something's fishy" Chezzari thought. "No, no, you're just paranoid" he told himself. Though he didn't trust the cops giving them a escort right now. Maybe that's just because he didn't like cops in general. They were too nosy in his opinion, always getting into other people's Business. He wished Cyrus's idea to kill all the cops in "The Warriors" came true.
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Rick just gave him a look. That look was all that was needed. It expressed his thought of 'no shit' without saying anything. "We are out there for a reason." he softly whispered back. "This is why I want them going East. A place where there isn't a chance of a gun being pressed on their heads." Wait a second, Dicciano. The Dicciano family. He had already put two and two together and figured that he was in trouble. But whose to say that he wasn't already dead and his uncle (?) already in control?

((@DrTrollinski ))

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