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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

I was a sharpshooter in Afghanistan, 10 years back, so I know my way around any American gun, and foreign ones will only take a bit for me to adjust to. I'm a very diplomatic person, I know how to persuade and swindle, but mostly with threat of violence. I am also a good petty theif, pick pocketing and the like, and armed or unarmed robbery. I'd like to try my hand at extortion, collecting protection money and stuff like that, but I haven't got the chance to. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh get over it. The kid'll can get to sleep on his own." Otto snapped back in retort. "I want to know what the f*** is up with this with Black Sun thing that Amari just told me about. You don't really believe him that they're back and coming here do you? Please tell me you're not that big of a fool?" He furrowed is brow.(@DrTrollinski ~ I'll get to the part with the boys after class.))

"Sure! I've got no problem with that at all." He smiled. Flipping the car keys in his hand. "Let's get going you two little monsters. We don't want to keep George waiting forever." He teased.(@DrTrollinski )
"Let me introduce myself," Rick said, "My name is Admari Chikom." Lyin fluently was a skill one learned to use quickly when dealing in his line of work. "I believe I have a proposition for you we can both benefit from."

"You've been watching too much TV." He said, simply. "We don't extort, we don't do all of this pansy-ass protection money bullshit." He murmured, and then lied back in his chair. "We've done New York a great service. La Desierta? They're dead, all of them, dead and disbanded, because of us - We're not the scum on the streets that people are afraid of, in a way, we're like a new face of law. We're the protectors, but in return... People fear us, they're just not scared of us. We get discounts, we get luxury homes or businesses for much cheaper than we usually would, and if in a said business, you knock the prices up by twenty percent, people will still buy it." He smiled a little. The toddler sat on his lap was now just lying against his chest, a tired look in his little eyes. (@KurtH6355)


He didn't like that. Johnny may have been a jumped up little asshole, but a lot of people had learned the hard way that pissing off Johnny Dicciano was not a wise thing to do. I mean, come on, would you really want to annoy a leader of the biggest mafia in Venice? I highly doubt that.

So he hit him.

The punch was so quick, so casual, but it clocked him right in the jaw, and before Otto could even react, he was face-down on the floor with Johnny's arm wrapped tightly around his neck - Yep, he was restricting his breathing. Lovely stuff, so much panic would be caused by this that reaching for any weapons or even trying to retaliate.

"You remember your place, you fucking cockroach." He snarled. "If you want to believe it, then you go and fucking find out about it." He whispered in a snarl into his ear, his arm only getting more constricting. "And let me tell you one thing, if you ever disrespect me or my son again, I will perform a single-handed fucking job of cutting each and every finger and toe off of your hands and feet, capiche?" He said, and then finally released him.

Yeah, he did realize how tight he had him. He'd be surprised if he hadn't caused him to pass out.

"Have a good night." He said, and then with that, he sent a foot straight into his stomach, and then wandered back into the room he first came from, and then closed and locked the door. (@Axel1313)


"Alright, awesome." He smiled, and then walked out of the building with John. Joseph still had Michael in his arms, but that was okay- Michael seemed perfectly happy with him, just tugging at his hair and snuggling up to him. Pretty cute, really. Still, though, Joseph kept a good grip on him just in case he fell from his arms after an unsaid amount of squirming and kicking around. Once they got to the car, Joseph strapped Michael into his car seat, and then walked around to the shotgun seat and hopped in himself, quickly buckling up his belt.

"Right, where first? Candy or toy store?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

"Hay-lo." The redneck greeted, looking over him. Yep, as Southern as it gets - That was 'hello', for the record. He looked over him quite a lot - he didn't like the look of the suit or anything like that, and he was tempted to just pull out a gun and tell him to leave, but if he did so much as reach for a gun, he'd be shot down by Nick before he could even lift the aim away from the ground. ".. Go 'head, pard." He said, and then warily leaned back against the wall. (@Beowulf)
"I've been told that you are in rather high standings in the Redneck Mafia. I can help you get even higher. All I need you to do, is tell me what is going on. A simple deal, benefits you more then anyone else if you ask me." Rick said, arms behind his back to check if the gun he had there was, in fact, still there. This could get messy quickly if anything went wrong. They were as close to being in the middle of enemy territory as possible as it was, and fighting a way out would hurt them.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Otto should have expected that he was going to get socked like that, but as usual that attitude of his got in the way and he ended up face down on the ground. Johnny's arm wrapped tightly around his neck. "Johnny! Let go of me you..." He gasped sharply for air. Scowling at furious man as his arm tightened even more. Soon enough though he began to go slack. His scowl exchanged for a sleepy look as the blackness crept from the corners of his eyes. What topped it all off though was that kick to the stomach. After that Otto had no fight in him at all. He just sorta, laid there and passed out as Johnny went back in to tend to his kid.


"Toy store first. It's the one closest to us right now and would just make more sense." He answered as he strapped himself in. "Wouldn't make much sense to have to back track before going to the hospital now would it?" He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"What do you mean?" He asked, and then took a slow step towards him and crossed his arms. If he tried to hit him, Rick would easily be able to put him on the ground. I mean let's face it - It would be child's play to take on this guy if Nick couldn't get a shot off on him. He seemed interested, though, so this was a good start. "Whaddya' wanna' know about, buddy?" He asked in a whisper. (@Beowulf)


"That's fair enough." He said, simply, and then took a long deep breath. "You just can't do it with us. You'll be doing something more... genuine. Like me, you can start a family, you can live in safety... You can work. It will get dangerous." He sighed. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. "I've got some beer in the fridge and I'd be happy to go and get you something." He said. (@Kurt6355)


"Of course, yeah. Let's go." He said, and then patted down his sides to feel for his wallet. Yeah, you got a lot of allowance money if you had a millionaire father. "I haven't got my wallet on me..." He admitted, and then bowed his head and took a deep breath. "Do you mind paying? I can pay you back." He said. (@Axel1313)
"What do you mean?" He asked, and then took a slow step towards him and crossed his arms. If he tried to hit him, Rick would easily be able to put him on the ground. I mean let's face it - It would be child's play to take on this guy if Nick couldn't get a shot off on him. He seemed interested, though, so this was a good start. "Whaddya' wanna' know about, buddy?" He asked in a whisper. (@Beowulf)


"That's fair enough." He said, simply, and then took a long deep breath. "You just can't do it with us. You'll be doing something more... genuine. Like me, you can start a family, you can live in safety... You can work. It will get dangerous." He sighed. "Do you want a drink?" He asked. "I've got some beer in the fridge and I'd be happy to go and get you something." He said. (@Kurt6355)


"Of course, yeah. Let's go." He said, and then patted down his sides to feel for his wallet. Yeah, you got a lot of allowance money if you had a millionaire father. "I haven't got my wallet on me..." He admitted, and then bowed his head and took a deep breath. "Do you mind paying? I can pay you back." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I don't mind one bit! And don't worry about paying me back in the slightest. You boys are family remember? I'm more than happy to take care of you in any way possible."(@DrTr
"I don't mind one bit! And don't worry about paying me back in the slightest. You boys are family remember? I'm more than happy to take care of you in any way possible."(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph smiled and leaned back in his chair. "Thanks, John." He smiled at him. "I really appreciate it... Let's get him something nice, eh?" He said. "I know what kind of stuff he likes, so just let me know when we get there." He closed his eyes and then took a deep breath. (@Axel1313)
"I don't want to know about it," Rick said, lying once more, "but the Black Sun does. They just told me to tell you they would like information, not what kind. I'd say it would be better safe then sorry and just tell them everything." Take it. Take it. he prayed to himself after he sajd that. The man could easily turn his nose up at the offer, his loyalties being greater to the Mafia then his own greed.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"You got it Chief." He chuckled as they pulled out of the parking lot. "We'll find the nicest thing we can for him. Cheer him up so much that he'll be out of the hospital in a day or two." He glanced back at Joseph with a wide grin.


It was nearly two hours before Otto woke came too. He was still face down on the ground outside of Johnny's kid's room. "Agh....f***ing Johnny...the little prick..." He rubbed his sore neck as he got up and stumbled his way out of the house. He was headed home now to do a little research of his own on The Black Sun and just what Amari had been doing back in the states. Seeing as Johnny wasn't any help. Just a stuck up little pain in his neck as usual.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Look, buddeh' - You're startin' to piss me off now, y'hear?" He said, and then stood up and started pacing around. "I dunno' what sorta' information you're lookin' for! Or what they're lookin' for!" He said. He was starting to get a little snappy now - He wasn't exactly the smartest of people, it seemed, so this was getting rather heated - Failure to understand leads to assumption, and assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups, is it not? "Tell me how this is gonna' benefit me, 'cause I ain't tellin' you shit for nothin'." He said. (@Beowulf)


"That sounds like a plan to me, man. Let's get him that teddy bear like I said, and then we can... I don't know, we can pick up something else, something little, y'know?" He smiled. "Also, when we're in the toy store, make sure you keep hold of Michael, because he'll do whatever he can to get hold of things and throw them around - You might want to buy him something little just to keep him quiet when we get out, y'know?" He chuckled. (@Axel1313)


What did Otto find? Well, after finding that he wasn't dead, didn't have brain damage, and hadn't been thrown into a cell in the basement after he passed out, that's when he had the chance to go home (to the nice little place that Johnny gave to him) and research The Black Sun - Well, let's just say that he didn't find much. No wikipedia page, no official website, nothing at all. The only thing he did find was a webpage containing what seemed to be a conspiracy theory labelled 'Are The Black Sun always there?'.

Then came the next challenge.

Was he going to click on it?
"I'll let you in on a little something. There are several men with rifles pointing at you and your men. There are no doubt several more near both entrances ready as well. So, I'd advice you calm down." A little threat would either set this man off, or shut him up and make him listen. "You ask how you will benefit. I'd have thought you were smart enough to know. Let's say you want to climb through the ranks of your organization. We can make accidents happen, leaving spots open. It'll then be up to you on how to get that spot."
"Sounds like a good plan." John smiled back at him. "And I had a feeling you'd be warning me about that. I'll make sure to get him something that will keep him occupied. You can get something too if you like bud. I don't want you to feel like you've been left out."


"Christ....what is this?" Otto was a mess. His neck still hurt and his hair was a mess from the stress of coming up with absolutely nothing after hours of searching. He did eventually stumble across this conspiracy page. What on earth was this? Just some kooks conspiracy about The Black Sun? With a heavy sigh he decided to click on it...couldn't hurt. It was the only thing remotely related to them that he'd come across in a long time.

(@DrTrollinski )
He did indeed settle down after that, and then simply went back to leaning calmly against the counter. ".. Just tell me anythin' you wanna' know, and I'll let you in on it. Give me an idea of whatcha' lookin' for, and I'll tell ya' - If not, I dunno' where to start on what to tell you." He said, and then took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead with one hand.

Intimidation = Success. (@Beowulf)


"I'll just get something when we stop by the candy store, if you don't mind." He smiled. "Unless they've got the collectible mini motor helicopters - I've been wanting those for a long time now." He laughed a little and then looked into the back of Michael, whom of which was just happily chatting away to himself and looking out of the window in order to stare at the passing surroundings, and such.


There's a link down at the bottom of the page; a lot of information on the webpage is boxed out by white boxes; beside the link at the bottom of the page, it says: "Click here to download the unedited .pdf file of this webpage." (@Axel1313)
"Who is the current leader." he said. That's all he really needed to know. Then he could easily visit the man and extract a few more answers, ones only a leader would know. But, to not make it seem to suspicious, just in case. "Supply lines. A few hide outs. The like."

"Fine by me." He chuckled. "I was about to say nothing too expensive, but gotta remember that thanks to your dad that's not much of a problem anymore.." He chuckle became more solemn. Amari had done so much for him...God, it was painful to think of that again right now. He quickly shook off the thought of that though and parked in front of the toy store. "Alright, now. Don't get too distracted in here." He teased.


"Oooh this has gotta be more trouble than it's worth." Otto said with a heavy sigh, running a hand over his rough face . He winced when he hit the nice bright red and purple bruise on his cheekbone. Johnny couldn't hit all that hard, but he'd definitely caught a painful spot. After a little more thought Otto went ahead and clicked on the download.

(@DrTrollinski )
The man looked at him for a moment. "The leader's Cletus Jenkins. You'll find him hanging out in The Cafe on The Corner just into town, most of the time. He's guarded by a lot of people, most of 'em have shotguns, so if you want to get close, you'll need to catch him at the right time. As for supply lines, I don't know. I only know that if you're lookin' for the boss, you'll find him at that Cafe. If you want to get into the office with him..." He sighed. "Walk up to the counter, and ask them if they sell white pudding with black coffee. They'll think that you mean business, but you betta' be careful, y'know?" He said. (@Beowulf)


"Alright, you coming in with us?" He said. "Yeah, bring Michael along, will ya'? He'll just start crying if you keep him waiting for too long." He smiled a little and then hopped out of the car and just stood there to wait for him to get out of the car as well. He wasn't going to just run off ahead without him, that wouldn't be fair, especially seeing as he'd just be ditching him with a lively baby.


Something happened as soon as he clicked the download. In the downloads bar, it said: 'tbsautorun.exe'.

It wasn't a .pdf.

An interface slowly loaded up, one that was fully black at first. Even if you pressed the power button on the laptop, there was no disabling it. The power was being provided from an external source, but eventually, a bar slid across the top of the screen; a logo of The Black Sun slapped down onto the far left of it, and then, the text of 'The Black Sun' in full bold and black followed soon after it.

A chat-box opened up in the center of the screen.



(Sorry it took me so long, guys. I was swamped with school work and couldn't get around to everything. I've got a week off now, though :) )
"Of course I'm coming with! Just give me a sec to get the rowdy one here." He chuckled and picked Michael up. Sliding him into the little harness strapped around his chest. Michael giggled happily and bounced up and down, he liked being up this high and having his arms and legs free. It meant more things for him to grab at and toss.


"What the? What is this??" Otto stared in confusion as the screen went black and loaded up this...whatever it was. No matter what he did there was no stopping it either. The real kicker though was seeing The Black Sun logo appear on the screen. That left him sitting there staring at the screen dumbfounded.

'Agent 594?? Just what the Hell are you talking about?' He typed back.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course of course." Rick said, waving off the warning. It was to be expected that the leader would be well guarded. To be honest, he just wanted the name. He could work it out from their. But naming his favorite spot was icing on top of the cake. "We will stay in touch. And if you need an... accident, arranged. Just leave a message here. We will pick it up." Limit contact, stay elusive. Like a black widow. Deadly, yet staying to the shadows. Giving the group a small nod of respect and farewell, Rick ducks out of the gun store. Hopefully, Nick would have caught on to what had just happened and would be by the car in a moment. A name and a place, how could it get any better?

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