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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

It was just the little breakfast nook that they were eating at today when they got there - Sirloin steak with mustard, mashed potatoes, and Zuchinni, just like Chezzari had guessed. The rest of the family were already at the table - His eldest son, Luca, was sat opposite where his father would usually sit. The little one, Jason, was sat in a booster chair at the edge of the table beside his mother's seat so that he could get fed, and Vito himself got up and happily guided Chezzari to his seat.

"Everyone, meet Chezzari. He'll be staying with us for a while." He smiled around at them all - the woman didn't complain and just went up to him with a smile, greeting him with a friendly handshake and a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"I'm Adriana." She smiled. "It's a pleasure to have you." She said, returning to her seat. Luca seemed to be one that liked to impress whenever he got the chance, and he was instantly one his feet and in front of Chezzari, too.

"Hi.. I'm Luca." He said, a tinge of nervousness to his voice. He was no older than thirteen, like I said. He was skinny, dark-haired, and his voice hadn't broken just yet. Still, the kid could try and impress, right? (@KurtH6355)
"Great! Help me carry George's things down to the car and we'll head back!" Grinning he picked up what he could with Michael on his shoulder. "Pretty sure we will need to get a bigger room, but the manager should understand if I explain." They sure would understand, but not quite in the way John was thinking.... They knew who these boys were and definitely wouldn't hesitate to give them what they wanted.

((@DrTrollinski ))
It was kind of hard not to know.

And that was what was going to be Joseph's downfall.

Joseph happily picked up George's stuff and hauled it over his shoulder before following John out of the room. As they made their way through the hospital and eventually out into the parking lot, Joseph started up a conversation. "Ey', John?" He asked. "Sometimes, we used to get guys that came to the house, right. and they'd call me and George, Joey and Georgie." He smirked a little. "Dad said a lotta' them are our uncles, but they're... They're not my dad's brothers or anything, mom said so when she was here." He said. "Why do we call 'em uncles if they're not uncles? I mean, George calls you Uncle John because you're like our family, but those guys aren't our family." He said.

Well, they're not your instant family, no... They're just part of a much bigger one that John and your father happen to be in. How was all of this ever going to stay hidden with him asking questions like that? (@Axel1313)
"Nice to meet you, boy, your father has told be good things" Chezzari said with a smile, and he looked at Adriana "Nice to meet you as well, ma'am, and thank you for the lavish meal you have prepared for me." He looked back to Luca and put his hand out for a handshake with him, smiling.
Luca smiled at his father after Chezzari's words. Well, he just made this kid's day, it seemed. Luca reached out and shook his hand gently a few times before slowly pulling his hand away,

"The pleasure's mine." He smiled at him and slowly drifted back to his seat; it was then that Chezzari got a pat on the shoulder from Vito.

"Go ahead and sit down, enjoy the meal." He said. (@KurtH6355)
"Huh?" John's smile wavered a little bit. Why did he have to ask questions like that? Questions like that made John freeze up for a moment as he tried to think of a response that wouldn't bring about more difficult questions...

"Well, uh. I'm assuming it's because they were really close friends of your father. So close he considered them like brother's y'know? And knew you boys when you were really little."

((@DrTrollinski ))
Chezzari took his seat and looked at the food on the table. He waited for everyone to serve themselves before serving himself, and he took a large helping of everything. Chezzari had a large appetite. The salt and pepper was near Luca, so Chezzari said "Luca, my friend, pass the salt and pepper please?" Chezzari said with a smile, hearing his stomach grumble and hoping Vito's family didn't hear it.
"I guess so... There's a lot of 'em, though. There's Uncle Paulie, Vito, Adriano, Lorenzo, Christopher, Tommy, Antonio, Salvatore..." He explained, shrugging a little. "Ah, well..." He said. "I'm surprised we haven't seen em since... Dad... Y'know." He sighed.

Once they got to the car he opened up the back door adjacent to Michael's car seat so that John could put him in easier, he also went around and put the stuff he'd picked up into the trunk.

Following that he went to the other side of the back and opened it up, helping George inside and hopping in beside him. (@Axel1313)


"Sure," Luca smiled and picked up the salt and pepper before handing it over to him. Luca took only a small amount of each bit of food, and even then, he was picking at it a little.

He didn't seem hungry.

"So, Chezzari..." Vito said as he began to cut into the steak on his own plate. "Have you been in America long? I don't remember if I asked you or not." He said. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari put salt and pepper onto everything on his plate, after which he began cutting his steak as well, doing it so efficiently you'd make him out to be a butcher. "I was born in Sicily and I came here with my mother and brother at the age of 10. I guess my Dam (word for mother) seeked the American Dream. She died shortly after she divorced my father who she had left in Italy, slain by..." Chezzari hesitated to continue due to the graphic nature of his back ground, and he looked to Vito for approval.
Vito held up a hand and shook his head. "Not now." He murmured. Luca's head also cocked up in interest - he'd never heard anything of his father's mafioso lifestyle, but hey, things could have been worse, right? He still wasn't eating, though.

"Luca... Why aren't you eating?"

"I don't feel so good, dad."

"Don't give me that - you mother spent the time to cook that meal so you're gonna eat at least half of it." He said.

Luca seemed upset and began eating. He didn't look so well, though.

"Sicily... I'm from Rome, myself." He said. "I lived here since I was seven years old." He smiled a little. "Life as a kid wasn't easy for people like us, but it all started to get better nonetheless." He said. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari pitied Luca, remembering feeling the same way when his parents forced him to eat, but Chezzari agreed with Vito, and what could he do about it, any who? Chezzari put a bite of steak in his mouth and chewed it savoringly. After doing so, he looked to Vito "Rome? Very interesting. I've always wanted to visit." Chezzari said, taking a bite out of his mashed potatoes.
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"I'm sure that the reason for them not visiting lately is because they're busy, y'know?" He shrugged as he strapped Michael in to his car seat and handed him his stuffed animal. "I'm sure they're pretty upset too, so you may not see them again for a while." John honestly had no idea...for as close as he'd gotten with Amari's family, he knew surprisingly little about what went on in the rest of the family. (@DrTrollinski )
"Beautiful place. I and the family went out there a couple of years ago, you know. It's not changed at all - still the same place, same people." He explained. His eyes trailed back to Luca who, once again, wasn't eating anything.

"Luca!" He snapped, and once again, Luca started eating whatever he could - he was struggling more and more with every passing minute.

"Do you have any family of your own? How old are you, anyway?" He asked. (@KurtH6355)


John was made. The highest honour they could have given him - it was obvious that it was to do with his shred of American heritage. The guys were probably leaving him out a bit - John remembered the ceremony, only because it was something that you never forgot.

"I don't think they'll be gone long. We'll be seeing them soon, I reckon, they used to come by in the middle of the night sometimes, I'd end up waking up, and Uncle Paulie always sat me on his lap and told me stories to help me sleep again." He smiled as he put an arm around George after helping him buckle his seatbelt. (@Axel1313)
"Twenty three" Chezzari said, taking two Zuchinni slices onto his fork and putting them into his mouth. Zuchinni, mmmm...his favorite squash. He then put a piece of steak on his fork and steadily drove it through his potatoes, getting both on one fork, and he brought that up to his lips as well, chewing slowly.
"Ah... I wish I was that age again." He chuckled softly and took a long deep breath. "Take my advice - never get old." He laughed a little and looked around the table again, only to see Luca getting up and making his way away from the table.

"You're not excused, young man." He said. Luca kept walking, though, right until he got to the bathroom beside the kitchen. He went inside, and not long after, they heard him vomit.

"Well thas' fuckin' great!" Vito snapped, throwing his knife down onto the table. Jason immediately started crying and Vito just rolled his eyes. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari wiped his mouth on the hankie he was given at the start of dinner and he got up. He had always had a soft spot for infants and while Mrs. Merlino was too busy yelling at her husband for cussing in front of the kids and making Jason cry, Chezzari went over next to Jason and put a finger under his chin and lifted it to look at him. "Shhh, sh, sh, there there little one, it's fine, sh sh sh" Chezzari said soothingly and he wiped tears gently off of the child's face, the child having stopped crying, and Chezzari looked up from Jason to see Mrs. Merlin looking at him, jaw dropped, and he cleared his throat and patted Jason on the head, taking his seat once more.
"Hopefully they do come back soon. I love you boys ta death, but I do still need some help watching you. That way I can get things organized for you going to school and making sure your father's business is still running smoothly. And of course seeing my own family again too." Once he was sure the boys were all secured inside the car he slid into the drivers seat and started it up. "Anyway! All of that aside! Whose ready to head back to the inn? I'm sure George is itching to try some of the world's best pancakes?"(@DrTrollinski )
"You see. This is wha' I have to fuckin' put up with around here." He said, looking at Chezzari.

"Fuck you, Vito." Adriana said, waving a hand at him.

"Fuck me? Fuck you!" Vito yelled, Adriana just stood up and took Jason from the booster seat, taking him out of the room.

"Go check on Luca for me." Chezzari said. "He's still in the bathroom." He sighed. (@KurtH6355)


"Yeah, let's go!" George said happily. "Joseph was telling me about the pancakes, y'know. They sound really good!" He smiled.

"Uncle Paulie will look after us." Joseph smiled. "If you wanted to go and spend a bit of time with your family, I'm sure he'd be okay with having us there... He's nice to us." He smiled at him. (@Axel1313)
"They are the best in the world pal." He smiled happily back at George.

"I'd have to get in touch with them first before I can visit them. So I'll have to see if I can get in contact Paulie soon to see if he'll watch you boys for a little bit for me. How does that sound?" (@DrTrollinski )
(It's all good, just wanted to make sure)

"Alright, Vito." Chezzari said, getting up and going to the bathroom. He saw Jason still hunched over the toilet. "Hey, little man, you alright?" Chezzari said, kneeling beside him and putting a hand on his back. What he saw in the basement was not vomit, it was blood. Chezzari looked at Jason's face when Jason looked up at him, and he saw a blood trail from his eyes to his mouth to his chin and throat. Chezzari knew what it was - pneumococal flu. "Vito, call a ambulance! Your child is life threateningly sick!" (Sorry, thought I pressed post but didn't)
(That's Luca, by the way, not Jason - Another thing, when it comes to dealing with NPC's like this, try not to control them too much - to an extent it's okay, and this time I'll go with it, but try and avoid making it severe like this in the future seeing as it puts a dent in other plans)

Vito heard his words and sighed a little, sending a hand into his pocket and pulling out a cell phone - the first thing he did was dial 911 and request an ambulance - this wasn't what he needed, not now, there was too much on his plate for something like this to happen. He got up and went into the bathroom to look at Luca, then he saw the blood.

"The fuck?" He exclaimed, but Luca only fell forward and hugged him weakly, smearing blood across his shirt. "The fuck's wrong with 'im?" He asked, hugging his boy close. (@KurtH6355)


"That sounds fine." He smiled. "Dad's got Paulie's number in his phone book, I think, but it's in a different one that he keeps hidden in his room." He explained, smiling a little still as he pulled George a little closer. "Any of 'em would look after us but we'd rather have Paulie - Paulie's really nice to us and he's kinda' our favorite Uncle, aside from you, of course." He chuckled a little and sent his free hand into the bag of candy, shoving some into his mouth and chewing on it. (@Axel1313)
"Somewhere in his room huh? In that case it sounds like my family won't be able to welcome us home, but I'm sure they could still come visit. That's just as good." He smiled back at them. "Oh, so he a favorite uncle too? I may just have to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't spoil you more that I do." He teased. "Anywaaay, I'll definitely have to look him up as soon as we return to the house."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, I think that'd be good." He smiled. "Just call Paulie when we get back... Tomorrow, or the next day or whatever, I'm sure he'll invite some of the guys over, too." He smiled. "They're all super nice, John, I'm sure you'll like them, too." He said. Ah, Joseph, John would would probably be talking business with them - On that side of the world, they probably weren't so nice. They were dangerous people, no doubt, but hey, there wasn't much else that you could do, right? "How much further is the inn?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

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