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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

The three of them were at the door and ready to leave; Nick had acted quickly, and packed up some bags for them to take on the journey. They had one place on the edge of Maine which was more hidden than... Well, pretty much anywhere. It went into Maine Woods, which, for the record if you don't know already, is in fact ten million acres of forest. A place hidden well in there was better than anything anyone else could afford, and Maine was one of the more quiet 'less-criminal-filled' places of the East side.

Adrian, as soon as he was in his arms, was in nothing but sobs and tears. His whole body was shaking, and he didn't even care how awkward of angling the bag on his back must have been, because he was just so terrified. Nathaniel was exactly the same, too - He was absolutely distraught and wasn't doing as much as speaking. Nick just looked at Rick and nodded. "Okay, brother." He whispered. "We'll deal with this when we get to Maine. For now, we need to get out of dodge until New York is safe again." He explained, walking towards the door.

Outside there was an armored SUV, but it was like a... Humvee Limo - In the back there were shelves with drinks, and every single part of it was bullet-proof and bomb-proof, with a V12 engine, too - The thing was a beast, and the speed was phenomenal for such a car. That was their ride out of this place. The boys were going to be okay, just scared. Very scared. (@Beowulf)


Within ten minutes, they'd sold plenty, a good thirty or forty packets alongside twenty or so cartons, so they had a fair bit of money, and they had plenty to go, too. If they kept this up, they'd have a nice little bit of allowance money between them by the time the day was up. Eventually, there were cars coming around and people were hopping out to run up and get cigarettes - They were loving it, untaxed and cheap and easy to attain. Not bad, right?

"Keep working. I need to walk to the general store really quick." He said. "Literally, back in a couple of minutes - Business is good, whatever you collect while I'm gone you can keep for yourself." He smiled at him and quickly took off down the street in a speedwalk. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari talked down to the crowd below him and gave out cigarettes for a while, and he got up to $228 dollars until a pair of policemen walked up to the truck. "What's going on?" One of the officers asked. "Dicciano Family Business, move along" Chezzari said authoritatively. One cop began to leave, but the other drew his glock and said "Looks like we got us a big fish" says the cop with his weapon drawn. "Partner, lets go. These guys are on our payroll" the other cop said "I'm taking this guy down for illegal selling of cigarettes" the cop with his gun drawn said firmly "Who said I was selling this illegally?" Chezzari said. "Get down here" The cop with the gun drawn said. "I don't want no trouble, but there will be some if you don't leave" "On the ground, hands where I can see them!" The cop said, raising his glock and aiming it at Chezzari. "Get your partner under control, now" Chezzari ordered, and the other cop, the one with his weapon holstered, quickly drew his hand cuffs and he knocked the gun out of his partner's hands, tripping him onto his stomach and cuffing him skillfully. "What the hell?" The cuffed cop said, followed by a punch from his partner. "Sorry for this, hey, can I have a pack of cigs?" The good cop said "Yeah, here" Chezzari said, handing him a pack, the cop handing him money. The cop then carried his partner away, and Business resumed as usual.
Police, fair enough, but once they were gone there was a small issue that arrived, right on cue. It was a shame that Vito wasn't there, because he was going to be needed here. Ah, well, let's just hope that things weren't going to go too bad, eh? The issue I'm speaking of was that of The Devil's Arms - The meanest and evilest Russian Mob in the USA right now. Two guys, both of them stepped out of the car and pulled AK-47's to aim, right at Chezzari's chest and head.

The people that they had as customers all ran off screaming, and now it was two on one. Using a pistol here would have been a death sentence, so it looked like he didn't have anything he could do here.

"You, on ground." One man said. He had a thick Russian accent, a very thick one, almost hard to understand. The two of them had their guns ready and locked on for every passing second.

Let's hope that Vito got back on time, hm? (@KurtH6355)
"Alright, man, just chill" Chezzari said calmly, and he lowered himself to the floor, onto his stomach and he put his hands upon his head, cursing under his breath. He stared upon the pavement he lay on and swallowed, hoping the Russians would just take the money and cigarettes and leave. (Oh Damn. Cops, I need your help!)
One Russian stepped up and aimed the gun right down at the top of his head. "Who is boss?!" He yelled down at him in question. "Tell boss name now!" He yelled in addition to that. The other Russian was up close and personal now, too. The gun was right in Chezarri's face - One slip of the finger, and his brains were going all over the sidewalk before he could do anything about it. "Give boss name." He demanded once more. Bosses, but which one? Vito? Vincent Amari? Who? (@KurtH6355)
"Guy named Brian, owns a speakeasy not too far from here, I was never told his last name, he's running this gig" Chezzari said very skillfully, his tone and diction masking his total lie. He just kept looking at the pavement. "I came with one other guy named Jack, he runs with Brian, too." (@DrTrollinski Just in case you're not familiar, a Speakeasy is a illegal alcohol distillery)
They turned to each other and murmured something in Russian - It was then that the man stepped up and placed a foot down on his back, followed by swiftly bringing the gun up to aim. "Be ready to meet god, friend." He murmured. Was this it? No, no it wasn't. There was a loud shot, but you say you never hear the shot that kills you - Chezzari got plastered with blood and gore as the man stood over him got a bullet to the side of his head, and before the one beside that man could do anything, Vito was right at his side - He put two bullets in his head in rapid succession, sending blood all over the place once again.

He quickly wiped his face and looked down at Chezzari, followed by holding out a hand to him. "Ya' didn't rat, kid. Good move." He said. "Now get up, we's gotta' get outta' here before the cops show up." He said, flexing his hand a little. (@KurtH6355)
Chezzari grasped Vito's hand and pulled himself up, and he turned to see three police cars pull onto the street they were currently on. "Their here, some of our customers must have called them when they held me up. Let's bail" Chezzari said, and he grabbed both of the AK47s and threw them in the back of the truck, opening the driver door, and before closing it saying "Vito, I owe you my life. Thank you" after saying that he closed the driver door and started the car, revving the engine twice, and as soon as Vito was in the car he floored it, the police close behind them. "Pull your car to the side!" Said a officer on a megaphone. (@DrTrollinski)
"You don't owe me shit if we end up in the slammer. We's gotta' ditch this truck somewhere, ca'man!" He said, quickly rolling down the window of the truck and looking out of it at the three police cars that were on their tails. "Fuck." He said. "Chezzari. Get us tha' fuck outta' here. We's gotta' get to, eh..." He scratched his head and thought for a moment. "We needa' shake 'em - Make your way to the tunnel that heads under the city and drive down the opposite lane. They ain't gonna' follow if ya' do that." He said. "We can pick up another car, too, but we needa' lose the guys first, now drive!" He said.

He leaned back out of the window again and shot two bullets off towards the first police car. He hit the windscreen which caused them to turn and spin off onto the road, but that left two more cars. He didn't kill anyone in the car itself, but it was a risky move. "I bought ya' some time, floor it!" He yelled. (@KurtH6355)
"Leave it behind, along with two AK47s, $3000, and 800 untaxed ciggarettes? Let's find another pickup after we lose our tail and we can shift the cargo into there. Speaking of AK47s, grabbing one and lighting those cruisers up would be useful and would get 'em to back off" Chezzari said, and he turned right, still five blocks from the tunnel. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh, motherfucker." Vito snarled, followed by rolling down the window fully and sitting on the edge of it. "Keep the truck fuckin' straight! Don't make no sudden turns!" He yelled, followed by slowly climbing out of it and onto the roof of the truck. "I'm gettin' too old for this bullshit." He murmured quietly to himself as he looked down at the two cop cars that were advancing quickly. He slowly jumped down into the back of the truck, being cushioned by all of the cigarettes and waterproof blankets that were there. He picked up one of the AK's and slowly stood up, being covered by the large tailgate.

"Okay." He said, cocking the gun. He lifted it up and began to spray it at the cars he saw, but he didn't aim for the drivers. He didn't need 'murder of a LEO' on his criminal record right now, so taking out the engine block was just what he needed to do. When the cars went up in smoke, he knew that he was okay. He slowly climbed back onto the roof of the truck, then slid in through the window again, the AK still at his side.

"That's one thing I'm never gonna' fuckin' do again, I promise ya' that." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Okay, step on it. It won't be long before we's get more'a them on us." He said. (@KurtH6355)
A salvo of 3 gunshots came from the remaining cruiser that was tailing the duo, and one hit the left mirror of the car, taking it off of the car completely. Sparingly, more gunshots came, most missing the truck. "Get your head down" Chezzari said to Vito, focusing on the road intently. (@DrTrollinski)
Vito did as he said and ducked his head down by the glove compartment, and while he was down there, loaded his revolver to make sure that he was ready for anything. "I've probably started a fucking war by saving your ass." He said. "We'll have to discuss it more later, just do what you can, get us out of all of this first." He said, sighing softly to himself. (@KurtH6355)
"You got it" Chezzari said, and he turned onto a six laned road, that overpassed a smaller road, with a cop car blocking each lane, the road block being garrisoned by 12 cops, 4 with shotguns, 8 with G22s. Behind them, the following 4 cops, blocked off the other side, their only option being to bust through the rail onto the road below the road they were on now. "Brace yourself!" Chezzari said, and he turned sharply, the roadblock officers opening fire and busting the back left tire, which caused them to drift left wise as they converged on the rail. Chezzari jerked the car back straight in time to make a clean jump from the overpass, and they landed on the road with a hard thump, but Chezzari kept the pedal floored, zooming away, and the cops did not pursue due to their extravagant route. Chezzari made it into the tunnel, and he was managing to cope with the bare back left tire. (@DrTrollinski Sorry, had to let the dog out.)
(Aw, Damn. Alright, I'll be waiting anxiously for resume of our RP, it's getting pretty awesome. Ciao. Also, real quick, I have planned that Chezzari, Vito and other Dicciano soldiers assault a Devil's Arms hideout in NY, would that work?)
(We'll get to that eventually, yeah. Don't worry, everything will happen with The Devils Arms eventually - There's no confirmed war yet, so I've got some stuff to kick off on their side before Dicciano make a move ;) @KurtH6355)
The doctors seemed to be a little unsure, but after some discussion he was given the go ahead to take him home now. That was great news! George would feel even better back where he was more comfortable. After a few more days at the inn of course, some relaxation in a homey place like that and some delicious food was bound to really get him back on his feet.

Before that though, there was another matter he needed to settle. He hadn't heard anything from his girlfriend and girls for so long now. Maybe they would finally let him get in touch with them and see them again? It was a stretch, but it couldn't hurt to see if things couldn't be arranged.((@DrTrollinski ))
(Hey Axel do you know where doctor lives? He said it was late st 5:30 and it kinda seems weird, so I am wondering what time zone he's in)
(School on a Sunday? Damn, son! And I thought you could post until tommorow...)

(Wait, no, Monday. And I have April Vacation, so, :P )
"Fuckin'--!" He yelled as the truck hit the ground, and he got thrown forward in his seat and hit the dashboard. He was winded, but he wasn't too badly injured; he sat up coughing and spluttering but soon looked at Chezzari. "You's probably just fucked the suspension, but good job. Let's get the fuck outta' here." He mumbled, leaning back in his chair but keeping his gun close to his side. "We need to stash this truck somewhere. There's a warehouse about six blocks down just after you get outta' the tunnel, just try and stay out of sight from any cops and get there." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. (@KurtH6355)


Maybe they could. He'd just have to get in touch with... Who was in that was in the CIA? It's been so long that I've forgotten his name, but John knew where the place was, didn't he? Surely he could just go there and see what was going on. Nick, I think it was? Yeah, Nick from the CIA. I'm sure that was it (not to be confused with Nick from The Black Sun). If he just went there and knocked on his door, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much of a problem, right? If there was anyone that could set up contact, I'm sure it was him.

For now, though, John had some news to break to the boys. (@Axel1313)
"Woud you rather have a fucked up suspension or a life inside?" Chezzari said, laughing and continuing to drive. He was a Adrenaline junkie. So, Chezzari took him and Vito to the warehouse, and they pulled into the garage bay. Chezzari got out and stretched, yawning aswell. (@DrTrollinski)

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