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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

((I just had class, but more than happy to continue!))

"I think it would be a great way for you all to meet." He smiled. "The only problem is what you mentioned...getting in contact with them. I might have a way, but no guarantees that I'll actually be able to talk to them..We'll see though! You never know!"

'Right right, whatever. I got it already.' He typed back impatiently. 'I won't let a single thing slip. Johnny will be absolutely clueless and have no idea what even hit him. Now I'll just be on my merry way and act like none of this even happened.'

After sending the last message he closed the screen and headed to bed for a nice little snooze.

(@DrTrollinski )
"But what would that danger be compared to here? We may be nearly untouchable, but things can still happen..." The moment he trailed off was the moment he saw the destroyed ruin of the manor. "No." he said, dumb struck. Unconciously, he pu his foot further down on the accelerator, and so the barreled into the garage. They had to be safe, they just had to be. How did this even happen?

(@DrTrollinski )
"Sounds like good business" Chezzari said, adding "That is, if it ends in cash in our pockets instead of bullets in our heads", reaching Into his coat and clicking off the safety of his M9 which was holstered in this coat. "So how are Dicciano's standings here? Judging by your associates I've met so far, you're not exactly elite around this area. What's the car in the road, so to speak, why has Dicciano been losing power?"
"It'd be good to have a little thing like that, I really wouldn't mind. It'd be great, really, but... If you're just there alone, John, I really don't mind at all." He smiled at him and then looked at the floor of the car for a moment. He didn't really know why, but tears filled his eyes and he suddenly felt really off-put. It wasn't strong, but he was just a little upset and quickly covered his eyes. "I'm sorry." He gave a sad laugh through his tears. "I don't know what came over me there, really, I apologize." He laughed a little and quickly wiped his eyes once again. "God... I'm really sorry." He added once again. (@Axel1313)


The manor wasn't destroyed, but the gate had been knocked down and the door had been kicked in. A lot of the guards dead bodies were strewn out all over the yard. Nick was panicked now, so he was quick to draw out his gun and cock it, at the ready. "No time to waste, brother." He said. His voice was quavering, it was awful. He was torn, he was worried that his son was dead, (well, his sons, technically) and that he wasn't here to protect them. He needed to make sure that they were okay. He'd send out every man they had to get the person responsible for this.

He ran up to the door that lead into the house from the garage and kicked it open, but instead of getting shot, he saw four dead men, all of them scattered around the main foyer - the walls themselves were sprayed with bullets, and a lot of the house was in a mess. They must have went right through the house, judging by the damage.

Then they saw Peter, the beloved butler, sitting on the floor by the stairs. He was leaned against the wall, and he had a knife promptly stuck in his gut. He was alive.

"Brother..." He called out to Rick, nodding down at the middle-aged man that had fell to the floor and was slowly bleeding out. Well, it's safe to say, judging by the mess, that this butler could do a lot more than they thought he could. (@Beowulf


"That's not the point." He said. "The family isn't as strong, but the people are. We can walk into any restaurant, if it's a made guy, and the staff will run out and set the tables and won't even bother charging us for the food. People still avoid us, but they're gradually getting more bold." He explained. "They get more adventurous. The Dicciano's are doing fine, but the only issue is now we suspect our Prime Minster is dead. If that's the case, I don't know what we'll do. I'm the boss's adviser. I shouldn't be telling you any of this, nor should I be out in public like this, but these are desperate times." He said. (@KurtH6355)
"Hey, hey...." John pulled over to the curb. They were close enough to the candy store so it wouldn't be troublesome at all to walk. "It's alright....whatever the reason you just cry if you need to and talk to me about it too okay? It's good for getting things out of your system...and I know that you boys need that now."(@DrTrollinski )
"So people are getting more...adventurous." Chezzari responded "Why don't we put them in their place? And If your 'prime minister' is indeed dead, I assume you'll be taking the reins?" He asked. He looked around where he was, seeing a fight between two hoods. One shoved another, but the other guy punched his lights out and then got on top of them and started beating the shit out of him, and the other kids didn't do shit about it. The kid on top was about to kill the kid on bottom. "Stop the car.." Chezzari said to Amari's right hand man. "Or that kids gonna..." Just then, two gunshots, and the kids scattered, leaving the loser of the fight on the ground, a man with a 9mm in hand walking toward him to help . "Never mind" Chezzari said.
"That's not how things work." He said. "I'm the boss's adviser, nothing more. The Underboss will take the reigns. I'll probably take over as The Underboss. What you need to consider is that the tension's on - We've got an Italian-American in our ranks. We can't whack tha' guy 'cause he's like the right-hand man of the boss. If we whack him, we's is all fucked. The Underboss could be anyone, though, there's no guarantee that it'll be me that steps up if the books are open for that position." He explained. "The Underboss right now is one mean motherfucker, and he'll drive us straight into war with just about everyone if we don't keep him on a leash." He sighed.

He'd seen the fight kick off, too. He'd seen it end, as well. "There's no point helping those below us." He said. "We're not saints. The thing is, the feds love us for wiping out La Desierta - They're all gone, all of them, and it's because of us. The police aren't all over our asses because we've done the East Side of the country a favour by wiping out the biggest cartel of our time - The police and the government seem to think that they can take out everyone and just open this place up to the rest of the world. It doesn’t work like that, and it’s not ever gonna’ work – As long as those shady fuckers in the suits are around, things will never be normal. The Mob itself, too… We’re an international organization, you see… Here and Italy. Sure, The Gambino family was big back in the day, but look at them down, they’re gone. They’re gone forever because the higher-ups decided to bust every last one of their guys.” He sighed.

“The biggest shame is that I shouldn’t even be telling you any of this. You’re an outsider, a youngster, but for some reason, I’m here spilling everything to you because there’s no one else left. The Bossman himself knew what he was doing, but he was passive. He didn’t start wars like a fool, the only main issue is that we’ve found ourselves in a position where we’re being pushed into the ground by those around us. It’ll change, but if we don’t win, no mercy will be spared. Men, women, husbands, children – Anyone will get taken down.” He explained.

“I know more than most people. I wouldn’t be the man who tells the boss what would be best if I wasn’t. I’ve been in this game for a long time, and hardly anyone knows who I am. The guys within the organization, sure, but I’ve got so many wise-guys covering my ass that it’s hard to even get near me if you wanted to. You’re lucky. I don’t know who sent you, but if it wasn’t for them, chances are you’d have been dead before you got to my doorstep. The Underboss is rejecting my advice, though, so I don’t know what we’re going to do.” He explained. (@KurtH6355)


“Yeah.” Joseph said. They’d pulled up at the candy store now, and he knew that Michael would be an utter pain in the ass for them if they took him in there and would probably end up breaking something; he didn’t want to burden John with that, so he was hoping that John would be okay with just letting him wait here. “I can wait in the car with Michael, man… It’s okay. Why don’t you just go inside and get us all some candy? There isn’t any type that George won’t eat, so just get whatever.” He laughed a little and quickly wiped his eyes before pulling John into a hug.

“Michael will just end up throwing a jar off of a shelf. Go on, I can wait here with him.” He smiled a little and slowly pulled away from him, yet again wiping his eyes. Joseph… It was hard to believe that he was the son of a boss of the organization – With Amari missing, just what in the fuck was he going to go through before time was up? He was going to meet some… colourful people in due time. That was the sad thing, because there were only a few people that knew that. (@Axel1313)
Rick hurried over to the downed butler. "You will be fine. I'm here now." he said, knealing down and searching for anything that could be used as a bandage. He could performe a ritual, but he might not have had the time to prepare. That's what the bandages were for, keeping him alive.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"You do have a good point. Toys I can handle picking up with a rambunctious little baby strapped to my chest, broken glass and candy...not so much. You can stay in the car and watch him." John wrapped his arms around him as he was pulled into the hug. "I'll try not to buy all of the candy in the store for you boys." He chuckled. "I won't be gone for very long okay? Try not to cause too much trouble." He teased.((@DrTrollinski ))
"Hm. You've got alot of knowledge in that head, friend, and I'm grateful that you're sharing it with me" Chezzari responded, and he kept thinking about the child who had gotten his head beat in. "Even if we aren't saints...this city needs help. The government sure as hell ain't doing anything about it, not the cops, not the civilians themselves...this place needs rehabilitation, why shouldn't we help? The civilians would see us as deities, they'd praise us, so would the cops. We WOULD be the cops, just....less cop-like. I dunno, I might just be ranting to no avail here, but...I remember what it was like before shit hit the fan and the world imploded on itself, and I just wish it could go back to that, where the least of our worries are what to wear or what to say to that cute Secretary at work, not to keep your eyes down and not get yourself shot. The world we live in and the world we used to live in are two different things in my eyes, and, the world we live in now is a shit hole. @DrTrollinski
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"Shit." Nick said, quickly scanning around with the gun. "What happened, Peter?!" He asked, a tone of shock to his voice. He was judging by the fact there were no screaming children that something really bad had happened, but he was praying that that wasn't the case. "Are they all dead? Is that all of them?" He asked, quickly darting his eyes around once again. Peter looked up at him, his eyes wide and filled with tears, and he quickly manage to choke out a few words. He had the towel he always carried around beside him, so that could have been used as a bandage rather easily.

"I had to put the boys downstairs. I'm sorry." He said, stuttering as he spoke. Nick cringed but at the same time, he was happy. They might have known about everything, but they were safe, that was the main thing. At least they were safe. At least they were okay. Things were going alright for them, and that was the main thing. He was really considering taking Rick up on his offer now.

Maybe the boys would be better off away from them. They could still visit, they just wouldn't... See them very often.

No, that was a very gut-wrenching kind of fucked up.

"Make sure he's stable. Call for additional reinforcements - We need to gather our intel and make our way out to our additional safehouse while this place is repaired and reinforced." He explained. (@Beowulf)


"Sure, John." Joseph said before climbing over into the back of the car and sitting down beside Michael. He pulled out one of Michael's toys from the bag so he could entertain him a little, just while John was gone. He was hoping John would get him a wide selection of just about everything so that he and his brother had plenty to choose from, but you never really know, anything can happen. He just needed to make sure Michael was happy for the five minutes that John was off of the scene - He didn't want him coming back to a crying baby or anything like that, so he was doing his best just to keep him distracted. (@Axel1313)


"Who we help is not my decision." He said softly, shaking his head as they drove along. They were nearing the docks now. "The Underboss is unrealistically fucked up. You don't understand how far he's willing to go - he broke the legs of one man that questioned something he said, then he left him in a forest for a night. The guy survived, but that's beyond the point." He explained. "He's dangerous, and all we can do it earn and hope that he doesn't go out of control." He said. (@KurtH6355
Johnathan smiled and ruffled up his hair before heading in to the store. Aaah how it made him feel like a kid again. As much as he wanted to hang around here though he didn't want to leave the boys waiting for too long. At least he wasn't looking for anything in particular, but instead he was finding whatever looked the best and filling one of the little plastic bags with it. Rock candy, peach rings, chocolate covered oreos, bleeps and as many others as he could carry. It was a bit of overkill, but he didn't mind spoiling them with all of this.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"No no. You did the beat you could." 'Which is a lot.' he though to himself as he made a bandage out of the towel. At the same time, he whipped out his phone and dialed a number. Placing it on his shoulder and keeping it there with his head, he says "We've been raided." and hung up. They were trained, they should know what to do. If not, he would have a lot kf asses to kick. "Now, Pete, I'm going to perform a ritual. All you have to do is stay there and don't move."
"Thats fucking..." Chezzari was about to say something bad about the Underboss, but he decided to keep his mouth shut, and just wait they reached their destination. He looked around at the city, heard gunshots, screams, but sadly, no sirens. It made him sorrowful, but angry, too. He saw a man on his lawn put a gun to his head, and after their car passed him, Chezzari heard a gunshot, and Amari's Consigliere (Advisor, right hand man) heard it, too. "Poor son of a bitch" Chezari said solemnly.
Joseph was happy enough just sitting in the car waiting for John to come back. Honestly, it wasn't that bad, just sitting there and waiting for him. He had some candy to look forward to, too, and if there was candy that was soft enough, Michael probably would have been okay to have some as well but that will have to wait and see. Joseph was okay, though, just sitting there and playing with Michael. The street was quite quiet, actually, there weren't many people at all, but none of it seemed all that bad. There were the nice areas, then there were the bad ones. The mob operated in all of them, but Amari? Well, being the boss and all meant that he could do whatever he pleased. He lived in one of the richest areas in the whole of New York - No crime, no problems, great schools... It was nice there. (@Axel1313)


It wasn't necessary for any asses to get kicked. Not a single one. As soon as those words were heard, not only did Rick's phone suddenly stop working and turned to a black screen before going to a normal one a mere five seconds later (yes, the phone got wiped but any important information was all kept there). After this, it took only around a few minutes before the sound of choppers zooming through the sky was heard. This was going to be crazy. They may have already been raided, but the security that they delivered didn't matter at all. There were cars, helicopters, SUV's - Everything was there. Every vehicle was armored, and every vehicle got locked up so tight that alien materials such as bombs or sabotages were nearby impossible.

"Make it quick, brother." Nick said. "I'll stay here with you, but as soon as that's done, we need to go and find the boys." He said. "If they're downstairs, they're safe, but still. We need to find them." He sighed a little, but didn't put his gun away despite the security that was arriving at such a rapid rate. (@Beowulf


He didn't say much. Death and things were normal in this neighborhood - There were the nice areas, then there were the bad ones like this. It's just the way it was. If it was the mob, though, people sort of instantly became nice to avoid getting into trouble with them, but now that they were losing their power, it sorted of ended on a whim where people were turning into violent people once again. Nevertheless, they showed up at the docks not long after that incident, and the consigliere hid his car away behind a storage container before stopping the engine and reaching into his pocket, handing a set of keys to Chezzari.

"Take those keys, and you see that truck over there?" He asked, pointing out of the windshield and over at a truck with a flatbed on the back. "Go start that up. I'll walk over there in just a moment." He said softly. There were things in the back of the truck that were covered by waterproof sheets, he could see. (@KurtH6355)
"It'll only be enough for him to survive." And that was tge plain truth. The. Andave would have to work as the sacrafjce, and he didn't have anything to draw the circle with but thearge amount of drying blood on the ground. So, he made do. It was a simple circle, surprisingly round, with Peter and the bloody bandage in the middle. With a quick prayer, he activated the circle. A flash of light and a lot of asth smelling smoke later, the bandage and circle were gone. Where the bandage once was, was now a long and jagged scar. "He will survive." he said, some energy drained from him due tk the ritual. And without a word, be drew his iwn gun, and headed towards the basement.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Chezzari looked at the keys that the Consigliere was offering to him. "Alright" he said, and he took the keys from the Consigliere. He then opened the passenger door of the Consigliere's car and quickly approached the truck. He got to the truck itself and he opened the driver door, and he got in, closing the door, putting the key in the ignition and turning it. He heard the engine come alive, then it died, then came alive again and stayed steady. "Not exactly in pristine condition" Chezzari said to himself, and he waited for the Consigliere to join him in the truck.
"Back!" John announced in a cheerful tone as he slid back into the car. Michael looked more than happy that his brother had stuck around to play with him. That was a good sight to see. " I think I may have gotten carried away in there." He chuckled and passed a large bag of candies back to Joseph. " but it all looked so good. Hope you like what I chose."((@DrTrollinski ))
He didn't hesitate to follow up after Rick made off towards the basement, because that was where he wanted to go, too. He followed after him, hopping into the elevator that lead down after the code had been entered. How did Peter even have the password to that? Ah, well, at least the boys were safe. Or so they thought, at least. By the time they got down to the underground level, they knew that something wasn't right, because the boys didn't come running to greet them.

At the end of the hallway, there was a man crouched down behind the two boys, a gun in his hand. He was slowly moving between either of them with the gun, and when he saw Rick and Nick, he just smiled. "I know your secrets!" He screamed down the hallway. "I know your secrets, and unless you let me leave with 'em, these two are gonna' die!" He yelled. The boys were in tears and could barely stand on their shaky legs, but I don't think this guy realized just how good of shooters The Black Sun were.

One wrong move, and the guy was done for.

Nick just looked at Rick and sighed. ".. Any ideas?" He whispered quietly. (@Beowulf)


He soon walked over and joined him in the truck, brushing himself down with a sigh. "Okay, let's go." He said. "Drive us to the edge of town, it's in quite a rough area, but since La Desierta got wiped out, the area's fixin' up and there's not as much crime there. People are happy to leave their homes, people are going back to normal lives and the kids are out playing on the street instead of worrying about getting stabbed or shot up." He explained, taking a deep breath as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Which means, people are out spending money, which is why we're off to sell non-taxed cigarettes, you know?" He smiled a little. "Just... Drive there, I'll explain the rest when we get there." He said. (@KurtH6355)


"Welcome back." Joseph smiled. He looked into the bag once it was handed to him and grinned widely. That was the best he'd smiled in at least a week - Candy makes kids happy, let's face it, and he was thrilled by that. "Awesome, man. Thanks a lot." He smiled at him and nodded. "Michael was good for me, no trouble at all." He said, taking a small marshmallow from the bag and handing it to Michael. Michael lifted it to his mouth and gnawed on it happily. No problem. He had less risk of choking on that, too.

"We good to go?" Joseph asked. (@Axel1313)
"Aye aye, captain" Chezzari said, and he pulled the gear into reverse, and he reversed left out into the road, and started driving forwards. He talked as he drove "You never did tell me your real name. Care to share?" Chezzari asked the man, looking at the road as hell spoke. "Or is that confidential or somethin'?"
"Yep! All good to go visit your brother again and spoil him rotten." John grinned as he put the car into gear and headed to the hospital. "After all this I wouldn't be surprised if he felt good enough to leave with us. I'm sure he would be more than happy to too if we tell him about those pancakes back at the inn, right?"((@DrTrollinski ))
"Vitorrio." He mumbled. "Vitorrio Merlino." He added, taking a long deep breath. "Nothing confidential. Just call me Vito, eh? I don't like people using my full name. At all." He sighed and leaned over towards his door so that he could look out of the window. He didn't really like the idea of going to this neighborhood to sell, but from what he'd seen, it was actually getting a bit better over there, so he was hoping that they could avoid trouble. The most trouble they'd face would probably be rival organizations, and even that was unlikely right now, especially after everything they pulled on La Desierta. (@KurtH6355)


"Yeah, I hope that he'll come home with us. I'm just hoping that they managed to get him to eat and drink - I've got a feeling he was probably a little bit lonely there, but I hope he's done okay, you know what I mean? He's always been good for mom and dad before, and he always did what was right even if he was only little, but... I dunno'." He shrugged. "I just hope he was okay while we were gone, that's all." He said, shoving a piece of candy from the bag into his mouth, then handed another marshmallow to Michael. (@Axel1313)
Rick ran through the scenarios in his head. They shoot the guy, and they get the boys back. But the boys would see someone die. If he recalled correctly, they haven't seen someone die before. On the other hand, they don't to anything and the man would do one of two things. Shoot the boys, or abduct them. The second was more likely then the first. But they also had to find out who ordered this raid. "Get the gun out of his hand. Then incapacitate." he said, aiming for the mans gun arm shoulder. "Three?" he asked. Doing this at the same time would be best.


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